My Gone With the Wind Thing
Rhett:"Open your eyes and look at me. No, I don't think I will kiss you--
although you need kissing badly. That's what's wrong with you.
You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
Scarlett:"Oh, and I suppose you think you're the proper person.
You're a conceited, black-hearted varmint, Rhett Butler..."

Based on Margaret Mitchell's best selling novel,"Gone With The Wind"
premiered in Atlanta on December 15,1939.
Vivien Leigh starred as the Southern belle, Scarlett O'Harra.
Clark Gable played the role of the wonderful Rhett Butler.

Globes by Shari

"Gone With The Wind" is one of the greatest movies
of all time and the winner of
10 Academy Awards, including best motion picture.

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:Olivia De Havilland info: :Hattie McDaniel info:

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GWTW Websets, feel free to use them to decorate your website:
Gone With the Wind 1
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Gone With the Wind 3
Gone With the Wind 4

search the web for GWTW!!

Globe by Keene Kreations

:Make sure to visit Bosset's GWTW page!:

I received this in my mailbox on Sept.13, 2000.
Thank you so much Sunset Angel.

Thank you so much Deb for this beautiful award.

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shop GWTW now!

visit All GWTW!! for beautiful collectibles.
see GWTW memories, they have great windie items!

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