Latin name : Abelmoschus moschatus
English name : Musk mallow
Sanskrit / Indian name : Latakasthuri

It is an erect, annual or biennial, hirsute herb. The fatty oil of the seeds contains phospholipids-a-cephalin, and phosphatidylserine. The seeds are antiseptic, stomachic, tonic, carminative, antihyteric and aphrodisiac.
It is used in the treatment of male sexual disorders and venereal diseases.

Used in Tentex forte (VigorCare).

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Sanskrit / Indian Name: Abhraka bhasma
English Name: Powdered Talc/Biotite calx
It is prepared by treating biotite (mica) with the juices of a number of reconstituent plants that make it a powerful cellular regenerator. It is a nervine tonic and is also widely used in respiratory tract infections, and anemia. It contains iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and aluminum in traces.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Geriforte.

Latin name:Abutilon indicum
English name: Country mallow
Sanskrit/Indian name: Atibala

A softly tomentose herb or shrub, with yellow or orange-yellow flowers.
The plant is reported to contain fructose, galactose, glucose, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and galacturonic acid. The drug is used as a febrifuge, has anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory properties, and is useful in urinary and uterine discharges, piles and lumbago.

Used in Diabecon.

Latin name:Acacia nilotica
English name: Indian gum-arabic tree
Sanskrit/Indian name: Babbula

A moderate-sized, almost evergreen tree with a short trunk, a spreading crown and feathery foliage. The bark from the branches yields 7-12 per cent tannin and is used for asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, dysentery, diarrhea and skin diseases. The stem is used as a toothbrush and the gum for burns. The leaves are useful for eye complaints, headache, throat infection, urinary problems and gonorrhea.

Used in EveCare.

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Latin name : Achillea millefolium
English name : Yarrow
Sanskrit / Indian name : Biranjasipha

Achillea millefolium is a perennial herb that contains the alkaloid achilline, and, also yields an essential oil, Espirt d' Iva. The herb possesses diaphoretic, vulnerary, styphic, astringent, emmenogogue, stimulant, tonic and anti-hemorrhoidal properties.

It is useful in influenza and heavy chest colds and also as a blood-purifier. It has carminative, digestive, astringent and anti-spasmodic properties. It is used in the treatment of flatulence, colic and heartburn. A decoction of the herb is said to give significant relief in chronic colic. It is also used in various hepatic disorders.

Used in Bonnisan, Liv 52(LiverCare) and Geriforte (StressCare).

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Latin name:Achyranthes aspera
English name: Prickly-chaff flower
Sanskrit/Indian name: Apamarga

An erect or procumbent, annual or perennial herb, often with a woody base. The whole plant contains the alkaloids achyranthine and betaine.
The plant is much valued in the indigenous medicine. It is reported to be pungent, astringent, pectoral and diuretic. It is used as an emmenagogue, and in piles and skin eruptions.

Used in Cystone.

Latin name:Aconitum bisma
English name: Crowfoot.
Sanskrit/Indian name: Prativisha

A biennial herb, with a tuberous and paired root The roots contain five diterpene alkaloids, viz. palmatisine, vakognavine , vakatisine, vakatisinine and vakati.
The root is intensely bitter and is used in combination with long pepper for pain in the bowels, for diarrhea, and vomiting.
Used in Gasex.

Latin name : Acorus calamus
English name : Sweetflag
Sanskrit / Indian name : Vacha

Acorus calamus is a semi-aquatic herb with creeping rhizomes. The dried rhizomes constitute the drug Calamus of commerce. The rhizomes, roots and leaves yield a light brownish yellow volatile oil called calamus oil. The important constituents of Indian calamus oil are asarone and its b-isomer.

The rhizomes are considered to possess anti-spasmodic, carminative and anthelmentic properties. They are used for the treatment of epilepsy, chronic diarrhea and dysentery, bronchial catarrh, fever, glandular and abdominal tumors, kidney and liver complaints, rheumatism and eczema.

It has been used in indigenous systems of medicine (eg. Ayurveda) to improve memory retention and recall. A combination of B. monnieri and A. calamus significantly increases memory and controls hyperactivity in children.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Mentat (MindCare) and Rumalaya cream (JointCare).

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Latin name : Adhatoda zeylanica
English name : Malabar nut, Vasaka
Sanskrit / Indian name : Shwetavasa, Vasa, Vasaka

Its principle constituents are the several alkaloids which are present in the drug and its chief principle is a quinazoline alkaloid, vasicine. The leaves are rich in vitamin C and carotene and yield an essential oil. The shrub is the source of the drug, vasaka, well known in indigenous systems of medicine for its beneficial effects, particularly in bronchitis. The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots are extensively used for treating cold, cough, whooping-cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. It acts as a sedative-expectorant, antispasmodic and anthelmintic. The leaf-juice is stated to cure diarrhea, dysentery and glandular tumour, and, is given as an emmenagogue. The powder is reported to be used as a poultice on rheumatic joints, as a counter-irritant on inflammatory swellings, on fresh wounds, urticaria and in neuralgia.

Used in Diakof, Geriforte(Stress Care), Koflet, Lukol, Menotab, EveCare, Koftea.

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Sanskrit / Indian Name: Akika pishti
English Name: Processed Agate

A cardiac tonic – it allays palpitation of the heart.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Diabecon.

Latin name: Aegle marmelos
English name: Bael tree
Sanskrit/Indian name: Bilva

It is a fruit used in diarrhea, dysentery and cholera due to its digestive and carminative properties. It helps in the healing of ulcerated intestinal surfaces. It possesses antiviral, anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory properties and has appreciable activity against Vibrio cholera and Salmonella.

Used in Lukol.

Latin name: Areca catechu
English name: Areca nut
Sanskrit/Indian name: Puga

A tree with annulate stem surmounted by a crown of pinnate leaves.
Arecanut contains several alkaloids belonging to the pyridine group. The most important of them physiologically is arecoline The polyphenols of ripe arecanut contain predominantly polymerized leucocyanidins besides as well as small amounts of (+)-cetechin, leucopelargonidin and leucocyanidin. The polyphenolic substances of arecanuts, generally termed tannins, are responsible for the physiological action. The non-alkaloid fractions of arecanuts are reported to possess anti-microbial properties. The powdered nuts are prescribed in diarrhea and urinary disorders. In Sri Lanka, the unripe nuts are credited with laxative properties, but they are said to affect the eyesight. Arecanuts are considered useful as an external application on ulcers, and in skin disorders. They are anthelmintic, and are used in veterinary medicine as a vermifuge. A paste of the dry arecanut powder is used as a dentifrice. The dried nuts are said to sweeten the breath, strengthen the gums, and produce a stimulant and exhilarant effect on the system. Arecanut chewed is reportedly a good source of fluoride.
Used in Lukol.

Latin name : Aloe barbadensis
English name : Barbados aloe
Sanskrit / Indian names : Ghrita-kumari, Kanya, Kumari

Its principle constituents are the leaves that contain barbaloin, chrysophanol glycoside and the aglycone, aloe-emodin. The leaf juice forms the main source of the drug. Aloes have long been in use for a host of diseases, particularly those connected with the digestive system; they have also been used for wounds, burns, dermatitis, cutaneous leishmaniasis and other skin troubles. It is used in eye troubles, spleen and liver ailments.

Used in Diabecon, Kilose, EveCare, DermaCare AC, DermaCare RJ, DermaCare SN cream & lotion, DermaCare ML.

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Latin name:Anacyclus pyrethrum
English name: Pellitory
Sanskrit/Indian name: Akarakarabha
A perennial, procumbent herb, the roots of which are used in medicine. They contain anacyclin, pellitorine, enetriyne alcohol, hydrocarolin, inulin, traces of volatile oil and (+)-sesamin.
The roots possess stimulant and rubifacient properties.
Used in Tentex forte.


Latin name:Argyreia nervosa
English name: Loosestrife
Sanskrit/Indian name: Vriddhadaru
A woody climber with a stout stem and rose purple flowers.
The root is bitter, aphrodisiac, diuretic, and is used in gonorrhea, rheumatism and diseases of the nervous system. It is also used as a tonic. The plant is used along with other ingredients to cure sexual disorders in males.
Used in Spemen, Tentex forte, Geriforte.

Latin name:Asparagus adscendens
English name: Loosestrife
Sanskrit/Indian name: Musali
A sub-erect, prickly shrub with white tuberous roots.
The roots are prescribed for diarrhea and dysentery. The saponin mixture from the dried roots yield glycosides, O-[ß-D-2-tetracosylxylophyranosyl]-stigmasterol, and 3-ß-O-[ß-D- Glycopyranosyl (12)-a-L-arabinopyranosyl] stigmasterol.
Used in Geriforte.


Latin name:Asparagus racemosus
English name: Asparagus
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shatavari
A much-branched, spinous under-shrub, with tuberous, short rootstock bearing numerous fusiform, succulent, tuberous roots. The plant contains four saponins, viz. shatavarin I to IV.
The plant is used as a demulcent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, and galactogouge. The root extracts exhibit anti-allergic activity. Along with the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, they are given to diabetic patients.
Used in Abana, EveCare, Diabecon, and Geriforte.

Latin name : Azadirachta indica (Melia azadirachta)
English name : Neem
Sanskrit / Indian name : Nimba

Azadirachta indica is a large, evergreen tree. Its principle constituents are nimbin, nimbinin and nimbidin. All parts of the plant yield b-sitosterol.

Neem extracts possess anti-diabetic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. The tree stem, root and bark possess astringent, tonic and anti-periodic properties. The bark is beneficial in malarial fever and useful in cutaneous diseases.

It is used for external applications in skin diseases. It possesses antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal properties.

Used in Pilex (VeinCare) and V-Gel (FemCare).

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Latin name : Bacopa monnieri
English name : Thyme-leaved gratiola
Sanskrit / Indian name : Brahmi

Bacopa monnieri is a small, creeping herb that contains the alkaloids brahmine and herpestine.

The entire plant constitues the well-known drug Brahmi. The drug is astringent, bitter and cooling, and, reportedly improves the intellect. It is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of asthma, hoarseness, insanity, and epilepsy and is also a potent nerve tonic, cardiotonic, aperient and diuretic.

It is reported to improve the intellect, and, acts as an anti-anxiety agent. It also calms restlessness in children and is used in several mental disorders.

