The mask is then made and painted, then a digital picture is taken of the piece and sent via e-mail back to you. (This generally takes approximately a week... 5-7 days)
Only after you have seen and like the design do you pay. If you don't like it, you don't pay for it.
This is the easiest, and fairest way to produce commission work. (In my opinion)
If a piece I make is not accepted by a client, I keep it until another client purchases it...
nobody loses this way.
Most commission prices are as follows...
60.00 - 250.00 for full head masks, depending on style (Helmet masks, example coming soon)
Please contact Ddraglais with any other questions,
or to begin the commission/custom order process.
If you use Yahoo IM Ddraglais_art or...
To pay with PayPal, and get $5... join PayPal it's free, and fast!