DADAN, Dietrich, farmer, sec. 27, P.O. Red Wing.

DAHLING, Charles, farmer, sec. 32, P.O. Red Wing.

DALSTEN, Peter, farmer, sec. 31, P.O. White Rock.

farmer, sec. 4, P.O. Box Frontenac.

DAMANN, Peter,
farmer, sec. 30, P.O. Red Wing. Born in Hadendorff, Hanover, Germany on November 18, 1830. Served seven years in the 4th regiment infantry, German Army; was honorably discharged in May of 1858. Soon after started for the Uinted States, landing in Red Wing October 3rd and to this farm soon afterward. Owns 145 acres. Was married May 13, 1863 to Margaretta Buck. She was born in Hanover February 28, 1846. Have seven children - Henry, Metha, John, Louisa, Frederick, Hans and Emma. Mr. Damann was roadmaster three years. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DANA, C.S., post office clerk. Born in Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois on September 25, 1851, came to this city on November 10, 1856, engaged in his present business September 1, 1877. History of Goodhue County, Red WIng, MN 1878.

DANFORTH, William, (Civil War)
county surveyor. Born in Merrimack county, N.H. on May 2, 1823. In 1843 moved to Massachusetts and the following year was employed by the Northern N.H.R.R.; thence in 1850 to the Champlain and St. Lawrence R.R. in Canada; in 1852 to the Great Western R.R.; thence in 1854 to the Marietta and Cincinatti R.R.; thence to the Grank Trunk R.R. in 1855; thence in the fall of 1856 to the Coburg and Petersboro R.R., Canada and connected the Grand Trunk R.R. from 1854 to 1859, when he returned to Vermont, where he was engaged in the preliminary survey of railroads until 1862, when he was commissioned Captain of Company K, 16th Vermont V.I. in 1862. In 1864 went to Colorada returning in 1868; came to Minnesota, where he was engaged by the Milwaukee and St. Paul R.R. on the river division from 1870 to 1874. Came to Red Wing in 1870. Married Lucia A. Nichols, April 30, 1857. She was born in Wethersfield, Windsor county, VT., May 5, 1828. William, Jr. and Lucia E. are their children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

physician, village, Cannon Falls.

DANIELS, Peter, dealer in lumber, lath and shingles. Born in Nelson, Madison county, NY on November 5, 1807. Married Mary A. Ciummings, February 12, 1847. She was born in Warren, Herkimer county, NY. Emigrated from native county to Red Wing in January, 1857 and built the Red Wing Mills. His family came here and made a permanent settlement in April 1868. Mary and Louisa are his children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DANIELS, William, carpenter, Red Wing.

DANIELSON, A., dealer in lime. Born in Sweden, August 18, 1833. Emigrated to this country in 1855, settling in Grand Rapids, Wood county, Wisconsin. Came to this county July 1856 settling in Red Wing. Married Enget Swanson on February 7, 1860. She was born in Sweden July 6, 1833. Nannie A., Arthur D., Carrie E. and Mary are his children. Henry Swanson is an adopted child. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

farmer, sec. 10, P.O. Wastedo

DANIELSON, Hans. H.(Civil War) ,
farmer, sec. 20, P.O. Thoten. Born in Norway, December 18, 1832. Emigrated to Wisconsin in 1843; came to this county on July 22, 1856. Was married August 17, 1856 to Elizabeth Anderson; she was born in Dayton, Illinois on September 2, 1837. August 1862 he enlisted in the 7th Minn Infantry; stationed on the frontier until May of 1863. October 7, 1863 was ordered south; participated in all of the marches, scouts, battles, etc. in which the regiment was engaged. At the battle of Nashville, Tennessee, September 16, 1864 was severely wounded, having his left leg so badly fractured with a piece of shell, that amputation was found necessary, the operation was performed February 11, 1865, after lying in hospital at different places, was finally mustered out with the regiment at Fort Snelling on August 16, 1865. Returned and bought where he now resides, owns 160 acres. Have eleven children -- Caroline A., Hiram B., Augustus J, Jennie M, Minnie C., Vinena S., Wesley E, Oscar A., Irene E., Ida P. and Sarah E. Mr. Danielson was a member of the first board of supervisors in this township. Family belongs to the M.E. Church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