Used in Mentat (MindCare), VitalCare and LiverCare liquid.

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Latin name : Bauhinia variegata
English names : Buddhist bauhinia, Mountain ebony, Orchid tree
Sanskrit / Indian names : Kanchanara, Kovidara

Its principle constituents are the seeds which yield a fatty oil, the bark yields fibre. The bark is astringent, tonic and anthelmintic. It is useful in scrofula and skin diseases. It is also used for ulcers and leprosy. A decoction of the bark is taken for dysentery. The dried buds are used for diarrhea, dysentery and hemorrhoids.

Used in Pilex(VeinCare).

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Latin name : Berberis aristata
English name : Tree turmeric
Sanskrit / Indian name : Daruharidra

Berberis aristata is an erect shrub. Berberine, berberine chloride and palmative chloride are its principle constituents. The roots possess anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. The drug is used as a cholagogue, stomachic, laxative, diaphoretic, antipyretic and antiseptic. It is administered externally for painful eye afflictions and hemorrhoids. The root bark is useful in amenorrhea.

It has an essential active ingredient, Berberine, which possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is used in the treatment of leucorrhea.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare), Rumalaya (JointCare) and V-Gel (FemCare).

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Latin name:Bergenia ciliata
Sanskrit/Indian name: Pasanabheda.
A perennial herb with stout rootstock. The dried rhizomes constitute the drug that contains an active principle, bergenin, as well as gallic acid, glucose, mucilage and wax. The presence of ß-sitosterol and four flavonoids is also reported.
The drug is reported to possess astringent, tonic, antiscorbutic, and laxative properties. It is given in pulmonary affection, dysentery, ulcers, dysuria, spleen enlargement, cough and fever. It is helpful in dissolving kidney stones.
Used in Cystone.

Latin name : Boerhavia diffusa
English name : Spreading hogweed
Sanskrit / Indian name : Punarnava

Boerhavia diffusa is a weed found throughout India. The roots contain the rotenoids, boeravinones A1, B1, C2, D, E and F besides the new dihydroisofurenoxanthin and boerhavine. The roots are credited with anti-convulsant, analgesic, diuretic, laxative and expectorant properties.

It was found to stop intra-uterine-contraceptive-device (IUCD)-induced bleeding. This herb is also known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which are comparable to that of ibuprofen. It has also proved useful as a hematinic.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Bonnisan, Diabecon (GlucoCare) , Geriforte (StressCare) , EveCare, MenstriCare (Menstrim) and V-Gel (FemCare).

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Latin name:Bombax ceiba
English name: Silk cotton tree.
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shalmali
A lofty, deciduous tree with horizontally, spreading branches.
The bark, on analysis, possesses tannins and non-tannins. It also contains lupeol, ß-sitosterol and its D-glucoside. The bark is given as a demulcent, emetic and tonic. Externally, it is used as a styptic, and also for fomenting wounds. The gum is credited with astringent, tonic, and demulcent properties and is used for dysentery, hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza and menorrhagia.
Used in EveCare, and Tentex forte.


Latin name:Butea monosperma
English name: Butea gum tree
Sanskrit/Indian name: Palasha
A deciduous tree with a crooked trunk and bright orange-red flowers. The bark exudes a red juice that dries to form the Butea gum. The gum contains leucocyanidin, its tetramer, procyanidin, gallic acid and mucilaginous material.
The gum is a powerful astringent; it is given internally for diarrhea, dysentery, phthisis and hemorrhage of the stomach and bladder.
Used in Diarex.

Latin name:Caesalpinia digyna
English name: Teri pods
Sanskrit/Indian name: Udakiryaka

A large, scandent, prickly shrub or climber.
The plant is used for curing senile pruritis with excellent result. The drug is also reported to exhibit anti-fatigue effect in rats. The roots have marked astringent and anti-pyretic properties.
They yield bergenin (vakerin).

Used in Geriforte.


Latin name:Calendula officinalis
English name: Calendula
Sanskrit/Indian name: Zergul

An aromatic, erect, annual herb, cultivated in India. The ligulate florets constitute the drug which is reported to possess stimulant, bitter, tonic, sudorific, febrifuge, carminative, anti-emetic and anthelmintic properties. The flowers contain calenduline, and oleanolic acid glycoside and sterol glycosides. They also contain a- and ß-amyrin, taraxasterol, y - taraxasterol, lupeol, brein, faradiol, arnidiol, erythrodiol, calenduladiol, coflodiol (ursadiol) and manilladiol.
Used in Pilex.


Latin name:Capparis spinosa
English name: The Caper bush
Sanskrit/Indian name: Himsra

A prostrate shrub or climber armed with divaricate, light yellow thorns.
The root bark contains stachydrine, rutic acid and a volatile substance. It is bitter, aperient, diuretic and expectorant. It is given in splenic, renal and hepatic complaints.
Used in Liv.52, Bonnisan, and Geriforte.


Latin name:Casearia esculenta
Sanskrit/Indian name: Saptarangi

A shrub or a tree with a pale yellow bark.
The root and the root bark are extensively used in the indigenous system of medicine as an antidiabetic due to their hypoglycemic activity. The roots are especially efficacious in milder chronic diabetic cases. The root contains leucopelargonidin, arabinose, dulcitol. ß-sitosterol and another sterol, and two resinous substances having hypoglycemic activity have also been reported.
Used in Diabecon.

Latin name : Cassia fistula
English name : Indian laburnum
Sanskrit / Indian name : Aragvadha

Cassia fistula is a deciduous tree with exfoliating bark. The pulp contains sennosides A and B, Rhein and its glucoside, barbaloin, aloin, formic acid, butyric acid, their ethyl esters and oxalic acid. It is a safe purgative given even to pregnant women. The pulp is also given for biliousness and in disorders of the liver. It is applied in gout and rheumatism. It is utilized in blood-poisoning, anthrax and dysentery, also given in leprosy and diabetes and for the removal of abdominal obstructions.

It is used in the treatment of varicose veins. It helps in shrinking engorged veins and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Used in Pilex (VeinCare).

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Latin name : Cassia occidentalis
English name : Negro Coffee
Sanskrit / Indian name : Kasamarda

Cassia occidentalis is a diffuse undershrub. The plant contains emodin, physcion, chrysophanol, sitosterol and a xanthone-cassiolin. The seeds and leaves are used externally in skin diseases. The roots are reported to be diuretic, the seeds, roots and leaves are anti-bacterial.
It is used in the treatment of flatulence, indigestion and other digestive disturbances in children.

Used in Bonnisan, Liv.52 tabs & syrup (LiverCare), Herbolax (LaxaCare) , Geriforte (StressCare).

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Latin name:Celastrus paniculatus
English name: Staff tree
Sanskrit/Indian name: Jyotishmati

A large, woody, climbing shrub with a yellow, corky bark.
The seeds possess emetic, diaphoretic, febrifuge and nervine properties and are used for sharpening the memory and also used to cure sores, ulcers, rheumatism and gout.
The drug is used in the traditional system of medicine as a sedative. The reported constituents are Mal III A, Mal III B, triterpenoids zeylasterone, and seylasteral. Its therapeutic uses include treating anxiety and beri-beri. An herbal extract of the crude drug was tested for its adaptogenic properties, on mice. It showed significant CNS depressant effect and a clear synergism with pentobarbital.

Used in Mentat, Abana, Himcolin, and Geriforte.

Latin name : Centella asiatica
English name : Indian pennywort / Gotu-kola
Sanskrit / Indian name : Mandukaparni

Centella asiatica is found as a weed in crop fields.

It includes the glycosides indocentelloside, brahmoside, brahminoside, asiaticoside, thankuniside and isothankuniside. In Ayurveda, the plant is used for the treatment of leprosy and skin diseases and also to improve memory, as an antidote to cholera, and in bronchitis, asthma, gastric trouble, catarrh, leucorrhea, kidney troubles, urethritis and dropsy. The plant also has tranquilizing, anabolic, antiprotozoal and spasmolytic properties.

It helps to improve memory, increases concentration and intellectual ability in children.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Geriforte (StressCare) and Pilex (VeinCare).

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Sanskrit / Indian Name: Chandrakala rasa

A rasa is a preparation containing minerals, metals and herbs in pill or powder form.

Chandrakala rasa contains mercury, sulphur, copper, silicates of potassium and aluminium, along with the following plant materials: Cyperus rotundus, Punica granatum, Cynadon dactylon, Pardanus tectorius, Vernonia cinerea, Aloe vera, Fumaria indica, Amaranthus tricolor, Asparagus racemosus, Picrorhiza kurroa, Tinospora cordifolia, Vetiveria zizanioides, Hiptage benghalensis, Santalum album, Hemidesmus indicus and Vitis vinifera.

It is used in bleeding disorders, dysurea and hematuria.

Used in Styplon.

Sanskrit/Indian Name: Chyavanaprasha concentrate

It consists of the following ingredients:

Aegle marmelos, Gmelina arborea, Oroxylum indicum, Clerodendrum phlomidis, Stereospermum chelonoides, Desmodium gangeticum, Uraria picta, Solanum indicum, Solanum surattense, Tribulus terrestris, Sida cordifolia, Phaseolus trilobus, Teramnus labialis, Piper longum, Phyllanthus amarus, Vitis vinifera, Inula racemosa, Aquilaria malaccensis, Terminalia chebula, Tinospora cordifolia, Hedychium spicatum, Cyperus rotundus, Boerhaavia diffusa, Elettaria cardamomum, Santalum album, Nymphaea stellata, Pueraria tuberosa, Adhatoda zeylanica, Pentatropsis capensis, Pistacia integerrima, Leptadenia reticulata, Dioscorea bulbifera, Asparagus racemosus, Emblica officinalis.

It is a rejuvenative, geriatric and cardiac tonic, and useful in the treatment of cough, asthma and debility.

Used in Geriforte.

Latin name : Cichorium intybus
English name : Wild Chicory
Sanskrit / Indian name : Kasani

Cichorium intybus is an erect perennial herb. The root contains tannin phlobaphenes and reducing sugars. The seeds have carminative and cordial properties and are useful as a brain tonic and for headache, asthma and bilious vomiting.

It is an acclaimed hepatoprotective, and, is used in hepatic enlargement, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. It has cholagogue and anti-inflamatory properties.

