** Started - 01/26/99 **** Started - 01/26/99 ** 
** (7,017) Online Signatures as of – 06/06/2001 - 7:00 pm **
- Sent out with (6,762) Online Signatures as of - 11/17/00 - 
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** Kimberly McCullough Petition Signatures **


7017 & 7016 - 6/6/01 6:04:27 AM
Name: Mya and Shelton
City, State: St. Louis
Comments: We love you Kimberly. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for returning to AMC and giving a killer performance. We cried, we laughed, but we were touched in a way that only you have ever been able to. Robin is special and to the fans she is a part of our heart. We both wish you well. We would love to see you back with Finola or anywhere for that matter.
Age: 27 & 29 - married on Stones birthday!


7015 - 6/6/01 2:36:01 AM
Name: Jennifer
City, State: Uvalde, Texas
Comments: I loved that reunion; they both need to go back to GH!
Favorite Web Page: GHH2
E-Mail Address: jmar@ricc.net
Age: 22


7014 - 6/5/01 8:11:50 PM
Name: Sara Iannaco
City, State: Los Angeles, CA
Comments: The character of Robin Scorpio is a classic heroine. Kimberly McCullough is the one and only Robin. She has shined in the role for years and I hope that she is brought back home to General Hospital ASAP!
E-Mail Address: sara_i@ncjwla.org
Age: 24


7013 - 6/5/01 6:38:51 AM
Name: Courtney Bran
City, State: Rockville, MD
Comments: I can't say anymore. I love seeing Robin and Anna together, but seeing Kimberly again has made my summer. What a beautiful, moving, actress. Icing on the cake would have been Jason (Steve) in the background. Thank you All My Children for having the guts to make this reunion happen. Two of my all time favorite actresses together with the best chemistry. Thanks again and for this petition that I found out through a co-worker.


7012 - 6/5/01 12:29:59 AM
Name: Jenn
City, State: San Bruno, CA
Comments: I have been watching Kimberly McCullough since I was seven years old. I have watched GH with my mom since I was very young and I eagerly await her return to GH. Though it is selfish and I want her to do other things, I still want her (and Anna) back on GH!!
Age: 22


7011 - 6/3/01 7:50:55 PM
Name: Molynne Reid
City, State: Provo, UT
Comments: I am speechless. Kimberly, you have blown me away. AWESOME and POWERFUL acting. I miss you girl. You have me speechless over the last few days watching AMC. I can't believe how fantastic you are, I mean I have always known, but you did it. I want you back on daytime and with Finola. They chemistry you two shared was perfect.


7010 - 6/1/01 9:52:48 PM
Name: Veronica
City, State: California
Favorite Web Page: addictedtojessemetcalfe.com
E-Mail Address: CAV@GIRLZ.com


5/29/01 7:41:16 PM
7009 Name: Kelly M
City, State: Phila, PA
Comments: Kimberly is one of the best actress. She is the only Robin. Bring her back! Bring the Scorpio family back played by the original actors. And Sonny and Jason both need to grovel to Robin because they were jerks and betrayed her. Bring Robin back and show more of the Devane/Scorpio in her.


5/26/01 9:01:20 PM
7008 Name: Cammi O.
Comments: You have my vote!
Age: 25


5/25/01 9:30:54 PM
7007 Name: Jill Dent
City, State: Rochester, NY
Comments: This petition is wonderful. My sisters and I have been fans of Robin/Kimberly since she hit GH. We have missed our little sister since she left. Kimberly, you were what we rushed home to after school to see. We loved Robin and Stone and Robin and Jason (before the Carly crap). We miss you very much and long to see you back on daytime in the role that gave daytime a heart beat. Your courage to play a charter that is HIV is exceptional. To think that three little girls learned how important of a sickness HIV is important and thanked for. Kimberly, we just want you home/back on daytime.


5/22/01 8:04:06 PM
7006 Name: Starr Polling
City, State: White Plains, NY
Comments: Only a few words needed from this girl...


Age: 30


5/20/01 9:01:57 PM
7005 Name: Anicka Razoldi
City, State: St. Louis, Missouri
Comments: I am a long time GH watcher long time Robin and Jason fan. They don't make couple half as beautiful and fun as Kimberly and Steve were and always will be. I miss them deeply and keep my fingers crossed for their return
Age: 27

5/20/01 4:55:34 AM
7004 Name: sandra
City, State: lewisburg, TN
Comments: I agree with you. I wish they would bring her back, and let her get back at Carly (sorry Carly fans), and let her make Jason pay, and then she can take him back. or she can get together with Nicolas, or even A.J. I think they need her on the show. She is a wonderful actress, after she left I quit watching the show, i got tired of Carly winning all the time. I know it's just a soap opera but, I agree that it wasn't her fault, and they shouldn't of have written her out like that, and tried to make it like she was a bad guy. and Jason would still of have been smarter than what they portrayed him as. I don't think they should recast her, besides Brenda and Jax are coming back. Good luck I hope you succeed and if you do, i'll start watching again.
Favorite Web Page: soapzone.com
E-Mail Address: elviravampira27ba37091@hotmail.com


5/17/01 3:39:24 AM
7003 Name: sally
City, State: San Diego, ca


5/10/01 11:08:36 AM
7002 Name: Jennifer Schock
City, State: Wyandotte, MI
E-Mail Address: Jen7426@aol.com
Age: 27


5/6/01 8:11:19 PM
7001 Name: Lara Macalaster
City, State: Sterling, VA
Comments: Bring Kimberly back ASAP! I miss her dearly and love Robin and Jason.
Age: 32

5/2/01 8:44:16 PM
7000 Name: Holly Seymour
City, State: PA
Comments: I have been hearing many rumors I keep thinking, maybe, Robin and again. I hope. Kimberly you are a beautiful, wonderful, special person and actress. I hope you return to the soap world soon.


4/30/01 3:01:56 AM
6999 Name: sally
City, State: San Diego, Ca
Comments: Robin and Jason’s love was so pure and true. I get tears in my eyes thinking about all the passion and warmth that was between them and is now gone. If GH brings back robin I will once again be a fan of the show. I lost a lot of respect for GH when they tried to put Liz with Jason. They made Jason into a whiny punk. Robin will always have his heart. And that is the way it should be.
Favorite Web Page: j&r lovers and fighters
E-Mail Address: di3s3l69@aol.com
Age: 21


4/26/01 11:32:59 AM
6998 Name: Ugonna Wosu
City, State: Quebec, Canada
Comments: I want Robin and Jason back together. Jason and Liz is nothing but a copy -cat of Robin and Jason. He even looks at Liz the same way as he did Robin. Put R&J back together, they were the real thing!!!! KICK CARLY TO THE MOOOON--FINALLY!!!!!!!!!
E-Mail Address: lizasi_39@yahoo.com
Age: 20


4/24/01 9:09:46 PM
6997 Name: Mallorie Jenkin
City, State: Penn. State
Comments: I am so happy that this petition was created. I am behind it 100%. I want Robin home and Jason on his hands a knees. I am a fan for life Kimberly.
Age: 25


4/21/01 12:27:19 AM
6996 Name: Robert
City, State: Titusville Fl
Comments: I think with the new developments on all my children regarding Anna. Kimberly should be brought back. I have heard that she will make an appearance on all my children. I think Finola and Kimberly should both be brought back to general hospital
E-Mail Address: malachi666@mail.com
Age: 20

4/20/01 4:37:24 PM
6995 Name: Erin
City, State: NC
Comments: Kimberly McCullough is a great actress and made GH the best show. The love story of Jason and Robin was the best and it made all of us wish that we could find the true happiness that they felt
E-Mail Address: pinkprincess17_19@hotmail.com
Age: 17


4/20/01 4:27:31 PM
6994 Name: Amy
City, State: NC
Comments: Kimberly’s romance with Steve (Jason) was so exciting. You never really knew what was going to happen. The love that they had was unspeakable. No one can replace Kimberly McCullough; she is the only one who can play the role of robin.
E-Mail Address: prince_charming_wanted16@yahoo.com


4/17/01 9:25:40 AM
6993 Name: sylvie malenfant
City, State: campbellton, n.b. CANADA
Favorite Web Page: SECRET GARDEN
E-Mail Address: malenfan@nbnet.nb.ca
Age: 28


4/16/01 7:36:57 PM
6992 Name: Suzi
City, State: Hampton VA
Comments: Bring back Robin! She is and always will be a part of GH history.

E-Mail Address: javajac@yahoo.com
Age: ?


4/15/01 5:48:30 PM
6991 Name: Eddie Huo
City, State: NY
Comments: I like Kimberly in ONCE & AGAIN better because well I seen her only on ONCE & AGAIN.
Favorite Web Page: http://geocities.com/evanrachelwood2000
E-Mail Address: webmaster@evanrachelwood.every1.net
Age: 17


4/14/01 9:58:22 PM
6990 Name: Jani Quilbele
City, State: Rockville, MD
Comments: Bring Kimberly back - to all my children, ok, just bring her back.


4/14/01 6:46:42 PM
6989 Name: Ava Manastruttuecii
City, State: Cambridge, Mass
Comments: 15 years a huge Kimberly McCullough fan. I love her like a sister and miss her the same. AMC or GH anywhere she shows up, I am there. Dream - Robin and Jason. I miss her and keep wishing for a perm return.
Age: 29


4/12/01 2:31:18 AM
6982 Name: Ali Elsalim, 6983 Sarah Wydmuch, 6984 Cady Habib, 6985 M Halloum, 6986 Bilal Akkaoui, 6987 Roberta Tacuri, 6988 Ami Elsanoussi
Comments: We love you Kimberly, please come back to GH. We miss you very much.
Age: under 30


4/11/01 7:18:48 PM
6980 Name: Keeliann & 6981 Dustra Lynch
City, State: Lynnwood, Washington
Comments: My sister and I are huge fans. Please Kimberly come how. We want Robin and Jason together again.
Age: 25 & 31


4/11/01 7:13:08 PM
6979 Name: Karla
City, State: CT
Comments: I would like Kimberly to come back, but I also want Steve to come back, he is leaving for a movie......and will he be back?
Favorite Web Page : generalhospital.com
E-Mail Address : angeldust333@hotmail.com
Age : 16


4/9/01 7:06:44 PM
6978 Name : Robyn Mattheiss
City, State : North Olmsted, Ohio
Comments : With all the gossip that's going on I hope it's true that Robin and Jason will be again. I gave up watching G.H. back in 1999, Kimberly would bring me back in a flash. Kutos for this awesome petition.
Age : 26


4/8/01 8:51:30 PM
6977 Name : Rosie Hurst-Conway
City, State : Coral Springs, Florida
Comments : All those rumors have me getting so excited. I don't know what to believe, but I am excited. I love Robin and Jason, Anna and Robert and Brenda and Sonny. I wish we could go back in time and capture some of those memories again. To Kimberly, you are my favorite soap actress. I grew up as a Robin fan and still am . I hope you return and Steve return too. I love Robin and Jason together.


4/4/01 8:11:16 PM
6976 Name : Laverne Forning
City, State : North Carolina
Comments : I have been a Robin fan for most of my life. Loving Robin and Jason together. I miss you Kimberly and Robin and Jason. I want to see more of my favorite couple
Age : 33


4/3/01 9:29:36 PM
6975 Name : Kimberly M fan I ,messed up last time I'm not Kimberly
City, State : MO
Comments : I really enjoyed watching GH when Kimberly was on the show. Being a very talented actress Kim grew up on GH and no other actress can replace her because no one knows Robin's character better than she does. She has done a wonderful job portraying a strong female character is isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. While watching her on GH I felt I could really identify with her character and in my heart I know she belongs with Jason. No other actress will do, if she is recast I might as well not even watch the show.
Favorite Web Page : bryanadams.com
E-Mail Address : irishgrlba@aol.com but will change to irishgirlba@aol.com soon.
Age : 22


4/2/01 5:09:26 PM
6974 Name: salome yekta
City, State: San Diego, ca
Comments: the only time when GH was memorable was when Robin and Jason were together. They showed true love and I will always fight to see them together.
Favorite Web Page : j&r lovers and fighters
E-Mail Address : di3s3l69@aol.com
Age : 21


4/2/01 4:30:06 PM
6964 Name : The Drug Store Ladies (Dorothy Decker, 6965 Connie Bly, 6966 Angela Mora, 6967 Alex Madrigal, 6968 Jane Reynolds, 6969 Sheri Garbaldi, 6970 Heather Madrigal, 6971 Mary Rurton, 6972 Sonya Alvarez, 6973 Meli Shephard
City, State : the Bay Area, California
Comments : We wanted to sign this petition to get back one of our favorite actresses of all time on "General Hospital;" Kimberly McCullough. Those of us old enough, remember her when she first came on the show, a precocious and spunky little girl that quickly became Port Charles' favorite daughter. Those of us not old enough to remember her in those days, started watching her when she was a teenager, going through the same exact things we were, and we came to identify with her; she represented us. Robin became our sister, our daughter, our friend, and what she felt, we felt, because of the superb acting and characterization that Kimberly brought to this character.

We were not only disheartened at the way that both Kimberly and Robin were written out of the show in 1998, but also disgusted. And many of us have not watched the show since. But when we heard that not only was the character of Anna Scorpio being resurrected (finally!), but that the character of Carly Benson would be exiting soon (a character that, although some of us can tolerate, none of us like), we knew that this was the perfect time to see a return of Robin Scorpio.

We want Robin back, we want her reunited with her beloved mom Anna, and we want her to be treated with the respect and love storyline wise, that she was not treated with in 1998.

No one other than Kimberly McCullough will do for us. So please, do us a favor, and yourselves as well, and bring back Kimberly McCullough as Robin Scorpio. Bring back the character who made us cry with her when her parents and Stone died; who made us feel her pain and confusion as she dealt with her HIV status; who made us see Jason Morgan through the eyes of love.

Bring back Kimberly and Robin, and you will bring back the fans!

Age : 18-52 years


6963 4/1/01 5:24:25 PM
Name : Amy J.
City, State : Phila. PA
Favorite Web Page : any about GH
E-Mail Address : amyjgh@aol.com
Age : 26 years old


6962 4/1/01 1:12:28 PM
Name : Coria Sheldon
City, State : Mass,
Comments : Come home Kimberly!


6961  3/31/01 5:09:19 PM
Name : melissa
City, State : Mi
Comments : I have to say GH is getting more and more horrible by the day if the fan sites are any indication. I hope TPTB see how the fans want Kimberly back as indicated in the various soap magazines. Please get a clue and bring the girl back. She is the magic the show needs once again. TPTB tried to force the character of Liz into the role of Robin and it did not work. Please try for the real thing. I would also love for Tristan Rogers to come back.


3/30/01 11:51:50 AM
6960 Name : Connie Blyth
City, State : San Francisco, CA.
Comments : With the soon departure of Sarah Brown and Carly Whatever (yay about that, btw) and the resurrection of Anna Devane on AMC, now is the perfect time to bring back Kimberly McCullough's Robin Scorpio.

She is one of GH's most beloved heroines and she deserved a heck of a lot better treatment than she received in 1998 and I am hoping with the new regime at GH that the show will use her to her utmost character abilities.

Please bring back Kimberly and Robin and give me a reason to watch GH again!!

Favorite Web Page : so many!
Age : 42

3/28/01 3:11:42 AM
6959 Name : Michelle De Santis
City, State : Colorado
Comments : I implore TPTB at GH to bring back Kimberly McCullough as Robin and the rest of the Scorpio family. These beloved characters are an integral part of the history of the show, and it would benefit greatly from having them back.

Frankly, I have been and am sick to death of watching the Carly Hour, and having characters like Robin and Sonny, who have been on the show forever, destroyed at her hands. It's time to put some believability back into GH, and bring back a character and actress who is *truly worthy* of a front burner storyline. The way Robin was written out was a gross disservice to the character and the actress, especially considering the number of years she devoted to GH. She should have been treated better, and it's time TPTB realize this and rectify their mistake by asking her to return and giving her what she wants.

Favorite Web Page : www.geocities.com/musemystic/index.html
E-Mail Address : micki@uos.net
Age : 31


3/23/01 4:45:50 AM
6954 Name :  Margaret Coffey/ 6955 Carolyn Flint/ 6956 Kathleen Fergus/ 6957 Gabrielle Metelli/ 6958 Lyn Stewart
City, State : San Diego/ Waco TX/Washington State/ Seattle/Jacksonville
Comments : We wish to express our pleasure at the return of Anna Devane Scorpio. We have missed her so much and have waited a long time for her return.

We would love to say that we are looking forward to seeing Anna reunited with her daughter, Robin.

Finola has said herself that this is a must and we totally agree with her.

We want to express that we do not want a recast Robin or a substitute Robin, it must be Kimberly McCullough.

So we join together to voice our plea to GH, AMC and ABC Daytime, to do whatever it takes to bring back Kimberly McCullough as Robin Scorpio.

We have one half of the package, now give us the other half to make a whole.

Thank you.

