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Please do not copy this tutorial to any web site without my written permission as I, Copyright 2000 © Kanded Kreationz, all rights reserved, own this tutorial. I don't mind if you share in online groups to learn PSP as that's what I write them for ~ Enjoy If you have any questions please email me at Kanded Kreationz© 

Organizing Picture Tubes

To many tubes?  Need to Organize them?
Go to your Paint Shop Pro Program, Open up Your Tubes Folder.

Single Click on your FOLDER THAT says TUBES so that it is HIGHLIGHTED. 
Then go up to FILE, NEW, FOLDER.

Now RIGHT MOUSE CLICK on that new folder and go to RENAME and name it whatever you would like.
Here is a PIX of my Tubes FOLDER:

Repeat each of the ABOVE steps for each NEW FOLDER you want to make for the different TUBES.

After you have made all your  NEW FOLDERS and names them you will need to go back to your Paint Shop Pro Folder single click on the TUBES Folder and on the RIGHT HAND Side you will see all your tubes.  Just drag and drop them to the FOLDER you made for that TUBE until all TUBES are placed in your New FOLDERS you made.

Now if you would like to have the TUBES inside those folders alphabetized open up your PSP.
Go to FILE, BROWSE and go to your tubes folder.

OPEN up the TUBES FOLDER that you would like to Alphabetize.  I am going to do my ANIMALS folder as an example.

Next Go up to FILE, then SORT.

Then you will get a screen like the one below:

This is where you can choose how you would like to sort them.  By name, or date, etc...
I sort mine by name.  But everyone has there own preferences.
Then click on OK.
Repeat this step for every folder that is inside your tubes folder.
It sure makes things easier to find.
If you have Any Questions please feel free to e-mail me.


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