the Flash... Kristen Tobin
This is the Flash! We met our freshman year at Penn State (she's a pole vaulter too). Flash and I became close friends at the beginning of our sophomore year because she wasn't injured...badly (and actually got to practice) and we had the same nutrition class.
Now, we're hang-tight buds!

Great Story.....

well, not at the time.
Kristen and I were going party hopping one evening. Our first stop was the Army party at the graduate. We were just going to stop by for 10 minutes to show face. We parked in the Arby's parking lot and ran in. Not even 10 minutes later, we came back to the car....and it's gone! Someone towed it! We spent the rest of the evening finding the towing place and waiting for the tow guy to come back. Kristen got tired of waiting, so she hopped the fence to the lot to get her CDs and cell phone. Just as she was ready to hop back over the fence, the tow guy came back. Good thing Kristen looked amazing in my hawaiian print dress, otherwise, I think she would've been BUSTED! What a night! It was a great bonding experience for us, though!

Kristen at prom

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