[' I and Llewelyn find an awful orc at Barbaras and head east. We find bn + orc Portcullis. They try to get us to flee in but Llewelyn keeps the gates closed. Finally I flee in and get trapped solo. The log begins some time before I flee in.. '] * R>stat OB: 134%, DB: 8%, PB: 44%, Armour: 92%. Wimpy: 395. Mood: aggressive. Needed: 421,323 xp, 443 tp. Wp: 4. Gold: 21. Alert: normal. Affected by: - noquit - strength - detect invisibility * R> where *an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry*an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg. * R>*an Orc* fails to slash you. You are too busy right now! * R *an Orc*:Fine>hit *orc* You're already fighting! You crush *an Orc*'s body extremely hard. hit *orc* * R *an Orc*:Hurt>You're already fighting! * R *an Orc*:Hurt>b bash You hear a *click* in a lock. b The portcullis is opened from the other side. b *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the east riding a pack horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg. Llewelyn closes the portcullis. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. *an Orc* tries to slash Llewelyn, but he parries successfully. Llewelyn utters the words 'diesilla barh' *an Orc* staggers back as the lightning bolt sent by Llewelyn hits him. Llewelyn closes the portcullis. b *Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. Your bash at *an Orc* sends him sprawling. * R *an Orc*:Hurt>bash Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? * R *an Orc*:Hurt>bash Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? * R *an Orc*:Hurt>bash Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? * R *an Orc*:Hurt>b bash Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? * R *an Orc*:Hurt> You crush *an Orc*'s body extremely hard. * R *an Orc*:Hurt> Llewelyn utters the words 'diesilla barh' *an Orc* staggers back as the lightning bolt sent by Llewelyn hits him. * R *an Orc*:Wounded>bash dis bash dis Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? bash dis * R *an Orc*:Wounded>Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? * R *an Orc*:Wounded>Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? bash dis * R *an Orc*:Wounded>Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? * R *an Orc*:Wounded>bash dis *Faceless the Black Númenórean* begins some strange incantations... * R *an Orc*:Wounded>Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? bash dis * R *an Orc*:Wounded>Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? The portcullis closes quietly. You hear a *click* in a lock. * R *an Orc*:Wounded>bash dis Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? * R *an Orc*:Wounded>bash dis Bash someone alreadBash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? * R *an Orc*:Wounded>bash dis Llewelyn utters the words 'diesilla barh' *an Orc* staggers back as the lightning bolt sent by Llewelyn hits him. * R *an Orc*:Wounded>Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? *Faceless the Black Númenórean* utters the word 'yufzbarr' You strongly crush *an Orc*'s left arm. * R *an Orc*:Bad>bash dis *Faceless the Black Númenórean* unlocks the portcullis. *an Orc* utters the word 'pabraw' * R *an Orc*:Bad>*Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny? *an Orc* seems to have recovered his senses. * R *an Orc*:Bad>bash dis Llewelyn closes the portcullis. *an Orc* panics, and attempts to flee. Your victim has disappeared! *an Orc* leaves << west >> riding a hungry warg. * R> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. * R> Llewelyn closes the portcullis. * R> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. * R>west Llewelyn closes the portcullis. *an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg. * R>hit *orc* Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithThe corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R>* R *an Orc*:Fine> *an Orc* has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg. You crush *an Orc*'s body hard and tickle it. east * R *an Orc*:Fine>hit *orc* *an Orc* panics, and attempts to flee. *an Orc* leaves << east >> riding a hungry warg. * R> The moon rises in the east. * R>Before the Gate Llewelyn the Elf is here, riding the warhorse, fighting *an Orc*. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg, fighting Llewelyn. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East West. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. * R>* R *an Orc*:Bad> Llewelyn panics, and attempts to flee. Llewelyn leaves << west >> riding the warhorse. You crush *an Orc*'s right hand extremely hard and shatter it. exit * R *an Orc*:Bad>hit *orc* hit *man* b *an Orc* panics, and attempts to flee. *an Orc* leaves << east >> riding a hungry warg. The portcullis closes quietly. You hear a *click* in a lock. * R *an Orc*:Bad>East - A closed 'portcullis' West - Tributary of the Mitheithel * R *an Orc*:Bad>You're already fighting!* R *an Orc*:Bad>You're already fighting! * R *an Orc*:Bad>*Faceless the Black Númenórean* unlocks the portcullis. You're already fighting! * R *an Orc*:Bad>bash *Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. *an Orc* panics, and attempts to flee. Your victim has disappeared! *an Orc* leaves << west >> riding a hungry warg. Amras narrates 'wave mume!' The portcullis closes quietly. You hear a *click* in a lock. * R> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* unlocks the portcullis. * R> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. *an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg. * R> west *an Orc* leaves << east >> riding a hungry warg. * R>Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R>east hit *orc* Before the Gate *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. Exits: East West. * R>They aren't here. * R>hit *orc* They aren't here. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* unlocks the portcullis. * R>east* R>east *Faceless the Black Númenórean* opens the portcullis. * R>hit *orc* Ruined Gatehouse A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East South West. * R>* R *an Orc*:Fine> *an Orc* has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg. You crush *an Orc*'s head hard and tickle it. A brown-skinned Orc closes the portcullis. A brown-skinned Orc locks the portcullis. A brown-skinned Orc says 'Who left Kva portcullig atas?' hit *orc* * R *an Orc*:Fine> Tasslehoff narrates 'wavie' * R *an Orc*:Fine> b A brown-skinned Orc says 'Fool, pia asd bie garlibry!' A brown-skinned Orc crushes your right foot and tickles it. