by Ddraglais

Confused Perception
Frosty Spring
My Second attempt with Acrylics... I'm liking this medium more and more.  You get great effects with it and it dries so quickly!

With the paint I used bits of wood, masking tape, and a pearl medium to add some shiny spots.
Frosty Spring just sounded right.

This is the first Acrylic painting I've ever done,
and although I hate to admit it... I like the medium.

Mother Nature
Artist With Kids
This painting is a bit dark.
The meaning is a statement regarding the over industrialization of America, and the world.

This is another Acrylic painting I just completed.
This was done for my wife for Valentines day this year, with the help of my 4 month old daughter.

Created by
DDraglais Creative Studios