Latin Names Mucuna pruriens Baker non DC. syn. Mucuna prurita Hook. (Fabaceae)
English Names Cow-itch plant, Cowhage
Sanskrit Names Kapikachchu, Atmagupta
Hindi Names Kaunch, Kevanch

Found almost all over India and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

M. p. is an herbaceous twining annual. The leaves are trifoliolate; the leaflets, broadly ovate, elliptic or rhomboid ovate and unequal at the base; the flowers, purple and in axillary, pendulous racemes; the pods, curved, longitudinally ribbed, turgid and densely clothed with persistent pale brown or grey, irritant bristles; the seeds, black, 4-6 in a pod and ovoid.

Principle constituents:
L-DOPA and the bioactive alkaloids mucunine, mucunadine, mucuadinine, pruriendine and nicotine. ß-sitosterol, glutathione, lecithin, oils, venolic and gallic acids are also included.

L-DOPA is a neurotransmitter precursor, an effective drug for relief in Parkinson's disease. The seed is a prophylactic against oligospermia, useful in increasing sperm count, ovulation in women, etc. It prevents male and female sterility and acts as a nervine tonic.

Product range:
Geriforte, Mentat, Spemen, Spemen forte, Tentex forte