of the firm of Westman & Co., was born in Sweden, Aug. 23, 1841, where he married Christina Magnuson, June 22, 1862. She was born Feb. 18, 1842. Came to America July 12, 1865, settling in Henry county, Illinois, remained eight months, then moved to Wapello county, Iowa, lived there until 1871, then moved to this village and engaged in business. Mr. Danielson is one of the directors of the First National Bank of this village; is also a member of the village council. His children are -- Charley born in Iowa on Jan. 1, 1867; Emily born in Iowa on Aug. 19, 1870; Ester born Nov. 17, 1872 and Amanda born April 22, 1875. The last two were born in this village. Two children deceased -- Victor and Augusta. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DARKNELL, Samuel, farmer, sec. 18, P.O. Zumbrota. Born in England in 1818; came to America in 1845, settling in Wisconson where he maried Jane Alexander in 1850. She was born in England in 1834. Went to California, returning in 1852; resided in Wisconsin until 1862, when he moved to Olmstead County, MN; 1870 came to this county, settled in Roscoe, where he lived four years, when he settled on his present estate of 320 acres, also owns his former estate in Roscoe of 240 acres; has been school director, and supervisor and his son is clerk of School No. 73. William H, George W., Arthur A., Sara J., Charles W., Fred J, Emma B., Frank M, are their children; lost two Joseph J. and Annie F. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DARLING, Frank B. was born January 20, 1869 in Edgefield, Tenn., to Gilbert and Mariah Abbey (Glazier) Darling. The family lived there briefly after the Civil War. His father had mustered out in Tennessee, and sent for his family to come from Michigan. After several years Gilbert and Mariah were divorced, and Mariah took her children back to Michigan, where she married William H. Ellis.  The family moved to Red Wing about 1874. Frank resided there until his death. His brother, Harry M. Darling, moved to White Bear Lake. Frank was employed at the Sash and Door Factory for 19 years and at the Red Wing Sewer Pipe Company and the Pottery for a number of years. He also worked as a handy-man for various residents. On March 26, 1896, he was married to Anna B. Fredericks at Bay City, Wisconsin. Two children were born to them: Marie, who married John C. Beeks and lived in Denver, Colorado, and Frank F. Darling, who married Laura Thompson and moved to Winona. His wife Anna died October 2, 1911 while her children were still young. Frank was married to his second wife, Catherine Beale on July 18, 1918. She died in 1946. They lived out their lives in Red Wing. On March 17, 1958, at the age of 89, Frank died at St. John’s hospital after spending several years in a rest home. He was buried at Calvary Cemetery. Submitted by Pat

DAVIS, Charles L.(Civil War) born in Chester, Windsor county, Vermont on August 23, 1833. Was educated in the public schools and at Chester Academy. The first of May, 1851 went to Keene, N.H. and was apprenticed to K. W. Prentiss & Co. of the New Hampshire Sentinel, staying there until the spring of 1853, when he went to Boston, Mass. and was employed on the Boston Journal, Boston Traveler and in the book office of Demrell & Moore. In 1857 he came west, stopping the first year in Chicago and came to Red Wing November 26, 1858 and went into partnership with General L.F. Hubbard, in the publication of the Red Wing Replican, afterwards the Goodhue County Republican. Sold to General Hubbard in 1861 and Bought the whole office again in the spring of 1862. August 16, 1862 was commissioned by Governor Ramsey Second Lieutenant, mustered into the United States service, came to Red Wing and assisted in raising what was afterwards Company D, 10th Regiment Minnesota Volunteers. On the formation of the regiment was elected 1st Lieutenant. Was promoted to Captain in 1864 at St. Louis, MO. Was honorably discharged from the service August 19th, 1865. Came to Red Wing and resumed the publication of the Republican in connection with General Hubbard, Mr. Peake and Major William R. Snider. In 1868, sold his interest to Maj. Snider and in 1869 bought the Red Wing Argus from the Argus Printing Company, which paper he has continued to publish ever since. Mr. Davis was married November 1, 1864 to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Honorable Chris Graham. She died July 20, 1876. September 24th, 1878 Mr. Davis was again married to Miss Agnes C. Norton, daughter of William H. Norton of Red Wing. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DAVIS, David L, whose portrait appears in this work was born in Manilus, Onondaga County, NY on November 18, 1818. In 1829 he moved with his parents to Parmley, Monroe County, NY; thence in 1835 to Yates, Orleans county, NY where he married Jemima Housel on Nov. 4, 1837; she was born in Lansing, Tompkins county, NY on June 15, 1822. In December 1837, he was engaged in the patriot war, Canada, where he held the office of 2nd lieutenant and served two months. He then followed farming until 1841 when he moved to Summit Co; remained until May 1855 then moved to this village, where he has since resided. Was a member of the Goodhue County Rangers, which assisted in the subjugation of the hostile Sioux in the outbreak of 1862. In September of 1872 he opened the Falls House in this village, of which he is now owner and proprietor. Their children are William H, born in Summit County, O., Jan. 20, 1846; now residing in Blue Earth County, MN and Manly A., also born in Summit County, December 19, 1847 and resides in Faribault county, MN. They have lost four children by death named Harrison S., Frances O, Lucy J. (an adopted daughter) and an infant not named. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN, 1878.