Favorite Web Page : ABC.com/The Scorpio Files/R&A m/b/AMC Pages
E-Mail Address : N/A
Age : mid 20s to late 20s


6950  3/18/01 8:49:01 AM
Name : Jullette Connell, 6951 Mara Tusoddi, 6952 Marlene Swigger, 6953 Stacie Wemiller
City, State : Wyandotte, Michigan
Comments : A million different things to say, but it all boils down to one thing, we love our Kimberly. We miss her and would love to see her back with (the old) Steve Burton.
Age : 28x3


6949  3/15/01 8:46:26 PM
Name : Bella Richie
City, State : Coral Springs, FL
Comments : 25 years of watching General Hospital. I beg GH to bring back Robin and Jason. They are the couple I have ever loved!
Age : 31


6948  3/12/01 10:13:54 PM
Name : supporter of kimberly
City, State : USA
Comments : Kimberly is the only actress that can portray the character Robin, no one else could fill her shoes and I feel she had every right to tell the truth about Michael. Shame on GH for having Jason (who has been by her side and in love with her for so long) ask her to keep a secret just to keep Carly happy.
E-Mail Address : irishgrlba@aol.com
Age : 20's

6947  3/11/01 2:24:01 AM
Name : Tracy Runco
City, State : Farmington, Michigan
Comments : Shame on GH for ruining Robin and Jason for Carly. Michael was AJ son not Jason. Robin should have told the truth so much earlier.
E-Mail Address : nhlsy19@aol.com


6946  3/10/01 6:24:45 PM
Name : Andrea Bowling
City, State : South Shore, KY
Comments : I love the way Kimberly played her roll as Robin. You should bring her back to GH.
now that Anna is alive on AMC. you should reunite the too.

