Master Kaleidoscope Artist: Craig Musser |
Craig Musser: Probably the first of the modern kaleidoscope masters. His Van Dyke Series II has been called the Rolls-Royce of kaleidoscopes. This scope was made in association with another modern master, Bill O'Connor. Release price on this scope was $3800. This one dates from 1981 and is #26 of 50. Craig Musser expired in 1986. My photos only catch the center of the image. I hope you can note the variety and quality of the items in the object chamber. This scope has an electrical light source built into the stand. The scope and stand lift up from the wooden base. . |
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Museum Directory: To Go to any floor click on the floor desired. First Floor: Modern Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting further funding Second Floor: Toy Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting funding Third Floor: Antique Kaleidoscope Gallery Awaiting funding Fourth Floor: Kaleidoscope Related Artwork Awaiting funding Fifth Floor: Reference Materials and Administrative Offices Awaiting funding Sixth Floor: Kaleidoscope Hall of Fame Awaiting funding Museum Exit Awaiting funding |
Come again soon. Disclaimer: This museum is the sole property of the webmaster. It is intended to be a reference source for all kaleidoscope collectors. Please be aware we are discussing a form of art. While I will try to be as objective as possible, any artwork is more a matter of subjective tastes. To email webmaster: |