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  •'s Directory of Distance Education - The specialized directory of distance learning and educational facilities, worldwide.
  • The Center for Distance Learning Research - The center's mission is to provide timely and appropriate information on the development, application and maintenance of information technology systems. This information is provided through demonstration, training, publications and technical assistance.
  • Centre for Self Managed Learning (SML) - Promotes the wider use of SML and provides a network giving advice and support to people involved in SML.
  • CyberU - Provides individuals with access to online courses and resources offered by universities and educational institutions worldwide.
  • Distance Learning - News, articles, resources, and discussion of distance learning from
  • Distance Learning Resource Network - The dissemination project for the U.S. Department of Education Star Schools Program.
  • Electronic Resources for Adult/Distance Education - Annotated collection of email listservs and e-journals relating to distance learning.
  • Free-Ed.Net - Free online courses, tutorials, study guides and lessons in 120 academic and vocational/technical topic areas.
  • Indiana State University - DegreeLink Program - Transfer your associate degree credit to Indiana State University, and complete a bachelor's degree via the Internet, live television, correspondence, or videotapes - anywhere in Indiana.
  • - Online continuing legal education for lawyers, judges, and others with an interest in the law.
  • Laragh CourseWare's Office Administration Suite - Laragh CourseWares 3-CD Office Administration Suite covers the CPS examination curriculum of the IAAP, deliverig key administrative, communication, computer, and bookkeeping competencies.
  • LearnLinc Live Internet Learning - LearnLinc 4.0 software for live online learning via a "virtual classroom" carried over the Internet, corporate or university intranets, or wide area network environments.
  • Lifelong Learners - Distance learning courses from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (Sweden).
  • The Malet Street Gazette - Online tutorial program for University of London External Programme (Laws) students.
  • NetWORLD University - NetWORLD University provides online web based training and education on most computer and business related topics.
  • PassKey, A Prescriptive Learning System - Self-paced computer-based learning system teaches basic-skills proficiency in reading, writing, mathematics, and science. The program is designed for young adults, but many courses would be appropriate for younger children as well.
  • PBS Adult Learning - Information on degrees at a distance, including workplace skills, literacy tools, management development and executive education.
  • Project VIEW - Technology Innovation Challenge Grant led by the Schenectady City School District. Harnesses distance learning technologies in a classroom environment.
  • - Offers hundreds of courses in a variety of formats. Online instructor-led courses are taught by experts in the subject, or there are self-paced courses in a number of personal and professional subject areas. A division of Ziff-Davis Inc.
  • Southeast Online - Southeast Missouri State University's Distance Education site providing access to education through technology mediated courses.
  • Teleclass Canada Distance Learning Centre - Teleclasses are live interactive training classes from the convenience of home or office via telephone. Choose from a wide range of topics.
  • The Ultimate Guide to Obtain a College Degree Online - Earn a fully accredited degree online.
  • University of Minnesota - Independent and Distance Learning - Correspondence,Internet, and other distance learning courses offered by the University of Minnesota. You do not need to come to campus or be admitted to any degree program.
  • University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies - Offers correspondence and on-line courses for distance learning.
  • USQOnline - Study with the leader in online education: The University of Southern Queensland Australia, voted the World's Best dual mode University, 1999 Winner: International Council for Open and Distance Education Inaugural Prize for Institutional Excellence. Study over 23 courses online across 6 faculties: Arts, Business, Commerce, Education, Engineering and Surveying, and Science.
  • World Lecture Hall (WLH) - Contains links to course materials for university-level courses. Some, though not all, of these courses are offered entirely over the Internet. Some, though not all, offer college credit through distance learning. All are courses offered at accredited colleges and universities around the world, and all course materials reachable through WLH are free and publicly available. One can submit a course for possible addition to the hall. Topics are browseable and searchable.

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