Age : 15
6945 - 3/9/01 12:14:36 PM
Name: Sasha Rodriguez
City, State: New York NY
Comments: A shame the way they wrote her out. Bring her back with a real good story.
Age: 21
6944 - 3/8/01 7:48:13 PM
Name: Heyanni Kohn
City, State: Glendale, CA
Comments: I wish you would return Kimberly. As a Robin fan I have been keeping the faith about Robin and Jason being together again.
Age: 28
3/5/01 4:58:35 PM
6943 - Julie James, 6942  Rebecca Benson
City, State: Port Hansen
Comments: With Anna back on AMC, GH has to bring her over to GH. And then give us our dream come true....
An Anna and Robin reunion.
Please GH please bring back Kimberly and give the fans this wonderful gift, reuniting Robin with her mom.
3/4/01 9:18:25 AM
6941 - Jasellienia Vasquez & 6940 Lee Hershall
City, State: Vancouver
Comments: We love you Kimberly. You are what General Hospital needs and only dreams about. Since you left General Hospital has been flat and boring. With the talent that you have Kimberly we know you can go far, but our selfish side misses you so much. The character of Robin is a joy to watch. We have learned so much about HIV and it's importance. Kimberly, god bless you for all your meaningful, beautiful, moving moments. You will never be forgotten. So please come back girl. 
Age: 25 &33
6939 - 3/4/01 9:09:27 AM
Name: Marisole Lopez
City, State: Vancouver
Comments: I miss you terribly Kimberly. A Robin and Jason fan for life!
Age: 32
6938 - 3/3/01 11:44:47 PM
Name: Lynnie Shannon
City, State: Churchville, NY
Comments: 7,000 fans all wanting Kimberly to return. Over 7,000 fans that have been missing her and wishing her return. The fans speak the truth.
Age: 28
6937 - 3/3/01 11:17:34 PM
Name: Justine Kershner
City, State: Caldwell, Idaho
Comments: This petition rocks! As a former General Hospital watcher, I agree with all the other comments made. I simply love Robin and Jason. I love Kimberly and Steve together and that's all I am interested in seeing on GH I can't get over how stupid Steve Burton has been written. Steve need Kimberly, he shines with her. Steve has the capability to be a great actor but he needs some sunshine (Kimberly) and some material that is worthy of his own talent. I was excited when he returned but, I have never been so disappointed. Steve is weak, uninteresting, and boring. Further more, Steve needs to drop that ego and the writers need to bring back Steve's magic.....Kimberly. Now I don't mean to be harsh, but Robin and Jason mean the world to me when it comes to soaps. The talent and professionalism that Kimberly brings to GH is powerful to everyone.
6936 - 3/2/01 1:26:16 PM
Name: Melissa
City, State: Grand Blanc, MI
Comments: I grew up watching GH but stopped in the early 90's however during my college years The Robin/Stone/Jason storyline was all the rage and I started watching again. I loved the relationship of Robin and Jason and continued to watch until Robin left again. Periodically I get updates through friends and it saddens me to hear the references made to Robin by Jason and Sonny. It seems as if the writers are tarnishing her character at every turn. Kimberly you are an incredible actress good luck in all that you do but I hope to see you on GH again. I believe it would be the only reason for me to watch again. Also does anyone else think that 98 was the last good year GH had.
6935 - 3/2/01 1:04:41 PM
Name: Meg
City, State: Linden, MI
Comments: I would like to see Robin and Jason back together again but only if portrayed by Steve Burton and Kimberly McCullough. They have such great chemistry. Please don't recast Robin. I stopped watching the show when she left because she was one of the last characters left that had any history with the show that I grew up watching. Please if possible bring back the "Girl with no future and the boy with no past". I am also disappointed with the references made about Robin in regards to the Jason/Robin storyline. It seems as if they are tarnishing her character in every way possible. 
Favorite Web Page: Jason & Robin reuniters. 
E-Mail Address: meggon@umich.edu
Age: 24
3/2/01 1:24:55 AM
6934 - Jessie Brown, 6933 Sisi Piquex
City, State: Long Island
Comments: We just want to say that we are so happy to get Anna back. 
Now complete the story and bring back Robert and Robin also.
But only Tristan and Kimberly will do.
6932 - 3/1/01 6:20:57 AM
Name: Mya Parker
City, State: Chicago, Illinois
Comments: I could say so much about Robin and Jason, the current General Hospital and Kimberly and Steve. I am just going to leave it at I miss them both together and hate the current General Hospital. I love Kimberly, she is the reason General Hospital developed a heart.
Age: 26
6931 - 2/27/01 2:36:50 PM
Name: Elizabeth McGinty
City, State: Hatboro, PA
Comments: Please bring Kimberly back so we can have a Jason and Robin reunion!!
Age: 18
6930 - 2/25/01 11:41:22 AM
Name: Sandra Balacki
City, State: Freeland, Michigan
Comments: A yell "I miss you Kimberly"!-Sandra
2/25/01 1:33:13 AM
6929  Joan Rochford, 6928 Suzie Rochford, 6927 Sammi Smith
City, State: Ohio
Comments: We are huge Scorpio fans and are so happy to have found this petition and would love to add our names to it.
There is nothing we want more than to see all the Scorpio's home. Robert, Anna and Robin.
Can you imagine the hype if GH would give this to the fans.
Please do it. It is long overdue; let's see ALL the Scorpio's home.
Favorite Web Page: The Scorpio Files
Age: 23, 26, 26
6926 - 2/24/01 8:22:55 PM
Name: Drania Carrithers
City, State: Jackson, Ten.
Comments: Please add my name to this petition at once! I wish I could talk to those at GH and tell them how missed Kimberly is. I can't think of anyone that is more missed and loved. Robin and Jason is not over, we need more of them.
Favorite Web Page: Many
Age: 30
6925 - 2/24/01 7:01:59 PM
Name: Cheryl O'Neil
City, State: Ocean City, MD
Comments: I am one of five in my family that love Robin and Jason. As the youngest of three sisters, I grew up a huge Kimberly and Steve fan. Kimberly, I miss you GIRL!
Age: 25
6924 - 2/24/01 6:42:31 PM
Name: Rose-Marie Dwyer
City, State: Jefferson City, MO
Comments: I have been quite about my wanting Kim back no longer. I love Robin and Jason and want them together again. I support any campaign to reunite Kimberly and Steve. We fans need to put our feet down. I am sick of this storyless General Hospital. I want Robin and Jason!
6923 - 2/24/01 3:29:50 PM
Name: Danielle
City, State: San Diego, Ca.
Comments: I don't get this everyone can get a contract but Kimberly, and I think Angela Shapiro needs to offer her a contract so she can leave and do other things or have a out clause like she gave Carly (Sarah) and Steve.
Maybe Angela needs to go also. Come home Kim soon, we are at 7000 we all love you and I pray everynight that you return, and I hope to see you in June for the Nurses Ball
Age: 32
6922 - 2/24/01 1:03:03 PM
Name: Ronda P.
City, State: Conway, AR
Comments: I really loved the Robin and Jason love story. I hated the way Jason and Sonny let Carly hurt her and run over her all the time. I want Jason and Sonny to do right by Robin and beg for her forgiveness and punish Carly for all the lousy low down things she did to her. I want Jason and Robin together again.
Favorite Web Page: Way to many to list.
E-Mail Address: fluffy_r@hotmail.com
Age: 41
6921 - 2/24/01 9:19:09 AM
Name: Suzi K
City, State: Hampton VA
Comments: Bring back Robin...unite her with Jason once again. I think we need to have Jason and Sonny both ask for forgiveness for the way they treated her when she let the truth be known about Michael.
The powers that be need to fix the way Robin departed GH.......that was a sad day, she was so brutalized by Carly, and her heart broken by the people she loved, Jason and Sonny.
Favorite Web Page: There are way too many to choose!
E-Mail Address: javajac@aol.com
Age: 50
6920 - 2/23/01 10:48:16 PM
Name: Lucy Sinclair
City, State: Richmond Heights, Oh
Comments: I have been a fan forever Kimberly. I see you as a sister (I already have three). I watched you grow up on the soaps, this beautiful actress, with a smile that is golden. One thing in for sure, I love Kimberly and Steve together. I love Robin and Jason. They are realistic, humbling, and moving. It's as if acting together isn't acting. I want Robin and Jason back together.
Age: 28
6919 - 2/23/01 10:11:00 PM
Name: michelle mcgurk
City, State: mohawk, ny
Comments: Kimberly should come back it is not the same without her. Robin and Jason belong together. They are great together so bring Kimberly back!!!!
Favorite Web Page: the romance garden
E-Mail Address: mcgurkntcnet.com
Age: 25
6918 - 2/22/01 7:19:30 PM
Name: Maureen B
City, State: Andover, Massachusetts
Comments: I have stopped watching GH because Kimberly left. I would love to see all the Scorpio's return as well as some of the romance GH used to have.
GH has turned me off with the writing and I can only hope the new head writer and staff will turn in better storylines.
Kimberly McCullough is the only Robin and she belongs with backstabbing Jason.
Favorite Web Page: soapzone.com
E-Mail Address: vintgmomma@aol.com
Age: 45
6917 - 2/22/01 4:14:47 PM
Name: Sarah Ziemba
City, State: Mass.
Comments: I love Robin and Jason. Their story line was truly remarkable. I really enjoyed watching Robin in her many story lines, they gave me a reason to tune in every afternoon. Please bring Kimberly McCullough back on the show!!! 
Age: 18
6916 - 2/21/01 7:21:00 PM
Name: Mary Bethie Showden
City, State: Washington, DC, NW
Comments: I miss Robin and Jason. The same as everyone else. Lets all band together and bring Kimberly home!
6915 - 2/21/01 6:23:25 AM
Name: Kelly Beckerworth
City, State: Jonesboro, Arkansas
Comments: I have been a long time watcher of G.H. Over the past few years there has been nothing. I miss Robin and Jason, but it is mainly Kimberly as Robin. So special and talented. Kimberly gave G.H. the realism and power that soaps can only dream of. I want her back but wish her much success in her life. 
6914 - 2/20/01 7:53:15 PM
Name: Gennie Jack
City, State: Dallas, TX
Comments: Remarkable petition. I want Kimberly back too.
Age: 31
6913 - 2/20/01 7:31:31 PM
Name: Marie Murrel
City, State: Atlanta, GA
Comments: General Hospital's Robin and Jason are the reason I starting watching soaps. Kimberly and Steve are the reason why there is love in the afternoons. Such pure beautiful chemistry that lingers on and on. I love them and miss them.
2/20/01 1:13:08 AM
6912 - Bonnie Takeuchi, 6911 M Cortese, 6910 Lynne LaFrenois
City, State: DePere WI, Ontario Canada, Totowa NJ
Comments: If Jill Farren Phelps and Angela Shapiro could bring back Kimberly McCullough as Robin we will LOVE HER forever.
We truly miss her. We miss all the Scorpio's and would love to see them all back.
Favorite Web Page: The Scorpio Files
Age: 20-30
2/20/01 1:10:09 AM
6908 - Eleanor Starnes, 6907 Sonia Timmerman, 6906 Inge Webb
City, State: Amboy NJ, Hammond IN, Tucker GA
Comments: All together now.....
Tristan, Finola and Kimberly
Age: mid twenties
2/20/01 1:08:29 AM
6905 -  Donna Dobson, 6904 Vibeke Alnot Fong, 6903 Kurt Gilespie
City, State: Kansas City MO, Suisun, CA
Comments: We have to add our names to this wonderful petition and say how much we would love to see Kimberly back as Robin Scorpio.
And while GH are at, bring back Robert & Anna also.
Favorite Web Page: The Scorpio Files
Age: 23, 29, 31
2/20/01 1:06:29 AM
6902 - Jacki Corbet, 6901 Kathi Allard, 6900 Diana Barger
City, State: Lyons County, Mississauga Ont, Des Moines, IA
Comments: We are all huge SCORPIO fans and would love for nothing more than to see this family home.
We have waited years for a family reunion and it can only be done with Tristan, Finola and Kimberly.
PLEASE bring them all back. We miss them.
Favorite Web Page: The Scorpio Files
6899 - 2/19/01 7:20:38 PM
Name: Carie Hedequest
City, State: Tempe, Ariz.
Comments: I have been a fan for a long time. I truly miss and love the character Robin S. Please return Kimberly.
6898 - 2/19/01 7:04:56 PM
Name: Chelsea Young
City, State: New York
Comments: The day Anna, Robert and Robin Scorpio return to GH will be the day I return to GH!! I hope it's soon!! :-)
Age: 40
6897 - 2/19/01 5:31:40 PM
Name: Robin Richter
City, State: Wisconsin
Comments: Please bring back the Scorpio's (Anna, Robert and Robin) to GH! We've waited long enough for their reunion! And NO RECASTS!! I'm still trying to get over the temporary recast of Anna from 1992! 
Age: 39
6896 - 2/19/01 5:28:08 PM
Name: Jessica Jenson
City, State: Coconut Grove, FL 33133
Comments: PLEASE, PLEASE, Kimberly come home. I miss you so much.
6895 - 2/19/01 5:25:34 PM
Name: Lizaeann Esparza
City, State: Las Vegas
Comments: I hope the power of the fans is what brings Kimberly back to Steve to General Hospital. Not sure what I could say that would be new, just that I love Robin and Jason and have missed them for a very long time. I miss all the beautiful love they share. It's pure, real, and dreamy.
Age: Just turned 30 today
6894 - 2/18/01 9:44:14 AM
Name: Brenda Sussman
City, State: La Crescenta, Ca
Comments: I miss it. It is the love story of Robin and Jason. I totally and completely miss Robin and Jason 100%. I adore Kimberly McCullough, I always have. I love Kimberly and Steve Burton together. I miss, love, adore, them both and hope for their return. You can try and try to copy but why, when you can have the real thing, thanks heaven for Kimberly and Steve. 
Age: 28
6893 -  C Jackson, M Hughes, 6892 J Freebanks
City, State: Santa Clara, CA
Comments: We wonder if ABC are smart enough to bring back the Scarps? 
We truly hope so we would love to see them back.
A reunion between Kimberly, Tristan and Finola would be awesome.
We hope you will come back to GH for that Kimberly. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.
Favorite Web Page: Soapzone
Age: 21, 19, 23
2/18/01 2:14:39 AM
6891 - Jennifer Woods, 6890 Ingrid Kijic
City, State: Chicago
Comments: If GH bring back the Scarps we will run right over to GH and shower Jill Farren Phelps with flowers.
Please, please, bring the Scarps home.
We love you Kimberly and miss you as Robin.
You MUST come home.
Favorite Web Page: Robert & Anna Page
Age: 26, 24
2/17/01 8:03:49 PM
6889 - 2/17/01 8:01:13 PM
Name: Julianne Miviaklovic
City, State: Chicago
Comments: I am shouting too and down on my knees begging........
But ONLY with Tristan, Finola and Kimberly in the roles!!
Make it happen.
Age: 27
6888 - Melissa Brownleigh, 6887 Sam Jones
City, State: Chicago
Comments: We agree that we only want Tristan, Finola and Kimberly in the roles of Robert, Anna & Robin.
We are shouting at the top of our voices.....PLEASE BRING BACK THE SCORPIOS!!!!
Age: 25ish
2/17/01 7:59:12 PM
6886 -  Melissa Brownleigh, 6885 Sam Jones
City, State: Chicago
Comments: We agree that we only want Tristan, Finola and Kimberly in the roles of Robert, Anna & Robin.
We are shouting at the top of our voices.....PLEASE BRING BACK THE SCORPIOS!!!!
Age: 25ish
6885 - 2/17/01 7:59:04 PM
6884 - 2/17/01 7:57:04 PM
Name: Suzie James
City, State: Chicago
Comments: I am a Scorpio fan and our group are hearing so many rumors about the return of Robert, Anna. And of course that must mean Robin.
We sign this petition with the hope that these rumors come true b/c it will make us very happy to see them back.
But we also want to stress that it is only Tristan, Finola and Kimberly we want in the roles.
Age: 25 ish
6883 - 2/17/01 7:51:57 PM
Name: Rebecca Benson
City, State: Wichita, Kansas
Comments: That does it....I have had it with this Jason & Liz rubbish.
Come on, a grown man fighting with a teenage boy about a teenage girl...give me a break.
Kimberly, I beg you, please come back to GH soon. GH and the fans desperately need you.
Not to mention Steve/Jason.
Love you and miss you dearly.
Age: 20
6882 - 2/16/01 8:17:19 PM
Name: April Shindy
City, State: Pittsburgh, Pa
Comments: I really miss my Robin and Jason. General Hospital hasn't been the same without Kimberly. I am glad I have old shows on tape to help me remember how special GH use to be with Robin and Jason.
Age: 29
6881 - 2/16/01 12:38:12 PM
Name: Amy Robertson
City, State: Newport News, VA
Comments: My only reason for watching GH was the romance between Robin and Jason.
Favorite Web Page: Jason and Robin Lovers and Fighters
E-Mail Address: spielphan@aol.com
Age: 18
6880 - 2/15/01 7:11:45 PM
Name: Megan Lester-Browne
City, State: Louisville, Ohio
Comments: For 23 years I have been watching General Hospital. A show that was dear to my heart is slowly falling apart. Kimberly McCullough is a blessing to the soap world. With her talent, chemistry, and her just being her she has given fans many memorable, touching, beautiful moments. I love the character Robin. I miss Kimberly and I want her back. Please do something about this. 
6879 - 2/15/01 7:03:17 PM
Name: Faubert
City, State: LONG ISLAND, NY
Comments: Robin was the greatest character on GH and I miss her being played by KM. The show really needs her spirit
6878 - 2/13/01 6:34:15 PM
Name: Laurlee Andretti
City, State: Tampa, Fl
Comments: p!l!e!a!s!e come back Kimberly. So many miss you so much. I know you have moved on to other projects but your home is with General Hospital. With Robin and Jason together and their love story reaching a deeper ground. Your work have been extremely powerful and enjoyable to watch. You have moved me. I miss Robin and want her back anyway she can come back, Kimberly.
Age: 25
6877 - 2/12/01 6:20:57 PM
Name: Julie T.
City, State: California
Comments: I just Love Kimberly McCullough and I want her back on General hospital!
I want to see a Happy reunion with Jason and Robin:) They could so many great storylines. I seriously do not want Liz and Jason pairing they have no chemistry I want Liz 
and Lucky and Jason and Robin.
E-Mail Address: DesirableJewel17@aol.com
Age: 17
6876 - 2/11/01 2:59:45 PM
Name: Grace G.
City, State: Tampa, FL
Comments: I fell in love with Robin and Jason one day and have never changes my mind. Sure there is Luke and Laura and Todd and Blair and Brenda and Sonny, but no one compares to the beautiful Robin and Jason. I would love to have Kim & Steve together.
Age: 26
6875 - 2/11/01 9:45:18 AM
Name: kelly o'conner
City, State: Pittsburgh, pa
Comments: Kimberly and Steve the most loved couple of daytime. Please bring these two back together again. Thanks
6874 - 2/11/01 8:57:44 AM
Name: Sallie Pallen
City, State: Colorado Springs, CO
Comments: More then ever General Hospital needs Kimberly McCullough back. Kimberly as Robin and Steve as Jason, how special and beautiful they are together. I have missed this pair since the last day they parted. No one can ever replace their everything.
Age: 30
6873 - Darla, 6872 Cameryn, 6871 Eliza, & 6870 Amanda 
City, State: Freeland, Michigan
Comments: Come home Kimberly. We miss you honey.
Favorite Web Page: Soapzone
Age: 24 across the board
2/10/01 9:53:49 PM
6869 - 2/10/01 8:46:50 PM
Name: Tracie Canova-Kleu
City, State: Louisville, Ohio
Comments: 7000 names already. Now it's 7001+. I can't say it enough I miss Robin. Kimberly is the one of the best actresses on daytime and she has been missing from our hearts for a long time. I want her back with Steve, ASAP!
6868 - 2/10/01 8:43:42 PM
Name: Valarie Radonld
City, State: Louisville, Ohio
Comments: Just heard about the petition at a school event. First, what a great idea. Second, I love and miss Robin and Jason. I miss them terribly. I wish GH would bring Kimberly back. There has to be a way to work something out. She is "our icing on the cake". Great luck with this petition, I know I will be telling my friends. We are still watching old R&J stuff.
6867 - 2/10/01 8:55:43 AM
Name: Chritiana Albue
City, State: Covington, Kentucky
Comments: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MISS You Kimberly! OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I am a huge Robin and Jason fan till the end. I want them back together again, enough is enough, I miss Kimberly and I miss Robin and Jason. It is nice that Steve has returned, but without Kimberly he is nothing. Steve needs Kimberly so he can melt away. Liz/Becky is sweet but she is nowhere even near Kimberly McCullough. Please come back Kimberly, I beg of you.
Age: 27
6866 - 2/9/01 9:11:05 AM
Name: Lynn Tyler
City, State: Calverton, NY
Comments: I would like to keep Robin on GH. She is a big part of the show.
E-Mail Address: lynnt1956@cs.com
Age: 44
6865 - 2/8/01 6:47:36 PM
Name: Paty Thackey
City, State: Rockville, MD
