MENS HATRED What can you tell me about the war? Grandpa, Grandpa? What can you tell me about the war, The war which exterminated so many men? The exterminating war was so hard and bloody, Grandchild, Grandchild, The exterminating war was so hard and bloody, And it had just left an indelible track in us. What can you tell me about Auschwitz, Grandpa, Grandpa? What can you tell me about Auschwitz, Which reduced men into numbers? "Arbeit macht frei": a sign said, Grandchild, Grandchild, "Arbeit macht frei": a sign said, But mens hatred reduced them into ashes. What can you tell me about their suffering, Grandpa, Grandpa? What can you tell me about their suffering, Their suffering which destroyed their lives ? Their agony was terrible,Grandchild, Grandchild? Their agony was terrible, I saw men crawling for pain What can you tell me about Hiroshimas bomb, Grandpa, Grandpa? What can you tell me about Hiroshimas bomb and the whole evil which brought with it? The bomb was so absurd and unthinkable, Grandchild, Grandchild, The bomb was so absurd and unthinkable, and provoked death and destruction.
What can you tell me about who dropped the bomb, Grandpa, Grandpa? What can you tell me about who dropped the bomb, That was so insane and irresponsible? Dear my grandchild, I dont know what to say, Grandchild, Grandchild. Dear my grandchild, I dont know what to say Because Im responsible for that tragedy. Nicola Mura - classe terza |