Thank you.....

Like I said earlier, I appreciate ya'll coming here to listen to me whine and complain. =) But ya know, there are some things that I've always wanted to say, some things that need to be said......

I haven't gotten any e-mails asking why I call myself a fan and still make fun of the boys, or people cussing me out for what I put or anything like that... thankfully. But I would like to say that I do this for fun... nothing more, nothing less. I mean, what fun would it be if we ALL just drooled constantly over them (not that that would be hard to do)? I mean they are normal people, and normal people usually do stupid or abnormal things.... people like me just like to point that out. So I thank all of you who came here and actually had something good to say about it.

And you know what? I really do like the Backstreet Boys. Not because they're too fine, (which they are) because they can dance good, because they wear the right clothes, and all that other good crap. (Actually, I could beg to differ on the clothes issue, but let's not go there.) I like the Boys cause they can sing... They can sing damn good! That's why I like them, because when I'm sitting in my room listen to their album, I don't have a TV in front of me to see them. I just hear them and that's what it's all about. Oh, and for those of you who sit and say they don't play their own instruments.... THEY DO!!!! And guess what??? They can write music, too!!! WOW!!!!

I have a person I go to school with who constantly keeps remind us that she thinks that the Backstreet Boys suck... and it REALLY ticks me off!! I never tell her it ticks me off, just kinda give her a "Go to Hell" smile and walk away. But I mean, how can you say they suck? Tell me, who got Artist of the Year just a few days ago? Hmmmmm? Who has sold millions upon millions of records, in this country alone? Whose concerts sell out in fifteen freakin minutes? Can you tell me? Backstreet Boys! * Ding, Ding!!What do we have for her, Johnny?* And besides that being the point, I never tell her that I think Korn or Marilyn Manson sucks. (Actually, I kinda like Korn.) I don't go around critizing those kinds of artist and the other stuff she listens to, because I know that even though I don't like them, there are people who do, and that's why they're famous! Everyone is good at what they do..... Korn is good at rock, and BsB are good at pop... so leave 'em alone, people!!!!!

One more thing, and then I'll let you go. =) What's up with you people calling *NSync *N Stink? I thought it was kinda funny when I first saw it, but people are writting that up and actually meaning it. How can you like BsB and not *NSync? I mean, it's the same freakin music, most of it wrote by the same freakin man! And let me tell you... J.C.... that boy can sing!!! God, can he sing. Again, it's about the music, people. Why are you worried about them anyways? We know who's better. ;)


Ok, I'm letting you go..... So GO already!