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Welcome to KAD's World of Products!
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For a Limited Time Only!!
Some items in our Kid Stuff section
will only be available for a short time.
Hurry, and get them before they're gone.

Out of Stock

Free counters provided by Andale.

What's New?

12/9/02 - I have added the Medieval and Fantasy section to the catalog and we are now accepting credit cards for these items.

12/3/02 - I added the "Glow in the Dark" and "Egyptian Treasures" pages to the catalog. We now accept credit cards for these items.

11/25/02 - Knives and Swords page is back.

11/25/02 - Added a page counter. Added our new Christmas items that are on sale now.

11/20/02 - You can now purchase a membership package with a credit card.

11/19/02 - We have a few new auctions set up. We relisted the Dragon Sword and also, by request, we have listed a couple of our Christmas items. You can view these items by clicking on the auctions link to the left.

11/15/02 - This week I've finished adding the pages and shopping cart feature to all the Kid Stuff section. I've also started working on adding the pages back to the Special Interest section. So far, I have "Dolls" completed and am starting the work on "Medieval and Fantasy."

11/06/02 - I finished the Table Fountains page in the Home section of the catalog. It has the paypal shopping cart on it now so that you can order from it.

11/05/02 - I finished the Newsletter section. I added our most current newsletter and an archive of all of our past newsletters. You can view these pages by clicking the "Newsletter" link to the left.

10/29/02 - Added the Shopping Cart/Credit Card feature to the Kid Stuff pages. I took all of the other pages out of the catalog temporarly until I get the Shopping Cart/Credit Card feature added to them.

10/28/02 - Added the Shopping Cart/Credit Card feature to the Christmas decorations pages.

10/25/02 - Finished updating the catalog pages with the new menu and paypal logo. I also put our Dragon Sword up for Auction. The "Order Info" section is also completed.

10/24/02 - I did some major changes to the website today. Unfortunately, I had to close the site for a little while during those changes. I'm sorry if this inconvinenced anyone. Some of the major changes that I've done was add three major sections "Order Info", "Auctions", and "Newsletter." "Order Info" will be a combination of the "Order Now" section and the "Shipping Info" section that we used to have. I haven't started working on that yet. "Auctions" is where all of our current and recent auctions are going to posted. "Newsletter" will contain information about our newsletter and will also contain links to our current newsletter and an archive to all of our past newsletters. I hope everybody enjoys the new changes.

10/23/02 - KAD's World of Products is now accepting credit cards! This should make your shopping experience easier. So far, I have only added the credit card feature to the Halloween section of the catalog, but I plan to include them all. However, this process will take time, so please bear with me. All items in the Halloween section are on sale for 20% off until Sunday, November 2, 2002.


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