Kanded Kreationz©

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Please do not copy this tutorial to any web site without my written permission as I, Copyright 2000 © Kanded Kreationz, all rights reserved, own this tutorial. I don't mind if you share in online groups to learn PSP as that's what I write them for ~ Enjoy If you have any questions please email me at Kanded Kreationz© 

Saving Tutorials From Websites

~~~Go To The Site where the TUTORIAL Is that you want to save to floppy Disk.~~~
~~~Bring Up the Tutorial you want to save~~~

~~~Insert your FLOPPY DISK into Drive A.~~~
~~~Go up to FILE on your AOL TOOLBAR, Click On NEW~~~

See Picture Below:

~~~You will get a WHITE BOX that comes up that is called UNTITLED.~~~
See Picture Below:

~~~Then You Can Minimize The WHITE BOX for now~~~

~~~Starting from the Very Top of Tutorial the next thing you want to do is start highlighting text.~~~

See Picture Below:

~~~See how the Text is highlight all the way until you reach the first little picture?~~~
~~~What you want to do is Highlight text then on highlighted part you want to right mouse click and then click on copy~~~
See Picture Below:

~~~Now Bring Up The WHITE BOX that you had minimized~~~
~~~Put your Mouse Cursor in The WHITE AREA~~~
~~~Right Mouse Click, Then Click On PASTE~~~
~~~Your text that you highlighted should now be in that WHITE BOX.~~~

~~~Now Go Pack to The Tutorial~~~~
~~~That Little BOX PICTURE () we stopped at....we are now going to put our mouse on that little box() LEFT MOUSE CLICK holding that left button down and dragging to the WHITE BOX again and dropping it where ever you want to place it. (I usually like it right next to the word it goes with)~~~

~~~Next You will want to COPY the next part of the text~~~
~~~You will want to highlight the text and RIGHT MOUSE CLICK then CLICK On COPY do this from the part AFTER the little Picture that you just dragged and dropped all the way down to the next Picture.~~~
See Picture Below:

Then you will need to go back to the WHITE UNTITLED BOX and put your Mouse cursor after the little PICTURE that you dragged and dropped~~~ Then you want to RIGHT MOUSE CLICK and then CLICK ON PASTE.

You will want to follow this procedure through the whole tutorial
Do all the TEXT and PICTURES This way.

I hope I did not confuse you If you have any questions please e-mail me And I will try and help you out.



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Copyright 2000, Kanded Kreationz©, All Rights Reserved.