Used in Bonnisan and Liv.52 (LiverCare).

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Latin name:Cinnamomum camphora
English name: Camphor
Sanskrit/Indian name: Karpura

A large, handsome, evergreen cultivated in India as an ornamental and as a source of camphor. Camphor is obtained as colorless or white crystals, granules or crystalline masses, or colorless to white translucent, tough masses. Camphor acts as a carminative, reflex expectorant and reflex stimulant of the heart, circulation and respiration. Camphor has also been used as a nervine depressant in hysteria, epilepsy, chorea and convulsions and as an aphrodisiac.
Used in Pilex.

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Latin name:Cinnamomum cassia
English name: Chinese cassia
Sanskrit/Indian name: Sthula tvak

An evergreen aromatic tree with a grey, smooth, thick bark which yields an oil containing cinnamaldehyde, and eugenol.
Chinese Cassia has been used as a diaphoretic, antipyretic and analgesic. It is used as a carminative, purgative and astringent. It is also useful as a cardiac stimulant, refrigerant, and diuretic, for stimulation of liver functions, in neuralgia, uterine pains, ascites and edema.
Used in Abana, Himcolin, and Koflet.

Latin name:Cocos nucifera
English name: Coconut
Sanskrit/Indian name: Narikela

A tall and stately palm, bearing a crown of large, pinnate leaves.
Used in EveCare.

Latin name : Commiphora wightii
English name : Indian bdellium
Sanskrit / Indian name : Guggulu

It is a small tree or shrub with spinescent branches. Its gum resin has astringent, antiseptic and antisuppurative properties and is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is excreted by the mucous membranes of the body, in the course of which it stimulates and disinfects their secretions. It also contains guggulsterones Z and E, guggulsterols I - V, two diterperoids-a terpene hydrocarbon named cembrane A.
It is used against obesity. Guggulipid is hypocholesteremic.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare) , Koflet (CoughCare) and Pilex (VeinCare).

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Latin name:Convolvulus microphyllus
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shankhapushpi

An herb found in the plains of northern India. The plant contains the alkaloids convolvine, convolamine, phyllabine, convolidine, confoline, convoline, subhirsine, convosine, and convolvidine along with scopoline and ß-sitosterol. Besides, high-density lipoprotein was significantly raised in the animals.
The plant is reported to be a memory-improving drug. It is used as a psycho-stimulant and tranquilizer.
Used in Abana.

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Latin name : Crocus sativus
English name : Saffron
Sanskrit / Indian name : Kumkuma

Crocus sativus is valued for its famed condiment, saffron, constituted by the stigma and style of the flower. It contains the glycosides crocin and picocrocin together with lycopene, b-carotene, g-carotene and zeaxanthin. It is rich in riboflavine and also contains thiamine. Saffron is used as a nervine sedative and emmenogogue and in fevers, melancholia and enlargement of the liver. It also has stimulant and stomachic properties.

It has an essential oil, the active ingredient of which is aphrodisiac in nature. The mechanism of its sex-stimulating activity is effected by a slight stimulation of the central nervous system.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Geriforte (StressCare) and Tentex forte (VigorCare).

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Latin name: Cuminum cyminum
English name: Cumin
Sanskrit/Indian name: Jeeraka

A small, slender annual herb, with a much-branched angular or striated stem, bearing 2 or 3 partite linear leaves, bluish green in colour and having sheathing bases.
The chief constituent of the volatile oil is cumaldehyde. In indigenous medicine, cumin seeds have long been considered stimulant and carminative. They are stomachic, astringent and useful in diarrhea and dyspepsia. They are now chiefly used in veterinary medicine. The seeds showed antifertility and abortifacient activity in female rats. They have been credited with aphrodisiac properties.

Used in Lukol.

Latin name : Curcuma longa
English name : Turmeric
Sanskrit / Indian names : Haridra, Nisha, Rajani

It's principle constituent is Curcumin, which is a diferuloyl methane. In Indian systems of medicine, turmeric is used to some extent as a stomachic, tonic and blood purifier. It is also prescribed as an antiperiodic alterative. Externally, it is applied to indolent ulcers. A decoction of the rhizome is said to relieve the pain of purulent ophthalmia. Oil of turmeric, distilled from the dried rhizomes, has feeble antiseptic properties. It is an antacid, and, in small doses, acts as a carminative, stomachic, appetizer and tonic. In large doses, however, it appears to act as an antispasmodic inhibiting excessive peristaltic movements of the intestines. Turmeric also possesses anti-inflammatory properties.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare), Geriforte, Ophthacare, V-Gel, Vegecort, DermaCare RJ, DermaCare EX.

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Latin name:Cyperus rotundus
English name: Nut grass
Sanskrit/Indian name: Musta

A perennial weed with dark green glabrous culms, arising from a system of underground tubers.

The tubers contain an essential oil. The tubers are diaphoretic and astringent. They are also credited with diuretic, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, stomachic, emmenagogue and stimulant properties.
Used in Abana, EveCare.

Latin name : Cyperus scariosus
English name : Umbrella's edge
Sanskrit / Indian names : Bhadramusta, Nagaramustaka

Its principle constituents are the tubers which are credited with astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, dessicant, cordial and stomachic properties. A decoction of the tuber is used for washing hair, treating gonorrhea and syphilis. It is also given in diarrhea and for general weakness.

Used in Cystone, Kilose, Menotab, LeanTea.

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Sanskrit / Indian Name: Dashamoola
English Name: Herbal compound

Dashamoola is a composition of the roots of Aegle marmelos, Gmelina arborea, Oroxylum indicum, Clerodendrum phlomidis, Stereospermum chelonoides, Desmodium gangeticum, Uraria picta, Solanum indicum, Solanum surattense and Tribulus terrestris. It is an anti-inflammatory and effective in bronchitis, cough, headache, weakness, drowsiness and digestive problems.

Used in Abana (HeartCare).

Latin name:Didymocarpus pedicellata
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shilapushpa

A small herb with a reduced stem, bearing 2-3 pairs of opposite, round, gland dotted leaves. The essential oil from the leaves contains didymocarpene as its chief constituent.
The leaves are used in indigenous medicine as a cure for stones in the kidney and bladder.
Used in Cystone.

Latin name : Eclipta prostrata
English name : Thistles
Sanskrit / Indian names : Bhringaraja, Kesharaja, Kesharanjana

Its principle constituent is the herb which contains wedelolactone and demethyl wedelolactone. The herb is used as a tonic and deobstruent in hepatic and splenic enlargements and in skin diseases. The plant juice is administered in combination with aromatics for catarrhal jaundice.The plant possesses antihepatotoxic and antiinflammatory activities. The fresh plant is considered anodyne and absorbent.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Geriforte, Pilex (VeinCare), HairCare oil.

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Latin name:Elettaria cardamomum
English name: Cardamom
Sanskrit/Indian name: Ela
A tall, herbaceous perennial with branching subterranean rootstock, from which arise a number of upright leafy shoots.
In medicine, it is used as an adjuvant to carminative drugs. It is official in the British and U.S. pharmacopoeias and used as an aromatic stimulant, carminative and flavouring agent.
Cardamom owes its aroma and therapeutic properties to the volatile oil present in the seeds. The major components of the oil are 1,8-cineole and terpinyl acetate. Volatile components of cardamom exhibit antimicrobial activity. The oil has anti-aflatoxin substances.
In herbal medicine, cardamom is chewed slowly to sweeten the breath, as aphrodisiac, to soothe digestion, stimulate the appetite, used against flatulence, colic and disorders of the body, often combined with purgatives to offset griping.
It is also reported to possess anti-inflammatory, analgesic and cardiotonic properties.
Used in Mentat, Abana, V-Gel, Bonnisan, and Geriforte.


Latin name : Embelia ribes
English names : False black pepper, False pepper
Sanskrit / Indian names : Krimighna, Tandula, Vidanga

Its principle constituents are Embelin, quercitol and fatty ingredients. An alkaloid, christembine, a resinoid, tannins and minute quantities of a volatile oil are present. The dried fruit is considered anthelmintic, astringent, carminative, alterative and stimulant. It has been used in India since ancient times, as an anthelmintic. It is effective in the treatment of ascariasis. The dried fruits are used in decoction for fevers and for diseases of the chest and skin. The fruit also shows anti-bacterial activity.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Diakof, Gasex, Geriforte, Herbolax, Koflet, Mentat (MindCare), Kilose, Vegecort, RadiCare, Antistress Tea, HairCare oil.

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Latin name : Emblica officinalis
English name : Indian goosberry
Sanskrit / Indian name : Amalaki

Emblica officinalis is a deciduous tree with exfoliating bark. Its fruit contains the highest amount of vitamin C in natural form and cytokine-like substances identified as zeatin, z. riboside, z. nucleotide.

Its fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic and laxative. The dried fruit is useful in hemorrhage, diarrhea and dysentery. It has anabolic, antibacterial, expectorant, cardiotonic, antipyretic, antioxidative, antiviral and anti-emetic properties and used in the treatment of leucorrhea and artherosclerosis.

It is antibacterial and its astringent properties prevent infection and help in the healing of ulcers. It is used as a laxative to relieve constipation in piles.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Bonnisan, Mentat (MindCare) and Pilex (VeinCare).

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Latin name:Evolvulus alsinoides
Sanskrit/Indian name: Vishnukrantha

The plant is a hairy perennial herb with spreading wiry branches arising from a small woody rootstock.
The plant is bitter and is used as a tonic and febrifuge.
Used in Mentat.


Latin name:Foeniculum vulgare
English name: Fennel
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shatapushpa
A stout, glabrous, aromatic herb with small, yellow flowers and oblong fruits.
The fruits are aromatic, stimulant and carminative. They are official in the pharmacopoeias of all countries and are considered useful in diseases of the chest, spleen and kidney. The main constituent of the oil from the fruits is anethole. Other constituents are d-a-fenchone, methyl chavicol, d -apinene, camphene, d -a-phellandrene, dipentene and foeniculin (p -anol prenyl ether); basic constituents, anisaldehyde and anisic acid, are also reported to be present.
Fennel oil is mildly carminative and is useful in infantile colic and flatulence. It checks griping in purgatives and is considered a good vermicide against hookworm. The essential oil from the seeds is reported to have emmenogogue, oxytocic and abortifacient properties.
Used in Mentat, Abana.

