Maiden May 29th, 2000
 A half dragon, half human character done on commission. ^_^ Photoshop 5.5.

Bunni-chan (note- panty shot) April 22th, 2000
 The coloring is simple because I was trying to keep the file size of the animation small. Photoshop 5.5.

Being Charming (note- panty shot) April 16th, 2000
 Just a little cute sketch out of my sketchbook. Ink, black and white.

Angel Girl January 15th, 2000
An old picture in my sketch book that I finally got around to coloring. The writing is my own. I'm not exactly all that great at poetry or the sort, but I think I write the occasional cute thing. yanno? Ink, Photoshop 5.5.

  Demitri January 12th, 2000
This is a sketch I did that a friend inked and colored for me. Demitri is the main character in my manga, "Shadow Walk" Have you guys seen the manga by Locke in "Mangaphile"? I'm annoyed to discover that his main female character in a story called Shadow-something or other looks remarkably like Demitri!!

Alone in my Room January 8th, 2000
I revamped an old sketch in my sketch book to make this one. I had drawn up the background of a room to go along with it, but when I got down to coloring it, I decided I didn't like it and used a background out of a magazine instead. Isn't the little bear trinket cute? I'd like to think of him as a new mascot. ^^ Pen, Photoshop 5.5.

Melize Saela Character Design January 5th, 2000
Melize Saela is a character I created for an animated fantasy short I'm going to be working on soon. The plot is relatively simple: girl gets kidnapped, and then gets rescued, but the focus is going to be mostly on the animation, anyway. Pen, Photoshop 5.5.

Page December 99
I'm working on some new character designs.. I'm focusing mostly on outfit design, using ideas I scribbled out in my American Gov't class. Pencil, Adobe Photoshop 5.5.

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Fighting Spirit October 99
I'm going through my American Gov't notes and making pictures based on crappy sketchs I did in class. It's not a bad class.. the teacher is fun and interesting, and I never get sleepy (and I'm the type of person who falls asleep in class).  I'm trying out coloring my pictures in a cel-style. Pen, Adobe Photoshop 5.5

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Akai and Min October 99
I've become interested in creating intricate, original, and interesting outfits. This pic is just a warm up. ^_^ The flower background was taken from a car ad in some women's magazie. Interesting marketing scheme: cars mixed with flowers for a female audience. Bah! Color Adobe Photoshop 5.5, Pen.

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Cleo August 99
An original character.   Cleo reminds me of my newest fascination, Malice Mizer's Mana. (blue lips, white face.) Color, Pen.

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Girl with butterflies in her hair. July 99
Why have those little butterfly clips become so popular amoung girls recently? You have to wonder how some of these fads start. . I think I have some sort of fascination with purple hair.. it's so pretty. Right up there with green hair. ^_^ This particular image is the 'clean' version of one of my pics on Cute Pet (my hentai site).   Fractal Design Painter 5.0, Photoshop 5.0

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SD Rui and Bara (Rose Petals) July 99
Rose Petals is my hentai manga. These two girls are the main characters in it. The green haired girl is named Bara (japanese for Rose), and the blonde is named Rui.   That yellow thing with a big black dot on Bara's dress is supposed to be a duck. ^^;; Pen, Photoshop 5.0.

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Nibben in a pond of lillies. (Shadow Walk) July 99
This is basically the same image as the "Frog Leapers" one, except that instead of a photo background, there is a watercolor background. I think it gives the picture a softer feel to it.  Pen, Photoshop 5.0.

Good Morning! (Warning: ecchi)
This picture was done so I could try out some new CG techniques.(Like, using purple for skin shading rather then a darker shade of brown.) I suppose it turned out ok. . . maybe I should stick to traditional mediums? CGing can get so frustrating. . . I want to cut down on the amount of fanart I do, and do more original art.

SD Kainan and Demitri (Shadow Walk)
Aren't these two adorable? I love Kainan's wings. ^_^ Pencil, b&w.

Frog Leapers (Shadow Walk)
I really like how this one turned out. It's too bad her legs didn't blend with the water the way I wished they would have. The title was inspired by a friend who told me that his little brother used to call lily pads, "Frog Leapers" ... kawaii. ^_^ Pen, watercolor/CG.

Minako Kenshou
A drawing of me. Well, she kind of resembles me, anyway. This is a "glamour pic", if you will. Doesn't that artsy strand of hair on her right side look like a banana? ^_^ Pen, color.

A Stolen Map (Shadow Walk)
Cute faerie theif Nibben strikes again! Here, she is depicted lying on a map of Kalan she probably stole, knowing her. When I was inking this, a big blob of ink dropped right in the middle of her forehead. I was able to sort of hide it by making it look like part of her headband. This isn't the entire painting--the whole thing was too large to fit in the scanner. -_- Pen, watercolor.

A group pic of Shade, Ruby, and Suuki (Sorei Na Bokan SD)
Even though it's old, I still really like the coloring on this pic. Suuki's hair was drawn wrong, however. (how did I manage to screw up my own characters hair style?!) ^^;; Pen, color.

Prince Kenshou (Sorei Na Bokan SD)
"Nani? Prince 'Kenshou'? Isn't that YOUR family name, Minako?" Why.. yes. I stole my family name from my lil bishounen, Suuki-kun. Isn't he adorable, by the way? You'll find out soon enough why he has that lil scar on his face once I put up the character bios. CG/B&W, pencil.

Dragonkin Theif(Clover Fields, Shadows in the Darkness)
This is my character, Realae, a creature known as a 'dragonkin'. She's sometimes a mage.. sometimes a thief. Typically seen wearing a stereotypical magicians hat with an added touch-- little ghosts attached to string that sprout from the tip of her hat. Like the rest of her kind, Realae is sneaky, arrogant, and sly. Color, pen.

Time for a nap
A little girl dreams of candy canes and teddy bears before falling asleep. This was just a doodle I drew when I was bored. Kawaii, ne? Pencil, b&w.

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