
Ok, a word of explanation, first. I have color coded everything to make it simple. Kevin will be in BLUE. Nick will be in GREEN. Brian will be in LIGT BLUE. AJ will be in YELLOW, and Howie will be in RED. All of my cute little comments on the boys will be in WHITE. I will leave some comments to myself seeing as how some of the boys quotes are... well, self-explanatory. I mean, some stuff's so dumb it needs no added jokes. LoL. Anyways, enjoy! And BTW, new Quotes will always be added at the top... no need to scroll all the way down. Unless of course you actually want to get home.


"Sometimes good looks come in handy."

*Nooo... our sweet little Nick.. shallow? Not at all!*

"There's some things we can tell you, and then there are some things we can't tell you."

*Unfortunately, you can't tell the difference.*

"I shop more than most women."

"Hey..... Yo... Gillian. We's goin back to the island."

"I try not to look in the mirror much."

*He's giving himself a really bad image.*

"It's fulfilling inside to think you're touching people."

*Touching people, huh?*

"You have to be patient when, uh... to work with us because sometimes we can be... some of our attention spans can kinda wander."

*Only Kevin could say something like this and get away with it.*

"I have to have it. I was raised on it. Everyday after school, from when I was in grade school, if I got an A or even a B, my grandmother was like, 'You want to go to McDonald's?'"

"Sometimes I get fanmail. I try to reply to mine personally."


"Hello on the front, hello over there, hello over there, and way back there, wazzup?"- AJ

*AJ, quit! You're taking Brian's parts!*

"I just, I just wanna say one thing. I'm B-Rok of the Backstreet Boys." - Brian

*See what he has to say now?*

"How ya'll doin? Ya'll doin all right?" - Brian

*Stop him before the concert gets cancled.*

"Hi, mommy." - Howie

"I can't hear you Miss Prissy." - AJ

"Oh man, you guys are whacked!" - Kevin

*That's rich... a 28 year old man saying one of the stupidest words I've ever known.*

"Kevin's quite vain." - Nick

*Really? Could have fooled me... Does he even use a hair brush?*

"I don't know why they call me the Train, cause I'm probably the most graceful one." - Kevin

*AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahehehehe.... Oh, is he for real?*

"Kev can be like, very unaware of his limbs sometimes." - Brian

*Amen, Brother Littrell!*

"Welcome to Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood. Sorry, Mr. Rodgers can't be here. I'm taking his place." - AJ

*That's too scary to even think about.*

"I do not whine. I DO NOT!" - Nick

"I started turning into a gummy bear." - Howie

"I'm trying to be bad, but no one will let me." - AJ

*You mean this is your good side?!?!*

"I have to admit that I do look at the breasts, too." - Nick

*Well..... At least he's honest.*

"Hey, I'm Mr. Romantic! I have Spanish relatives, so romance is in my blood!" - Howie

"I don't want to look down your shirt!" - Brian

"Nick's gonna tell you about the time we threw him out in the hallway when he had nothing but his drawers on." - Kevin

*LMAO! I bet ya someone got a pic of that, and they're getting money from Nick every month.*

"And we never gave Nick his underwear back." - Howie

*What's up with Nick and his underwear? No wonder he's so weird.*

"If we've been to see a scary movie or something and we're sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in, Nick will go (whispering) 'It's dark in here, isn't it?' And he's not being funny- He means it!" - Brian

"Hey! I heard that!" - Nick

"Bass me! I've been bassed!" - AJ

*How in the name of God do you get bassed?*

"I am way, way uncool." - Howie

*You don't have to tell us twice.*

"I like video games. I'm addicted to that stuff." - Nick

*Really? We couldn't tell.*

"I need love" - Kevin

*Really? My door is always opened. ;)*

"I'm a good reckless driver." - AJ

*Me, too*

"I want to know why when I wave they go 'AHHHH' *hehe*" - Brian

*Go figure, Brian.*

"I currently resign in Florida... Is it resign? RESIDE! Oh man, I always mess up. I'm sorry." - Nick

"And we're wearing leather" - Howie

*What did I say about ya'll wearing leather? Hmmm?*

"Hey, I beeped...... And they felt me up with that little thing...... It was good." - AJ

*Erotic airport fantasies, AJ? LoL*

"We're trying to make good music to forget about your problems." - Kevin

*Do what? Ok, Kev, if you're gonna wear our ears down, make it make sense, ok?*

"I am the Breakfast Burito Man!" - Howie

"I want to be crazy forever, even when I'm eighty." - Nick

*You've got a good head start, then.*

"Sweat and girls....... does it mix? I think so!" - Kevin

*My kind of man.... hehe. ;)*

"No, hell no!" - Brian

*~~Gasp~~ He said a bad word! You're goin to Hell, son.*

"Did you call my room last night and invite me to a party?" - Howie

"It was an accident, but I pushed him." - Nick

"Did I ever technically call you a loser?" - Brian

*Ummmm... probably. LoL*

"We're the Backstreet Boys, and we be seeing ya. Guten Nacht!"- AJ

*How thoughtful of you, dear. If they didn't understand one freakin thing you said all night, they will know that you said "good night"*


Arghhh! Enough already! Go AWAY!!