Latin name : Glycyrrhiza glabra
English names : Licorice, Liquorice
Sanskrit / Indian names : Yashti-madhu, Yashti-madhuka

The principal constituent of licorice is glycyrrhizin. Licorice is used for the treatment of asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis and chronic cough. It is a mild anti-inflammatory for arthritis and rheumatism and is used to treat gastric, duodenal and esophageal ulceration or inflammation, heartburn and mouth ulcers.

Used in Abana, Diabecon, Diakof, Herbolax, Koflet, Septilin, Menotab, RadiCare, DermaCare RJ, LaxaTea, KofTea, JointCare B.

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Latin name:Gmelina arborea
English name: Coomb teak
Sanskrit/Indian name: Gambhari

An unarmed tree, with a smooth, whitish grey bark which contains traces of an alkaloid.
The bark is a bitter tonic and stomachic, and is considered useful in fever and indigestion.
Used in Diabecon.


Latin name:Gossypium herbaceum
English name: Indian cotton plant
Sanskrit/Indian name: Karpasa

Small shrubs with thick and rigid stems, the flowers are medium-sized, yellow with a purple centre. Cottonseed is demulcent, laxative, expectorant and galactogogue. It is used as a nervine tonic in headaches and brain affections, and decoctions of the seed are given in dysentery and intermittent fevers.
Used in Diabecon.


Latin name:Gossypium indicum
English name: Cotton plant
Sanskrit/Indian name: Karpasa

A perennial or annual shrub with slender, trailing branches. The seeds are covered with white or grey lint.
Cottonseed, which yields oil, is demulcent, laxative, expectorant and galactogogue. It is used as a nervine tonic in headaches and brain affections, and decoctions of the seed are given in dysentery and intermittent fevers.
Used in Himcolin.

Latin name : Gymnema sylvestre
English name : Ram's horn
Sanskrit / Indian name : Gurmar

Gymnema sylvestre is a large, woody climber. Its principle constituent is gymnemic acid which has anti-diabetic properties. The plant is stomachic, stimulant, laxative and diuretic.

It abolishes the taste of sugar and is believed to neutralize excessive sugar present in the body in diabetes mellitus. The leaf extracts contain gymnemic acid which is said to inhibit hyperglycemia. It has also been shown to have a regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells and is insulinotropic.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare).

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Sanskrit/Indian name: Hajrul yahood bhasma (Badrashma bhasma)
English name: Lime silicate calx

It is a fossilized stone primarily containing silicate of lime. It is used as a diuretic and lithontriptic. It is prescribed in the retention of urine and in diseases of the urinary organs. It has a useful application as a dusting powder in vesicular eruptions in children, for itching, ringworm and other skin diseases.

Used in Cystone.


Latin name:Helicteres isora
English name: East Indian screw tree
Sanskrit/Indian name: Murva

A sub-deciduous shrub or small tree with spirally twisted fruits containing The triterpenoids, a-amyrin, ß-amyrin, lupeol and its acetate, friedelin, ß-sitosterol, epifriedelinol, bauerenol acetate, and taraxerone. The dried fruit is reported to be useful in intestinal complaints and prescribed in indigenous systems for colic, flatulence, and diarrhea.
Used in Diarex.


Latin name:Hemidesmus indicus
English name: Indian sarsaparilla
Sanskrit/Indian name: Sveta sariva
A slender, laticiferous, twining, sometimes prostrate or semi-erect shrub, the roots of which constitute the Indian sarsaparilla.
The air-dried roots yield essential oil containing p -methoxy salicylic aldehyde as the major constituent. The drug has long enjoyed a reputation as a tonic, alterative, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic and blood purifier. It is employed in nutritional disorders, syphilis, gonorrhea, chronic rheumatism, gravel and other urinary diseases and skin affections.
Used in EveCare.

Latin name : Holarrhena antidysenterica
English names : Coneru, Tellicherry bark
Sanskrit / Indian names : Kutaja, Vatsaka, Kurchi

Its principle constituent is the alkaloid of kurchi which is conessine. The other alkaloids reported to be present in the bark are: conamine, conkurchine, connessimine, kurchine, conarrhinine, holarrhinene, and isoconcessimine. The bark has astringent, antidysenteric, anthelmintic, stomachic, febrifugal and tonic properties. It is used in the treatment of amebic dysentery and diarrhea.

Used in Diarex.

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Latin name : Hygrophilia auriculata (Asteracanthalongifolia)
English name : Hydrophilia
Sanskrit / Indian name : Kokilaksha

It is used in disorders of the genitourinary system and is helpful in the cases of impotence, spermatorrhea and seminal debilities.

Used in Speman (ProstaCare).

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Latin name:Hyssopus officinalis
English name: Hyssop
Sanskrit/Indian name: Jufa

An aromatic, shrubby perennial which yields a volatile oil. Hyssop is considered stimulant, carminative and pectoral; the oil promotes expectoration in bronchial catarrh and asthma.
Used in Koflet.


Latin name:Ipomoea digitata
English name: Sweet potato
Sanskrit/Indian name: Vidari

An extensive perennial climber with tuberous roots and pink or red flowers. The roots contain b -sitosterol and a neutral compound, a fixed oil and a glycoside.
The tuberous root contains a resin and is considered tonic, alterative, aphrodisiac, demulcent, lactagogue and cholagogue. It is recommended for emaciation in children. It enters into the composition of a compound decoction, which is nutritive, diuretic and expectorant, and useful in fevers and bronchitis. Powdered root is given for diseases of the spleen and liver, for menorrhagia, debility and fat accumulation.
Used in Mentat.

Sanskrit/Indian name: Kasisa godanti bhasma
English name: Ferrous sulphate & Gypsum calx.

It is a valuable hematinic, tonic and astringent.

Used in EveCare.

Latin name:Lactuca serriola
English name: Lettuce
Sanskrit/Indian name: Vanya kahu

An erect leafy plant, usually prickly towards the base. The seeds yield a greenish yellow, semidrying oil. They are used for coughs and as a decoction for insomnia. The seeds are also reported to possess hypnotic and antipyretic properties.
Used in Spemen.

Latin name : Leptadenia reticulata
Sanskrit / Indian name : Jivani, Jivanti, Madhusrava

It's principle constituents are Leptadenol , n-triacontane, cetyl alcohol, ß-sitosterol, ß-amyrin acetate, lupanol 3-O –diglucoside and leptidin. The plant is stimulant and restorative and shows anti-bacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Used in Spemen (ProstaCare), Spemen forte.

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Sanskrit / Indian Name: Loha bhasma
English name: Iron calx

A special process makes the iron readily assimilable for the elderly. A powerful hematinic indicated in anemia, it stimulates the appetite and has a general vitalizing effect.

Used in Geriforte Tablet, Lukol.

Sanskrit / Indian Name: Maharasnadi quatha

It is a decoction, which contains Rasna (Vanda roxburghii) as the main component. Maharasnadi quatha has analgesic, antiphlogistic and antipyretic properties and is used for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.

Used in Rumalaya, Septilin.

Sanskrit/Indian name: Mahayograj Guggul

It is a multi-ingredient preparation, the main constituent of which is Commiphora wightii (Indian bdellium, Guggul). It contains volatile oils that have astringent and antiseptic properties. It increases the leukocyte count, stimulates phagocytosis and is used in the treatment of rheumatism that has affected the joints and bones.

Used in Rumalaya.

Sanskrit / Indian Name: Makardhwaj
English Name: Sulphide of Mercury

Makaradhwaj is a well-known inorganic preparation of the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia. Chemically, it is red sulphide of mercury and gold in uncombined form. It is a sublimed product made from pure mercury, sulphur and gold.

Eight parts of mercury and one part of gold leaf are mixed together to form an amalgam. To this mixture 16 parts of sublimed sulphur are added and the resulting mixture is ground very thoroughly in a stone mortar for 24 hrs or more until the whole is converted to a lusterless, fine, impalpable powder of uniform consistence. This mixture is then placed in a narrow mouthed bottle and is gradually heated on a sand bath. On heating, the bottle is filled with reddish fumes of various hues. On cooling Makaradhvaja is found deposited in the inner surface of the neck of the bottle.

It is seldom used alone. In the majority of cases, it is mixed with various drugs called ‘anupana’ or adjuvants. In cases of indigestion and diarrhea, Makaradhvaja is mixed with powdered bael fruit (Aegle marmelos); in cases of fever and cough it is given with the juices of ginger, betel (Piper betel) and tulsi leaves (Ocimum tenuiflorum). Generally, honey is used in the absence of proper adjuvants. The medicine can be used both for adults and children, the dosage being regulated according to age. Makaradhvaja, when taken regularly, is believed in indigenous systems of medicine to be a wonderful tonic and is said to increase longevity in a patient.

A valuable tonic in debilitating conditions and convalescent patients after acute illness, in failing circulation and cardiac asthenia; it increases the red blood corpuscles and improves general nutritional status. It is also used as a laxative with good results particularly in those cases when there are visceroptosis and atonic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is said to be of great value as an intestinal antiseptic and is supposed to relieve the gaseous distension of bowels due to fermentation. It is used widely as an alterative and an aphrodisiac.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Tentex Forte.

Sanskrit / Indian Name: Mandura bhasma
English name: Ferric oxide calx

It is prepared by purifying and calcinating iron rust. Mandura is specially useful in anemia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, chlorosis, hepatic and splenic disorders. It is also used in diarrhea, chronic bowel complaints, dyspepsia, intestinal worms, nervous diseases, neuralgia of the 5th nerve due to debility, kidney diseases, albuminuria, etc. It is a powerful hematinic and tonic and is valuable in the treatment of hemolytic jaundice and microcytic anemia.

Used in Liv.52, Geriforte.

Latin name: Mel depuratum (Mel despumatum)
English name: Honey
Sanskrit/Indian name: Madhu

It is generally recommended as a remedy for cold, cough, fever, sore throat, respiratory disorders, etc., by virtue of its bactericidal, antiseptic and expectorant properties.

Used in Koflet (CoughCare liquid).

Latin name: Mentha arvensis
English name: Mint
Sanskrit/Indian name: Pudinah

A downy perennial herb with running rootstocks and rigid branching stem.

