EAMES, H.T., meat market. Born in Illinois October 27, 1853. Came to this county, settling in Wacoota in 1855; in 1865 moved to Hay Creek township and came to this city, organizing his present Business March 1, 1876. Married Hattie Cox, October 17, 1877. She was born in Burlington, Iowa April 11, 1853. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

EAMES, Obediah
, farmer and manufacturer of staves, heading etc. P.O. Red Wing. Born in Oneida county, NY. in 1823 and emigrated with parents to Clark County, Ohio in 1830, where they lived until 1836, when they moved to Warren, now Henderson county, where his father is still living at the age of 88 years. In 1851 the subject of this sketch married Mary A. Bigelow. She was born in Oswego county, NY in 1827. He came to this county in the spring of 1854, and built or purchased a steamer and for 12 years followed life on the Mississippi, engaging principally in towing. In 1866 he purchased his present estate of 60 acres, upon which he settled, where he has since made his home. Has a cooperage manufactory at Red Wing, and is one of the directors and vice presidents of the Mill Company of that city, and one of the early pioneers of this county. Thadeus, Clara, Olivia, Jessie, Harry, Paul and Blanch are their living children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

EASBY, George, miller, sec. 24, P.O. Red Wing.

EASTMAN, Andrew, farmer, sec. 31, P.O. White Rock

farmer, sec. 31, P.O. White Rock

EDDY, Stillman B.,
manufacturer of doors, sash and blinds, Zumbrota village. Was born in Madison county, NY on January 12, 1852. Came to Minnesota settling in Red Wing in 1865; his father John B. Eddy died in this village on March 18, 1875; his mother Laura M. Eddy died in Red Wing on December 13, 1865. Established his present business April 1876. his brother Elmer W. Eddy, was born in Madison county, NY on April 30, 1857; came to this state with the family and is now in his brother's employ. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

EDSTROM, Charles,
farmer, sec. P.O. Wastedo.

farmer, sec. 28, P.O. Wastedo

farmer, sec. 21, P.O. Wastedo. Owns 140 acres worth $6,000. Was born in Sweden in 1812. Came to America in 1854, settling in Henry county, Illinois, where he remained until the spring of 1855, when he moved to this township, where he has since resided. Married Mary Eles in Sweden. Their children are John A., Charles, Christine, August, Mary, Axel and Ferdinand. The eldest son, John A., resides on section 28, P.O. Wastedo. Owns 135 acres, worth $6,500. He was born in Sweden, July 12, 1848. Came to America and to this township with parents. Was elected township clerk in 1873 and has been elected at each succeeding election and now holds the office. Married Mathilda C. Magnuson August 3, 1872 in Vasa township. She was born in Sweden. They have had but one child, Albert M. born January 18, 1877, but died when two months old. The second son, Charles, residing on section 16, P.. Wastedo was born in Sweden February 14, 1850. Came to America to this township wiht parents. Owns 130 acres, worth $6,000. Married Christine Johnson in 1876. She was born in this township. Their children are -- Martha E. and Emma M. Has held the office of township supervisor, is Republican and member of the Swedish Lutheran Church. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

EGER, Charles
, farmer, sec 2, P.O. Red Wing.

EGER, William, farmer, sec. 2, P.O. Red Wing.

EHLEN, Louis, farmer, sec. 9, P.O. Red Wing.

EIDE, Haldor J.
farmer, sec. 20, P.O. Wastedo.

farmer, sec. 3, P.O. Vasa. lives on section 34.

farmer, sec. 30, P.O. Wastedo

farmer, sec. 16, P.O. Wastedo

retired merchant.

EMERY, H.F., nursery man, Pine Island. Born in N.H. in 1828. Came to his county in 1855, first settling in Hastings, where he pre-empted a quarter section of land. Was one fo the earliest settler. In 1856, he married Mahala Sacket, who died in 1859. They had one child, Clara E. His present wife, Martha V. Emery was born in 1843. Willard H., Nettie E, Grace M and Nina Blanche are their children. Lost two, George E. and Mariah. For some years he engaged in the mercantile pursuits. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

ENGBERG. Andrew,
farmer. section 11, P.O. Wastedo. Was born in Sweden, January 31, 1824; came to America in 1855 first settling in Red Wing, where he remained until the fall of 1857, and moved to his present place, where he now owns 210 acres of land, worth $8,000. Mr. Engberg married Johanna Freeberg in Sweden who has one child, named Albert and Charles B. who resides with his parents, born in this township April 5, 1859. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

