Consent Decree-Reservations

1. Decree provides for election of officers within 6 months to 1 year period without requiring delegates to be re-elected by membership now informed of delegates incompetence in detecting organized crime's influence in Chicago's District Council. These are the same delegates that authorized Sherman Carmell to fight Complaint for Trusteeship-wasting member's money trying to disprove the obvious.

2. Decree provides for budgetary restriction of $600.000 year, $35,000/mo without court approval for additional funds. A lawyer billing $100/hr will bill $16,000 /mo-almost half of allotment. Really competent lawyers in Chicago do not work for $100/hr. There are no funds allocated for informing the membership of reasons for RICO Complaint ,

Laborers for JUSTICE © 1999 All Rights Reserved
Jim McGough, Director
2615 W Peterson Av
Chicago,Il 60659
773-728-2326 (tel)
630-604-4496 (fax)