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Pantomime or Mime

PAN·TO·MIME: The art or genre of conveying a story by bodily movements only (1986 Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary)

MIME: 1 a: an actor in a mime b: one that practices mime 2 a: the art of portraying a character or of narration by body movement b: a performance of mime

Paul Curtis, Founder/Director of the American Mime Theatre, use the following definitions: Pantomime is the art of creating the illusion of reality by dealing with imaginary objects or situations. Its art rests on the ability to imply weight, texture, line, rhythm and force to the air around them. Mime, on the other hand, is the art of acting silently through various kinds of theatrical movement.

(from Cambridge International Dictionary of English)


the use of bodily movements without speech to communicate emotions and actions or to tell a story.
Two of the play's scenes were enacted entirely in mime.
Charades is a game in which you have to convey the title of a famous film or book through mime.

A mime is also a short play without speech.

A mime artist is a person who performs mime in a theatre, film etc.
Marcel Marceau was a famous mime artist.

(from Infoplease.com)

n., v., mimed, mim•ing.

1. the art or technique of portraying a character, mood, idea, or narration by gestures and bodily movements; pantomime.
2. an actor who specializes in this art.
3. an ancient Greek or Roman farce that depended for effect largely upon ludicrous actions and gestures.
4. a player in such a farce.
5. mimic (def. 4).
6. a jester, clown, or comedian.

1. to mimic.
2. to act in mime.

to play a part by mime or mimicry.