The BsB Concert Special

Brought to you by : Nita

So, I finally did it. I went to a BsB cocnert. In New Orleans, during the beginning of Mardi Gras, might I add. =) But that's not what this is all about. This is my review, both serious and with humor, and it might take a while. I'm not sure how much I want to write. I guess it doesn't matter. But here's how it went.....

Here's a funny story. Me and my friend, Sally* were walking down the street with my mom, and were like two blocks away from the Superdome. Across the street was this big ol' group of girls, who were obviously going to the same place as us. Then out of nowhere, this group of policemen came out and cleared the street, and right behind them were two or three limos.. It was them! Well, while I was bent over trying to gather my senses (and we're not going to say why they were lost) and Sally was bending over to pick up something she dropped, the limos drove by, and the group of little kids was right behind them, screaming like there was no It was a funny site, trust me. Like they were actually going to catch the limos, and like the Boys were actually going to stop so the could be mobbed. Yeah right.

Ok, so we got our seats, and you're talking about nose-bleed section. Well, eventually we moved our way up.... but shhhhh.. whoever's seat we got doesn't need to know that. With binoculars in hand, the concert began.

The opening act was the Jungle Brothers, and some girl. I didn't catch her name. If you know, please e-mail me, cause I kinda liked her. The only thing I can remember that was worth remembering from their things was, the Bothers said, "When we say Backstreet, you say Boys!" LoL.. yeah, we did it, too.. even thought I said I wouldn't.

So then the lights went dim, and the teenyboppers and me and Sally started screaming our heads off... then the lights came back on again. Instead of the Boys, we got cartoon imitations of them, and they weren't even good imitations. So we waited, and waited, and then waited a bit more. So after they got rid of whatever technical difficulty they were having, the lights began to dim, and music came on. They started playing the Darth Vader march, and men with black cloaks and big lit-up spears marched out onto the stage. They made a complete circle around it, and then they came.....

It was chaos. The noise was unbelieveable. I was holding my ears and screaming at the same time. They were harnessed up and began their little flight over the crowd, playing the Luke Skywalker song in the process. So they finally got up on the stage, and they did this little thing. I didn't catch all of it, but i do distinctly remember Kevin saluting, and doing this thing with his head and neck.. LoL. Talk about a chicken with his head cut off.

They played LTL, and you know, I for the life of me can't remember all the songs they played, and certainly can't remember the order. I didn't have my pen and pencil handy at the moment (said sarcastically as Nita rolls her eyes.) Weel, here are the highlights:

During BTYH, Kevin and the piano were set in the middle of the stage, and it came up. It was kinda cool.

I'm trying to remember the songs. They played "That's the way I like it" QPG, ALAYLM, "Everybody" (Backstreet's Back, alright! LoL, sorry.. had to fit that in.) INBYH, AIHTG, (I hope ya'll don't mind that I'm using the abbreviations... LoL, it's just too much to type.) IWITW, SMTMOBL, "Spanish Eyes", "The One", "Don't want you back"... and a bunch of other things. LoL.

The sax player they had.. man, she was great.

Every time Nick even looked like he was going to sing.... Screams erupted from the crowd. He doesn't need to tease like that.

Howie did a little rap. I have no idea what he said, but it was pretty funny. We know they want to be black and all, but that was just...LoL.

They did one thing where they raised them above the crowd, and the Boys threw beads at people.. cause it was Mardi Gras, ya know? (duh!) Brian looked like he was about to fall out of his harness..LoL, his butt was sticking in the air. Kevin was doin a bunch of cool stuff on his. And wouldn't you know it, when he was done showing off, his wires got tangled..hehe.

While they were introducing the dancers and band members, Brian and Nick got a basketball and started messing around. Can they quit this obbession???

Lemme tell ya, though.. Nick.... daaaaayum! Hair cut did him a WORLD of good.. Baby, keep it there.

I think I've said all I can think of. (ya'll are going, Thank GOD!) Well, It doesn't matter. Bu-bye! =)

*Names were changed to protect the not-so-innocent

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