The Pepper Spray Incident

For any of you reading this who are unfamiliar with "pepper spray", its a substance formulate to aid in controlling violent prisoners. In most cases, it has replaced the use of mace. All of our officers are fully trained and certified in the use of this spray.

One night we had a prisoner who had been brought in and booked and placed in a holding cell until he could be transported to the jail. He was a very unhappy prisoner, to say the least. Once locked in the holding cell, he began hollering. I could hear him all the way up in the front of the station house. When I began hearing banging noises I should not be hearing, I called the arresting officer back into the station. Several other officers responded with him.

These officers and a detective on duty went to the holding cell area. Peering thorough the window in the door to the cell they could see that the prisoner had literally torn the sink off the wall in the cell and water was pouring everwhere. The detective opened the door a small crack and attempted to quiet the prisoner down by using his pepper spray. It worked....but it also worked on the rest of us. The station's air conditioning system picked up the vapors from the spray and spread it throughout the building. We had to abandon the station temporarily to the prisoner and the spray!

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