The herb yields on steam-distillation, a volatile oil, known in the trade as Japanese Mint Oil or Japanese Peppermint Oil; the leaves and flowering tops give the highest yield. The main constituent of the oil is menthol. The oil is useful in neuralgia when applied externally.

Used in Rumalaya Cream.

Latin name : Mesua ferrea
English name : Ironwood tree
Sanskrit / Indian name : Keshara, Nagakesara, Nagapushpa

It's principle constituent is the volatile oil from the flowers shows antibacterial, antifungal and anthelmintic activities. It exhibits significant anti-inflammatory and styptic activity.

Used in Lukol, Pilex (VeinCare), Styplon.

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Latin name:Mimosa pudica
English name: Sensitive plant
Sanskrit/Indian name: Lajjalu

A diffuse prickly undershrub the leaves of which are extremely sensitive to touch. The plant contains tubulin and a new class of phytohormones called turgorines. The seeds of the plant contain a mucilage composed of d -xylose and d -glucuronic acid. A decoction of the root of the plant is considered useful in gravel and other urinary complaints. A paste of the leaves is applied to glandular swellings; the juice of leaves is used in dressings for sinus and also as an application for sores and piles.
Used in Pilex.

Latin name : Momordica charantia
English name : Bitter gourd
Sanskrit / Indian names : Karavella, Kathilla

Its principle constituents are lectins, charantin and momordicine. The fruits have long been used in India as a folk remedy for diabetes mellitus. Lectins from the bitter gourd have shown significant antilipolytic and lipogenic activities.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare), Kilose.

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Latin name : Moringa pterygosperma
English name : Drumstick, Horse Radish
Sanskrit / Indian name : Shigru, Shobhanjana

Its principle constituents are pterigospermin, spirachin and banzyl isothiocyanate. Biological activity studies have confirmed the anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic activities of the seeds. The seeds are used as antibacterial, anticholeric and anti-viral agents.

Used in Rumalaya, Septilin.

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Latin name : Mucuna pruriens
English name : Cow-itch plant
Sanskrit / Indian name : Kapikachchhu

Mucuna pruriens is a twining annual. Its principle constituents are L-DOPA and the bioactive alkaloids mucunine, mucunadine, mucuadinine, prurienine and nicotine as well as b-sitosterol, glutathione, lecithin, oils, venolic and gallic acids. L-DOPA is a neurotransmitter precursor, an effective drug for relief in Parkinson's disease. The seed is a prophylactic against oligospermia and is useful in increasing sperm count, ovulation in women, etc.

It is a good aphrodisiac and also a nervine tonic. It is used in the treatment of spermatorrhea and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Used in Geriforte (StressCare) , Speman (ProstaCare).

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Sanskrit /Indian name: Mukta pishti
English name: Processed Pearls.

It is processed from the pearls of Mytilus magaritiferus.

It is a powerful cardiac tonic and mood elevator.

Used in Abana.

Latin name: Mutilla occidentalis
English name: Insect species
Sanskrit/Indian name: Indravadhi

It is nervine, tonic, antispasmodic and used in paralysis.

Used in Himcolin Cream.

Latin name : Myristica fragrans
English name : Mace, Nutmeg
Sanskrit / Indian names : Jatikosha, Jatipatra, Jatipatri, Jatiphala

Its principle constituents are Nutmeg which is a fixed oil, a volatile oil and starch and Mace which is a volatile oil (Oil of Mace) and amylodextrin. Nutmeg is reported to be an expectorant, vermifuge, aphrodisiac, and as a nervine used by psychiatrists. It is used in tonics and electuaries and is recommended for the treatment of inflammations of the bladder and urinary tract. Mace is used in folk medicine for the treatment of rheumatism. It has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Used in Diakof, Geriforte (StressCare), Himcolin, Koflet, Lukol, Mentat (MindCare).

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Sanskrit / Indian Name: Nagapashana bhasma / Zahar mohra / Jaharmohra
English Name: Calx Serpentine

It is processed serpentine, or magnesium silicate. It is a nervine, cardiac and liver tonic, useful in palpitation and cardio-muscular debility.

Used in Abana (HeartCare).

Latin Name: Ammonii chloridum
Sanskrit / Indian Name: Navasagara / Navasara

It is alterative, expectorant, cholagogue and purgative. It is useful in fever, liver and spleen disorders, etc.

Used in Koflet.

Latin name : Nardostachys jatamansi
English name : Musk root
Sanskrit / Indian name : Jatamansi

Nardostachys jatamansi is an erect perennial. Its principle constituents are jatamansone, jatamanshic acid and virolin. The oil possesses antiarrhythmic and hypotensive activity.

Jatamansone, an active principle of N. jatamansi, brings forth a significant reduction in hyperactivity, restlessness and aggressiveness in hyperactive children.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Mentat (MindCare) and Rumalaya Cream (JointCare).

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Latin name:Nepeta hindostana
English name: Cal mint
Sanskrit/Indian name: Billilotan

An erect or ascending herb, with blue purple flowers. The main constituent of the plant is a triterpenoid aldehyde nepehinal. Other terpenoids found in it include nepetidone, nepedinol, and triterpenic acid.
The plant is used in various cardiovascular complaints such as angina pectoris, cardiac thrombosis, trachycardia, and weakness of the heart. Some of its other uses are in cardiac asthma, syncope, pyrexia, and anxiety.
Used in Abana.

Latin name:Ocimum tenuiflorum
English name: Holy basil
Sanskrit/Indian name: Tulasi

An erect, herbaceous, much-branched, softly hairy annual with purple or crimson flowers. The plant is sacred for Hindus in India.
The leaves yield a volatile oil, which is reported to possess antibacterial and insecticidal properties. An aqueous decoction of the whole dried plant is reported to lower blood sugar level The juice of the leaves possesses diaphoretic, antiperiodic, stimulating and expectorant properties; it is used in catarrh and bronchitis and is applied to the skin in ringworm and other cutaneous diseases
Used in Abana, Diabecon.


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Latin name:Onosma bracteatum
Sanskrit/Indian name: Gojihva

A perennial roughly hairy herb, the dried leaves of which are used as the drug.
The drug is used as a tonic, alterative, demulcent, diuretic and refrigerant; it is useful as a spasmolytic.
Used in Cystone.


Latin name : Operculina turpethum
Sanskrit / Indian names : Nishotra, Triputa, Trivruth

It's principle constituent is a glycosidic resin. The drug is used as a purgative.

Used in Herbolax, Vegecort.

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Latin name : Orchis latifolia
English name : Salep orchid
Sanskrit / Indian name : Salabmisri

It is a terrestrial orchid with purple flowers.

It acts as restorative, invigorator and tonic. It is a useful aphrodisiac in diseases characterized by weakness or loss of sexual interest. By its action on the central nervous system, it helps to prevent nervous debility.

Used in Mentat (MindCare) and Speman (ProstaCare).


Latin name:Orchis mascula
English name: Salep orchid
Sanskrit/Indian name: Salabmisri

A genus of terrestrial orchids which yield the Salep of commerce.
The tubers contain a bitter principle and a volatile oil. They are used as a farinaceous food, nervine tonic and aphrodisiac. They yield a lot of mucilage with water and form a jelly that is supposed to be nutritious and useful in diarrhea, dysentery and chronic fevers.
Used in Mentat, Spemen, and Tentex forte.

Latin name:Oroxylum indicum
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shyonaka

A small to medium sized deciduous tree with a light greyish brown, soft, spongy bark.
The root bark is tonic and astringent and useful in diarrhea and dysentery; it is diaphoretic and is used in rheumatism. The stem and root barks contain three flavone-coloring matters, viz. oroxylin-A, baicalein and chrysin. The bark also contains traces of an alkaloid, tannic acid, sitosterol and galactose.
Used in Mentat.

Latin name:Parmelia perlata
English name: Shaileyam
Sanskrit/Indian name: Stone flowers.
Used in V-Gel, Spemen.



Latin name:Pavonia odorata
Sanskrit/Indian name: Balam

A pubescent herb, the roots of which yield an essential oil that contains iso valeric acid, iso valeraldehyde, aromadendrene, pavonene, a-terpinene, azulene and pavonenol.
The roots are aromatic, and possess refrigerant, antipyretic, stomachic and astringent properties. They are used in dysentery and inflammation and hemorrhage of the intestines.
Used in Diarex.


Latin name:Phoenix dactylifera
English name: Dates
Sanskrit/Indian name: Kharjura

A tall tree. The fruit is an oblong berry that is reddish or yellowish brown when ripe.
Dates are considered demulcent, expectorant and laxative and are used in respiratory diseases and fever. They are rich in sugars.
Used in Geriforte.


Latin name:Phyllanthus amarus
Sanskrit/Indian name: Bhumyamalaki

A herb with a rigid, short, prostrate stem.
Amariin, a novel hydrolysable tannin together with geraniin, corilagin, 1,6-digalloyl-glucopyranoside as well as a rutin and quercetin-3-O-glucopyranoside have been isolated from the plant.
The plant is often used in the traditional system of medicine for a variety of ailments including flu, dropsy, diabetes, jaundice, asthma, bronchial infections, and diseases of the liver. In the Ayurvedic system of medicine it is used in problems of the stomach, genito-urinary system, liver, and kidney.
Used in Diabecon.

Latin name: Parmelia perlata
English name: Stone flowers.
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shaileyam

Parmelia perlata is a lichen growing in rosettes or irregularly spreading over the substratum giving the appearance of a flower - hence the name. It is mainly composed of fungal mycelia which forms a network enclosing algal cells or gonidia.

The plant is astringent, bitter, acrid, cooling, anti-inflammatory and aphrodisiac. It is useful in sores, boils, inflammations, seminal weakness and amenorrhea.

Used in V-Gel, Speman.

Latin name: Pheritima posthuma
English name: Earthworm
Sanskrit/Indian name: Bhoonag

Earthworms are elongate worms with segmented body, bearing small, sparsely distributed, chitinous bristles or setae.

The extract of earthworm is used in various mixtures of Chinese medicine for the treatment of asthma in man, and influenza in poultry. Pharmaceutical compositions containing earthworm as an active ingredient showed antidiabetic, hypotensive and anti-hyperlipidemic activity in mice. Earthworms contain an active antipyretic substance, lumbrofebrin.

Used in Himcolin Cream.

