Latin Name Piper nigrum Linn.
English Name Black pepper
Sanskrit Names Maricha, Vellaja, Krishna
Hindi Name Kalimirch

Found cultivated in the hot and moist parts of India, Ceylon and other tropical countries.

P.n. is a branching, climbing perennial shrub. The branches are stout, trailing and rooting at the nodes; the leaves, entire, base acute, rounded or cordate, equal or unequal; the flowers, minute in spikes, usually dioecious; the fruiting spikes are very variable in length; the fruits, ovoid or globose, bright red when ripe; the seeds, usually globose.

Principle constituents:
Piperine, chavicine, piperidine and piperettine.

It is much employed as an aromatic stimulant in weakness following fevers, coma, etc., as a stomachic in dyspepsia and flatulence. It has bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties.

Product range:
Diabecon, Gasex, Lukol, Tentex forte, SportsCare cream, DigestaTea, KofTea