~*Booth Winner*~

June's winner

Thanks to the 421 people who voted for "Which NSYNCer would you click with the most if you ever got to meet them.

Jc - 102
Justin - 90
All of them - 58
Chris - 57

March, April, and May's winners

Thanks to the 359 votes who voted for Which Nsyncer has the best hair. Here are they standings
Joey - 91
Justin - 89
Chris - 81
JC - 68
Lance - 30

February's Winnders

Thanks to those 39 voters who voted for their Fav. NSYCN video. Here are the standings.
I Want You Back - USA - 20
God Mus Have Spent A Little More Time On You - 12
Tearing Up My Heart - 4
Merry Christmas Happy Holidays - 3
I Want You Back - EURO - 0

January's Winners

Thanks to those 188 voters who vote for the Most stylish guy in the group. Here are the standing.
Joey - 105
Justin - 40
Chris - 23
JC - 11
Lance - 9

November's Winner
Thanks to those 217 voters who voted for their favorite Nsync Song. Here are the standings.

Tearing Up My Heart - 83
God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You - 50
I want You Back - 42
For the Girl Who Has Everything - 18
Giddy Up - 11
Everything I own - 5
Sailing - 4
You Got it - 2
I need Love - 1
Crazy For You - 1
I Just Wanna Be With You - 0
Here We Go - 0

October's Winner
These are the standing for last months voting booth that 331 people participated in. If you voted Thank you for voting and don't forget to vote in this months booth!

The most FAV. guy of NSYNC is..............


Justin - 79
Lance - 41
Joey - 38
Chris - 26

Congratulations to JC for being the #1 Fav guy! Thanks to everyone who voted!