foundry, village

foundry, village.

farmer, sec. 32, P.O. Lake City. Born in Franklin county, Mass. in 1836. Emigrated from that state with parents to Delaware county, Ohio in 1842; thence to LaCrosse, WI, where his parents still reside. Came to this county in 1856 and settled in Lake City, there being but three log houses there at that time. In 1859 married Harriet E. Knapp. She was born in St. Joseph, Indiana in 1843. Settled on his present estate of 160 acres in 1862, value $40 per acre. Was justice of the peace two years, clerk of the district six years, constable two years and is a member of Ancient Order of United Workmen. Eva W., Leeland W., Alfred W., Raymond W., and Lewis W. are their living children. Lost one child, Everett W. Are members of M.E. Church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN, 1878.

BAILEY, J.V.H. (Civil War) , farmer, sec. 11, P.O. Goodhue Center. Born in Canada West, January 11, 1833. Came to Minnesota landing at Red Rock, May 25, 1850. 1852 went to Lac qui Parle. 1854 went to Traverse des Sioux (now St. Peter), where he was married July 31, 1836 to Isabella Kennedy. She was born in Canada in 1831. Moved to Hastings in 1859 and to this farm in 1860. Owns 160 acres of land. Have six children -- Anna J., E. Bell, Maggie, Mary, Minnie and John Vincent. Mr. Bailey has held important offices for the last 15 years and is one of the solid men of this town. He enlisted February 14, 1865 in Company I, First Minn Heavy Artillery. Was on garrison duty at Chattanooga, Tenn. until September, when they were ordered to Nashville, Tenn. and mustered out September 27, 1865; disbanded at Fort Snelling. The Family attends the Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and eldest daughter are members. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

BAILEY, Joseph, Zumbrota village, retired farmer, Was born in Mass in 1813. In 1831 he moved to Cambridge, Mass; thence in 1844 to Westford, Mass. Came west and settled in this town in 1856, resided here until 1859, returned to Mass. In 1866 he returned to this village, where he has since resided. Married in 1836 Mary S. Baker, who is a native of Holdeness, NY. Their children are -- Mary E., and George J.; two are deceased, Elisabeth A. and Harvey N, the latter enlisted in Co. D, 1st N.H. cavalry, served nine months, returned on sick furlough and soon after died. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

farmer, sec. 24, P.O. Wastedo

BALANGER, Clifford, Dry goods. Born in Canada on March 18, 1858. Emigrated to this country in 1850, settling in Green Bay, Wisconsin; thence to Winona, Minnesota in 1872. Came to this county in 1873, commencing his business at that time. Married Lizzie Joannes on December 13, 1876. She was born in Brussels, Belgium on February 20, 1852. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

BALDWIN, Dwight M, collection agency. Born in New Haven county, Connecticut on August 25, 1836. Moved to Fairfield county, Conn. in 1844. Emigrated to Red Wing April, 1862. Married Susan C. Holmes, September 1860. She was born in Fairfield county, Conn. Alfred and Sidney are his living children. Harrison, born March 6, 1863 and employed as a brakeman on the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad was killed by railroad accident at Lake City on June 5, 1878. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

stone mason, city.

BANKS, Henry,
farmer, sec. 34, P.O. Wastedo

BANKS, John,
farmer, sec. 10, P.O. Wastedo.

farmer, sec. 27, Cannon Falls.

retired, city.

BARRELL, Christopher, contractor, Red Wing.

BARSNES, Hans J., blacksmith, sec. 33, P.O. Spring Creek.

BARSNES, Michael O.,
farmer, sec. 31, P.O. Spring Creek.

farmer, sec. 33, P.O. Spring Creek.

BARTEAU, Stephen B.
hardware merchant, born in Broome county, NY in 1816. In 1838 married Lucy Hunt, who was born in Oswego county, NY in 1822; died in 1843;has by this marriage one son, David. Married again Zella Waters, 1845; she was born in Oswego county NY in 1820; settled on the Hudson River, where he was engaged in farming and stock raising. May 1871 came to this county and in 1873 established his present business. Children by his last marriage are Lewis W., now in St. Paul; Hattie J.D. and Sydney B. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

BATLO, Joseph,
proprietor of the De Batlo Hotel. Born in France, August 4, 1832. Emigrated ot this county in 1855, settling in the State of New York. Came to this county, settling in Belvidere township, February 2, 1859 and the same year to Red Wing, and was proprietor of The Franklin House. In 1860, took charge of The Goodhue House and opened his present hotel October 1874. Married Mary Wagoner, October 22, 1856. She was born in Luxemburg, Germany. Joseph P. and Charles M. are their children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

sec 19, P.O. Hay Creek. Born in Vergennes, Addison County, VT, July 19, 1839. In the spring of 1864, he entered the Rutledge Commercial College, Springfield, Ill; graduated in 1867. Commenced the study of medicine and attended lectures in 1869, at Evansville, Ind.; graduated as M.D. in 1872. Went to St. Louis where he continued his studies with the advantage of lectures from the best medical talent. Remained there until the summer of 1875, when he came to Minnesota, landing in Red Wing, July 3rd, where he resided one year. Came to this place in 1876, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine ever since. Has now in course an erection of residence, in which he will establish a drug store. Owns one acre of land. Was married June 24, 1873 to Lena Matz. She was born in Germany in 1849. Have two children, Ida and Fred M. Family attends the M.E. church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN, 1878.