DAY, James, W.(Civil War) , proprietor of Red Wing ferry. Born in Martinsburg, Berkeley county, VA on June 24, 1839. Emigrated to Red Wing in May of 1855. Enlisted in the 1st Minn. V.I. in 1861; re-enlisted in the 3rd Infantry the same year and veteraned in the fall of 1864. Honorably discharged September 1865. Married Angeline Caniff in March of 1866. She was born in Schoharie County, NY. Millicent B, James W., Sarah and Harry D are their children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DAY, John, born in Carlisle, PA on July 11, 1819. When very young, his parents moved to Martinsburg, Berkeley County, VA, from wihch place in 1827 he went to Todd county, KY. In 1828, he emigrated to Warre county, Illinois, but returned to his home in Virginia in 1840. Soon after, he again came west, settling in Lee County, Iowa. Married Sarah Shores, May 24, 1841. She was born in Christian county, KY on April 1, 1815. They moved to Warren county, Illinois, thence to Jo Daviess county, Illinois and to Grant and Iowa Counties, Wisconsin. Moved to Diamond Bluff, Wisconsin and in June 14, 1853 settled in Red Wing. James L, Elizabeth B, Margaret S., John A., Mary, Sarah E., William H., and Charles B. are their children, four of whom are now living. Mrs. Day being a widow when married to John Day has a daughter named Belle, who is now the wife of Mr. Coulter, living at Trenton, Wisconsin. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DeKay, W.W.(Civil War)
, was born in Orange County, NY on August 23, 1831. He emigrated from his native county to this city in April of 1854, where he married Ellen I. O'Reiley in November 1862, she was born in Canada. Mr. DeKay has continually resided in Red Wing since his first coming here in 1854 and the publishers of this work are largely indebted to him for facts relative to the settling of the county. He went out in defense of his country in the War of the Rebellion as 2nd Lieutenant of Company E., 3rd Regiment, V.I. on October 23, 1861; was promoted to 1st Lieutenant on December 1, 1862, Captain on February 11, 1864, but resigned January 9, 1865. Maggie, William, Edwin, Cornelia and Mary are his children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DELANO, John W., hardware, Red Wing.

DELINE, John, farmer, sec. 34, P.O. Cannon River Falls. Born in Montgomery County, NY on January 25, 1818. In 1828 he moved with his parents to Orleans county. May, 1855 he moved to this county; settled on his present farm of 186 acres, worth $35 per acre. Married Eliza A. Housel in Somerset, Niagara County, NY. She was born in Lansing, Tompkins County on November 6, 1824. Their children are -- J.D., Cynthia and Alma E. Lost four by death, whose names were - Lydia, Orpha A., Martha J. and John W. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DENEFFE, N., farmer, sec. 5, P.O. Box, Frontenac.

DENSMORE, Benjamin, foundry, Red Wing.

