Full name: Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr
Nicknames: Flirt, Joey
Birthday: January 28, 1977
Born in Brooklyn, New York
Lives now: with his Family in FL
Family: Joe (father), Phyllis (mother), Janine (sister), Steven
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Hieght: 6'
Wieght: 193
Car: Acura SLX
Fav. Nsync song: I want you back
Fav. food: Italian
Fav. drink: Coke
Fav. animal: Black Panther
Fav. actress: Demi Moore
Fav. actor: Robert Deniro
Fav. movies: Willy Wanka and the chocolate factory
Fav. color: Purple
Fav. author: Shakespeare
Fav. book: Macbeth
Fav. song: Water Runs Dry by Boyz II Men
Fav. piece of clothing: Superman Hockey Jersey
Fav. holiday: Christmas
Hobbies: Flirting, skating, movies, karate, basketball, video games, jet
skiing, going to clubs
Collects: Superman memorbilia
Dislikes: Fake People
Underwear: Fruit Of The Loom
Worst habit: burping, chews his nails
Before Nsync: Performed in MacBeth, Damn Yankees, Beetlejuice
Musical inspirations: Frankie Lynn and the teenagers, Boyz II Men
Questions and answers:
What do you look for in a girl? Someone who is fun to be with, great
personality, enjoys his company, and someone who can take a joke.
What makes you blush? Being flattered
What are you personal and proffesional goals? To own a house and to be
remembered in music.
If you could change one thing about you what would it be? My big feet
If you had to choose between love, money , and fame, which would it be?
What do you miss the most when you are on the road? Friends and family
What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a music career?
Never give up.
Would you pierce your nose? NO
If you had one wish granted to you what would it be? More wishes.
What is the secret to your success? Friendship.
Joey comes from Brooklyn, New York and he's a highly talented,
good-looking guy who loves his family and enjoys life to its fullest. He
was born January 28, 1977, started performing at ten when he starred as
Pinocchio ina school play. Later he got the leading role in a musical
written by his Dad, who is a musician. When he was 13, his family moved
to Orlando, Florida, where he graduated high school. His fave subjects
were drama and chorus.
Joey is a "natural" for stage, screen and recordin studio. He did many
commercials and even appeared as a guest star on the TV series Sea Quest.
He had a small role in Once Upon A Time In America, and is proud of having
been on screen with his idol, Robert DeNiro.
Fate guided Joey to the Universal Studios at Orlando where you may have
seen him as the Wolfman in the "Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue." Eventually
he met JC and JUstin and they became 'Nsync's music core.
Every member of 'Nsync likes Joey's optimistic attitude and great sense of
humor. He's always trying to cheer his friends up when any of them are
down. Joey is the master of bringing people out of the doldrums and
probably could be a shrink if he wanted to!
Joey doesn't need sports to stay in shape, he's naturally muscular and
slim at the same time, which is good because there's no way the other guys
from 'Nsync could get him to try on inline skates, let alone move in them!
He prefers to jump on his trampoline, hit the drums or go on the Internet.
He also loves reading Superman comics.
Fans say Joey's best feature is his really lovable whitetoothed smile!
He's a real "character" besides being a heartthrob, and any female pop fan
would love to come to his house on Dundays for homemade gravy and
Sleeping Habits:
Sweetie-pie Joey says that he values his sleep time and he rests up
whenever he gets the chance. "When I'm not doing anything, I just try and
get rest," says the 21-year-old songster. Joey reveals that jetting all
over the globe can make it difficult to adjust to all of the different
time zones, but he and his buddies from the group have found a surefire
way to beat jet-lag. "I stay up as late as I can, so when I get on the
flight, I just pass out," he shares. And once Joey's out, he's out. "If
I'm really tired and all night people yell, I wouldn't hear it," he says.