BECK, John, f
armer, sec. 28, Cannon Falls.

farmer, sec. 27, P.O. Cannon Falls.

BEHRENS, Edward,
farmer, sec. 17, P.O. Red Wing.

BEHRND, Gottfried,
farmer, sec., 19, P.O. Hay Creek.

BENDER, Christian,
pastor of St. John's Church (German Lutheran), Red Wing. Born in Germany on September 11, 1838, attended school in his native country, through the different grades until 22 years of age, when he entered Mission College at Basel, Switzerland and after an attendance of five years, he graduated in 1866, and immediately entered upon his duties as a minister of the gospel at Wittinburg, where he remained until the autumn of 1867. He then came to this country, and after stopping a few weeks in Minneapolis, came to this place, where he accepted the pastorate of this church, delivering his introductory discourse on the first Sunday in December of that year, and has been in charge ever since. He also has charge of St. John's Church in Frontenac and Grace Church in the town of Goodhue and has exclusive charge of the Lutherhan school taught in his church here. He is a member of the Lutheran Synod of Minnesota. He was married in October of 1868 to Christina Dickhudt, who was born in Quincy, Illiinois on March 7, 1850. They have five children, Lydia, Christian, Anna, Christina and Freda. Mrs. Bender is also a member of the Lutheran Church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

farmer, sec. 17, P.O. Vasa.

, collecting agent, Red Wing.

BENNEFELD, John Barthold,
farmer, sec. 18, P.O. Red Wing. Born in Valdorf, Germany, August 6, 1821.
Was married in 1849 to Christina Vessel. She was born in Vandorf, Germany, December 12, 1829. Came to the United States in 1852, settled in Warren County, MO, where he remained until 1857, when he came to this county. While en route via steamer near Davenport, Iowa, the boat was burned, they lost everything except the clothes they had on at the time. A few days afterward they reached Red Wing without money. Settled five miles west of Red Wing, where he cut cord wood and worked by the day at anything that presented, that he might recover form his misfortunes. On the 2nd day of December, same year, while returning late at nright from Red Wing, where he had been for a doctor, he lost his way, and was compelled to wander about in the cold until morning when he finally reached his hoouse, when it was discovered that his feet were so badly frozen that it was found necessary to amputate them. Came to this farm in the spring of 1858, where he prospered until 1874, when another misfortune overtook him, the destruction of his house by fire with all the contents, except one stove and two beds. He at once proceeded to erect the house he now occupies. Owns 184 acres of land. Have ten children, Louisa, Willie, Fred, John, Henry, Charlie, Ernest, Mary, Edward and Lydia. Family belongs to the M.E. Church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, 1878.

BENNEWETZ, J.C., grain dealer, Red Wing.

BENSON, A.P., farmer, sec. 22, P.O. Cannon Falls

farmer, sec. 4, P.O. Cannon Falls.

BENWAY, Christ
, farmer, sec. 15, Cannon Falls.

BERG, M.H., merchant, tailor. Born in Norway in 1847. Emigrated to this country, settling in Illinois in 1870. Came to this county soon after, and engaged in his present business in July 1877. Married Mary Olson in 1873. She was born in Norway. Marvin and Bergina are his children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

BERG, Peter A.
farmer, sec. 35, P.O. Cannon Falls. Was born in Sweden July 13, 1835. Came to America in 1854, first settling in St. Charles, Ill. in 1861 he came to Minnesota and Feb. 17 of the same year married in St. Paul, Eveline Johnson. She was born in Sweden, November 20, 1834. After their marriage they removed to Chisago County, MN where they resided until 1863, when they moved to this county and settled in Vasa township. In 1872 they moved to their present farm, consisting of 120 acres, worth $6,000. Their children are -- Charles born Jan. 31, 1863 and Amelia born June 11, 1872. They are members of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, 1878.

BERG, Stephen, farmer, sec. 36, P.O. White Rock.

BERGGRAN, Charles,
farmer, sec. 2, P.O. Cannon Falls

farmer, sec. 2, P.O. Cannon Falls.