Comments: I really miss you Kimberly. The light turned off the day you left and as you see with this petition, we fans have been waiting to turn it on again. I'm a bit of a quite fan, I don't read the magazines and rarely check out the ABC Web sites, because I know how bad the show has become. I just miss all my reasons for enjoying GH. I miss the couple of all couples, Robin and Jason. I truly believe in the magic you share with Steve. I keep my hope that you will return. Thank you for this petition.
Age: 31
6864 - 2/8/01 6:29:57 AM
Name: Ashlee R. Mullally
City, State: Pine Grove, PA
Comments: I have felt the same way as I did the day Kimberly left. I miss her. I love the character Robin. Robin is the power of General Hospital. She is the only character with a heart. I don't care to watch GH much anymore. I miss my couple, Robin and Jason. They need to be together.
Age: 26
6853 - 2/7/01 7:31:14 PM
Name: Cate Larren
City, State: NY, NY
Comments: I miss you Kimberly!
6852 - 2/4/01 2:53:59 PM
Name: shannon hagemann
City, State: frederick, md
Comments: I would like Robin back on the show because she gave Jason a better life
Age: 15
6851 - 2/4/01 9:40:50 AM
Name: Shelli Coverdale
City, State: Chicago, IL
Comments: I love this petition, thank you for it. I can't begin to express how much I miss Robin and Jason and the talent of Kimberly McCullough herself. I am only a fan of the show because of her and the beautiful talent that she has. I do miss Kimberly and Robin and Jason together.
6850 - Debbie Jackson, 6849 Joshua Eggleton, 6848 Jenny Smythe, 6847 Becky Pillington, 6846 Mattie Lawson, 6845 Helga Johannson, 6844 Millie Washington
City, State: Brooklyn, Bayside, Flushing, Queens, New York
Comments: We have to add our names and agree with our other friends.
GH needs to bring back Tristan and Kimberly.
GH is not the same without them.
Age: 20-30
2/4/01 4:50:45 AM
6843 - Carol Tesoriero, 6842 Melissa James, 6841 Cindy Baker, 6840 Victoria Rubuk, 6839 Sam Black
City, State: Brooklyn, Bayside, Flushing, Queens, New York
Comments: We would love to add our names to this petition. We tried watching Steve's return but did not get past the first 2 days.
All we did was realize just how much we miss Kimberly and how much we want Jason and Robin reunited and back together.
GH are so silly if they don't beg her to come back.
And while we are at it, what about Tristan Rogers? He wants to come back, how about a phone call?
Age: 20 - 30
2/4/01 4:47:48 AM
6838 - 2/3/01 6:58:42 PM
Name: Joy Roginni
City, State: Santa Clara, CA
Comments: Would love to have you back Kimberly. I miss you Kimberly!
Age: 24
6837 - 2/3/01 8:24:46 AM
Name: Paulynn Hass
City, State: Metuchen, NJ
Comments: It's so nice that there are 7,000 other Kimberly fans that miss her as much as I do. I feel the same as everyone else; I just want you back on General Kimberly. I miss Robin and Jason. I miss Robin with Mac, Sonny, and Jax's. Please come back Kimberly.
Age: 32
6836 - 2/3/01 8:21:50 AM
Name: Angelika Dwindle
City, State: Metuchen, NJ
Comments: All I can say is that I fell in love with Robin and Jason from the start and I miss them terribly. Kim, you are a god and have the power of an actress that moves everyone that has seen Robin. I miss Robin. I miss the HIV stories that have touched my heart in many ways. I wish nothing but the return of you Kimberly, even if it's only part-time. Thank you for all the years of the past that you have given us fan, we do love you forever.
Age: 28
6835 - 2/3/01 8:16:59 AM
Name: Darlene Fahey
City, State: Metuchen, NJ
Comments: I also got heard word at work about this petition and am happy someone had the guts to start it. I am a former GH watcher, stopped in 2000 when the Carly stuff started. Sonny is my man and Robin has always been my girl. Now Jason needs Robin as much as Steve needs Kimberly. They are awesome together, no doubt, but Sonny, he needs the old Sonny to return. As a fan I am willing to do whatever it takes to bring back my Robin and Jason and Brenda and Sonny if I can.
Age: 30
6834 - 2/3/01 8:13:28 AM
Name: Elie Crogen
City, State: Metuchen, NJ
Comments: I'm not an Internet person but signing this petition was a must. (It was also hard to find). I heard about it a work and had to add my name. While I have been a General Hospital fan since I was 11, Kimberly McCullough has always been my favorite actress and Robin and Jason are the best. I stopped watching GH in 1999. Kimberly and Steve together again would only bring me back.
6833 - 2/2/01 10:33:21 PM
Name: Marri-Anna Lusky
City, State: Washington, DC
Comments: Kimberly, you are missed, loved, and thought of often. It's what General Hospital is missing, it's what Steve Burton needs, and it's what the fans are yelling about. We all you love so much.
6832 - 2/1/01 6:20:14 PM
Name: Vicki
City, State: Florida
Comments: I wanted to take this opportunity to give you one fan's opinion of the once beautiful love story of Jason Morgan and Robin Scorpio. This storyline and couple was the best I have ever witnessed on television. From their first meeting I fell in love with them and knew this was a supercouple in the making. However, in the end, this couple was needlessly destroyed for the sake of other, less worthy, characters.
I continued to watch General Hospital with the hope that this injustice to my favorite couple would be repaired. To this date, I have only been left feeling as if my eight-year loyalty to this show and three-year investment in this couple does not matter to General Hospital or ABC. I am very disappointed because I once loved this show and never missed an episode. Now, however, I am quickly losing interest and believe this will continue unless Kimberly McCullough returns as Robin Scorpio and the relationship between Jason and Robin is repaired. Simply put, NO ONE can compare with the love and friendship of Jason and Robin. And NO ONE can compare with the chemistry of Steve Burton and Kimberly McCullough, the one and only Jason and Robin.
I know this is a petition for Kimberly, but I would also like to express my views on what the character of Jason has become. It was hard enough for me to believe that this man, who constantly stated how much he hated lying, would make the woman he loves be untrue to herself and lie in order to be with him. Since Robin left, I have heard Jason tell others he would not want them to lie for him but apparently that was not the case with his girlfriend, the person who "taught him how to love." Now, I am expected to accept that Jason has forgotten about Robin and in the rare case he does remember her, it is either in a negative way or as if she were a casual fling that he got over the minute she left. And then, to top it all off, I had to listen to him say "a bridge is just a bridge." How those words were allowed to come out of his mouth I will never understand. I was greatly offended as a Jason and Robin fan as I am sure others were as well.
When General Hospital gives Jason and Robin fans the respect they deserve, when Jason's cold and callous attitude toward Robin softens and he admits his lingering feelings of love for her, and when the beautiful, talented Kimberly McCullough reprises her role as Robin Scorpio and is once again paired with Steve Burton's Jason Morgan, General Hospital will once again be a "must see" show for me. Until then, it is just another show I watch if I can find the time on my rare day off from work. 
Age: 25
6831 - 2/1/01 12:26:50 AM
Name: Kim Holland
City, State: Jacksonville, Florida
Age: 18
6830 - 1/27/01 8:16:07 PM
Name: Kymra Lindval
City, State: Metuchen N.J.
Comments: Hope is for Kimberly McCullough to return to General Hospital and for Robin and Jason to be together again. General Hospital is missing something extremely special and that is the amazing Kimberly!
Favorite Web Page: Anything R&J
Age: 25
6829 - 1/25/01 8:07:01 PM
Name: Gwyneth Gibson
City, State: Phoeniz 
Comments: Kimberly and Steve together again, YES, Please! I love Robin and Jason; they are my favorite couple of all time.
Age: 26
6828 - 1/25/01 6:27:26 AM
Name: Corina Maracha
City, State: Potomac, Maryland
Comments: In my dreams their is Robin and Jason. Over the years I have watched General Hospital and followed all their crazy stories, but the love story of Robin and Jason has touched my heart. Kimberly, you are the greatest and truly missed and loved like no other. 
6827 - 1/24/01 4:30:36 PM
Name: Maureen Bloise
City, State: North Andover, Mass.
Comments: Have been a long time viewer of GH until the day Kimberly left. She was the reason I continued watching after her parents were killed. 
She's a fantastic actress and brought great vibrance to her character Robin, no one else could replace her. I would love to hear that she is returning to GH to continue her love story with Jason, however, he isn't important. Kim is the one I want back on GH, and you guys should do everything possible to see she wants to return.
Jason and Robin were one of ABC's most unforgettable couples for a reason; they were believable and had great chemistry. Please bring that back again!!! 
E-Mail Address: vintgmomma@aol.com
6826 - 1/20/01 9:39:15 AM
Your Name: Nessa Kanagan
Your City & State: Wilmington, DE
Your Comments: Kimberly, god bless you honey, you are a one of a kind and extremely missed. I wish General Hospital was worth watching. What you give to the show is a heartbeat. Please come back when you can.
6825 - 1/21/01 11:38:53 AM
Name: Marianne E.
City, State: Texas
Comments: I have grown up watching Kimberly as Robin, and I am miss Jason and Robin! They are the one soap opera couple that I truly love!
Favorite Web Page: This one
E-Mail Address: Vogue730@aol.com
Age: 15
6824 - Erma Blakly & 6823 Sharon Nivens
City, State: Raleigh, NC
Comments: You are needed at General Hospital Kimberly. We love you and miss you SO MUCH!
Age: 24 & 29
1/21/01 9:47:52 AM
6822 - 1/18/01 8:38:27 PM
Name: Faith Willard
City, State: Atlanta, GA
Comments: My sister and I are devoted Robin and Jason fans forever. We need you back Kimberly, Steve needs you back.
Age: 26
6821 - 1/18/01 8:35:15 PM
Name: Bronna Willard
City, State: Atlanta, GA
Comments: I love you and miss Kimberly. I miss Robin and Jason every minute that goes bye! (I haven't watched GH since the day you left)
Age: 29
6820 - 1/18/01 8:32:43 PM
Name: Holly Frazoski'
City, State: Alpharetta, GA
Comments: To my delight this petition has been created. With many others already speaking their minds it leaves me with a simple, PLEASE cry. Kimberly, please come back and give us all a reason to watch General Hospital forever. I am devoted to Robin and Jason till year 9000.
Age: 31
6819 -  Karine Stranger, 6818 Merridith Night, 6817 Melissa Camp, 6816 Emilia Qinntession
City, State: Seattle, WA
Comments: Jason needs Robin. We have heard the rumors of a Liz and Jason. Not in this lifetime. You can't replace the love and power of Kimberly McCullough and Steve Burton, that's an unbreakable love. Kimberly, we want you back so badly.
Age: 25's
1/18/01 5:42:22 AM
6815 - 1/17/01 8:27:04 PM
Name: Tara Gemly
City, State: Boulder, CO
Comments: My fiancée's and I are huge fans of Robin and Jason. They are both missed very much. I know that Steve is returning but he needs Kimberly on his arm to bring me back to GH.
6814 - 1/17/01 5:07:36 AM
Name: Alyson Baxter-Ryan
City, State: Washington, Dc
Comments: Kimberly! All these fans coming together for you is amazing. I miss you and it's driving me crazy.
6813 - 1/16/01 6:13:13 AM
Name: Dorri Martindale
City, State: Saratoga Springs, NY
Comments: I can't yell it enough, "I miss Kimberly and Steve together". They are America's couple. Kimberly, the very best! Love you Kimberly, please come back.
6812 - 1/16/01 2:51:15 AM
Name: Carmel Yuson
City, State: San Diego, CA
Comments: I think that both Jason and Robin should be back on the show. As a couple too. They are sooooo cute together. I loved watching them on the show. 
Favorite Web Page: www.webcrawler.com
E-Mail Address: cyuson@eudoramail.com
Age: 17
6811 - 1/15/01 5:05:39 PM
Name: Regina Moody
City, State: Decatur, Alabama
Comments: TO watch General Hospital and not see the very talented Kimberly McCullough is an injustice to the show and her character. With so much potential for her character who is HIV positive to maintain a active life is very important and gives hope the victims of this disease.
Favorite Web Page: Robin and Stone
E-Mail Address: regina@lakeland-ind.com
Age: 25
6810 - 1/15/01 4:43:57 PM
Name: Elie Lawson
Comments: I miss the talent of Kimberly McCullough brought to General Hospital. She will always be the heart of General Hospital and deeply missed forever. I only hope that Robin and Jason will be again.
Age: 27
6809 - 1/14/01 12:13:27 AM
Name: Sueanne Heneghan
City, State: Canton, Ohio
Comments: I really would love for Kimberly McCullough to come back on General Hospital. I really miss her on the soap opera. Please come Back, I miss you Kimberly!!!
E-Mail Address: ShyPoet27@yahoo.com
Age: 26
6808 - 1/13/01 6:13:56 AM
Name: Karney Palaginton
City, State: Sugar Land, TX
Comments: This worldwide. My cousins in France even miss you Kimberly. We miss our Robin and Jason
6807 - 1/10/01 6:31:42 PM
Name: Jackie Link
City, State: Lumberton, N.C.
Comments: What a truly awesome petition. I have been wishing and hoping and even praying for Robin and Jason to be reunited. That's all I want, the real Kimberly M and Steve B. Together and as beautiful as they have always been. 
Age: 30
6806 - 1/10/01 11:13:17 AM
Name: Amy Dewar
City, State: Boston, MA
Comments: I just have to say that when Kimberly left the show, I stopped watching. I grew up with Robin... PLEASE bring her back!!
Favorite Web Page: www.thebostonchannel.com
E-Mail Address: amyedewar@yahoo.com
Age: 22
6805 - 1/10/01 7:49:14 AM
Name: Rhondalisa Taylor
City, State: Maryland MD
Comments: I love Kimberly as Robin. Robin and Jason was the best couple on General Hospital. I want her to come back so she could mend her relationship with Jason and Sonny. She would bring some trouble for Carly if she comes back. Carly is getting to soft, she needs to get that fire she had when she first came to General Hospital and I think Robin will give that to her. And I will like to see Robin come back into Jason life. But I don't think she should come back alone, I think she should come with boyfriend so Jason would get jealous and fight to get her back or she should come back with a child. I know it is impossible but it could happen. Kimberly was the best thing on that show playing Robin. General Hospital is not the same without Kimberly as Robin. I heard that Steve said that he wants to get back to the old Jason the one that doesn't know anything, for that he needs Robin. I hope she come back.
E-Mail Address: Rhondalis_Taylor@hotmail.com
Age: 25
6804 - 1/8/01 6:28:08 AM
Name: Carrie Kravitz
City, State: OC, MD
Comments: Please come back Kimberly!
6803 - 1/7/01 8:54:06 PM
Name: Angela Wilson
City, State: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Comments: I would like to see Robin Scorpio return to reunite with Jason Morgan/Quartermaine. This would also spice up the soap by reuniting archenemies Carly and Robin. This going off topic, however, I'd like to see Kimberly McCullough and Freddy Prinze Jr. reunite. They made a truly beautiful couple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Web Page: Dawson's Creek.com/Beverly Hills 90210.com
E-Mail Address: apwilson@3web.net
Age: 25
6802 - 1/6/01 10:11:48 PM
Name: Laurie A. Garland
City, State: New Wilmington, PA
Comments: It would be wonderful to see Kimberly back as Robin. Of all my years of watching soap no one has affected me like Kimberly has as Robin.
6800 - 1/5/01 9:46:29 PM
Name: Clover Wilkins
City, State: Newton
Comments: Robin and Jason. Kimberly and Steve-----YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 
PLEASE come back KIMBERLY, please.
Favorite Web Page: The Romantics Page
Age: 27
6799 - 1/5/01 9:43:41 PM
Name: Cirey Ausston 
City, State: Boston, Mass
Comments: Can't wait till this petition hits the big 7,000. We fans keep our hope alive. I wish you would return Kimberly. I LOVE Robin and Jason!
6798 - 1/5/01 9:41:14 PM
Name: Santania Morrici
City, State: Newton, Ma.
Comments: I'm also another long time fan Kimberly who hopes you will return soon. General is nothing without the power of Robin.
Age: 26
6797 - 1/5/01 9:39:28 PM
Name: Deirdree McConnell
City, State: Newton, Mass
Comments: I have been a fan forever Kimberly. I don't know when I first starting watching but you have always been a favorite. That what GH needs, Kimberly back. The lack of talent that is on GH to date shows in a very big way. Please want to feel a character, love a character and relate. There is so much about Robin that makes her special but because of Kimberly she has earned a special place in our hearts. I am so in love with Robin and Jason and missing Steve Burton with Kimberly M. has made me stop watching GH. I sign my name with great pleasure. How awesome that there are almost 7,000 names on this petition. Kimberly, we miss you!
6796 - 12/30/00 9:06:51 PM
Name: Melody Adams
City, State: Athens, Georgia
Comments: I have been watching GH since I was a small girl in the 1970's. I remember Robin as a small girl of 7.
E-Mail Address: mel8819@hotmail.com
Age: 30
6795 - 12/30/00 9:00:09 PM
Name: Susanna DeVoly
City, State: NY
Comments: Miss you Kimberly! Still!
Age: 32
6794 - 12/30/00 6:13:25 PM
Name: Lucky7
City, State: Fayetteville, NC
Comments: Please bring Robin back because Jason is coming back and he needs a leading lady (you could have him bring back Brenda for Sonny and watch how fast Sonny drops Carly)
6793 - 12/29/00 2:45:16 AM
Name: Nellie Garner
City, State: Redding, CA
Comments: One more fan of Kimberly! I miss her on the show. Now that Jason is coming back, let's get these two together again, and without Carly's schemes.
6792 - 12/28/00 10:05:22 PM
Name: Jaya Renoir
City, State: Chicago, Illinois
Comments: One more long time Robin and Jason fan here. What I would do to see Kimberly and Steve back together. Miss you way too much Kimberly.
6791 - 12/27/00 10:12:32 PM
Comments: I wish that Kimberly would come back to General Hospital but that is not her wish and not what she wants to do at this point in her life. I would like to see her grow in her craft and do other things such as dancing, theatre and movies. 
Age: 36
6790 - 12/27/00 10:04:47 PM
Name: Bevi Talo
City, State: Atlanta, GA
Comments: Just miss you Kimberly. I think it's great that all your fans are poring their hearts out for you. One hell of an actress and Robin and Jason, leaves me breathless!
6789 - 12/27/00 8:24:57 PM
Name: chanda navy seng
City, State: Logan, Utah
Comments: The character Robin Devane Solitini Scorpio should only be played by one person and that is Kimberly McCullough. she is my favorite actress and she plays Robin as well. I hope she comes back to the show real soon, cause it should be Robin and Jason not Carly and Jason.
Favorite Web Page: http://robin and Jason homepage.com
E-Mail Address: cutie_grl10@yahoo.com
Age: 16
6788 - 12/26/00 10:12:45 AM
Name: Tara Kimpbel
City, State: Boston, MA
Age: 24
6787 - 12/26/00 12:55:00 AM
Name: Christine Cao
City, State: Houston, TX
Age: 16
6786 - 12/25/00 7:42:21 AM
Name: CoCo Jennings
City, State: Burlington, VT
Age: 26
Favorite Web Page: ABC.Com
6785 - 6781 - 12/24/00 6:13:26 PM
Name: Melba, Shandi, Kris, Carol, Mary Ellen
City, State: Washington, DC
Age: 22,23,28,31,23
Favorite Web Page: Anything Robin and Jason!
6780 - 12/20/00 6:15:37 PM
Name: Chrissy
City, State: Alpena, MI
Age: 17
Favorite Web Page: http://hometown.aol.com/Cand113/index.html
E-Mail Address: shuis_fan@hotmail.com
6779 - 12/19/00 8:51:23 PM
Name: Polly-Anne Vaffati
City, State: Cleveland, Ohio
Age: 29
6778 - 12/18/00 6:37:24 AM
Name: Alyson Cassler
City, State: New Haven
Age: 28
6776 - 12/9/00 11:22:59 PM
Your Name: Angie, Marta, Liz
Your City & State: Pince Grove. PA
Your Comments: Kimberly, We love you and miss you so. We have been fans of your forever and miss our Robin and Jason together. Please come back.
6775 - 12/9/00 8:13:27 PM
Name: Carol Walters
City, State: Orlando, Florida 
Age: 25
E-Mail Address: carolannw5@hotmail.com
6774 - 12/4/00 9:27:32 AM
Name: Maureen Bloise
City, State: North Andover, Massachusetts
Age: 50
Favorite Web Page: romantics garden
E-Mail Address: vintgmomma@aol.com
6773 - 12/3/00 4:09:59 PM
Name: Mali Gregory
City, State: Silver Spring, MD
Age: 25
Favorite Web Page: Candie's R&J page
6772 - 12/2/00 4:30:34 AM
Name: nate james
City, State: durham nc
Age: 22
E-Mail Address: XximpprincexX@aol.com
6771 - 11/26/00 10:36:10 AM
Your Name: Meg Radonald
Your City & State: Port Charlotte, FL
