Latin Names Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban syn. Hydrocotyle asiatica Linn. (Apiaceae)
English Names Indian pennywort, Centella, Gotu-kola
Sanskrit Names Mandukaparni, Manduki, Divya
Hindi Names Brahma-manduki, Khulakhudi, Mandookaparni

In Sanskrit works this plant is called Brahmi and Mandukaparni. According to Ainslie the leaves were used for pediatric complaints – bowel problems, fever and applied externally for blows and bruises in the Coromandel coast. In Java, according to Horsfield, they are considered diuretic and on the Malabar coast the plant is one of the remedies for leprosy. As a remedy in this disease it was first brought prominently to notice by Boileau, in 1859.
Dr. A. Hunter, who tried it in the Madras Leper Hospital, came to the conclusion that it had no claim to consideration as a specific in leprosy, but he found it most useful in ameliorating the symptoms and improving general health. Reports from Europe in 1885 confirm the use of this plant for syphilitic skin diseases both internally and externally. Dr. Clement Darnty de Grandpre in 1888, stated that this plant is so abundant in Mauritius that it serves as forage for cattle, whose milk it improves.

Commonly found as a weed in crop fields and other waste places throughout India up to an altitude of 600 m.

C.A. is a prostrate perennial herb.The stem is glabrous, pink and striated, rooting at the nodes; the leaves are fleshy, orbicular-reniform, crenate, base cordate and often lobed and long-petioled; the flowers are red, pink or white, in fascicled umbels; the fruits are oblong, dull brown, laterally compressed, the pericarp hard, thickened, woody and white.

Principle constituents:
The glycosides indocentelloside, brahmoside, brahminoside, asiaticoside, thankuniside and isothankuniside.

The plant is valued in indigenous medicine for the treatment of leprosy and skin diseases and also to improve memory. The plant is used as an antidote to cholera. It has been valued as a tonic and is used in bronchitis, asthma, gastric catarrh, leukorrhea, kidney troubles, urethritis and dropsy. The plant is reported to exhibit tranquilizing, anabolic activities and antispasmodic properties.

Product range:
Abana, Geriforte, Mentat, Menotabs, Antistress Tea, SleepTea