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Please do not copy this tutorial to any web site without my written permission as I, Copyright 2000 © Kanded Kreationz, all rights reserved, own this tutorial. I don't mind if you share in online groups to learn PSP as that's what I write them for ~ Enjoy If you have any questions please email me at Kanded Kreationz© 


How To Use Fonts Without Installing Them 

~~~Make a New Folder in either Your C  or D Drive Name it Fonts.~~~If Fonts is Zipped unzip it to the Fonts Folder you just made.~~~ 

~~~Go to Your Windows Explorer open up that Fonts Folder double click on the font you want to use.~~~

~~~Minimize the Font.~~~ As long as the font is open on your desktop it is available for use. This is a ram intensive so only have 4 or so open at a time.~~~

~~~Open the Program that is to utilize the font you Selected. You should see the Font on the list of available fonts.~~~ Close the font when through using.~~~



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