BERGLUND, Robert L. was born in Sweden on June 9, 1845; came to America in 1867 and settled in Red Wing, where he has since resided; married Caroline Peterson in February of 1872. Their children are Matilda C., Anna L. and Leoni F. The family are members of the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Mr. Berglund learned the trade of stone mason in the old country and for five years after coming to this city worked in the employ of Mr. Carlson, but since that time has been quite successful as contractor and builder and dealer in stone, lime, etc. Being the owner of extensive stone quarries in the eastern part of the city, he intends in a few months, to establish a depot in his new stone building on Bush Street, for the sale of lime, plaster, hair, cement, etc. See further history of industries of Red Wing. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

farmer, sec. 3, P.O. Cannon Falls.

BERGMAN, Gustave,
farmer, sec. 16, P.O. Cannon Falls.

BETCHER, Charles,
is a native of Prussia, born January 31, 1830. He attended the common and academical schools of the old country, and there acquired those fundamental lessons that eventually ripened into a liberal knowldge of the practical affairs of life. He immigrated to the United States in 1849, settling in Rochester, NY, remaining there for a time, thence removing to Wayne county, that state and in 1855, from there to Winona, Minneosta, where he immediately engaged in the hardware business and that year opened a branch house at Red Wing. In May of 1856, he located in the latter place, where he has since continued to reside. October 8, 1857 he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Gowthrup, who was born in Wayne county, New York. Helen, Charles A., and Margaret are their living children, and they have buried two, Willie G. and Herminie. Since his settlement in Red Wing, Mr. Betcher has been identified with almost every public measure pertaining to her growth and prosperity. He has steadily pushed ahead in his special avocations, and saw his efforts crowned with success. In company with Henry Brown, Esq., he is carrying on a heavy hardware trade, their stock and salesrooms being the largest in the city. In addition he operates by himself large lumber manufacturing interest, extensive lumber yards, owns farms in Minnesota and broad tracts of choice hard-wood timber lands in Wisconsin. Mr. Betcher is cautious but energetic in business, of good executive ability and thoroughly at home in the intracate details of the various branches of business that demand his attention. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878. (See Family Stories page for a detailed description of Charles Betcher's Residence).

painter, village.

BIGELOW, Hiram, farmer, sec. 15, P.O. Zumbrota. Born in Vermont in 1820; 1851 went to Massachusetts, where he was employed as overseer of the Bay State Manufacturing Company; where he married Dollie D. Bartlett, July 21, 1857. She was born in Maine on January 21, 1834. Came to this County June, 1858; settled on his present farm of 240 acres. Adelaide, Edgar A., and Hiram W. are their living children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, 1878.

BIXBY, Bradford W., deceased. Born in Coopers Plains, Steuben county, NY in 1830. Married Susan J. Clark on October 27, 1853. She was born in Eastport, Maine on October 25, 1826; came to this county July 4, 1861, commencing business in 1862. Tams, born December 12, 1854 and George born September 22, 1858 are the names and births of their children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

BLACKMAN, Abner, farmer, sec. 33, P.O. Fair Point.  Born in Benington county, VT in 1827.  Married Lucy Crandall in 1849.  She was born in the same county in 1828.  Emigrated to Ashtabula County, Ohio in 1852, where he resided one and a half years, when he mvoed to Lafayette county, Wisconsin and lived until he came to this county in 1856 and settled on his present estate of 80 acres. Here he made his claim of one-quarter section, upon which he built a log cabin, where he lived 7 years, which has since given place to a retired and commodious dwelling.  Disposed of 80 acres of his pre-emption land, and has since purchased 80 acres in sec. 30.  Is one of the early pioneers of this town and well known throughout.  Harvey, Charles, Adelle and Rosy are their living children.  Lost one child, Mary.  History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

clothing, Red Wing.

farmer, sec. 20, P.O. Cannon Falls.

proprietor of the St. James Hotel. Born in Mackinaw, Michigan on April 16, 1847; moved to Green Bay, Wisconsin with his parents in 1848; thence to Appleton, Wisconsin in 1851. Married Laura A. Washburne September 16, 1867. She was born in St. Lawrence, Essex county, NY on February 22, 1846. Emigrated to Lawrence, Kansas in 1869 where he engaged in business and in 1871 went to Wichita, Kansas opened the Harris House; thence to Oshkosh, Wisconsin and was properietor of the Beckwith House. Came to Red Wing, opening the St. James Hotel in 1875. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

BLOOM, Charles,
farmer, sec. 36, P.O. Vasa. Is a native of Sweden, but came to America many years ago, and is one of the Pioneer settlers of Vasa township. Owns 240 acres of land, worth $50 per acre. Married Regina Erickson, September 14, 1870. She is a native of Sweden. Their children are -- Selma S., born June 23, 1872 and Amanda A. born July 19, 1878 and two children deceased. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN, 1878.