Critizism of the Fox concert.

Am I the only person in the word who watched this? Cause I sure do feel like it. Well, here were a few of my insights into the concert, which I actually liked.

1. A warm-up chant, how cute~~ BsB, what time is it? Time to go to work! What kind of work? Hard work!~~

2. I know this has nothing to do with the concert, but why in the world did they show Leighanne with her hands all over Brian? Did they not know how many girls they were upsetting? Before the concert even started!

3. I understand the sense of anticipation, but did the pause before the lights came on have to be so long? I almost fell asleep.

4. Last I heard, this was a FAMILY channel. So why did my grandmother pass out when AJ started dancing in "Hey, Mr. DJ"?

5. Howie's solo.... All I have to say is ewwwww. And why did he get the roses? He's not special!

6. AJ's solo... Just another excuse for AJ to get funky with the floor. And no, dear, we don't want to kiss your butt.

7. Kevin's solo.... Is it me, or did he look like a chicken with his head cut off when he started freestylin' it? And what's up with the little "Everybody say ho!" thing? I'm sure there were plenty of hoes there, but he didn't have to point them out.

8. Nick musta lost his air or something ~~ mi-i-ind ~~ =) Almost sounded like a broken record. And what's with the acne? Clearasil, dear. It works.

9. What does Howie keep looking back for in the interview? Is he afraid some rabid fan is going to come and bite him or something? Of course, if he's offering......

10. Twice was enough on the "I'd rather die" thing in INBYH. We came to here the boys sing, not a bunch of swooning girls.

11. On WGIGO, what's the deal with that little Pa-ta-ta-ta thing? I didn't hear that on the cd!

12. Are you sexual, Nick? Can anyone be sexual holding a teddy bear?

13. The thank yous~~ How many times are you going to say it, Nicky, darlin'? And Kevin, the peace sign is done by holding up your fore and middle finger, not your middle, fore finger, and pinky. Just thought you might like to know.