. Vasa. was born in Sweden on November 7, 1838; emigrated to the United States and settled in Red Wing in 1856. In the spring of 1857 removed to Cannon Falls township and was there married. April 25, 1863 to Miss Louise Williams, she was born in Sweden January 1, 1840. Mr. Engberg came to his present abiding place in the fall of 1870; was appointed post master of Vasa, February 1871 and about that time engaged in the mercantile business; the firm name now being Engberg & Johnson. The family belongs to the Lutheran Church. Of Mr. Engberg's family there is one child, Ferdinand born May 9, 1864. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

ENGEBRITSON, Lorentz, farmer, sec. 31, P.O. Wastedo

, farmer, sec. 19, P.O. Vasa. Was bon in Sweden July 26, 1828. At the age of 16 years he began his shoemaker's trade and continued at that occupation until 1853; came to North Bridgewater, Mass. In the spring of 1858, came to this county and settled on this farm consisting of 167 acres worth $50 per acre. Married Elizabeth Swanson, October 10, 1853. She was born in Sweden May 14, 1827. Their children are -- John W., born September 30, 1854, Amanda H., November 23, 1856; A.H. born October 5, 1858; Nellie E. April 4, 1861; Charles E. September 13, 1863; Alma M. July 12, 1866 and Huldah M. November 8, 1868. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, 1878.


ENZ, J.F.,
dealer in groceries, South Park street. Born in Switzerland, October 15, 1830. Emigrated to this Country in 1836; settling in Galena, Illinois and in 1841 moved to Potosi, Wisconsin; thence in 1844 to Dubuque, Iowa; attended school in Platteville, Wisconsin two years. Returned to Galena in 1850, and came to this county April 22, 1855; settling in Red Red Wing. Married Mary F. Wright October 30, 1855. She was born in Harden county, Kentucky on December 12, 1834. Eliza S., Nellie M, George T. and James Edward are their living children. Bertha deceased. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

ERBAR, Peter
, farmer, sec. 16, P.O. Red Wing.

ERICKSON, E.A. (Civil War), manufacturer of wagons Born in Sweden on December 25, 1841. Emigrated to Red Wing in 1857, where he enlisted in Company H, 5th Minnesota V.I. on March 25, 1863. He was wounded in the right breast at the battle of Nashville, Tenn on December 15, 1864; re-enlisted March 28, 1864; honorably discharged September 6, 1865. Married Augusta Forse July 6, 1873; she was born in Sweden October 14, 1852. Hellen S., born May 5, 1874; Wilhemma C., February 14, 1876; Charles Earnest, September 30, 1877 are the names and births of his children. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

ERICKSON, E.M, farmer, sec. 15, P.O. Vasa.

farmer, sec. 36, P.O. Vasa.

farmer, sec. 10, P.O. Cannon Falls.

farmer, sec. 18, P.O. Vasa.

, farmer, sec. 10, P.O. Red Wing.

ERICKSON, Olaf, farmer, sec. 2, P.O. Red Wing.

ERICKSON, Peter, farmer, sec. 9, P.O. Cannon Falls

farmer, sec. 18, P.O. Belle Creek. Born in Sweden on August 14, 1815. Married Anna G. Olson. She was born September 21, 1848. Married for second wife, Ingebor Larson. She was born in Norway, January 23, 1831. Lived in Rock Island County, Illinois one year. Came to this county September 1, 1855. Owns 160 acres of land. Erick, Gustave E., Erick J. Peter G., Oscar H. are children by first marriage. Charles W., Erick L, Anna W. Johannah and John A. are children by second marriage. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.

, farmer, sec. 18, P.O. Red Wing.

ERSTAD, A.C., farmer, sec. 35, P.O. Zumbrota. Born in Norway in 1832. Emigrated to America in 1851 and settled in Iowa. Came to this county in June 1855 and made his claim in sec. 35; returned to Iowa, 1856; he came back to this township and settled on his present estate, consisting of 160 acres; owns 40 acres on sec. 3 in town of Roscoe. Married Oline Hanson in 1858; she was born in Norway in 1841; died in April, 1877. Served as supervisor in 1868 and was assessor four years. Is member of the Lutheran Church; is one of the earliest settlers of the town and has endured all the hardships of early pioneer life. Cornelius, Mary, John, Albert, Gustav, and Selma are his children. Lost three -- all named Augusta. History of Goodhue County, Red Wing, MN 1878.