DENSMORE, Orin, superintendent of lumber department of Red Wing Mills. Born at Emerald Grove, Rock county, WI on August 6, 1848. Emigrated to Red Wing April, 1857 and was employed by Cogel & Betcher from December 1867 to 1873. Engaged in his present business April 1, 1874. Married Emma T. Philips. She was born in Constantine, Michigan on August 28, 1848. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DIBBLE, Alonza, farmer, sec. 24, P.O. Cannon River Falls. Born in Fairfield county, Conn. on December 12, 1826. Fall of 1832 with parents moved to Switzerland county, Indiana; remained until 1850; crossed the plains to California; remained about 16 months, engaged in mining; returned to Indiana; engaged as boatman on the Ohio River; running as far south as Memphis and New Orleans. In 1854 he came to this county, pre-empted a quarter section of land in sections 23 and 24 this township. Married Louisa Ahlers June 11. 1855. She was born in Prussia in 1836; died March 25, 1869. Their children are -- Sarah L., Alice M. and Edward A. Married again to Miss Rebecca Chapman on August 28, 1871, who is a native of Northhampton, N.H. The family are members of the Episcopal Church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DICKE, Frederick W,
farmer, sec. 11, P.O. Red Wing. Born in Germany, March 12, 1826. Was married there in 1851, to Anna Schoregge. She was born in Germany, December 20, 1831. Came to the U.S. in 1852. Made the voyage in sail vessel, being seven weeks on the way; landed first at New Orleans, went to St. Louis the same year, was there two years; thence to this county, landing in Red Wing on May 7, 1855. Worked in and about the town at anything that presented, until 1858, when he came to this farm. Owns 160 acres. Have one son living, Henry, who resides on the home farm. Lost two, Christian and an infant unamed. Mrs. Dicke. died November 13, 1868, aged 37 years. Mr. Dicke was school director three years. Family belongs to the Lutheran church, of which Mr. Dicke has been treasurer ever since its organization. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, 1878.

DICKINSON, Norman L.(Civil War) farmer, sec. 15, P.O. Roscoe Center. Born in Lewis County, NY in 1840. Came to this county with parents in 1856, the family settling in this township, where his father, J.L. Dickinson pre-empted 160 acres of land, near this estate. Is now a resident of Pine Island. In 1862 Mr. D. enlisted in the 8th Minn. V.I., Co. H and served until the close of the war, participating in all the battles in which that regiment was engaged. Was in the Sully expedition and mustered out at Fort Snelling, in the spring of 1865. Married Clarissa M. McManus in October 1867; she was born in Pa in 1851. Ada, Walter, Annie and Charles are their living children. Owns farm of 160 acres, valued at $6,000. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DICKINSON, Perry L.(Civil War) , farmer, sec. 15, P.O. Roscoe Center. Born in NY in 1842. Came to this county with parents in 1856 and settled on his present estate, 180, where he lived until he enlisted in 1862 in 8th Minn. V.I., Co. H and served until the close of the war. Participated in battle of Murfreesboro and with General Sully's expedition against the Indians; serving on the plains six months; was mustered out at St. Paul and returned home and in 1865 married Roselle Smith; she was born in State of New York in 1849. Jennie, Clayton, Eugene, John and Lila are their living children. Owns farm of 160 acres which is the family homestead.

DIEPENBROCK, John G. Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes. Born in Holland on October 14, 1817. Emigrated to this country in 1842, settling in Virginia; thence to St. Louis, MO where he resided 28 years. Married Adelite Hildebrand in 1844. She wsa born in the kingdom of Hanover, 1826. They came to this county May 10, 1860, at which time he commenced his business. George, Henry and William are their children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

farmer, sec. 26, P.O. Hader.

DIXON, James,
farmer, sec. 31, residence Central Point, P.O. Lake City. Son of Harvey Dixon, who was born in Rensselaer county, NY in 1796. Married Margaret Webster, who died in 1832 and of the several children, James L., Almira, Jane L., Ira W. and Emily W. are living. The subject of this sketch was born in Cold Water, MI, where the family settled in 1837 and were early pioneers in that state, where he married Mary J. Palmes in 1849. She was born in Genessee County, NY in 1827. Came to this county in the spring of 1855 and settled on his present estate of 170 acres, valued at $50 per acre, which he secured by the homestead act. Served as supervisor two terms and is one of the early settlers of this town. Emma W., Maurice J. and George E. are their living children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN, 1878.

