I Thank NSYNC Becuz

I owe a lot of thanks to NSYNC. Here is my story.

Back in 1997-1998 I used to play the guitar, bass guitar, piano, and sing in a band around here where I live. It was really fun when we first started to play. But we got to where we were playing the same songs over and over some really depressing songs. I started to write some songs that were up beat and happy songs but they didn't want to play them. I had 30 songs memorized and it just wasn't fun anymore. I got to where I hated it when we had to go play. I could just stand up there and play the songs like I was programmed so or something. It just got to where it wasn't fun anymore. So I finally quit the band and then I just quit playing music all together. I got to where I hated to even hear music or anything about it. I was really depressed and didn't really want to do much because music was my life for so long and it was really sad because I had been playing music since I was 5 and always wanted to do something that had to do with music and no I didn't want too. My family nad friends hated it when I gave up music. My best friend Christy was one that was affected the most. We always sang together or danced or something. Everything we did had something to do with music. Then on enight Christy was watching the Disney Special NSync 'Nconcert and she got to thinking that these guys might help me. She knew I knew JC and Justin from watching MMC when I was younger. So she taped it and tried to make me watch it. We got into a big fight over it and she finally won out. So I sat down and watched it with her. The first time that we watched it and I didn't do much so then she said "Fine we are going to watch it again." So we did. This time she was really watching my reaction to them. I started to bounce my foot and head to the beat and when she would look at me I would stop. Well she caught me doing it once and then she said that she finally got through. After watching them I got on the internet and looked stuff up about them. I found out that they were actually some really cool guys. I went and bought their CD so I could hear the rest of the songs that they sang. I absolutely loved all the songs. They were really upbeat and fun to listen too. I found out that there was actually some music out there that wasn't really depressing. I got to where I was buying all the magazines that had them on the cover to find out more about them. I slowly got back into music and now I love it more than ever. We decided to make a web page about them because we felt that we had to give something back to the because they gave me something in a very special way. Now I am back into writing songs, singing, dancing, and playing my instruments. I love to sing and dance to NSYNC an all types of music again. And now I am actually thinking about getting into the music biz. But something more behind the scenes like Producing or something like that. And that's my thankx to NSYNC. Laters! :)