Your Comments: Kimberly you are an outstanding actress. I am a true Robin and Jason fan who has my fingers crossed that you will return. I just hate to watch GH the way it is. It lacks story, love, adventure, comedy, and realism. Robin and Jason have all of that and chemistry - that makes you and Steve human and beautiful. So I will continue to hope and wish while keeping my fingers crossed. Kimberly please come home!
Your Age: 26
6770 - 11/20/00 8:53:14 PM
Your Name: Scarlett Conroy
Your Comments: 29 years of watching General Hospital and I miss Robin and Jason that's it. Please bring them back together.
6769 - 11/19/00 4:26:05 PM
Your Name: Choloe Mazzi
Your City & State: Dallas, TX
Your Comments: I so miss you Kimberly. I stopped watching General Hospital cold when you left. I tried to return but the show has nothing to it anymore. I loved the character Robin because you learned from her. Her strength and powerful words effect you. I grew up watching Robin and being apart of her life. I adore her and miss her all the time. I also love Robin and Jason together. They are what makes true love beautiful to watch.
6768 - Name: Marla Quill
E-mail: my brothers e-mail address
Message:  Kimberly, I miss very much. I have no reason to watch General Hospital. I hope you return soon.
6767 - Alexandra Bedford, 6766 Suzanne Westley, 6765 Monica Belle, 6764 Jackson Leigh, 6763 Tracey Johns
Your City & State: Washington, DC
Your Favorite Web Page: General Happenings/Soapzone
Your Comments: We just found out about this petition, and I am so glad to have found it. Simply because we have been missing Robin Scorpio for so long.
We miss what she brought to the show. What she brings to Sonny and to Jason.
She brings out a side of Sonny and Jason like no one can. A side that is gentle, honorable, trustworthy and above all honest.
Where have these fine qualities gone? They are no longer a part of Sonny and Jason.
We miss the HIV story, we miss Robin and Jason's love story, we miss Sonny's love for Robin, we miss what once made GH great...and Robin Scorpio was a part of that GH.
We cannot understand why ABC and GH do not offer Kimberly the world to get her home to GH.
They truly must try harder b/c GH are in desperate need of Robin.
Your Age: between 21 and 23
11/5/00 4:30:59 AM
6762 - Billi Thorpe, 6761 Maggi O'Brien, 6760 Flann, Besty, 6759 Rebecca Twigg, 6758 Mattie Brighton, 6757 So Tan, 6756 Felicity Howe, 6755 Trista Kent, 6754 Beverley Moore, 6753 Jan Jackson, 6752 Samantha, 6751 Paula Cross, 6750 Dolphi, 6749 Kowhai, 6748 Nancy Spix, 6747 Tayne Baldwin, 6746 Victoria Hansen, 6745 Wilma Deverell, 6744 Sue Levy, 6743 Koby Tippleton, 6742 Bradeux, 6741 Tilly Barber
Your City & State: Waco, Texas
Your Favorite Web Page: Stone Addicts Online Club
Your Comments : We agree with everything already said.
11/3/00 2:05:58 AM
6740 - Mary, 6739 Joanne Barenski, 6738 Maria Hoyer, 6737 Juliet Kamboures, 6736 Amy Rausch, 6735 Lthaus, 6734 Mickey, 6733 Andrea Simonelli, 6732 Lisa, 6731 Louie, 6730 Dianne, 6729 Annie, 6728 Marcia, 6727 Jennifer DeCoster, 6726 Kelly Catlin, 6725 Kris, 6724 Leia, 6723 Jessy, 6722 Mallory, 6721 Jackie Backus, 6720 Kimberly E Howard, 6719 Liz Bandy, 6718 Kristi, 6717 Courtney, 6716 Frances Hay, 6715 Melanie Ferris, 6714 Christine Coughlin, 6713 Diana Lopez, 6712 Erin Mary, 6711 Niki T, 6710 Diane B, 6709 Ftale, Sixti, 6708 Margaret Wright, 6707 Jessica Jopson, 6706 Janice Lennan, 6705 Julian, 6704 Kassie, 6703 Stef, 6702 Melanie, 6701 Corrine Baxter, 6700 Kelly Fynn, 6699 Mary-Lou Jamieson, 6698 Sondra, 6697 Peggy Toule, 6696 R Rigby, 6695 Louise L, 6694 Isla Fisher, 6693 Polly, 6692 Ellery Washington, 6691 Bo Stephens, 6690 Melissa Grey, 6689 Yoko Lui, 6688 Maria, Jayne Freestone
Your City & State : Waco, Texas
Your Favorite Web Page : Stone Addicts Online Club
Your Comments : GH need to bring back the HIV story. And one way of doing this is to remember Stone Cates through Robin Scorpio.
Kimberly McCullough should return more often so the HIV story can continue.
11/3/00 2:00:23 AM
6687 - 11/2/00 2:24:12 PM
Your Name: DANIELLE 
6686 - 11/1/00 10:09:29 PM
Your Name: Danielle Jones
Your E-Mail Address: hartauto@c-zone.net
Your City & State: Redding, CA
Your Favorite Web Page: Gedstern's GH Scoops and Rumors
Your Comments: I agree that the way Robin was treated when she left the show was HORRID. I want
Jason and Robin back together even if it is only long enough for them to get married. No one could ever play the part of Robin like Kimberly and she deserved a better ending to her stay on GH. Make it right!!
Your Age: 34
6685 - Holianne and 6684 Nathan Gribb
Your City & State: Burtonville, MD
Your Comments: We both love you and miss you Kimberly. Hope everything in your life is going well. We miss your beautiful smile and the impact you have made over the years on General Hospital. While we don't watch much we do hope that Robin and Jason will be again. Love you!
10/29/00 7:34:53 PM
6683 - 10/29/00 9:20:49 AM
Your Name: Linzia Marshawn
Your City & State: H, NJ
Your Comments: Hey, I'm a fan too and miss you Kimberly. I agree with the others, because the shows isn't worth a second of my time without you. I miss all the Robin and Jason looks. I don't watch anymore and I do miss it from time to time but the show is lacking too much for me. A Robin and Jason fan from ear to ear.
6682 - 10/28/00 12:40:14 AM
Your Name: Susie Carugati
Your E-Mail Address: Suszball81@aol.com
Your City & State: Joliet IL
Your Favorite Web Page: Tyler Christopher Website
Your Comments: I Loved Robin on GH and I miss her cause GH isn't the same without her. Bring Kimberly McCullough back to GH were she belongs. I really want to see her face if she does come back and she found out that Jason was in town and when she finds out Sonny + Carly are married!!!
Your Age: 19
6681 - 10/25/00 6:24:00 AM
Your Name: Mellody Liett
Your Comments: General Hospital has been so awful as of late and seems to get worse as time goes by. Can't we just start some stories worth watching this Carly and Sonny stuff is burned out, (sorry about my lag) but I was to be able to watch GH again and I can't with this mess. I have always wanted Kimberly back. I have always wanted Robin and Jason back together and then maybe all the fans can return with a smile on their faces.
6680 - 10/24/00 6:30:20 AM
Your Name: Eliza Krafton
Your City & State: Atlanta, GA
Your Comments: A long time Kimberly fan that has never stop missing you Kimberly. Robin and Jason forever.
6679 - Ashley, 6678 Ellie, 6677 Lisa, Rachel, 6676 ctwsg, 6675 Lissrac, 6674 Danielle, 6673 Amanda, 6672 Atrent, 6671 YM, 6670 Michelle Kilgore, 6669 Donna Grooms, 6668 donnad, 6667 Kelly Benyacko, 6666 kabst, bluehip, 6665 Kristi, tydymom, 6664 Kdhalfacre, 6663 ixdrec, 6662 Katherine Caraballo, 6661 Lori Kiehl, 6660 Crystal Despenza, 6659 Kimberley scnbb, 6658 Donna Marie Nagy, 6657 urszula, 6656 Clarissa, 6655 Becca, 6654 Anne Corbo, 6653 Andrea Simonelli
Your City & State: Waco, Texas
Your Favorite Web Page : Stone Addicts Online Club
Your Comments : At one time, both Luke and Mac reminisced about Anna and Robert as well as Sonny, Felicia, Tony, Bobbie, A.J., Lucy, Kevin, Alan and Monica to name just a few characters who are still currently on the show. 
All we, the viewers, ask is that a man who lived such a brief but loving life (Stone), and 2 characters (STONE and ROBIN) who embodied all of the virtues so generally lacking in the soap opera world such as honesty, loyalty, generosity and true love, be remembered.
If you want to truly mirror even a fraction of the real world in your show then his memory must be kept alive through ROBIN SCORPIO.
When a person like Stone dies in real life, his death leaves such an impression on the people who loved him that no matter how much time passes, he can never truly be forgotten.
To expect us to believe that Robin does not remember him or Sonny does not think of Stone (and THEREFORE ROBIN) is not real.
Continue the point you set out to make with Stone's story through Robin's life and memories of Stone, through Sonny's LOVE and LOYALTY to Robin, which is painfully lacking NOW.
It is a way of celebrating life and all the things he never got to see and feel.
So if you want General Hospital to be the show that everyone who supports it knows it can be, then please don't forget that amid tragedy and triumph, or laughter and tears, we must take time to celebrate the lives of those that left us too soon, Stone included, through the lives of those left behind who have the courage to move on such as ROBIN SCORPIO.
This November 29, 5 years after he left us, show that you truly understand this by celebrating the life of Michael "Stone" Cates and the following many years to come.
Thank you.
10/23/00 1:31:05 AM
6652 - Sheltie, 6651 Yu, 6650 Candy Y, 6649 Bradley, 6648 Nowell, Yazy, 6647 LiliBlade, 6646 KJabaley, 6645 JLSGH, 6644 Dleonetti, 6643   Harcoutbrace, 6642 Firese-tel, 6641 Lily, 6640 HaggyB, 6639 Scprogiy, 6638 MandyCole, 6637 JasperJ,Jamaika, 6636 Sympatico, 6635 Reva, 6634 Laney, 6633 Merrkahb, 6632 amyc, 6631 terlaine, 6630 curlz, 6629 SunniRose, 6628 LMS, 6627 Raven,ubielecki, 6626 vvela, 6625 julia, 6624 CTWSG, 6623 tsilva, 6622 aimberly, 6621 psychob, 6620 Otwanete, 6619 redbeen, 6618 sarahbsb, 6617 majo, dallas, 6616 nikki, 6615 UnicornG, 6614 jodierc, 6613 Julia, Belcastroa, 6612 ica,uvic, niki, 
Your City & State : Wace, Texas
Your Favorite Web Page : Stone Addicts Online Club
Your Comments : Recently, GH brought back Roy Deluca and Cesar Faison. Obviously, the writers understand the importance of using the shows history in current episodes.
Since Stone Cates' death on November 29, a very significant date for the many viewers who once cried along with ROBIN SCORPIO as Stone quietly passed away, for the past several years, there was no mention of the character that touched so many - Michael "Stone" Cates.
The story of Robin and Stone, and their fairytale love story that did not end with "happily ever after", touched many people both in the fictional town of Port Charles and in the real world of your viewers.
And that was what we were lead to believe, that the AIDs story was written to make a point.
So, why would you stop making a point just because the character is no longer on the show?
ROBIN SCORPIO returned for the 2000 Nurses Ball. We had high hopes but saw them dashed with the only mention of Stone's name taken in vain by a character who has never once shown any compassion for HIV or for Robin who lives with HIV.
Such a MOCKERY. It really was inexcusable.
10/23/00 1:15:38 AM
6611 - Jessica G, 6610 C Murphy, Platte, 6609 Ash Morgan, 6608 Ahab, 6607 screech, 6606 saga, Jason, 6605 Shrine, 6604 Jamie Alight, 6603 Combating, David, 6602 Jamie, Cellist, 6601 Kati rules, 6600 SHAME, redeemer, 6599 ARamlackha, 6598 sunnyM ,6597 BaileyB, 6596 Jsad, Daisy, 6595 Starry, 6595 LRN, MORTAY, 6594 Wallace, Thoroughgood, 6593 LoisKaye, 6592 KJ419, 6591 D Allie, 6590 Lissrac, Reneen
Your City & State : Waco, TEXAS
Your Favorite Web Page: Stone Addicts Online Club
Your Comments: Our goal in The Stone Addicts Fan Club is aimed towards AIDs awareness. We are determined to make our point, that this disease cannot go unnoticed and everyone needs to be aware of it and kept up to date as new methods/medications develop.
We feel that GH and ABC have not put near enough emphasis on the continuing battle of this disease. 
An integral part of all soaps is their history.
For example, would there have been any significance in Nikolas Cassadine being Laura Spencer's son if the Cassadine-Spencer feud of years past had not been remembered and once again been brought to light? 
That is just one example of how history can be used to strengthen a show.
10/23/00 1:05:07 AM
6589 - Istvan Kiss, 6588 Ildi Kiss, 6587 Helen Li, 6586 Veronica Whelan, 6585 Elizabeth M Kiss, 6584 Maria Hotop
Your City & State: Bloomington & Normal, IL
Your Favorite Web Page: Various soap websites
Your Comments: All in all, we want to wish KIMBERLY McCULLOUGH much happiness and hope that one day she will return to GH as Robin Scorpio. And then Robin & Jason's love story can continue.
Good luck to Kimberly. We send you our love. 
You are beautiful on the outside as well as the inside.
Your Age : 19-26
10/22/00 9:09:01 PM
6583 - Stephanie Moore, 6582 Betsy Small, 6581 Joan Creighton, 6580 Christine Boyd, 6579 Louise Muddle, 6578 Tracey Wood, 6577 Bre-Allan Keighran, 6576 Susan Wallman, 6575 Michele Meadows-Snoops, 
Your City & State : Bloomington & Normal, IL
Your Favorite Web Page : Various soap sites
Your Comments : We do not care about Carly, we do not identify with her and we certainly don't believe that she has earned her place in Sonny & Jason's lives. 
Not at the expense of Robin Scorpio. 
Carly walking out in the middle of Robin's speech was a terrible insult to the message that Robin was trying to convey....AIDs/HIV awareness.
Shame, shame, shame on the writers for this?
We admit to watching the Nurses Ball to WATCH KIMBERLY/ROBIN, NOT to watch CARLY and SONNY.
STOP CENTERING EVERY SHOW AROUND CARLY and SONNY and then maybe you may get some fans back.
Your Age : 19-26
10/22/00 9:05:15 PM
6574 - Terri Howe, 6573 Tippi Schafer, 6572 Yvonne Li, 6571 Melissa Parry, 6570 Karen Schafer, 6569 Jui Meng Tan, 6568 Megan Smith-Brooks, 6567 Soo C Tan
Your City & State : Bloomington & Normal, IL
Your Favorite Web Page : Various Soap Websites
Your Comments : We do not believe that Jason could ever love anyone like he does Robin.
The day that Robin was left standing alone and unhappy on that bridge was the very last day that we watched GH as a group on a regular basis. 
And we will not go back until Robin finds her justice.
Your Age : 19-26
10/22/00 9:00:10 PM
6565 Joan Dennerley, 6564 Gloria Keighran, 6563 Debbie Smith, 6562 Gina Boyd, 6561 Alexis Parry, 6560 Wendy Jones, 6559 Kerry Sloane, 6558 Sean Whelan, 6557 Nandi Kiss, 6556 Elizabeth Kiss,
Your City & State : Bloomington, IL
Your Comments : We got inspired and started checking out websites and we came across this petition.
What a find! And we are blown away by the number of Kimberly fans who have signed it, we just had to add our names.
There is nothing more that would get us back to watching GH than to see Robin Scorpio return to GH. 
No recast of Robin.....just Kimberly!
Your Age : 19-26
10/22/00 8:56:05 PM
6555 - Jessie Hayes, 6554 Beatrice Holland, 6553 Petunia Stewart, 6552 Bev Nicholls 6551 Gia Warner
Your City & State : Bloomington IL
Your Favorite Web Page : Various Soap sites
Your Comments : We are a group of students, sisters and friends who get together and watch various soaps. One of which USE to be GH. However we did tune in over the 6 weeks that Jason Morgan was back to watch.
We realized just how much we miss ROBIN SCORPIO/KIMBERLY McCullough and how lost Jason Morgan is without her. 
Your Age : 19 - 26
10/22/00 8:52:25 PM
6550 - 10/22/00 4:49:26 PM
Your Name: Shay Drecker
Your City & State: Hamilton, NJ
Your Comments: Love the Kimberly fans. My name and support is what I am leaving. Thanks
6549 - 10/22/00 9:29:17 AM
Your Name: Yvette Millhouse
Your City & State: Boone, NC
Your Comments: I have loved being a Kimberly and Steve fan. They have so much chemistry between them. I thought that they were a re real life couple as well. With that said I must add that I really miss you Kimberly. It's an understatement to say you are loved and missed, you are but so much more then these simple words state. It's been a few years since we saw our Robin and we feel the loss. I would love to see you back on the GH set but I do hope that if you return the show starts to write better and the wonderful touching stories return.
Your Age: 26
6548 - 10/21/00 9:18:33 PM
Your Name: Laura McShrpeder
Your City & State: Kennewick, WA
Your Comments: What I would give to have Kimberly and Steve back together again, a dream that needs to come true. Your fans are begging Kimberly we are on our hands and knees.
6547 - 10/21/00 6:06:40 PM
Your Name: Grace Lynchlock
Your City & State: Altamonte Springs, FL
Your Favorite Web Page: I am new to the web
Your Comments: I commend the efforts of the fans that put together this petition. I am a die-hard fan that hopes that With Steve back Kimberly will be there soon. Kimberly is in a class all by herself as one of the very best. Thanks again for this petition, I see Robin and Jason together soon!
6546 - 10/20/00 9:17:36 PM
Your Name: Jan Greggory
Your City & State: NY
Your Comments: I hope that the rumors are true about Kim and Steve getting together again. I miss Kimberly like crazy and love my Robin and Jason.
6545 - 10/15/00 12:37:16 PM
Your Name: Gail Lester
Your City & State: Silver Spring. MD
Your Comments: What would make me happy is if General Hospital started to listen to the fans. I have been reading for months all the mags and all the complaints about the way GH has been written. I have been so angry at times at the total lack of respect that GH has shown for a soap that has been a classic for years. Where is the GH of the past? I miss everything that made GH a show to watch. I have been a Robin fan since she first started on GH As a little girl I grew up as Robin did. Her acting was always something special to see. As Robin got older and I myself did I watched Robin become one of the most moving characters of daytime. The entire HIV story with Robin and Stone was so moving to watch. But that's Kimberly; she knows how to make you react. With Robin and Jason it was and still is a love that never blinks away. Why not cherish this love story as I have and countless others. It's like GH tries to act like there wasn't ever a Robin, a Jason, or a love story with these two fine actors. I do enjoy watching Steve Burton, but what Kimberly did to him as an actor and a person is unbelievable. It's beautiful and can leave you speechless. I beg for their return. I wish for more Robin and Jason. I love this couple it's my couple. It the most unforgettable daytime couple that ABC has ever had. I have written a few letters to G. H and have never heard anything back so I sign this petition and keep my campaign going strong.
6544 - 10/15/00 10:39:27 AM
Your Name: Doria Violet
Your City & State: Vancouver, Washington
Your Comments: I too miss Kimberly and wish for her return badly. I have missed Robin on GH and the romance between Robin and Jason. I long to see them again. Awesome petition keep those names coming.
6543 - 10/15/00 10:22:13 AM
Your Name: Dusty Chelton
Your City & State: Washington State
Your Comments: Robin and Jason, Kimberly and Steve, magic, love, and what GH needs back.
6542 - 10/15/00 10:20:18 AM
Your Name: Krissy Pozinski
Your City & State: Vancouver, Wash.
Your Favorite Web Page: Robin and Jason pages
Your Comments: I agree with my friends and add my same feelings. Love = Robin and Jason forever. Now, lets get these two back together and bring on a baby. I have been so touched by Kimberly's outstanding acting. She is blessed with her talent and as a fan I miss her very much. What can we do as fans besides yell, scream, and beg for Kimberly's return. GH isn't and hasn't been the same without you. GH = heart= Kimberly McCullough forever. 
Your Age: 27
6541 - Ken Robinson & 6540 - Maynu Liu
Your City & State: Vancouver, Wash
Your Comments: I grew up watching you Kimberly. My girl and I are true fans who miss you on GH. I can't stand Carly and wish that she would be sent to Ferncliff for a year or two. I think it's clear who needs to return and who needs to go. Kimberly, you have this awesome smile that belongs with Jason/Steve.
10/15/00 10:12:01 AM
6539 - 10/15/00 10:07:14 AM
Your Name: Atilda Hayword
Your City & State: Vancouver, Wash.
Your Favorite Web Page: ABC.Com
Your Comments: I have invested 25 years in General Hospital. I don't watch nearly as much as I use to but any time Kimberly and Steve are together, I am glued. Lots of love and best wishes for you Kimberly, we love you and miss you all the time honey.
6538 - 10/15/00 10:04:05 AM
Your Name: Carrie Dunnlap
Your City & State: Vancouver, Washington
Your Comments: I'm a long time Robin and Jason fan and love this petition. I miss you Kimberly. I love you with Steve it's beautiful.
6537 - 10/15/00 9:47:33 AM
Your Name: Mattie Belford
Your City & State: Vancouver, Washington
Your Comments: Kimberly, We all miss you so much and keep thinking positive that you will return soon, PLEASE!
6536 - 10/12/00 7:14:21 PM
Your Name: Alley "Cat" Masarotti
Your City & State: Ann Arbor, Mich.
Your Comments: I miss you Kimberly! Please girl come back when you can. I pray for my Robin and Jason again.
6535 - 10/9/00 8:01:20 PM
Your Name: Brenda Villia
Your City & State: Washington, DC