DODGE, George H.
, merchant, station and ticket agent M. and St. P.R.R. Frontenac. Born in Saco, ME in 1850 and emigrated to this state with parents in 1860, settling in Wabasha County, where he lived until 1861, when he returned East and remained until 1865. Subsequently his father, Benjamin had purchased a farm near Lake City and on his return he attended school in that city two years, when he engaged in teaching and in October of 1875 married Jennie H. Westervelt. She was born in Boston in 1851. Engaged in his present position in the spring of 1877, where he has since made it his home. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN, 1878.

DODGE, W.O. steamboat agent, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DORMAN, James, B. merchant, Pine Island. Born in NH in 1825. Married Harriet S. Elwell in 1850; she was born in 1824. Emigrated to this county in 1858 and settled in Roscoe and was prominently identified with the interests of this town. In 1865 he moved to Red Wing and engaged in the mercantile business, which he has since followed and where his family still reside. Frank W. and Rosa are their living children; lost two children, Hannah and Emma. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DORRANCE, J. farmer, sec. 32, P.O. Frontenac.

DORRANCE, I., farmer, esc. 31, P.O. Frontenac

DOW, J.O., meat market.

DOWNING, R.H. Agricultural implements. Born in Plainfield, VT in 1822. Moved to Boston and from thence came to this county in 1856. Married in Albion, NY, Julia Jones in 1866. She was born in Rutland county, VT Mr. D. sells the Elward Harvester, Wood's reapers and mowers, Morgan & Co., reapers and mowers, Minnesota Chief threshers and F.K. Orvis' plows. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DOYLE, M. farmer, sec 3. P.O. Red Wing. Born in Troy, NY in October, 1823. Moved to Illinois in 1832; came to this county in 1854; married S.E.C. Gilbert in 1839. She was born in Troy, NY in 1840. Lillian E., Helen M, Gilbert W., Caroline L, Charles J. Edward M, Henry St. Clare, Josephine E., John V.R., Vincent K, Ambrose A. and Raphael F. are their children. Owns 160 acres of land. Has held several prominent offices in this township. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DOXEY, William, (Civil War) farmer, sec. 14, P.O. Zumbrota. Born in Indiana in 1832. Married Marian J. Harper in 1854. She was born in Indiana in 1830 and died January 7, 1874. Had three children by this marriage, Mary E., Eva and Eddie. Removed to Illinois in 1855. 1862, returned to Indiana; enlisted in the 16th Illinois.V.I.; served until the close of the war, participating in all the battles in which that regiment was engaged. Came to this county in 1865, settled on his present estate of 80 acres; also owns 120 acres in Lyons county. His present wife was Amelia Atkinson, born in Lancaster county, PA, March 1835. William is their only child. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN, 1878.

DOXY, L., farmer, sec. 23, P.O. Zumbrota. Was born in N.C. on January 15, 1832. In 1835, moved to Tippicanoe county, Indiana; thence in 1852 to Illinois, where he married Melissa Adams, July 2, 1857; who was born in Maryland in 1837 and died in Illinois in December of 1859. Has by this marriage one daughter named Nettie L., born April 25, 1859. In 1862, he came to this county and settled on his present farm, consisting of 164 acres. Married Louisa Peck, December 14, 1863. She was born in Detroit, Mich., July 5, 1845. Their children are -- Minnie, Charles, Mary, Sarah, Caroline and Latimer. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

DREW, Samuel L., farmer, sec. 21, P.O. Red Wing. Born in England May 7, 1830. Came to Canada in 1846. Was married July 8, 1856 to Martha Morris. She was born in England, November 11, 1834. they came to this county in 1864. Have five children - Edwin M. born April 14, 1857' Alfred J. November 14, 1858, Amelia A., June 1861; Minnie L. January 16, 1865 and Arthur E., March 13, 1867. Family belongs to the M.E. Church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, 1878.

DRUSE, E.H., (Civil War) P.O. clerk. Born in Belvidere, Boone county, Illinois on December 6, 1839. Came to this county November 10, 1856. Enlisted in Company A., 5th MN. V.I. on December 19, 1861; was wounded at Nashville, Tenn. on December 16, 1864, from which cause his leg was amputated the following day. Married Mary E. Gilbert, October 19, 1875. She was born in New York, May 26, 1849. Bessie May is their only child. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.