Documentation Plan: Kara Krelove: StarCalc 5.0



This plan is designed to outline my proposal for the documentation of the StarCalc 5.0 freeware program. This software is designed for users of the novice to professional astronomy levels, but is most likely to be used by high-school to college age students and adult amateur astronomers. Most users can be expected to have moderate experience with using computers, but will range from novices to experienced users.

The main elements of the documentation set are a beginner's Tutorial, a User's Guide, and a Quick Reference section (which will also include a FAQ, "Frequently Asked Questions"). The alpha and beta drafts of the Tutorial, User's Guide, and Reference sections respectively are: March 23, March 25, April 6, April 8, April 15, and April 20 of 1999. This wide selection of documents will allow effective communication to all levels of users.


The document below outlines in a moderate level of detail the various sections of the documentation set being prepared for the program StarCalc 5.0. In addition to listing the sections and their general content, I have included page estimates, time estimates, and cost estimates for the entire project. The appendix includes a task list and user analysis for the program. The overall goal of the documentation set is to support all levels of users, from novice to experienced computer users, as well as novice to experienced amateur astronomers. Towards that goal, the documentation exists in three main sections: a tutorial, appropriate for inexperienced computer users and astronomers of all levels, a user's guide, appropriate for more experienced computer users who are novices with the program, and a quick reference section, containing a glossary, FAQ, and list of menu commands, appropriate for advanced users. There is also an educational section attached to the tutorial, which explains some of the main scientific aspects of the program.

The Design Plan

The Design Plan introduces two main types of users, students and adult amateur astronomers, and details some of their important characteristics as they relate to the software being documented. It also outlines each document, listing publication media and sections, along with approximate page estimates. The layout of these documents is established in the third section of the Design Plan.

The Documentation Users:

Documentation Types: Individual Document Outlines: Layout of Individual Documents

All features will be maintained throughout all three sections of the documentation, for consistency. However, not all features will be used extensively in all sections.

Page Size: 5 screens maximum (see earlier definition of a "screen": Tutorial sections)

Column Sizes: Page Width

Table Sizes and Styles: Simple grid, centered on page. Offset from text by one carriage return top and bottom.

Body Text size, style, font: Arial 14 pt type, English-standard paragraph, text html color #3366FF

Section/Page General Style: Heading1 centered, horizontal line, text.

Concepts/vocabulary: Color changed to #CC0000 (red)

Menu Features: Italics

Dialog Box Options: 'Quotes'

In-paragraph links: Underlined (standard), text color #66FFFF

Followed Links: Underlined (standard), text color #3366FF (same as paragraph)

Special Format or Layout:

Link to main help page at bottom of each page, animated leftarrow.gif.

Link to my homepage at bottom of each page, AceColorNebula.jpg.

The Project Plan

The project plan outlines the production schedule of the above-detailed documents, including final completion dates for the various drafts, reports, tests, reviews, and edits of the documents. It also details both the resources already available for document development, the resources still needed, and total time, page, and cost estimates for the final documentation set.

  Document Type Completion Date
Documentation Plan Alpha Feb 23 1999
Final March 2 1999
Tutorial Alpha March 23 1999
Beta March 25 1999
User's Guide Alpha April 6 1999
Beta April 8 1999
Reference Docs Alpha April 15 1999
  Beta April 201999
Tutorial Evaluative March 23 1999
User's Guide Evaluative April 6 1999
Reference Docs Evaluative April 17 1999
Documentation Plan Technical Feb 25 1999
Tutorial User March 23 1999
User's Guide User April 6 1999
Reference Docs User April 17 1999


Personnel resources I have available include, aside from myself as documentation developer, my current classmates in English 418: Software Documentation, and the professor of said course, Dr. Stuart Selber, as technical and content reviewers. I have also made contact with the developer of the program, although he did not express any interest whatsoever in making use of my documentation set when distributing his program. Furthermore, several Penn State students who are unconnected with English 418 have agreed to proof-read the user documents in terms of comprehensibility, when they are in the Alpha draft stage.

Computer and equipment resources I have available to me include the CAC labs at Penn State University, which supply middle-line PCs and Macintosh machines (standard programs including MS Word, Netscape Navigator, and Eudora Light), scanners, and high-quality black-and-white printers. My own personal PC is a 166 MHz Pentium with a color ink jet printer. Programs currently installed on my machine include Netscape Communicator 4.5 and MS Word 97. I currently have 5 MB of web storage space available to me:

I am using several shareware programs as graphics editors, including SnagIt32 (screen capture) and GIF Movie Gear (animated gifs). However, some of these programs may expire as claimed. Resources still needed are a permanently available gif animator and editor (mine expires in 4 days).

Time/Page Estimates
Number of tasks/topics
Average # of 

hours per task

Total Hours
User's Guide
Quick Reference
Total Hours for Project:

Cost Estimates
Total Cost
Paper pages
$ 0.10
$ 0.60
Internet connection
Web space
5 MB
GIF Movie Gear Registration
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
Total Cost:
$ 30.60 


The documentation outlined above is for the freeware software program StarCalc 5.0. Designed as a complete online help system, it consists of a beginner's Tutorial, a User's Guide for intermediate users, and a Quick Reference file for more advanced users. The completion dates for the documents are set through March and April, and the resources to complete them are available. With approval of this plan, documentation development will begin.

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