Your Comments: It's rare to have a character/actress that is as loved and missed as Kimberly is. She is special to the fans and we have all been missing her very much. That smile, those eyes for Jason and her heart of gold. Special and dearly missed each day.
6534 - 10/9/00 7:47:06 PM
Your Name: Kim B.
Your City & State: Covington, Louisiana
Your Comments: Kimberly was a great and natural character actress. She has great chemistry and brought and gave her all to each storyline. She is missed.
Your Age: 29
6533 - Corriannia & 6532 - Eleni Bweth
Your City & State: Boulder, CO
Robin fans since 1988! Robin and Jason fans since the first look they shared!
10/9/00 2:02:06 PM
6531 - 10/9/00 12:36:33 PM
Your Name: Yasmine Westing
Your City & State: NY
Your Comments: I would like to add that I miss Kimberly McCullough very much on General Hospital. I miss Robin and Jason and pled to have them back.
6530 - 10/8/00 3:41:43 PM
Your Name: Erian McCarthy
Your City & State: Pittsburg, PA
Your Comments : My friend told me about this petition and I am so excited. When did this even start? I have turned away from General Hospital and all the magazines since Kimberly left. I am so sick of this Carly stuff. It's old, dragged out and boring as can be. I miss so much about General. I would love to see Robin and Jason back together again and a baby. Now that would be an award-winning story. I love Kimberly and she is a missing link for me for General. I'm not sure who gets this petition but I would like Kimberly and the General Hospital people to know that Robin and Jason is the most beautiful couple that daytime has ever had. I love Brenda and Jax's but Robin and Jason make me gush. 
6529 - 10/8/00 2:31:48 PM
Your Name: Sandy Sarmish
Your City & State: Norfolk, Va
Your Comments: There is nothing that means more to the fans then having our favorites back. Vanessa, Kimberly, Jonathan, and the three I miss. Robin and Jason or forever and ever and ever, please bring them back.
6528 - 10/8/00 1:59:37 PM
Your Name: Kalisti Noah
Your City & State: Portland, Oreg.
Your Favorite Web Page: ABC.Com, Various soap pages
Your Comments: I have been a soap fan all of my life. I started watching All My Children and General Hospital, even Ryan's Hope years ago. What makes a soap worth watching, great, enjoyable, the key factor itself, and good actors? As I have become older my time is spread thin and I don't get a chance to watch much of my soaps anymore, besides taping. I gave up on General Hospital about two years ago. I found this beautiful soap that captured my heart being pulled apart little by little. I loved what GH stood for. I loved the characters and the wholehearted stories. I loved Robin and Jason. If ever there was an actress that carried a show with her smile, her presents, her talent, it's Kimberly McCullough. Kimberly being that sister I never had. Kimberly being that family member that you route for. Kimberly being an angel who made Robin so special, sweet, and beyond memorable. I wish for many things to happen in the soap world. Yes, I miss the spirit of daytime that is lacking heavily on GH I miss the emotion, the Nurse's Balls which were a must tape and re-watch. But I miss my hero, Robin. I miss the chemistry shared between this actress and her leading man. Why Steve Burton may have those blue eyes that make you stop, he has never lite up with anyone like he does with Kimberly McCullough. Why he may be married or taken he is a wonderful fit with Kimberly McCullough. There chemistry alone made me put them as my most unforgettable couple. I love this petition and love that it's for the ones that really matter, the fans. God Bless all you Kimberly fans who have been touched by this awesome actress. I have never given up and will never will my soaps will be great again I know. At least we have the second most unforgettable couple on daytime, GH writers take a note, Haley and Mateo, they have almost everything a girl could dream about except they are not America's Robin and Jason.
6527 - 10/6/00 6:39:26 PM
Your Name: JESSICA Mantle
Your Favorite Web Page: Candie's 
Your Comments: Put me down as agreement. Robin and Jason forever.
6526 - 10/6/00 6:26:28 AM
Your Name: Jen Haynes
Your Comments: I miss you and miss you more Kimberly. I long to see Robin and Jason together again.
6525 - 10/4/00 8:42:12 PM
Your Name: Minna Ling
Your City & State: Uhrishsville, Ohio
Your Comments: This petition is what I sure needed. I can think of only one couple and that is Robin and Jason. To see Kimberly and Steve together again would be icing on the cake.
6524 - 10/3/00 3:29:13 AM
Your Name: Searia Cherico
Your City & State: Washington, DC
Your Comments: I haven't watched General Hospital in 4 years. I gave up all my soaps long ago for many reasons. I do miss GH and wish there were reasons to return. My favorites are gone. I miss Robin, Brenda and the awesome actresses that play them. 
6523 - 10/1/00 4:25:50 PM
Your Name: Jennie Bay
Your City & State: Albany
Your Comments: Miss you Kimberly.
6522 - 9/30/00 8:03:49 AM
Your Name: Elizabeth Paslo
Your City & State: Colorado Springs, CO
Your Comments: I miss her and I have never stop wishing for her return. I have been a Robin and Jason lover since day one. They have what every girl dreams of a deep love and respect for each other. Not Carly or any other women on the show will ever be able to have R&J have. I really hate that GH tries so hard to make us forget and that is something we will never do. Long live Robin and Jason (Kimberly & Steve) in our hearts forever.
6521 - 9/29/00 3:38:46 PM
Your Name: Doug Wallace
Your E-Mail Address: steph22304@aol.com
Your City & State: Roanoke, VA
Your Favorite Web Page: The No Name Message Board
Your Comments: Without Kimberly McCullough, GH is not half as good as it used to be. She made the character of Robin Scorpio a joy to watch every day with her amazing talent. 
Your Age: 27
6520 - 9/24/00 6:43:28 PM
Your Name: Nellie Gerlich
Your City & State: Allentown, PA
Your Comments: More power to Kimberly. With the amount of fans out there that miss you and hope for your return you will always be loved. I would love to see you back with your award winning Robin S; but whatever you do I'll be a fan. I love Robin and Jason forever and those memories are solid. I wish you nothing but the very best.
6519 - Jean Cobb, 6518 Blair Berman, 6517 Manddy Raymon, 6516 Christina Holme, 6515 Jill Seet, 6514 Helen Thomas
Your City & State: All over North Atlanta
Your Comments: The older Robin and Jason fans. We miss those beautiful looks that Kimberly and Steve share. If there is hope it's this petition and the constant mention of Kimberly and Steve and the love for these two actors. We want them back, yes, in a hurry please!
Your Age: Our 30's
9/24/00 10:58:59 AM
6513 - 9/23/00 10:19:54 PM
Your Name: Brieane Kalverty
Your City & State: Long Island, NY
Your Comments: I feel the same and keep my hope alive for Kimberly to be back.
6512 - 9/23/00 6:17:02 AM
Your Name: Dawn Schartz
Your City & State: Knoxville, Tenn
Your Comments: I could write for hours on how much I love and miss Kimberly McCullough and Steve Burton together. I don't know where to start or what I could same that would be different or new. I guess I have loved this couple from the start and have missed them since. Kimberly first is one awesome actress. She has so much talent and has made Robin extremely special. I miss Kimberly and the character Robin I think more then anyone else on daytime. Robin stands for strength and humanness. She is a real woman who is fighting for her life by loving the people around her and using her heart to live. With a woman like that and a man that falls to his knees when he see her, I just want to embrace this couple whenever there are together or apart. I wish there was something us fans could do to let everyone know how much Robin and Jason are missed. I am glad at least this petition has been started and thankfully I logged onto my computer after a long time away. 
Your Age: 25
6511 - 9/21/00 8:42:25 PM
Your Name: Alyson Valbert
Your City & State: East Vandergrift, PA
Your Comments: Hale to the petition creators. I can't agree more then I do at this point. We got to find away to reunite Robin and Jason. Bring Kimberly back for good.
6510 - 9/21/00 6:32:44 AM
Your Name: Gregeannia Sawyer
Your City & State: Rockville, MD
Your Comments: I have hope from finding this petition with my friends. I just want Kimberly and Steve back too.
Your Age: 25
6509 - 9/21/00 6:21:33 AM
Your Name: Natalya Dowloen
Your City & State: Bethesda, MD
Your Comments: This petition is really something to hold on to. This passed year without Kimberly has been hard to take. I am sure that all of my comments have been stated before, but I can't help but bring them up again. How could General Hospital touch Robin and Jason and try so hard to make them a nothing couple? It has never worked for me and like I see thousands of others. We know what we feel and like. I am an advoid Robin and Jason fan because they chemistry that these two have is paradise. I miss so much about Kimberly and Steve together. This fake Steve that came back to get dragged in the boring Carly mess isn't my Steve nor Kimberly's. I wish that they would just send Carly back to Ferncliff and start reworking on the characters that have been left in the dust for years now. Someone has forgotten that Brad M. is an Emmy winner as well as Kristina W, and a few others. No more Carly PLEASE for once. Please bring home America's girl, Kimberly McCullough. Thank you for this petition.
6508 - 9/20/00 8:54:41 PM
Your Name: Evelyn Mull
Your City & State: Dallas, TX
Your Comments: I pray for my Robin and Jason together again. I won't watch GH until they are back together. Kimberly, you are missed very, very, much.
6507 - 9/17/00 12:02:29 PM
Your Name: Heidi Anderson
Your City & State: Sturgis, Michigan
Your Comments: I have watched General Hospital for 20 years. I started with Luke and Laura and then fell in love with Robin and Jason. The pure magic that Kimberly McCullough and Steve Burton have is mind blowing; it's beautiful and sorely missed. I don't care what General does or feels they need Robin and Jason back.
Your Age: 27
6506 - 9/17/00 1:32:57 AM
Your Name: Diane Dzieman
Your E-Mail Address: yellowdie@aol.com
Your City & State: Cerritos, CA
Your Favorite Web Page: various Jason and Robin sites
Your Comments: just recently I was in the ABC site and read on GH and they said that Jason took Liz to the Bridge and it meant nothing to him anymore which I totally disagree because that is to cold and disrespect to his relationship with Robin...please come back and bring back some justice and morals to the show...where they are going with it I couldn't tell you anymore. I know I miss your character to bring honesty and moral back. miss you hopefully you will read this and consider to come back for a short time and run off into the sunset with Jason or do it right
Your Age: 30
6505 - 9/16/00 10:12:18 AM
Your Name: Linddy Kooley
Your City & State: Atlanta, GA
Your Comments: I miss you Kimberly and wish you back on General Hospital. I wish you would return and re-claim the show. Best wishes from another die-hard fan!
6504 - 9/14/00 6:37:53 AM
Your Name: Shelly Sheldon
Your City & State: Colorado Springs, CO
Your Comments: I can't think of anything I miss or want more, Kimberly back on General Hospital. The more time goes by the more I crave my Robin and Jason. General Hospital plain out sucks, they need a power couple, and to lay off this Carly Shi-t. I don't watch anymore and don't even read the preview. It is nothing but another stupid Carly show and the other characters falling for her stupid lies. I wish they would just tell Steve to stay away until Kimberly comes back. I have never seen Steve look so bad. The man that Kimberly gave life to is pathetic. 
6503 - 9/12/00 8:13:32 PM
Your Name: Johni Cartellous
Your City & State: Buffalo, NY
Your Comments: Robin and Jason when need them back! Please return Kimberly we miss you so.
6502- 9/12/00 8:11:22 PM
Your Name: Cabrea Cartellous
Your City & State: Buffalo, NY
Your Comments: I add my name, I will yell to bring Kimberly back to the real General Hospital. It's all been said before so I won't repeat; just agree with all the Kimberly thoughts. I miss you and the Robin and Jason love story.
A fan for nearly 20 years and counting when you return Kimberly.
6501 - 9/12/00 6:48:29 PM
Your Name: Angie Hallgrath
Your City & State: College Grove, Tenn.
Your Comments: A blessing to be able to add my name to this petition. My sister and I have been Kimberly fans for years. We love every little move she has made on GH. Her powerful acting, humor, and the electric effect between Kimberly and Steve Burton is the best there is in daytime. I too wish for her return and yes, sign my name as many times as you want. I truly miss you Kimberly and Robin and Jason. The General Hospital of today could be extremely special and worth watching. The show needs help in a hurry. Bring in some writers that can create a show that is magical. A show to capture the adventure and love it once had. I know Kimberly has moved on but there has to be a way to bring this loved actress back. Steve Burton is lost without Kimberly. I will pass the word on about this petition, with over 6,000 names already, there has to be a way to beg Kimberly back. 
Robin and Jason forever!
Kimberly and Steve-YES!
Your Age: 27
6500 - 9/12/00 1:38:35 PM
Your City & State: BUENA VISTA, GA
Your Age: 18
6499 - 9/11/00 9:26:16 PM
Your Name: Lauren McDevitt
Your City & State: Dallas, TX
6498 - 9/11/00 6:24:56 AM
Your Name: April Arcquez
Your City & State: Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Your Comments: I have 100% agreement. My fingers are crossed and I have faith in this petition. Thank you to whoever had this great idea. The fact is General Hospital use to have a strong spirit. The show had meaning. I miss the old General Hospital days with my favorite actress, Kimberly McCullough. I would love to see Robin back and a new improved Jason Morgan. 
6497 - 9/10/00 6:44:36 PM
Your Name: Genna Waycliff-Bree
Your City & State: Durham, NC
Your Favorite Web Page: ABC.com, Candie Fan Fic, Robin and Jason Homepage, The Romantics page
Your Comments: I sign, I pray, I wish, I hope, I go crazy wishing for Robin and Jason to be back together. What I miss on GH is Robin and Jason. What I want on GH is Robin and Jason back. I love Kimberly M & Steve B together. They have always been the most unforgettable couple on daytime. With their love, chemistry and the looks that can cause you to drool or melt, it's both at the same time. I have tried to watch GH I have tried to picture Jason with someone else, no way, it will always be Robin and Jason together forever. This petition means so much to the fans and I hope that the people at GH read this.
Your Age: 29
6496 - 9/9/00 2:59:07 PM
Your Name: Ionnia Fayle
Your City & State: St. Louis, MI
Your Comments: Now is the perfect time to bring Kimberly back. I miss Robin and Jason more then anything. I will forever be pleading for their return.
Your Age: 25
6495 - 9/9/00 4:01:07 AM
Your Name: Jessica
Your City & State: Orange, CA
Your Comments: * I love KM, she is a great actress she gave so much years to GH, she deserves the best.
*I love Jason and Robin they are so great, cute and marvelous together. I wish I 
could see a happy Jason and Robin reunion. I miss them on GH. Please Bring Back Jason 
and Robin. The pure love.
Your Age: 16
6494 - 9/8/00 11:04:52 PM
Your Name: Kourtney Vie
Your City & State: Huntington Beach, CA
Your Comments: I'm new to the Internet and what a surprise to find that there is a Kimberly petition. I totally gave up on General Hospital over a year ago but always kept the Robin and Jason faith. Agreement to the fullest on bringing Kimberly back and re-kindling the Kimberly and Steve connection.
Your Age: 26
6493 - 9/8/00 8:35:49 PM
Your Name: Mandy Hummus
Your City & State: Woodbridge, VA
Your Comments: Awesome petition, I'm speechless and thrilled at the same time. GH needs Kimberly more then anything with Robin and Jason back together.
6492 - 9/6/00 9:51:16 PM
Your Name: Jackie Knowne
Your Comments: A long time Kimberly fan who feels the power of all the fans coming together. I add my name with pride.
6491 -  Caitlynn Manner, 6490 Jessica Swanson, 6489 Juli Ling, 6488 Pally Aranni, 6487 Shelly McVar, 6486 Shree Handloff, 6485 Erin Berecker, 6484 Britt Walsh, 6483 Aurdee Jessip, 6482 Marrissa Shenheart, 6481 Kelly-Lynn Nass, 6480 Ellen Oakwood, 6479 Ann Dwickerson, 6478 Marleene Forest, and 6477 Yasmine Love
Your City & State: Class of 1995 up for are reunion-NYU
Your Comments : We miss you Kimberly. We want you back. We want R&J back and going strong. We hate this Jason, Carly, and Sonny crap. We are hear to beg that the writers at General Hospital bring our girl and guy back. We want a Morgan baby and an R&J reunion. Hell, whatever you do just bring Kimberly McCullough and Steve Burton back together for good. We all have been watching for a long time and come from all over the place, we have one wish and one wish over and that is: GIVE US BACK OUR ROBIN AND JASON!
9/6/00 6:42:39 AM
6476 - 9/6/00 6:28:12 AM
Your Name: Mariam Barbow
Your City & State: Battle Creek, MI
Your Comments: I guess I am finally signing the petition after all this time. I keep thinking that GH will come to their senses and stop this rewriting of history but it doesn't seem to be happening. Kimberly, god love ya, I miss you so, so much. Robin and Jason, the only couple that ever clicked. I never saw them apart they belong together forever. I miss them and want them back.
Your Age: 27
6475 - 9/5/00 7:23:57 PM
Your Name: Shivani
Your E-Mail Address: S_Shah32@hotmail.com
Your City & State: Toronto, Ontario
Your Comments: I always loved Jason and robin together...I hated it when Kimberly left and I hope they bring her back
Your Age: 17
6474 - 9/4/00 11:05:02 PM
Your Name: Shannon Chipps
Your E-Mail Address: Olds455@kih.net
Your City & State: Leitchfield, KY.
Your Favorite Web Page: Candie's Jason & Robin FanFiction
Your Comments: I really would like to see Kimberly come back to GH. I grew up watching her character for years and I loved the Jason and Robin story. Please GH writers, producers, etc., cut her a deal she can't refuse!
Your Age: 29
6473 - 9/4/00 5:51:01 PM
Your Name: Hillary Bennett
Your City & State: N.J.
Your Comments: Thank you Beverly make that two with the same message. 
6472 - 9/4/00 5:48:36 PM
Your Name: Beverly Jagger
Your City & State: Medford, NY
Your Comments: I watched today's show because I was home and I cried my eyes out. First of all how dare General Hospital treat Kimberly McCullough with such disrespect and the Robin and Jason relationship is a something that has been held deep into the fans hearts for years. To make the character Jason act as if it never was upsetting and uncalled for. It's hard enough to deal with GH on any level these days but stop trying to shred ever last hope and history that the fans have of Robin and Jason. How dare you GH and Kimberly McCullough, she was the best thing that GH ever had and without her many fans has turned away. 
Your Age: A fed up ex-28 year fan
6471 - 9/4/00 2:05:36 PM
Your Name: Harley Witaviich
Your City & State: Silver Spring, MD
Your Comments: I agree, I agree. This is my wish to bring Kimberly back and give her a killer story that she deserves. Then bring Jason back, but the right way. I have always love Robin and Jason together and wish that they were back on General. I don't watch anymore because there is no interest in the Carly stuff. I really miss the General that was good and fun. I miss the love and admiration of Robin and Jason. Good luck on petition, it's a fab idea.
6470 - 9/4/00 9:29:06 AM
Your Name: Charla-Rae Kimbble
Your City & State: Carson City, Nev
Your Comments: How many ways can it be said? Kimberly we miss you a thousands times a minute. We wish you all the best in the Entertainment World, but hope you will be back to reclaim us fans again. We miss our Robin and Jason.
Your Age: 29
6469 - 9/3/00 10:18:48 AM
Your Name: Joni Charlotte
Your City & State: Cincinnati, OH
Your Comments: Tabby said it right. General Hospital stinks without you Kimberly. We love you and miss you and it's driving us crazy.
Your Age: 27
6458 - 9/3/00 10:16:06 AM
Your Name: Andrea Bright
Your City & State: Cleveland, OH
Your Comments: Carbon copy of TL's message. I feel the same as her and the others. I just want them both back. I miss Kimberly and Steve together.
Your Age: 27
6457 - 9/3/00 10:13:42 AM
Your Name: Tabitha-lee Van Saint
Your City & State: Columbus, OH
