Q: Is the title Scenarios of Violence an overall description of your career with Kreator?
M: Of course Scenarios Of Violence has a certain biographical flair. I would not go so far as to say that it is just a description of my career with Kreator but more so a description of the worlds current state of affairs.
Q: How did you select the tunes that appear on the album? It is focused largely on the songs from the Coma of Souls and Renewal albums?
M: The selection of songs which will appear on our albums are a group decision. We get together listen to all our material and put everything together.
Q: Since the first album, Kreator has been one of the biggest influences towards the death/thrash sound. How much do you think Kreator's grown musically since those days?
M: Kreator has always been interested in musical trail blazing. Keeping this in mind, it's obvious that there has been constant musical growth.
Q: Has the hardcore influence re-directed Kreator's sound into the `90s? Have your influences changed since the early days?
M: Yes, our influences have changed over the years. We would have to be deaf in order to ignore the great new stuff which has shown up on the scene and it would be boring to stay stagnant but we always are sure that Kreator as a band is clearly defined in our compositions.
Q: You re-recorded nine classic tracks with the new members, bassist Christian Giebler and drummer Joe Cangelossi. How did they enhance the songs which it lacked before? Do you feel the true intensity was finally captured?
M: Unfortunately, you've got the wrong information. We never re-recorded any old tracks, they have only been remixed. As well, there are two new recordings on the album. And yes, I do feel that the true intensity of the songs has finally been captured through the remix.
Q: What have you accomplished with the new guys that the previous ones held you back from?
M: Even a house plant eventually outgrows its pot and needs to be replanted in a bigger pot with new soil and fertilizer.
Q: How has your attitude changed toward life & the band since adding the new members? Have this enabled you to renew your determination to Kreator?
M: There's a fresh wind in our sails. The creative exchange and energy level is back up to 100%. A very satisfying position to be in.
Q: When did you realize that the original line-up wasn't working anymore?
M: The tour to "Renewal" was really heavy. People handle stress differently and not always appropriately. After the tour it was obvious that changes had to be made.
Q: Over the years, you've focused on many topics in your songs dealing with the declining society and religion. Why did you stick to that format?
M: Because it's a theme which never goes away. Most people spend alot of their time with sports, going to bars and hanging out, in the pursuit of the american dream and while they're doing this... They have their eyes closed. Well I'll never stop yelling for people to open their eyes! It's our only chance. We're being lied to, fucked with, people are dying and all we worry about is if our tan lines are showing.
Q: When you write songs, do you ever think about issues like the American "anti-metal" mentality? Are you ever bothered by it?
M: No, I am not a trend monster.
Q: Kreator's toured many countries throughout its history that bands have dreamed about visiting. How has that changed your outlook on music & the world?
M: You can't travel and experience life without taking something home with you. Q: You've toured with a diverse range of bands from Voivod to D.R.I. Do you think by playing in front of diverse crowds, it has helped Kreator gain fans in the long run?
M: I think that one hand washes the other. We have surely won a few fans through bills like this but I'm sure the other bands could convince a few of our fans as well.
Q: Over the last few albums, you've displayed exotic looking album covers. How do you come up with the concepts and ideas for them? Do you try to keep a continuing theme?
M: Every musical work needs its own personal artistic signature. Yes, we've tried to keep a certain direction in our album artwork without giving in to trendy cliche's or boring ourselves to death.
Q: Kreator's had its major label moment during the Extreme Aggression days. What did you learn from that experience and how did that affect the band?
M: Nothing. You can't stick every major label under one cap. Some are shit and some are a little better than shit.
Q: During the band's history, you've dealt with making videos as a promotional tool. What have you learned from that experience? Do you enjoy it?
M: Videos are a very interesting medium. As with our cover artwork videos give us another possibility to explore our musical expression. We really enjoy our videos. Including all the work and planning which goes into them.
Q: During Kreator's history, what were your stand-out moments? The low points?
M: The moment which still stands out in my mind occurred in 1985. We had just finished recording our first album and were listening to it for the first time. Gigantc!!! The worst moment was actually on this tour, we had driven over 20 hours to get to a gig in Czechoslovakia and when we got there we found out that it had been canceled. No food, no hotel, no fuckin' fun.
Q: If you could re-write Kreator's history, is there any point in time you would change?
M: No. Every experience was important.
Q: In a few sentences, how would you describe your overall career until now? Is there anything you would like to do that you haven't attempted yet?
M: I believe Kreator has taken a typical path on it's way to success. Ups as well as downs were present. One lives and learns. The one thing which I look forward to doing which I haven't yet done is my next album.
--Ray (of Noise Records)