The Purrfect Pets
Yucca, Matata, and Bay
The Cats
Confessions of a Cat Person
In Memory
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Yucca is one laid back little cat.  She only moves for four things: string, food, attention, and the neighbor's dogs.  Any other time, you'll find her lounging in a window or sleeping on the beds.



Matata, like Yucca, enjoys watching the world go by, but she prefers to take a more active role in it.  You can often find Mata goading Yucca into a mock fight or bullying Frodo, a big tom, into submission.

Yucca and Matata

Matata in the Norfolk Pine (the tree survived).


Bay first appeared at our door on a cold November night in 1989.  Very much a feral, 6 - 8 month old kitten, she and Chesapeake (no longer with us) eagerly gobbled any speck of food they could find.  It took weeks to finally coax them into the house and several months before Bay would come out of the basement.  To this day, her favorite "safe spot" is the 2nd to top basement step.

Bay loves chewing the rubber ends from the door stops.

Bay, Schitz, and Frodo taking a siesta.