Latin name: Pinus roxburghii
English name: Chir pine
Sanskrit/Indian name: Sarala

A tall tree, with spreading branches covered with a dark grey bark that is deeply fissured and rough.

The turpentine oil obtained from the chir pine is valued in medicine as a rubefacient in various rheumatic affections, such as lumbago, arthritis, and neuralgia.

Used in Rumalaya.

Sanskrit/Indian name: Pravala bhasma
English name: Coral calx

It is a rich, natural source of calcium, and, due to appropriate Ayurvedic processing, has the advantage of easy absorption in the intestine.

Used in Styplon.

Sanskrit / Indian Name: Praval pishti
English Name: Processed coral

It is prepared from the coral of Corallium rubrum. It is a tonic for the heart and brain and useful in melancholia, palpitation and cough.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Lukol.

Latin name : Piper longum
English name : Indian long pepper
Sanskrit / Indian name : Kana, Magadhi, Pippali, Ushana

Its principle constituents are piperine and piplartine The fruits are used for diseases of the respiratory tract, viz. cough, bronchitis, asthma, etc.; as counter-irritant and analgesic when applied locally for muscular pains and inflammation and as general tonic and hematinic. It is known to enhance the bio-availability of food and drugs as well as being a carminative.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Bonnisan, Geriforte (StressCare).

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Latin name : Piper nigrum
English name : Black pepper
Sanskrit / Indian name : Krishna, Vellaja

Its principle constituents are piperine, chavicine, piperidine and piperettine. It is much employed as an aromatic stimulant in weakness following fevers, coma, etc., as a stomachic in dyspepsia and flatulence. It has bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare), Gasex, Lukol, Tentex forte, SportsCare cream, DigestaTea, KofTea.

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Latin name:Pistacia vera
English name: Pistachio
Sanskrit/Indian name: Mukulaka

A small deciduous tree, which has fruits with a grayish white, bony, keeled nut-shell, which encloses light yellow to deep green edible kernels with a reddish coat. The kernels are considered to be digestive, sedative and tonic and contain a melting fatty oil.
Used in Himcolin.

Latin name : Prunus amygdalus
English name : Almond
Sanskrit / Indian name : Vatadha

Prunus amygdalus is a tree with minutely serrate leaves. It has a globulin called amandin. In Ayurveda, almond kernels are considered demulcent, lithontriptic and diuretic as well as being a nervine tonic.

It is reported to improve brain functions.

Used in Mentat (MindCare).

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Latin name : Pterocarpus marsupium
English name : Indian Kino tree
Sanskrit / Indian name : Bijaka

Pterocarpus marsupium is a large deciduous tree. Its principle constituents are liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin. An aqueous infusion of the wood is used in diabetes.

It has been found to reduced the glucose absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and improve insulin and pro-insulin levels. It is effective in beta cell regeneration and has also been found to have a hypocholesteremic effect.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare).

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Latin name:Punica granatum
English name: Pomegranate.
Sanskrit/Indian name: Dadima
A shrub or small tree with edible fruits.

The rind contains tannins and ursolic acid
Extracts of the fruit rind and root bark showed antibacterial activity. It is valued as an astringent in cases of diarrhea and dysentery.
Used in Diarex.

Latin name:Raphanus sativus
English name: Radish
Sanskrit/Indian name: Mulaka kshara
An annual or biennial bristly herb with a white or brightly coloured tuberous tap root and coarsely toothed leaves.
Radish is a good source of ascorbic acid. It is credited with refreshing and depurative properties. Radish preparations are useful in liver and gall bladder troubles. In homeopathy they are used for neuralgic headaches, sleeplessness and chronic diarrhea. The roots are said to be useful in urinary complaints, piles and in gastrodynia. A salt extracted from roots that are dried and burnt to white ash is used in stomach troubles.
Used in Styplon.

Sanskrit/Indian name: Rajavarta bhasma
English name: Lapis lazuli calx

It is the calcinated powder of Lapis lazuli, mineralogically called ‘Ultra marine’. It is a silicate of aluminum and sodium. It is a general tonic, used in clinical conditions of diabetes, anemia and gastro-intestinal diseases.

Used in Styplon.

Latin name: Rauvolfia serpentina
English name: Rauvolfia
Sanskrit/English name: Sarpagandha

An erect, evergreen perennating undershrub.

The pharmacological activity of Rauvolfia is due to the presence of several alkaloids of which reserpine is the most important. Rauvolfia has been employed for centuries for the relief of various central nervous system disorders, both psychic and motor, including anxiety states, excitement, maniacal behaviour associated with psychosis, schizophrenia, insanity, insomnia and epilepsy. Extracts of the roots are valued for the treatment of intestinal disorders, particularly diarrhea and dysentery. It is also used as an anthelmintic.

Used in Lukol.


Latin name:Rosa damascena
English name: Persian Rose
Sanskrit/Indian name: Satapatri
An erect shrub, with red, pink or white flowers, which contain an essential oil. The flowers also contain a bitter principle, tanning matter, fatty oil, and organic acids. The flower buds are astringent and are used in cardiac troubles, and as a tonic and aperient. The stamens and the fruit are astringent.
Used in Abana, V-Gel.

Latin name : Rubia cordifolia
English name : Indian madder
Sanskrit / Indian names : Manjishta, Samanga

Its principle constituents are Purpurin, Munjistin, Xanthopurpurin or Purpuroxanthin and Pseudopurpurin. The roots are credited with tonic, antiseptic, and deobstruent properties. They are used in rheumatism.

Used in Cystone, Rumalaya, Septilin, EveCare, SportsCare cream, DermaCare AC, DermaCare RJ, DermaCare SN cream & lotion.

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Latin name:Rumex maritimus
English name: Golden dock
Sanskrit/Indian name: Chukra bheda
A stout erect annual.
Used in Diabecon.


Latin name:Ruta graveolens
English name: Garden Rue
Sanskrit/Indian name: Satahva

A strong-scented, erect, herb which yields a pale yellow or greenish volatile oil.
The oil consists predominantly of methyl nonyl ketone with a small amount of methyl heptyl ketone.
Rue oil is used as an anthelmintic, antispasmodic, anti-epileptic, rubefacient and emmenagogue, particularly in veterinary medicine. The herb is considered resolvent, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant and antispasmodic. It is useful in hysteria and amenorrhea. The juice of the herb is reported to relieve earache and toothache.
Used in Styplon.

Latin name:Santalum album
English name: White sandalwood tree
Sanskrit/Indian name: Chandana

A small to medium-sized, evergreen semi-parasitic tree, with slender branches, valued for its heartwood.
Both the wood and the oil have long been employed in medicine. The main constituent of sandalwood oil is santalol. It is credited with cooling, diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant properties, and sandalwood finds several applications in household remedies.
Used in Abana, EveCare.

Latin name : Saraca asoca
English name : Ashoka tree
Sanskrit / Indian name : Ashoka

Saraca asoca is a small evergreen tree. Its principle constituents are a steroidal component and a calcium salt. The bark has a stimulating effect on the endometrium and ovarian tissue, is useful in menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids, in leucorrhea and in internal bleeding, where ergot is indicated.

It is well established for its effectiveness in menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. It also has a stimulatory effect on the ovarian tissue and may produce an oestrogen-like effect that enhances the repair of the endometrium and stops bleeding.

Used in EveCare, MenstriCare (Menstrim).

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Latin name:Saussurea lappa
English name: Costus
Sanskrit/Indian name: Kustha

An erect robust perennial herb, the dried roots of which constitute the drug.
The roots contain resinoids, essential oil, alkaloid, inulin, a fixed oil and other minor constituents like tannins and sugars. The essential oil of the roots has strong antiseptic and disinfectant properties. An alcoholic extract of the herb has been found very useful in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Used in Septilin.

Sanskrit / Indian Name: Shankha bhasma
English Name: Conch shell calx

It is powder prepared from the calcinated conch shell of Turbine pyre. It mainly consists of calcium, iron and magnesium. It is well known for its antacid and digestive properties. It is useful in hyperchlorhydria, sprue, colic, and hepato- splenomegaly.

Used in Abana (HeartCare).

Sanskrit / Indian name: Shingraf, Hingula
English name:Cinnabar
Chemically: Red sulphide of Mercury

This sulfide occurs in nature as a fine grained, dark-red, very heavy mineral ore of mercury called Cinnabar in many parts of the world. This substance, except for slight impurities, which it may contain, has the same chemical composition as "Makaradhvaja". In Ayurvedic practice, however, ‘Hingula’ and ‘Makaradhvaja’ are claimed to possess entirely different properties. Not only is it considered different from ‘Makaradhvaja’ (the prepared red sulphide of mercury), but it is also believed to be different from the other sulphides of mercury like ‘Kajjali’ and ‘Krishnaparpati’ (both of which are black sulphides of mercury) and ‘Rasa-sindhura’ (red sulphide of mercury).

Shuddha Hingula (Purified Cinnabar) is prepared by grinding cinnabar with goat’s milk for over 6 hours, followed by grinding this mixture with Lime juice for one hour.This process is repeated 7 times till a fine powder is obtained.

The small doses of mercury diminish the amount of oxidation of the tissues, as evidenced by the variations in the gaseous interchange. The administration of small doses of mercury to rabbits, dogs and men causes an increase in the number of red blood corpuscles while the body gains in weight and the general nutrition is improved.

Mercury is tonic, alterative, purgative, indirect cholagogue, antiphlogistic, antiseptic and sialagogue. In small doses it acts as a blood tonic by increasing the number of red blood corpuscles and thus in syphilis it counteracts the effects of toxins in the blood. In large doses it impoverishes the blood and lessens its coagulability and therefore it should not be used in hemorrhagic diathesis and cases of repeated attacks of menorrhagia.

Red sulphide of mercury is extremely efficacious in liver complaints, such as commencing cirrhosis of the liver, dyspepsia, chronic dysentery and similar and other allied diseases, such as chronic diarrhea.

Used in Diabecon.

Latin name:Shorea robusta
English name: Sal tree
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shala

A large sub-deciduous tree, which on tapping yields an oleoresin, which contains triterpenoids, the derivatives of ursonic and oleanane and a new triterpene acid.
The resin is used in the indigenous systems of medicine as an astringent and detergent and is given in diarrhea and dysentery. It is also used as an ingredient of ointments for skin diseases and in ear troubles.
Used in Diarex.