Your Comments: I have been watching General Hospital all of my life. I could do without most of the couples and on GH, but my favorite has always been Robin and Jason. I love Kimberly and Steve together. They share great chemistry and the most beautiful looks. It's as if they are a couple in the real world. Robin and Jason are real. They have deep hearts, visions, and true love. It's the only thing that I ever crave on General Hospital. A wedding, a baby, and more and more with Robin and Jason. I have learned so much about HIV and love by watching these two amazing actors sizzle together. It's all I miss with about 7000 and counting others.
Your Age: 25
6456 - 9/3/00 10:08:17 AM
Your Name: Marasole Sycruz
Your City & State: Columbus, OH
Your Comments: Add my name. What a cool petition, my friends and I have been missing you Kimberly for a long time. Gosh what we would do to bring back Robin and Jason. We love you two and hate GH without you.
6455 - 9/3/00 10:04:52 AM
Your Name: Alley McCartle
Your City & State: Cincinnati, Ohio
Your Comments: Oh please add my name to this petition. I cant t tell you how much I miss you Kimberly. I love & adore Robin and Jason. I miss them together.
6454 - Kathirine Sharnberger & 6453  Doug Staplton
Your City & State: Denver, CO
Your Comments: We love each other, we love Robin and Jason, we love our Kimberly and Steve. It's simple to us; we want our Kimberly and Steve back together. Sick, that's General Hospital and their so-called writers. Awesome, that's Kimberly and Steve together. Beautiful, always and forever with Kim and Steve. The best, they are and a million times over. Miss, oh yes, we M----------I----S---S you Kimberly and can't wait to you return. We are only coming back if you so Kimberly. Side note for Steve Burton, please work on bringing Kimberly back, there is something that Kimberly does to you when you two are together. It's as if the world is in sinc with you too. 
Thanks, Kathie & Doug, and doggie Faison, we love you and miss you greatly.
9/3/00 9:52:34 AM
6452 - Amaraliss Natilia, 6451 Korenia Palis and 6450 Joni Lipstenstien
Your City & State: Minneola, Texas
Your Comments: We have so much faith in this petition and are pleased about the turnout. We have been friends forever and have never missed anyone like we do Kimberly McCullough. She gave us girls a reason to rush home after school and watch and them talk on the phone for hours. WE LOVE ROBIN AND JASON. We love what they stand for, what they share. We miss them and want them back. For Kimberly, we all love you and miss you like crazy.
Your Age: 26, 28, 25
9/1/00 8:11:30 PM
6449 - 9/1/00 11:06:05 AM
Your Name: Carlotta Futa 
Your Comments : You have my vote now lets all come together and storm the GH set. I have had it with this current GH. I want my old GH back. Please bring Kimberly back and give us back Robin and Jason.
6448 - 8/31/00 2:34:59 AM
Your Name: Joyce Dubois
Your E-Mail Address: Au0128@aol.com
Your City & State: Saratoga, Ca
Your Favorite Web Page: all and any JR stuff
Your Comments: There is so much more to discover in the character of Robin Scorpio. She truly personifies hope and courage in the face of adversity and yet she is so human. Yes, I have always admired the undeniable chemistry between Jason and Robin and I truly do miss them. However, I am also aware that there is so much more to Robin to explore. How does one HIV positive woman cope with her hopes and dreams for the future? How does she find her way into achieving her goals and keeping faith even in her lowest moments? Robin's character is so amazing to me in that she remains so strong. I would truly appreciate if the writers show us eventually, the realization of her potentials - as a physician perhaps. Personally, I as her admirer, need to know that she is happy and not alone. I would also like to mention that Robin and Jason are not just a regular couple. There is so much to learn of their fragile relationship. Needless to say, it is educational. I must admit that the writers cannot ignore this fact. Theirs is not just the average love story turned sour. The writers need to address certain important issues - does Jason get tested regularly? Does Robin have a chance to realize the potentials of womanhood-that of becoming a mother? If so, what are they? How do HIV positive mothers cope with having a family? There is really so much more to know and the writers are perhaps unaware of the social issues that may arise which will eventually make up a storyline worthy of Robin's character. They could have an award-winning story. Sadly, they seem to be missing the point.
Your Age: 22
6447 - 8/31/00 1:24:28 AM
Your Name: Nancy 
Your E-Mail Address: Poohbigtigger@aol.com
Your City & State: Orange County, CA
Your Favorite Web Page: http://hometown.aol.com/Cand113/index.html
Your Comments : I was a viewer Since 97 when Robin came back. This was the first time I saw GH, I 
fell in love with GH because of Jason and Robin. I saw the chemistry they have. I loved those moments they had when she return and when they got back together. But when she left and the way the writers wrote her off I stopped watching. I really did not want to see Carly and Jason together, and Sonny after they way he 
treated her, I was expecting more from the GH writers. I want to see her come back. We don't want a recast, Robin Scorpio is Kimberly McCullough!! Especially now that Jason came back. Bring her back!! Give us a Happy Ending.
Your Age: 16
6446 - 8/26/00 6:19:39 PM
Your Name: Sarah Messay
Your City & State: North Bradford, Conn
Your Favorite Web Page: Candy's Fan Fic
Your Comments: Thank you for blessing the fans with this pure beautiful petition. As a former GH fan that has never stopped wishing for Kimberly to return this petition puts a huge smile on my face. I'm a girl with few words...................I love my Robin and Jason together. I think that Kimberly McCullough is one of the brightest, most talented actresses out there. She gives her everything and lets the fans feel her talent. I hope she returns at some point. It dumb to have Steve Burton return to be sucked into the Carly mess that has been sinking the show for over two years, Why not bring Steve back as the original Jason Morgan, the man that was a man and give him his girl.........ROBIN/KIMBERLY!
Your Age: low 20's
6445 - 8/23/00 9:09:15 PM
Your Name: M. Lyntron
Your Comments: I really, really, miss you Kimberly. I miss General Hospital when the show has meaning.
6444- 8/23/00 8:01:59 PM
Your Name: Dehlia Reiscotti
Your City & State: Newton, NJ
Your Comments: I am all for bringing Kimberly back and recreating the real Robin and Jason, but I hate those current GH writers. They continue to re-write everything that ever happened in the past. Robin and Jason have always been my couple. I see them always together. The chemistry alone that Kimberly and Steve share is hubba-hubba beautiful!
6443 - 8/23/00 6:17:01 AM
Your Name: Michelle Gourgarious
Your City & State: Flint, Michigan
Your Comments: Another die hard Kimberly fan from the start. I miss Robin. I miss Robin and Jason. I miss the chemistry and adventure, the love the romance and golden boy (Jason) with his love Robin. Please keep the hope as I have.
6442 - 8/23/00 2:59:23 AM
Your Name: Anita Hernandez
Your E-Mail Address: nomercy@1990yahoo.com
Your City & State: Whittier ca
Your Comments: Kimberly I hope you come back on the show when you were on GH. I would tape the show so when I got off of work I would see it so I would not miss a thing Kimberly for two year's now I been looking for your biography book I can not seem to fine it anywhere I need to know the name of your book and who wrote it for you I must of made about 100 call's to book store's and I had no luck. My mom b-day is coming up and I would love to get her your book that's all she been asking for the pass two years I even look in the Opah Book Club and still came out empty well I hope you can make my mom's dream's come true, and mine thank you .
Your Age: 30
6441 - 8/18/00 6:59:01 PM
Your Name: Renee Piles
Your City & State: NC
Your Comments: I am yelling, screaming and going nuts. I miss you Kimberly and I miss Robin and Jason so bad. There is no reason to watch GH without you two. Poor Steve, you need Kimberly bottom line.
6440 - 8/17/00 9:37:45 PM
Your Name: Kyria Swavie'
Your City & State: Falls Church, VA
Your Comments: I miss you Kimberly.
6439 - 8/16/00 6:49:07 AM
Your Name: Mazzie Openshaw
Your City & State: Oakland Park, FL
Your Comments: Oh the years I love to watch General Hospital seem to have gone by so fast. General Hospital use to be it. The show has lost its glory among many other things. I think "GH" needs some repair and that means getting rid of the writers that feel the need to erase the past and work the entire show around a worthless woman names Carly Benson. Do the writers think that us fans buy this? I guess so because they keep putting this stuff out and we keep turning away. Make that 2 years since I stopped watching "GH". I have tuned in for a few minutes here and there, but those minutes gave me nothing. Sonny and Carly? Never. No Robin, that's it for me. Kimberly McCullough, the lady that stoled the fans hearts and carry them everywhere she goes. Asking to bring Kimberly back is a start but no where near enough. We need new writers, a lesson in "GH" history, listen to the fans, none of this other garbage. My couple, our couple, the couple, Robin and Jason. Let me say that again, ROBIN AND JASON. That we bring us back by the million. Kimberly, Steve, together, I mean together, written with quality and the level that they deserve. Carly, can would put her on the back burner for once and let her stop telling those lies and insulting everyone in Port Charles. I doubt woman of the year award is coming her way. Robin and Jason. The real Robin and Jason not an imposter, a fill-in, a look alike, the real thing. The Robin that is the beautiful Kimberly McCullough and the blue eyed Steve Burton. The real thing baby.
Your Age: 28
6438 - Collen and 6437 -  Brady Shackfore
Your City & State: Baltimore, MD
Your Comments: We both have grown up watching you Kimberly and miss you very much. With all the low grade actors soaps tend to have General Hospital use to be the best out there with real stories and characters that you could love, laugh with, cry with, and deeply enjoy. Kimberly McCullough, we love you, miss you, and cherish you.
8/13/00 11:19:54 PM
6436 - 8/13/00 10:52:53 AM
Your Name: Tammy Hope Rile
Your City & State: Fort Myers, PA
Your Comments: Kimberly, we all miss you dear. I wish that GH was worth coming back to. I wish GH would break their neck trying to bring you back. Over 6400 fans on this petition is just a small part of your fan base. We are everywhere wanting you to return. 
6435 - 8/11/00 9:18:18 PM
Your Name: Kayleen Stewart
Your City & State: NY
Your Comments: Another fan that feels that agree with everyone else. Bringing Kimberly back and giving us back the Robin and Jason of the past is what I want and miss. Kimberly and Steve made me feel what love was all about. 
Your Age: 26
6434 - 8/11/00 9:13:13 PM
Your Name: Brenda McMahon-Hoyt
Your City & State: NY
Your Comments: I'm really missing Robin. The only character to have a heart. I can't stand watching GH in the pres. the show has lost its edge. I wish Kimberly would return and Robin and Jason are written with the material that they were meant to have. PLEASE NO MORE CARLY CRAP, ENOUGH. Please bring the REAL SONNY Back. Sorry about that but my friends and I are missing Kimberly and the GH that was worth our time.
6433 - 8/11/00 9:08:46 PM
Your Name: Cora Trailer
Your City & State: Queens, NY
Your Comments: Robin and Jason -makes me want to watch General Hospital. Kimberly McCullough is my ticket to watching GH everyday.
Your Age: 28
6432 - Ava Schector, 6431 - Karry Varguos, 6430 - Lonnie Jane, 6429 - Marybell Conners, 6428 - Ashley Middleton, 6427 - Belinda Ugommi, 6426 - Jennifer Demise, 6425 - Jenna Huff, 6424 - Casey O'Neil, 6423 - Marissa Paul, and 6422 - Daria Wimsat
Your City & State: Mesquite, Texas- class of 2001
Your Age: 23,22,21,24,22,21,21,24,25,23,22
8/11/00 8:27:48 PM
6421 - 8/10/00 8:48:53 PM
Your Name: Jenice Middendorf
Your City & State: Fort Wright, KY
Your Comments: First let me say, this petition is awesome. I can't believe that it's over 6,000 almost 7,000. I am not sure what I could add that hasn't been covered over 6,000 times. I have loved being a Robin fan. Kimberly is a wonderful actress and has made the character Robin extremely special. I would follow her on to any soap. She stands for inner and outter strength and beauty. I loved Robin with Stone, felt her pain and happiness at the same time. I love Robin and Jason, felt her love and courage over and over again. I'm a Robin fan forever. I have a one-year-old daughter and have tried to teach her as best as I can and Robin is a fine example of being true to yourself. Not to mention, she has the greatest smile and can convince you of anything. It's love from Robin to Stone, Jason, Sonny, Jax's, Brenda, and the fans that make us miss Kimberly McCullough everyday. A soap fan doesn't forget and these is no way in hell a soap fan can ever forget how special and Kimberly McCullough aka Robin is. 
Your Age: 23
6420 - 8/8/00 8:23:01 PM
Your Name: Linlae Thomas
Your City & State: Newton, NJ
Your Comments: If General Hospital would start listening to their fans they would see why so many have turned away. I am a former 20-year GH fan. I reached a point where I could not watch another minute. The entire show has been turned upside-down into Carly World and her pointless stories and lies. It's a shame to see a show so well written (a one point) turn into turd so fast. The enjoyment is gone. I'm a Kimberly fan who feels she was treated so poorly by these un-grateful writers. To have such a golden actress is a gift, but to shaft her is a disgrace. You could not find a more compatible couple like R&J / K&S. It's beauty, magic, and breathtaking watching them. That would be my only reason to return, Robin and Jason.
Your Age: 24
6419 - Shel Kramer & 6418 - Nacci O'Connell
Your City & State: Traverse City, Michigan
Your Comments: We are begging Kimberly! From the first time we saw you Kim, we could relate to you. Your acting is outstanding and missed very much. This petition is awesome, we are so happy to add our names and be apart of this. Anything we can do we have the power, all of us fans do. Two Robin and Jason fans that are solid. We miss you like crazy Kimberly. GH is nothing without you honey.
8/8/00 6:28:28 AM
6417 - 8/7/00 8:34:07 PM
Your Name: Valarie Boyle
Your City & State: St. Louis
Your Comments: A longtime fan Kimberly. Best of luck and come back when you can. I don't even watch General Hospital anymore.
Your Age: 27
6416 - 8/6/00 4:15:14 PM
Your Name: Gabbie Cross
Your City & State: Pitts-PA
Your Favorite Web Page: I love them all
Your Comments: I just want to agree with this petition and be included in the count. Lots of Robin fans in my hometown. Kimberly, wherever you are and whatever you are doing, please note that we all miss you.
Your Age: 21
6415 - 8/6/00 2:01:27 PM
Your Name: Heather-Lynn Klumber
Your City & State: NY, NY
Your Comments: Just bring her back, beg, plead, and beg again. Please bring Kimberly And Steve back together again.
6414 - 8/6/00 1:46:59 PM
Your Name: Deavina Hollis
Your City & State: Columbus, OH
Your Comments: Like Zoay, I have been a fan of GH for 25 years. I miss Anna, Robert, Sean, Tiffany, the old Luke and Laura, and my favorite Robin and Jason. I wish that Kimberly would return and hope that this petition brings her back. Thank you
6413 - 8/6/00 1:42:19 PM
Your Name: Zoya Revenzia
Your City & State: Cleveland, Ohio
Your Comments: It's shocking to think that General Hospital is still on the air with the disturbing writing. The show stinks and that upsetting to me who has been a fan of 25 years. 
I have always loved the relationship of Robin and Jason. They are real and not this he sleeps with her and she sleeps with him mixed in a million lies and more cheating. Robin and Jason are a breath of fresh air. They symbolize what love is all about. Love is beautiful when it's right and for Robin and Jason it's been beautiful for years. From the moment they met on that bridge, where Kimberly McCullough and Steve Burton came together they became one. I MISS THEM MORE THEN ANYTHING. I wish they would come back together and stir in that magic. I want a baby, a marriage, and dealing with the effects of HIV. I miss my couple. A Kimberly fan forever and a Robin and Jason wisher.
6412 - 8/5/00 10:02:19 PM
Your Name: Carmon Boonhagger
Your City & State: Potomac, MD
Your Comments: I stopped watching GH. I stopped buying the soap magazines and stop checking out all the web crap when Kimberly left. There was no need to even bother with GH and their crap storyline, but I heard about this petition and I had to fins it. Thank you a billion for starting this. I can't get over how many names are on this petition. This petition re-news my faith, I miss everything about Robin and loved my Robin and Jason. I just hope that Kimberly will return. Thanks again
6411 - 8/3/00 8:02:09 PM
Your Name: Leslie Avagoti
Your City & State: Lancaster, PA
Your Comments: I dream of the day Kimberly returns. Robin and Jason and magic all over again. That's the only thing that would bring me back to General Hospital. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks a million for the petition; I'll pass the word on. 
6410 - 8/2/00 6:25:47 AM
Your Name: Shelly Eagle
Your City & State: Pompano Beach, FL
Your Comments: As a Kimberly fan I'm thrilled to have found this petition. As a GH fan I'm no longer watching. The show has lost my interest. The stories are the pits. GH is no longer written with class and realism. There isn't even and fun. I miss my old favorite General Hospital with a deep history and adventure, but what I miss most is the characters that you can't help but love. I love Robin and Jason more then anything. They are my couple. The couple that is real and down right beautiful. tootals
6409 - 8/1/00 8:23:11 PM
Your Name: Candice Pitt
Your City & State: Duck, NC
Your Comments: I wish Kimberly would return to General Hospital and reunite Robin and Jason. They were my only reason to watch. I miss Robin and Jason. The love the chemistry, the honesty. I wanted to see Robin and Jason have a baby, deal with the struggles of Robin's health. I still hope this happens. Kimberly McCullough is my favorite daytime actress. She has more talent then all the actresses on daytime. She amazing. 
6408 - 7/31/00 8:58:48 PM
Your Name: Tracy Panos
Your City & State: AL
Your Comments: I'm a long time fan of Robin/Kimberly and would love to see her return to GH.
Your Age: 28
6407 - 7/31/00 8:33:00 PM
Your Name: Mandee Fisher
Your E-Mail Address: tfisher@webpipe.net
Your City & State: Clearfield, UT
Your Favorite Web Page: Steve Burton Fan Page
Your Comments: What ever happened to all the promises Robin and Jason made to each other? At the bridge, at the boxcar, at the penthouse? They always said they were apart of each other. Bring these two talented actors back to GH. I want them back together the way they use to be. Nothing else mattered to them except being together. Come back to GH Steve and Kimberly!
Your Age: 25
6406 - 7/30/00 4:44:03 PM
Your Name: Grace Mendonca
Your City & State: Boston, Mass
Your Comments: I feel the same as my friends. Thanks for the petition.
6405 - 7/30/00 4:41:11 PM
Your Name: Clasnesia Ryantray
Your City & State: Boston, Mass
Your Comments: I have to laugh over GH these days. A show that I grew up with that has turned upside down. No offense to Sarah Brown, but I have had it with Carly. The character is truly an insult to women. A character that is cold, rude, a liar, a sneak, disrespectful, and is on way too much. It's Carly's General Hospital every day and I am fed up with that. Come on, Sonny, the real Sonny who had Brenda would never turn to Carly, that's sick and they have no chemistry. Baby Michael, can someone give that kid to A.J. and end this mess. Billy Warlock deserves so much better. Kimberly and Steve, they should have been treated better. Kimberly is far too classy and moving of a actress to have had to deal with these first grade writers who continue to re-write history every other minute. I have had it with GH. I want my Robin and Jason back together and written the way the y should have in the first place. You want us to believe that Jason would be cruel to Robin, never not on the real General Hospital.
Your Age: 26
