Start off by making a cube and using the followning details.
Next, convert it to a mesh. Next, settle it about.the orginin Then, resize the body until it looks like this in side view. You may have to move some points and not use the non-uniform scale button.
After which, turn on grid snap, and select these points and pull them out about 12 times.
Next, select these points, and move them out about 6 snaps.
Turn off grid snap and then, select these faces, and scale them so it looks like this. This is joes shirt.
Next, use the face resize feature to make the faces look like this.
And extrude. Once you have extruded, scale the face so it is a bit wide at the end for the conturs of his arm.
Now would be an EXELLENT time to save your work. I mean, if you dont and anim8or crashes, its super easy to make this all over again right?
After saving, and that last scale, extrude once more, and scale so it looks like this.
Once again, extrude a medium amount as shown in the picture, and scale.
And then extrude one last time and scale. That concludes our torso section of the Fat Joe Tutorial.
Then, go to front view, and move the selected points up.
Congradulations, you have just completed Fat Joe's torso. How about we give him some legs. For his legs, we will use the same arm technique, but with a few tweaks here and there. Another good time to save your work thus far. Fat Joe is a well way from far.
Comming Up
- Legs and Feet
- Hands
- The Head
- Some really cool sunglasses
- and finally Adding some color to our friend
All this and more in GuMShoE's Site~O~Anim8or
Select this face section, and the one like it on the other side. (see picture)
And extrude them, and scale. BUT! we have a bit of a problem. See the picture after this
This is very bad. But, easy to fix. All we have to do is move some points and we are all set for extrusion.
Select these points.
Then, use the non-uniform scale to make it look a little somthing like this.
Return to front veiw and make this.
Congradulations you have just completed Joes legs. Now, for the feet.
Still to come
- Head
- Hands
- Sunglasses
- Add a bit of color to Joe
Now is a good time to save your work.
Making feet is relatively easy. Select these faces, extude and scale.
Then, peak that same face. I will leave the detailing to you since everyone like different types of shoes. I personally like vans.
Congradulations. You have finished Billy Joe's body. Comming up next
Now is another one of those times. Save your work before continuing. You never know, a thunderstorm could come and cut off all the power. I personally save my work to a floppy so I can work on it when we go on road trips on my laptop. :D
For the head, here is the link to elimar (another anim8or website) 's website. Click tutorials, and go to low poly head
Elimar's website Making the hands is easy. Open a new object. (object>new) Make a cube, and convert to a mesh. No X Y or Z details.
Next, extrude and face rotate like you see here.
Extrude again. (no pic shown, just extrude)
Then, select this face and extrude it. (pic shown)
Copy the hand and go back to Billy Joe. (shown in pic)
Join the solid after this.
If you made the head at elimar's website (link above) then simply add it to your figure. I wont add it to mine since everyone may have a different object than mine. Next, we are going to make the sunglasses. Open a new object.
Save your work from here
Start off with a cube. Once again, no X Y or Z details. And subdivide the faces. Leave the value at zero, and go to point edit mode and select these points.
Use the non uniform scale button and stretch it out until you get this.
But we have a problem. See the pic? Thats easy to fix.
Double click the lense, and set the smooth angle to 75, then mirror it on the x axis and move into place. Copy the glasses back to the main object, and add them to the head (if you took the time to make it!)
Congradulations!! You have completed the Billy Joe tutorial. It might have taken you shorter to make it than it took me to make this tutorial. My thanks to donkeyslayer for teaching me anim8or hints, and tips, and bobit for the inspiration. The next tutorial release date is expected on March 27th. Until then, keep modeling, and visit my site for pic updates.