Latin name : Sida cardifolia
English name : Country mallow
Sanskrit / Indian name : Bala, Vatya

Its principle constituent is Ephedrine which is one of the alkaloids reported to be present. It contains phytosterol and potassium nitrate. It is used traditionally in cases of spermatorrhea, polyurea, leucorrhea and certain nervine disorders such as monoplegia, sciatica, palsy, etc.

Used in Tentex forte, Menotab.

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Sanskrit / Indian name : Shilajeet
English name : Mineral pitch

It has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties and is used in the treatment of painful, bleeding piles and varicose veins. It has anti-stress, hypolipidemic, anxiolytic and nootropic activity.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Cystone (UriCare), Diabecon (GlucoCare) , Geriforte (StressCare) and Pilex (VeinCare).

Latin name : Solanum nigrum
English name : Black nightshade
Sanskrit / Indian name : Kakamachi

Solanum nigrum is a suffrutescent weed. Its principle constituents are a- and b- solamargine and solasonine. The plant is effective in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and is also credited with emollient, diuretic, antiseptic and laxative properties.

It has a protective effect on the liver and has shown hepatoprotective activity in cases of toxicity induced by drugs and chemicals.

Used in Geriforte (StressCare) and Liv.52 (LiverCare).

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Latin name: Solanum virginianum (S. xanthocarpum, S. surattense)
English name: Yellow berried nightshade
Sanskrit/Indian name: Kantakari

A very spiny diffuse herb with blue flowers and yellow, globose berries.

Solasonine is present in the fruits. The plant is employed for cough, asthma and pains in the chest. The plant is also credited with diuretic properties and is used to cure dropsy.
Used in Koflet.


Latin name:Solanum xanthocarpum
English name: Yellow berried nightshade
Sanskrit/Indian name: Kantakari
A very spiny diffuse herb with blue flowers and yellow, globose berries.

Solasonine is present in fruits. The plant is employed in cough, asthma and pains in chest. The plant is also credited with diuretic properties and is used to cure dropsy.
Used in Koflet.


Latin name:Sphaeranthus indicus
English name: East Indian globe thistle
Sanskrit/Indian name: Mundi.
An aromatic herb, with purple flower heads.
Flowers are credited with alterative, depurative, and tonic properties.
The flowers contain albumins, a semi-drying fatty oil, reducing sugars, tannins, mineral matter, a volatile oil, and a glucoside.
Used in Diabecon, Geriforte.

Latin name: Squalus carchorius
English name: Shark liver
Sanskrit/Indian name:

Shark liver oil is the oil obtained from fresh or carefully preserved liver of various species of shark. Shark liver oil is a rich source of Vitamin A. It is used in burn and sun burn ointments. It is an emollient and protectant classified in the FDA.
Used in Himcolin Cream.

Latin name:Strychnos nux vomica
English name: Nux-vomica
Sanskrit/Indian name: Shuddha vishamushti

An evergreen or deciduous tree with coin like seeds that contain the strongly toxic alkaloids strychnine and brucine.
In indigenous medicine, it is used as a tonic, stimulant and febrifuge and its preparations are prescribed for nervous disorders.
Used in Tentex forte.

Sanskrit / Indian Name: Suvarnavanga
English name: Mosiac gold

It is an unsublimed tin preparation having a golden luster and flaky texture. It is useful in complaints of the reproductive organs. It is indicated as a rejuvenator and a tonic of high potency which induces health, vigor, improves appetite, increases memory, generates semen of high quality, cures gonorrhea, spermatorrhea, and leukorrhea.

Suvarnavanga has been used as an aphrodisiac, brain tonic, antiemetic and in skin diseases, night sweats, diseases caused by the derangement of ‘vata’ and ‘kapha’. It improves the complexion. It also has anthelmintic property in addition to the above mentioned uses.

Used in Speman.

Sanskrit name: Svarnamakshika bhasma
English name: Chalcopyrites calx

It is prepared from chalcopyrites, the main ore of copper. It contains copper, iron, calcium, sodium and potassium. It is a tonic, alternative and useful in rheumatism, gonorrhea, heart disease, anemia, leukorrhea, eye diseases, etc.

Used in Rumalaya.

Latin name:Swertia chirayita
English name: Chiretta
Sanskrit/Indian name: Kirata

An erect annual with a four angled stem.
Chiretta is reported to contain a yellow bitter acid, ophelic acid, two bitter glucosides, chiratin and amarogentin, gentiopicrin, two yellow crystalline phenols and a new xanthone, swerchirin. lt is particularly useful as a tonic or mild febrifuge. In Indian medicine, chiretta is prescribed in a variety of forms and combinations in chronic fevers and anemia. It is credited with tonic, febrifuge, laxative, stomachic, anthelmintic, and anti-diarrheal properties. It also exhibits hypoglycemic activity.
Used in Diabecon.

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Latin name : Symplocos racemosa
English name : Lodh tree
Sanskrit / Indian name : Jambu

Its principle constituents are the three alkaloids, viz. loturine, loturidine and colloturine. The astringent bark is given for the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and liver complaints. It is recommended in the treatment of menorrhagia and other uterine disorders.

Used in Diarex, EveCare.

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Latin name:Syzygium aromaticum
English name: Clove
Sanskrit/Indian name: Lavanga

A pyramidal or conical evergreen tree with gland dotted leaves cultivated mainly for the flower buds (cloves).
The clove bud oil contains free eugenol, eugenol acetate and caryophyllene as its main constituents. The cloves are aromatic, stimulant and carminative. They are used in various forms of gastric irritation and dyspepsia. They are administered to relieve nausea and vomiting, to correct flatulence and to excite languid digestion. The oil is used as a local analgesic for hypersensitive dentines and carious cavities; a mixture of oil and zinc calx is used as a temporary filling for tooth-cavities. Used externally, the oil is rubefacient and counter-irritant; internally, it is carminative and antispasmodic.
Used in Mentat, Himcolin, and Geriforte.

Latin name : Syzygium cumini (Eugenia jambolana)
English name : Black plum
Sanskrit / Indian name : Jambu

It is a large, evergreen tree. Its seeds have b-sitosterols, its fruits contain citric, malic and gallic acids. Its fruit, powdered seed-kernel and its aqueous extract have all been shown to lower the level of blood sugar in diabetes mellitus. It diminishes the level of sugar in the urine and allays the unquenchable thirst typical in diabetes. The bark and leaf are used in diarrhea.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare).

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Latin name : Tamarix gallica
English name : Tamarisk
Sanskrit / Indian name : Jhavuka

Tamarix gallica is a tree found in gravelly areas on river banks. Its principle constituents are tamarixin along with traces of its aglocone, tamarixetin. It is used in bleeding disorders like menorrhagia, bleeding in the rectum and epistaxis.

It is used in disorders associated with hepatic insufficiency.

Used in Bonnisan , Geriforte (StressCare) and Liv.52 (LiverCare).

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Sanskrit/Indian name: Tankana
English name: Sodium biborate

It is a good astringent and antiseptic. It is useful in superficial infections, prickly heat, acne, ulcers, etc.

Used in Rumalaya Cream.

Latin name : Terminalia arjuna
English name : Arjuna
Sanskrit / Indian name : Arjuna

Terminalia arjuna is a shade and ornamental tree. Its principle constituents are b-sitosterol, ellagic acid and arjunic acid.The bark is useful as an anti-ischemic and cardioprotective agent in hypertension and in ischemic heart disease. It also has a tonic effect in cases of cirrhosis of the liver.

It induces a drug-dependent decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. It has been reported to possess protective cardiovascular and hypolipidemic properties. It reduces the level of triglycerides and cholesterol and has been reported to enhance the synthesis of LDL-apoprotein (apoB); it inhibits the oxidation of LDL and accelerates the turnover of LDL-cholesterol in liver. This enhances the elimination of cholesterol from the body. The suppression of hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis by T. arjuna is the mechanism responsible for a significant lowering of beta-lipoproteins-lipids and the recovery of HDL components in hyperlipidemia.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Geriforte (StressCare), Liv.52 (LiverCare) and Mentat (MindCare).

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Latin name : Terminalia bellirica
English name : Belliric myrobalan
Sanskrit / Indian names : Kalidruma, Karshaphala, Vibhitaki

Its principle constituents are ß- sitosterol, gallic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl gallate, galloyl glucose, chebulagic acid. The fruit possesses antibacterial properties. It is employed in dropsy, piles and diarrhea. While using herbal eye drops containing T. bellirica, encouraging results have been obtained in cases of myopia, corneal opacity, pterigium, immature cataract, chronic and acute infective conditions. The fruit possesses myocardial depressive activity.

Used in Mentat (MindCare), Pilex (VeinCare), Ophthacare, Gasex, Lukol, V-Gel, Vegecort.

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Latin name : Terminalia chebula
English name : Chebulic myrobalan
Sanskrit / Indian name : Haritaki

Terminalia chebula is a tree with a rounded crown and spreading branches. Its principle constituents are chebulagic, chebulinic acid and corilagin. Its fruits are laxative, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. It is also known as an adaptogen, and hepatoprotectiv drug.

It acts as a gentle laxative and helps in smooth evacuation.

Used in Pilex (VeinCare).

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Latin name : Tinospora cordifolia
English name : Tinospora gulancha
Sanskrit / Indian name : Guduchi

Tinospora cordifolia is a large, climbing shrub. Its principle constituents are tinosporine, tinosporide, tinosporaside, cordifolide, cordifol, heptacosanol, clerodane furano diterpene, diterpenoid furanolactone tinosporidine, columbin and b-sitosterol. The stem is used in dyspepsia, fevers and urinary diseases. The plant is used in Ayurvedic rasayanas to improve the immune system and the body's resistance to infections. The bitter principle present shows antiperiodic, antispasmodic, anti-infalammatory and antipyretic properties.

It is used in general debility, digestive disturbances, loss of appetite and fever in children. It is also an effective immunostimulant.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Bonnisan, Geriforte (StressCare) and Mentat (MindCare).