6404 - 7/30/00 4:33:32 PM
Your Name: Alaina O'Hill
Your City & State: Boston, Mass
Your Comments: Add my name and spell it with large letters, I miss Robin and Jason. I miss you Kimberly and would love to see you back on General Hospital.
Your Age: 29
6403 - 7/30/00 4:31:52 PM
Your Name: Keeria Timberlake-Howard
Your City & State: North Andover, MASS
Your Comments: I don't care what they do at GH; they just need to do something. The show is the pits. WE ARE TIRED OF CARLY!!!!!!!! We want our Robin and Jason back together strong, beautiful and the way it should be. Love you Kimberly and totally miss you.
Your Age: 24
6402 - 7/30/00 4:11:19 PM
Your Name: Taylor McKenzie
Your City & State: NYC, NY
Your Comments: I want Jason and Robin back together!!!!!
6401 - 7/30/00 12:07:05 PM
Your Name: Raelynn Pineo
Your City & State: Salem, NH
Your Comments: I sure would love to thank the creators of this petition. AMEN, AMEN, Kimberly, we want you back.
6400 - 7/30/00 11:32:26 AM
Your Name: Mallarey Dubois
Your City & State: St. Petersburg, FL
Your Comments: An ex-boyfriend started me watching General Hospital back in Jr. High. I was never into soaps or even new what they were about until I starting watching GH and noticed Robin Scorpio. She was thin, short, and had that smile similar to myself. What I loved more then anything and still do is her heart, it's full of courage, love, and strength. That's the kinds of characters I want to see. Do we have to see so many sluts, hookers, and low-lifes on soaps? While I 'm sure there are many that exists, what about the real people? What about the people that are good. Robin is that, an angle at times, but she is a best friend, the best anyone could ever had, she is someone that any man could fall for. The amount of courage and poise it took for her to go through the Stone events was so inspiring. I miss Kimberly McCullough. I haven't watched General Hospital for two years. I miss what made me a fan back in the days. I feel like Robin is my friend for life. She gave Sonny a heart, Jason a love and Brenda a sister. She gave Jax's a friend, and the fans our reason to watch. I read a few others that said Robin and Jason are true soul mates and for that matter Kimberly and Steve. You can't just pick that kind of chemistry up and throw it together. Thank you dearly
6399 - 7/28/00 10:59:45 PM
Your Name: Thara Burke-Lapinosski
Your City & State: Dayton, OH
Your Comments: Would love to see you back on General Hospital. I have been a loyal fan for years. You are a magical, moving, beautifully gifted actress. You made my GH. days worth watching. Robin and Jason always and forever!
Your Age: 27
6398 - 7/27/00 9:06:46 PM
Your Name: Avis "Ava" Dee
Your City & State: Freeland, MI
Your Comments: I have 28 years of watching General Hospital. I have always liked Frisco and Felicia, but I love Robin and Jason. Kimberly, I miss you.
6397 - 7/27/00 9:04:25 PM
Your Name: Amillia "Milli" Dee
Your City & State: Freeland, MI
Your Comments: I've been a fan. A fan for nearly 25 years. A fan that has seen it all. A fan that was there with Luke & Laura, Frisco & Felicia, Sean & Tiffany, Anna & Robert. Then there was Robin & Jason. The love of a lifetime. I have never loved a couple more. Never enjoyed a couple more. Never felt the love of a couple like Robin and Jason. Bravo Kimberly, you have planted yourself in the fans hearts forever. There will never be another, nor would there ever be a reason to create another. Kimberly McCullough & Steve Burton, the love, respect, alluring chemistry, the couple, our couple. I miss them, love them, and have been wanting them back together since the day they left. 
6396, 6395 - 7/26/00 11:08:03 PM
Your Name: Julie-Ann McDonell and June Musgrave
Your City & State: Bayside, NY
Your Comments: We want to say how much we miss Robin. But it is KIMBERLY's ROBIN we miss.
No other actress could ever play Robin Scorpio. This is one character that would be impossible to recast.
The fans of GH are happy to see Robin return from time to time in the meantime until Kimberly is ready to return full-time.
So GH should be fine with that too.
We will be very upset if GH were to recast Robin Scorpio.
All the fans who have signed this petition love Kimberly McCullough and none of us would ever want Robin to be played by another actress.
Just give Kimberly whatever she wants; it is as simple as that!
Your Age: 25 and 28 respectively
6395 - 7/26/00 9:34:47 PM
Your Name: Twilla Holles
Your City & State: Albany, NY
Your Comments: I think this petition is a great idea. I will love to add my name and 100% agreement/ Kimberly is a fab actress that carries the fans everyone. We simply love her and miss her.
6394 - 7/25/00 12:27:28 AM
Your Name: Susie Carugati
Your E-Mail Address: Susz1981@aol.com
Your City & State: Joliet IL
Your Favorite Web Page: Soapzone.com
Your Comments: General Hospital just isn't without Kimberly McCullough (ex-Robin on General Hospital) I'd really like her to come back to GH. So she can tell Carly off and put her in her place. I'd love to see Robins face when she Meets Hannah and mistakes her for Brenda like Jax did.
Your Age: 19
6393 - 7/24/00 6:33:38 AM
Your Name: Paulette Ann Fern
Your City & State: Ocean City, MD
6392 - 7/24/00 6:32:01 AM
Your Name: Shila Lilly Plimon
Your City & State: Ocean City, MD
Your Comments: I'm just so excited to be apart of this petition and agree with 100%. We miss Kimberly bottom line and GH is awful without her. Please bring Robin and Jason back, please!
6390 - 7/24/00 6:30:00 AM
Your Name: Nora Fitzsimmons
Your City & State: Ocean City. MD
Your Comments: I deeply miss you Kimberly! My sister and I have been watching you for years. Nothing more beautiful then you Kimberly and Steve Burton. I haven't watched a day since you left. I miss you so.
6389 - 7/24/00 6:27:39 AM
Your Name: Justeen Nagemi
Your City & State: Ocean City, MD
Your Comments: I think over 6,000 names covers all my thoughts. Kimberly, you are the greatest.
6388 - 7/24/00 6:26:11 AM
Your Name: Darby Lucus
Your City & State: Ocean City, MD
Your Comments: What a delightful petition. From one fan to another, Kimberly, we miss you like crazy all the time, every afternoon. A true Robin and Jason fan forever.
6387 - 7/24/00 6:24:28 AM
Your Name: Kristren Hayden-Clay
Your City & State: Ocean, MD
Your Comments: Love you too Kimberly. I have never missed a GH where you were on. You're our girl forever. I having Robin and Jason dreams all the time. 
6386 - 7/24/00 6:22:39 AM
Your Name: Kathaleen Brendon
Your City & State: Ocean City, MD
Your Comments: Miss you Kimberly, please come back to our heart.
6385 - 7/22/00 11:08:57 PM
Your Name: Larris Conklynn
Your City & State: RI
Your Comments: I'm 29 a die-hard Robin and Jason fan. Let me corrrect that by saying, I adore Kimberly McCullough and then Robin and Jason. She is a truly gifted actress who General Hospital is lacking. What she has brought to us fans over the years is unbelievable. A dear friend for life, so yes please add my name to the petition proudly.
6384 - 7/20/00 10:19:49 PM
Your Name: Lydia Darnen
Your Comments: I am sad to hear that GH is going to continue to upset the fans with these poor rumors. I can't understand how a show that meant the word to many can be distroyed with a few writers and their unheard of thoughts. I just want my Robin and Jason back together. I want the magic that is shared between Kimberly and Steve, even if it's only for a short time. the made you feel love.
6383 - 7/20/00 1:21:00 PM
Your Name: Michelle Murphy
Your City & State: NJ
Your Comments: I just read a rumor that GH is recasting Robin. GH if you do this I will never watch GH again. Kimberly McCullough is the one and only Robin Scorpio. Please reconsider your decision. Kimberly please come back to GH. I never want to see a recast.
Your Age: 20
6382 - 7/18/00 8:28:04 PM
Your Name: Monclaire Ede
Your City & State: Atlanta, GA
Your Comments: I'm a huge Kimberly fan too...............
She needs to come back so we can have our Robin and Jason back.
6381 -  Hillary, Shari, and 6380 Tabitha Chumming
Your City & State: GA
Your Comments: You have 3 more votes for Kimberly. We grew up watching her as she has become a favorite. There is no question, Robin and Jason/Steve and Kimberly "THE BEST". 
We all want her back and fast.
7/18/00 8:25:50 PM
6379 - 7/16/00 9:03:13 PM
Your Name: Megan Broo
Your City & State: Boston, Ma
Your Comments: I hope that all you Kimberly fans feel the same as I do. I miss her so very much.
Your Age: 22
6378 - 7/15/00 7:51:12 PM
Your Name: Jenna Homestead
Your Comments: I've missed you Kimberly. I have really missed you. I miss General Hospital and my favorite couple, Robin and Jason. They were about love and made you feel it. A longer watching Gh and soaps but If Kimberly and Steve were coming back together I would be back in a flash
6377 - 7/12/00 8:28:40 PM
Your Name: Kara
Your City & State: MA
Your Comments: Robin was the BEST character of " my generation" while she was on General Hospital. Everyone who is my moms age that watched soaps always raves about "Robert and Anna" and Laura and Luke". Our two supercouples in the making were Sonny and Brenda, and especially Jason and Robin. You writers and producers had a dynasty in the makings, and you let both Robin and Steve go. Not only that, you may have caused irreparable damage to their credibly and storyline. Steve Burton and Kimberly McCullough are two of the best actors on daytime, and I think they will both become superstars. I wish them both the absolute best of luck. However, I hope you all know that GH has lost its best piece in the departure of Steve and Kimberly. Please do everything in your power to bring them back, and please keep in mind, that in me you have lost a viewer until this storyline shapes up. Thank You.
Your Age: 15
6376 - 7/11/00 8:57:29 PM
Your Name: Christen
Your Comments: Bring her back
6375 - 7/11/00 6:15:05 PM
Your Name: Sophie White
Your City & State: Falls Church, VA
Your Comments: I'm fed up with General Hospital and have been for over 2 years. There isn't much to say, I agree with all the other messages. I have been a Robin/Kimberly fan forever. She is the only real character that a soap has ever had. She gives you hope and strength, but mostly she becomes your best friend in a heartbeat. As for Robin and Jason, come on those to gave us all a reason to watch. I fell in love with those two and have never pictured them with anyone else. The chemistry shared between Kimberly McCullough and Steve Burton is perfect. 
Your Age: 25
6374 - 7/11/00 11:42:32 AM
Your Name: Sueanne Heneghan
Your E-Mail Address: ShyGirL26@mailcity.com
Your City & State: Canton, Ohio
Your Comments: I really miss Kimberly McCullough on General Hospital. I really wish she would come back permanently to General Hospital. I loved her speech she made at the Nurse's Ball; I recorded it on my VCR. I record the Nurse's Ball every year. I really hope Kimberly decides to come back permanently soon.
Your Age: 26
6373 - 7/9/00 6:03:22 PM
Your Name: Flease Stone
Your City & State: AL
Your Age: 26
6372 - 7/9/00 6:01:12 PM
Your Name: Avonnia Claude
Your Comments: I'm a Kimberly fan who misses her all the time. General Hospital isn't the same without her. This Carly stuff is boring and uninteresting; I would rather see important, interesting, beautiful stories. I miss the LOVE I miss Robin and Jason!
Your Age: 24
6371 - 7/8/00 10:47:13 PM
Your Name: Julie
Your E-Mail Address: jewls40598@aol.com
Your City & State: Lakeland, FL
Your Comments: PLEASE COME BACK!!!!!! WE MISS YOU!!!!!!
Your Age: 17
6370 - 7/7/00 8:33:25 PM
Your Name: Shara Gibler
Your City & State: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Your Comments: Please come back Kimberly, if only for another short visit.
6369 - 7/2/00 2:04:41 PM
Your Name: Marri Prestley
Your City & State: Dover, DE
Your Comments: I agree with all of my friends. I miss you Kimberly and wish you would return more often. I thrilled to hear about your other projects. You are very special to us fans and we wish you nothing but the best. A Robin and Jason fan forever.
6368 - 7/2/00 2:02:26 PM
Your Name: CarrieLee Conhue
Your City & State: DE
Your Comments: Pleading and begging for your return Kimberly. A Robin fan forever.
6367 - 7/2/00 2:00:28 PM
Your Name: Roselle Thadous
Your City & State: Dover Girl
Your Comments: I miss you too Kimberly. I wish you would return and GH would end this foolish Carly stuff. It's boring and sick. I miss the old GH gang with Robin & Jason, Brenda & Sonny and Lois. 
6366 - 7/2/00 1:57:29 PM
Your Name: Jade Brookstone
Your City & State: Dover, Del
Your Comments: I'm yelling, Kimberly I miss you girl! I miss my reason to watch and Robin Jason, the only reason to care. What mess GH is without you, I am glad you returned and made your mark, but I'm upset at GH and their ways to destroy the meaning of the ball with filthy Carly stuff. Please get rid of Guza. He has set fans away since he started.
6365 - 6/30/00 7:15:14 PM
Your Name: Faith O'Hare
Your City & State: Austin, TX
Your Comments: I miss you so much Kimberly. I hope your life is going great. I would love to see more of your acting. GH isn't worth it without you honey. I will always be a huge fan with my fingers crossed of a Robin and Jason love story again.
6364 - 6/29/00 12:22:50 PM
Your Name: Courtney
Your E-Mail Address: blessed_23_83@yahoo.com
Your City & State: Groves, Texas
Your Comments: Kimberly, you are such an inspiration to us all. You have a talent that most of us can only dream about. Ever since the first time I saw you on GH, I found out that I was going to be watching one of the world's most incredible actresses. I absolutely adore Robin, and miss her and Jason together SO MUCH! You and Steve share this amazing chemistry that takes my breath away. We miss you so much, Kimberly. I hope that one day you will find yourself back at GH. Good luck to you. I see an Oscar in your future - without a doubt.
Your Age: 16
6363 - 6/27/00 9:28:58 PM
Your Name: Nicole
Your City & State: New York
Your Comments: I was so happy to here Kimberly was going to return for the nurses ball this year but then they only made her on for 1 day and they said she was going to be on for 3. I was very upset by that but also must say she did a wonderful job on the 1 day she was there. She was always my favorite and I loved her and Jason together. They are truly one of the best couples in daytime and are greatly missed! I was very upset also by the way they made Robin leave that spoiled the whole relationship and made all the Jason and Robin fans sad. I think Kimberly did not get the respect she deserved after being on the show for nearly 15 years. I mean a day after Kimberly left the show they already made him begin a relationship with Carly and never had Jason remember a moment with Robin which was such a shame cause there relationship was beautiful! You are forever loved and missed Kimberly!
6362 - 6/27/00 7:58:55 AM
Your Name: Crystal Matheson
Your City & State: Seattle, Washington
Your Comments: Why does Steve Burton get to come back to GH for 6 weeks and the Kimberly fans only got to see her for one day?
It is such a shame that Steve and Kimberly could not be back together.
That is what I would love to see a Robin and Jason reunion. I love this couple. They are the most romantic couple on daytime.
I hope the Powers finally wake up and realize what a goldmine they have in Steve and Kimberly and do anything to get Kimberly to come back.
I do feel guilty when I beg for Kimberly to come back because I know she is happy doing other things.
But I just want to see closure for Robin and Jason. The way things were left between them was terrible and it still hurts!
Please, Kimberly, come home to GH even if just long enough to repair Robin and Jason.
Your Age: 19
6361  - Jennifer Farley, 6360 Samantha Combes, 6359 Marissa Littlefield, 6358 Jacki Lei, 6357 Mai Nguyn, 6356 Cindi Jones, 6355 Julie Smith-Talbot
Your City & State: Waco, Texas, 76707
Your Comments: We want to say how much we loved seeing Kimberly back as Robin for the Nurses Ball. She was as beautiful as ever and above all classy!
However we were disappointed that GH once again neglected the real issue of her return, AID's/HIV awareness. This important issue was put to the backburner for Guza's obsession for Carly and her pathetic tantrums which we see are still happening.
Nothing has changed in one year! We saw nothing last week on GH to make us come back to watching GH. It seemed like the same old recycled script showcasing a character with little morality and above all complete ignorance with HIV.
It was great to see you Kimberly and having you back only highlighted to us just how much GH is lost without you and the character of Robin Scorpio.
Why, TPTB don't give you the world to get you back, is a mystery. If the fans can see how much GH needs you, why can't TPTB?
Take care, we love you.
Your Age : 20 to 29 (one turning the big 30 in a couple of months!!) 
6/27/00 3:35:42 AM
6354 - 6/25/00 4:12:25 PM
Your Name: Haddie Margoulous
Your City & State: Uhrichsville, OH
Your Comments: 20 years a fan. God Bless you Kimberly for your talent and grace. I have been missing you since you left and loved that you returned. I only hope you return again and Robin and Jason are again. I have never seen such a beautiful written love story like the way Robin and Jason were. To me General Hospital hasn't been the same in 3 years. I wish that a new writer would come aboard and bring romance and true stories back to daytime. Thank you again for returning. I miss you already again.
6353 - 6/25/00 2:23:33 PM
Your Name: Chasta Arnold
Your City & State: Albany, NY
Your Comments: Kimberly your the greatest and deeply missed. The ball was a disgrace with the Carly crap. I was happy to see you and wish that you would stay.
6352 - 6/25/00 2:21:59 PM
Your Name: Amy-Michelle Homer
Your City & State: NY
Your Comments: I agree with Lynnie, Kimberly is far too special to have come back for only a short time. GH should have given the fans what they wanted, her and not a sick Carly and Sonny stuff. Has GH lost their morals? HIV is a big deal, and the NB is an important show because of Kimberly. I would do anything to bring her back for good.
6351 - 6/25/00 2:19:35 PM
Your Name: Lyndrella Kaufman
Your City & State: NY
Your Comments: I wish she would stay. I loved seeing Kimberly again and wish she would have been given more time instead of Carly and that gross thing with Sonny. Why Lord, what happened to General Hospital and Maurice Bernard. God a love the class that Kimberly brings. That's the only reason I ever watched GH.
6350 - 6/24/00 6:43:20 PM
Your Name: Tootsie
Your E-Mail Address: tfalk@home.com
Your City & State: Canada
Your Favorite Web Page: Romantics Garden
Your Comments:  I was very happy to see you back in PC Kimberly, but it did not focus enough on your HIV status. I was upset that all the NB was this year was a showcase for Carly. And your time in PC was not near long enough. I am a huge Jason and Robin fan and I think the 2 of them need a happy ending. Would love to see you back in PC full time.
6349 - 6/23/00 10:23:36 PM
Your Name:  Elizabeth Keenly
Your City & State:  Vista, FL
Your Comments:  Kimberly, it was a gift to have you home for the Nurse's Ball Event. Thank you for coming home. I only wished you would have stayed and been treated better. The Nurse's Ball should have been more about you and not Carly and her behavior. Love you and miss you Kimberly already.
6348 Name: Simone Trivit 
Country: USA 
Comments: It's wonderful, wonderful I love this petition. I am overjoyed to have found this. I can't think of what to say that hasn't already been. I'll be short: I adore Kimberly McCullough. I am in love with Kimberly and Steve. The word beautiful means Robin and Jason. I can't wait to see Kimberly return. That's it. 
Date: 18:56:47, June 06 
6347 Sindy Gibb, 6346 Shondra Gibb, 6345 Heather Gibb and 6344 Mallory Gibb 
Date: 20:11:07, June 05 
6343 Name: Cora Klein 
Comments: I've missed you Kimberly and love that the fans have started this petition. I'm excited you are returning and I hope that you will not stay away to long. They can do all they want with GH and it isn't going to mean anything without you. 
Date: 18:37:21, June 05 
6342 Name: Nina 
Country: United States 
Comments: Robin is back for the Nurse's Ball. It is about time I hope this means we will see more of Kimberly. She is a great actress and I think that there is so much to do with the storyline of AIDS. She is a welcomed surprise and I will keep sign


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