--An AFK Krossen is a dumb Krossen, check this out, I freaked!-- 498/498 hit, and 147/147 moves. o W> Merlyn winks suggestively at you. o W> o W>' Hi. emote brums: Hi. Ok. o W> Blaster has entered the game. o W> Blaster snorkles: hi kross and sat o W> HI!!! o W>sm blaster You smile at him. o W>l A Deserted Cave The petrified statue of the Great Olog Trix stands here forevermore. A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here. A noticeable crack runs down one of the walls. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. Grinder, the expert on all things dark is standing here. Satania is resting here. Merlyn the Ainu is standing here. Blaster is standing here. o W>' Hihi Blaster. who emote brums: Hihi Blaster. Ok. o W>Players ------- Blaster the Troll Wormtongue the collector of lies Merlyn is One of the Western Eregion Masters Sprocket the Dog of Good and Evil Humala wining dining shining king Námo the Doomsman, Keeper of the Houses of the Dead Dröm my search is over,I have found the truth Ghostly Captain hrrms loudly Deor thinks 'Can't sleep, clowns will eat me! Yants the Human Hero (Linkless) Donutello thinks this title is ok. Burb the Burple Finn, .. *drool* .. (Idle) Krossen the Wicked Azaghâl the Lord of Belegost [Retired] 15 players on. o W>' Wops, Hi even emote brums: Wops, Hi even Ok. o W> Blaster snorkles: howdy o W>' Hihi seems like only swedes understand ;) emote brums: Hihi seems like only swedes understand ;) Ok. o W> Blaster snorkles: muy laggo o W> o W>nod You nod solemnly. o W> Blaster snickers softly. o W> Blaster snorkles: help me exp? o W> Satania says 'goto http://cvs.uox3.com/' o W> Blaster snorkles: why is there an elf here o W> Satania pokes *an Elf* in the ribs. o W> Someone narrates 'merry xmas and all that stuff, see ya in 2 days !' o W> *an Elf* says 'thought swedes understand only tja' o W> *an Elf* says 'and va faen :)' o W>l A Deserted Cave The petrified statue of the Great Olog Trix stands here forevermore. A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here. A noticeable crack runs down one of the walls. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. Grinder, the expert on all things dark is standing here. Satania is resting here. *an Elf* is standing here. Blaster is standing here. o W>st You stop resting, and stand up. o W> Blaster peers closely at *an Elf*, trying to figure him out. o W> Satania says 'ask smeg what current uox3 servers are' o W>hit elf o W *an Elf*:Fine> Your attempt to hit *an Elf* fails. o W *an Elf*:Fine> *an Elf* says 'och har du lite mat' o W *an Elf*:Fine>av Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?! o W *an Elf*:Fine>' Va fan?! emote brums: Va fan?! Ok. o W *an Elf*:Fine>l Blaster ponders life, the universe, and everything. o W *an Elf*:Fine>A Deserted Cave The petrified statue of the Great Olog Trix stands here forevermore. A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here. A noticeable crack runs down one of the walls. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. Grinder, the expert on all things dark is standing here. Satania is resting here. *an Elf* is here, fighting YOU. Blaster is standing here. o W *an Elf*:Fine>flee You flee head over heels. A Stone Stair The corpse of the young troll is lying here. A young and vicious olog-hai eagerly awaits intruders. A huge olog-hai troll is here staring blankly at you. Exits: East Down. o W>e A Deserted Cave The petrified statue of the Great Olog Trix stands here forevermore. A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here. A noticeable crack runs down one of the walls. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. Grinder, the expert on all things dark is standing here. Satania is resting here. *an Elf* is standing here. Blaster is standing here. Exits: West. giggle o W>You giggle. o W> Merlyn smiles happily. o W> l merlyn Merlyn nods solemnly. o W>You see nothing special about him. Merlyn is One of the Western Eregion Masters has a few scratches. o W>l A Deserted Cave The petrified statue of the Great Olog Trix stands here forevermore. A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here. A noticeable crack runs down one of the walls. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. A loyal clan troll of the Grinder stands here faithfully. Grinder, the expert on all things dark is standing here. Satania is resting here. Merlyn the Ainu is standing here. Blaster is standing here. o W> Blaster snorkles: anyone have a couple silvers or a gold i could have? o W> laugh Satania says 'ask smeg' o W>You fall down laughing. o W> Satania shakes her head. o W>' That's what an afk troll when he/she returns. emote brums: That's what an afk troll when he/she returns. Ok. o W> Satania says 'http://cvs.uox3.com/' o W> Merlyn says 'ah nod' o W> o W> Merlyn says 'cvs' o W> Satania says 'cvs.uox3.com' o W> Merlyn hugs Satania.