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Latin name:Trachyspermum ammi
English name: Bishop's weed/Lovage.
Sanskrit/Indian name: Yavani

An erect, glabrous or minutely pubescent branched annual, with aromatic fruits. The characteristic odor and taste of the fruit is due to the presence of an essential oil.
The fruits are much valued for its antispasmodic, stimulant, tonic and carminative properties. It is administered in flatulence, atonic dyspepsia and diarrhea, and often recommended for cholera. The oil from the fruits is reported to possess hypotensive and cardiac depressive activity. The drug also shows some anti-diuretic effect.

Used in Abana, Geriforte.


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Latin name : Tribulus terrestris
English name : Small caltrops
Sanskrit / Indian name : Gokshura

Tribulus terrestris is a prostrate annual. Its principle constituent is harmine. It is a diuretic drug useful in urolithiasis, dysurea, impotence and kidney dysfunction.

It has tonic and aphrodisiac properties. It is known to increase the quantity of semen and is useful in diseases of the genitourinary tract. The plant and seeds have spasmolytic and cardiotonic activity.

Used in Bonnisan , Diabecon (GlucoCare) and Geriforte (StressCare).

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Sanskrit / Indian Name: Trivanga bhasma

It is a calcinated product containing naga (lead), vanga (tin) and yasada (zinc) in equal quantities. It is widely used in Ayurveda for the treatment of impotence and nervous disorders and as a tonic in genitourinary diseases

Used in Tentex Forte.

Latin name: Trachyspermum ammi (Carum copticum)
English name: Bishop's weed/Lovage.
Sanskrit/Indian name: Yavani

An erect, glabrous or minutely pubescent branched annual, with aromatic fruits. The characteristic odor and taste of the fruit is due to the presence of an essential oil.
The fruits are much valued for its antispasmodic, stimulant, tonic and carminative properties. It is administered in flatulence, atonic dyspepsia and diarrhea, and often recommended for cholera. The oil from the fruits is reported to possess hypotensive and cardiac depressive activity. The drug also shows some anti-diuretic effect.
Used in Abana, Geriforte.

Sanskrit / Indian name : Trikatu

It is an Ayurvedic compound preparation containing the fruits of black pepper (Piper nigrum)and long pepper (Piper longum) and the rhizomes of ginger (Zingiber officinalis) in equal proportions. It is prescribed as an essential part of many multi-drug preparations, where its use as a bioavailability enhancer is established.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare) , Gasex (GastriCare) and Geriforte (StressCare).

Sanskrit / Indian name : Triphala

It is a composite herbal preparation containing equal proportions of the fruits of three myrobalans, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia bellirica. This preparation is known to be a safe hypoglycemic agent.

Used in Diabecon (GlucoCare) , Gasex (GastriCare) , Herbolax (LaxaCare) , Koflet (CoughCare) and Lukol.

Sanskrit/Indian name: Vanga bhasma
English name: Tin calx

It is prepared from tin metal and has a wide range of therapeutic uses with special reference to the diseases of the genito-urinary tract. It is effective against a wide range of organisms in the urinary tract and thus, is of great clinical usefulness and efficacy in urinary tract infections of various origins. It improves digestion, is useful in wasting diseases and cures all ‘pramehas’ (A prameha is a urinary tract disease characterized by polyurea and turbid urine).

Used in Diabecon.

Sanskrit /Indian Name: Varatika bhasma
English Name: Cowrie shell calx

It is prepared from the shells of Cyprea moneta called cowrie shells and is well known for its antacid and digestive properties. It is useful in the treatment of gastritis, duodenitis and otorrhea.

Used in Gasex.

Latin name:Valeriana jatamansi
English name: Indian valerian
Sanskrit/Indian name: Tagara

A slightly hairy, tufted herb with thick horizontal rootstocks that contains a sweet smelling essential oil.
Indian valerian is prescribed as a remedy for hysteria, hypochondriasis, nervous unrest and emotional troubles. It is also used as a carminative and forms an ingredient of a number of Ayurvedic recipes. The drug contains a group of iridoid or monoterpenic derivatives, known as valepotriates which are useful as tranquilizers and sedatives. An iridoid ester glycoside designated as valerosidatum (isovaleryl glucoside) has also been isolated.
Used in Mentat.

Latin name:Vernonia cinerea
English name: Purple fleabane
Sanskrit/Indian name: Sahadevi

An erect, rarely decumbent herb, with purple flowers.

The seeds yield a fatty oil and are used as an anthelmintic and alexipharmic; they are said to be quite effective against roundworms and threadworms. They are also given for coughs, flatulence, intestinal colic and dysuria and for leucoderma, psoriasis and other chronic skin-diseases. The seeds are made into a paste with limejuice and used for destroying pediculi.
Used in Cystone.

Latin name:Viola odorata
English name: Wild violet
Sanskrit/Indian name: Neelapushpa
A glabrous or pubescent herb arising from a rootstock. The herb is well known in India for its medicinal virtues and has been in use since ancient times.
The herb is valued as an expectorant, diaphoretic, antipyretic and diuretic, and as a laxative in bilious affections. It is used for catarrhal and pulmonary troubles and for calculous affections. Also used as a remedy for coughs and sore throat, hoarseness, and ailments of infants. The flowers contain violin and the leaves contain an essential oil, an alkaloid, coloring matter, friedelin, ß-sitosterol and a straight-chain alcohol.
Used in Koflet.

Sanskrit/Indian name: Vidangadi lauha

It is herbo-mineral powder consisting of : Embelia ribes, Cyperus rotundus, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica, Emblica officinalis, Cedrus deodara, Piper longum, Piper chaba, Plumbago zeylanica, Zingiber officinalis, Piper nigrum and Iron calx

It is indicated in obesity, liver disorders, and anemia.

Used in Diabecon.

Latin name : Vitex negundo
English name : Five-leaved chaste tree
Sanskrit / Indian names : Nirgundi, Sephali

Its principle constituents are casticin, isoorientin, chrysophenol D, luteolin, p –hydroxybenzoic acid and D-fructose. The leaves possess discutient properties and are applied to rheumatic swellings of the joints and in sprains. The juice of the leaves is used for the treatment of fetid discharges. They show anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal activity.

Used in Himcolin, Pilex, V-Gel, SportsCare cream, DermaCare AC, DermaCare SN cream a & lotion, JointCare B.

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Latin name:Vitis vinifera
English name: Grapes
Sanskrit/Indian name: Draksha
A large, deciduous climber climbing by means of tendrils.
Grapes are a good source of bioflavonoids (vitamin P), which are known to be useful in such conditions as purpura, capillary bleeding in diabetes, edema and inflammation from injury, radiation damage, and atherosclerosis. Catechins and anthocyanogenic tannins present in grapes possess bioflavonoid activity. Grapes are considered laxative, stomachic, diuretic, demulcent and cooling and are used as an astringent in throat affections.
Used in Geriforte, and Koflet.

Latin name : Withania somnifera
English name : Winter cherry
Sanskrit / Indian name : Ashvagandha

Withania somnifera is an erect shrub. The principle constituents of its roots are the alkaloids somnine, somniferine, withanine, tropine, psuedotropine and anaferine. It is used in asthma and as a uterine sedative. Its alkaloids showed relaxant and antispasmodic effects against several spasmogens on intestinal, uterine, bronchial, tracheal and blood vascular muscles.

It is a rasayana agent in the indigenous system of medicine, Ayurveda. It helps in increasing the sense of well being and improves sexual performance.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Diabecon (GlucoCare) , Geriforte (StressCare), Mentat (MindCare) and Tentex forte (VigorCare).

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Latin name: Woodfordia fructicosa
English name: Fire flame bush
Sanskrit/Indian name: Dhataki

A much-branched, beautiful shrub, with fluted stems and long, spreading branches.
The flowers yield a red dye. They contain a fairly high level of tannin. They are used in bowel complaints and hemorrhages and administered in menorrhagia and seminal weakness. An extract of the plant was found to stimulate the contraction of the intestinal loop, and investigations have corroborated the clinical use of the drug in bowel complaints. The drug also shows antipyretic action which compares favorably with that of acetylsalicylic acid. The dried flowers are powdered and sprinkled over ulcers and wounds to diminish discharge and promote granulation.

Used in Lukol.

Latin name: Wrightia tinctoria
English name: Sweet indrajao
Sanskrit/Indian name: Stri kutaja, Hyamaraka

A small, deciduous tree with a light gray, scaly smooth bark.

It is effective in psoriasis and non-specific dermatitis.

Used in Lukol.

Sanskrit / Indian Name: Yakut pishti (Manikya pishti)
English Name: Processed ruby

Generally a cardiac tonic it allays palpitation of the heart.

Used in Abana (HeartCare).

Sanskrit/Indian name: Yashada bhasma
English name: Zinc calx

It is specially processed zinc. Zinc plays a significant role in protein synthesis, in cell divison and in wound healing. Animals fed zinc deficient diets show anorexia, weight loss, growth retardation, various skin dystrophies and impaired glucose metabolism. These have also been observed in man. With age the zinc content of the abdominal aorta decreases. It is administered in sprue, diabetes, leukorrhea and hyperhydrosis.

Used in Geriforte, Pilex, Mentat, EveCare, Koflet.

Sanskrit / Indian Name: Yeshab pishti (Vyomashma Pishti)
English Name: Processed jade

A cardiac tonic it allays palpitation of the heart.

Used in Abana (HeartCare).

Latin name : Zingiber officinale
English name : Ginger
Sanskrit / Indian name : Ardraka, Nagara, Sunthi, Vishvabheshaja

Its principle constituents are Zingiberene (a- and ß-zingiberene), and zingiberol. Ginger is valued in medicine as a carminative and stimulant to the gastro-intestinal tract. It is much in vogue as a household remedy for flatulence and colic. Ginger is reported to contain an anti-histaminic factor. It is included among anti-depressants and it forms an ingredient of some anti-narcotic preparations.

Used in Abana (HeartCare), Diakof, Herbolax, Lukol, Mentat (MindCare), DigestaTea, KofTea.

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Latin name: Abrus precatorius
English name: Jequirity
Sanskrit/Indian name: Gunja

A winding climber with glabrescent, mostly greenish yellow young branches.In the indigenous system of medicine, the seed extract is used externally in the treatment of ulcers and skin affections. The seeds are administered internally in the affections of the nervous system, and their paste is applied locally in sciatica, stiffness of shoulder joint and paralysis. They are said to be useful in diarrhea and dysentery, and possess anthelmintic activity.

Used in Rumalaya.


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