Latin Name Sida cordifolia Linn. (Malvaceae)
English Name Country mallow
Sanskrit Name Bala, Vatya
Hindi Name Bariyar, Kharethi

S.c. is found in moist places throughout tropical and sub-tropical India and Nepal ascending to an altitude of 1,050 m.

A small, downy, erect shrub, with long branches, sometimes rooting at the nodes. The leaves are ovate, or ovate-oblong, very downy on both surfaces; the flowers are tawny-yellow or white; the fruit shows a pair of awns on each carpel.

Principle constituents:
Ephedrine is one of the alkaloids reported to be present. It contains phytosterol and potassium nitrate.

It is used traditionally in cases of spermatorrhea, polyurea, leucorrhea and certain nervine disorders such as monoplegia, sciatica, palsy, etc.

Product range:
Tentex forte, Menotab