

Oh, why do you listen to the wind?
Alexandra, courageous warrior…
Why do you listen to the wind, and why do you bow your head?
Alexandra, courageous warrior…
"The wind, the strongest of all warriors, has revealed a secret to me, Adam my faithful 
friend, my one and only love.
The wind, the strongest of all warriors, has revealed a terrible secret to me. Listen in silence" 
What does all this noise mean?
Alexandra, courageous warrior
What does all this noise mean and whose moans are these?
Alexandra, courageous warrior
"The wind speaks in a whisper and clearly
Adam, my faithful friend, my one and only love
The wind speaks in a whisper and clearly…A new war has started…."

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Why do you draw your sword?
Alexandra, courageous warrior
Why do you draw your sword and you weep silently?
Alexandra, courageous warrior
"Time presses…My shining and indestructible sword will be tinged
with red, with the enemy blood…
Adam my faithful friend, my one and only love
My shining and indestructible sword will be tinged with red, 
with the enemy blood, my hands will tremble, my heart will suffer"
What do these agonizing words mean?
Alexandra, courageous warrior…
What do these agonizing words mean and why do you clasp me in your arms?
Alexandra, courageous warrior…
"For the last time I see your lips, I feel you, I caress you…
Adam my faithful friend, my one and only love…
For the last time I see your lips, I feel you, I caress you. I’ll die
in war, for justice. The wind has ordered me this."
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What will you leave to your valiant soldiers?

Alexandra, courageous warrior…

What will you leave to your valiant soldiers, now tell me

Alexandra, courageous warrior…

"My indestructible arms and my robust horses…

Adam my faithful friend, my one and only love

My indestructible arms and my robust horses, my eternal lessons

and the victor’s crown"

What will you leave to your one and only love?

Alexandra, courageous warrior

What will you leave to your one and only love, I supplicate you, tell me!

Alexandra, courageous warrior

I’ll leave you the memory of a lion-hearted, bold, rosb, courageous but

suffering woman, GOODBYE"

Alessandra Albertoni - classe terza