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine> You flee head over heels. PANIC! You couldn't escape! * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine> You hear a *click* in a lock. A brown-skinned Orc pierces your left arm hard. You feel a strong ache there! The portcullis is opened from the other side. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine>flee You're already fighting! * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine>bash west A brown-skinned Orc says 'Hoil, dia end gae gorrably!' A brown-skinned Orc strongly slashes your right leg and tickles it. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine>You flee head over heels. Before the Gate *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. Exits: East West. * R HP:Fine>west You flee head over heels. Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>Rocky Plains Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>Nálindë narrates 'wave amras :)' Barren Hills Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>east Rocky Plains Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>east Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* *Faceless the Black Númenórean* leaves << west >> riding a pack horse. *an Orc* leaves << west >> riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* leaves << west >> riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine> west Llewelyn narrates 'move to lb or something' * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* Rocky Plains Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>west hit *orc* Barren Hills *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>You are too afraid. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* leaves << east >> riding a pack horse. *an Orc* leaves << east >> riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* leaves << east >> riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Fine>east hit *orc* Rocky Plains Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>east Saving Ermon. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>They aren't here.* R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* close $dorr They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>I see no portcullis here. * R HP:Fine>exit East - Before the Gate South - At a Confluence West - Rocky Plains * R HP:Fine>east Before the Gate *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East West. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* *Faceless the Black Númenórean* leaves << west >> riding a pack horse. *an Orc* leaves << west >> riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* leaves << west >> riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* west They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>west Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* Rocky Plains Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>west They aren't here.They aren't here. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the west riding a pack horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* Barren Hills Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>east hit *orc* Rocky Plains Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>east hit *orc* Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>south You can't go into deep water! * R HP:Fine>south *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the east riding a pack horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Fine>You can't go into deep water! * R HP:Fine>west Rocky Plains Exits: East South West.Exits: East South West. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the east riding a pack horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Fine> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* tries to slash you, but your parry is successful. * R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Healthy>hit *orc* You crush *Faceless the Black Númenórean*'s body hard. * R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Fine>* R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Fine> Alas! You failed to reach him through the melee. * R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Fine>bash dis bash dis Galahad narrates 'any groups forming near bree, fnost?' You flee head over heels. You were not able to keep your concentration while moving. Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>I see no dis here. * R HP:Fine> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the west riding a pack horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Fine> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* fails to slash you. * R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Fine> *an Orc* begins some strange incantations... * R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Fine>bash dis 150 *an Orc* utters the words 'diesilla barh' *an Orc* sends a powerful lightning bolt at you, you stagger from the impact. *an Orc* leaves << east >> riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* seems to have recovered his senses. *an Orc* barely slashes your body and tickles it. As *Faceless the Black Númenórean* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground. You fall to the ground. * R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Fine>Nah... You feel too relaxed to do that.. * R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Fine>You stop resting, and stand up. * R HP:Fine *Faceless the Black Númenórean*:Fine>f You flee head over heels. Rocky Plains Exits: North East South West. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* They aren't here. north * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* Rocky Plains *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>east *an Orc* tries to slash you, but your parry is successful. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* leaves << south >> riding a pack horse. You're already fighting! * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Bad>hit *orc* No way! You are fighting for your life! You crush *an Orc*'s left leg extremely hard and shatter it. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Bad>You're already fighting! * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Bad>flee *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the south riding a pack horse.horse. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Bad>You flee head over heels. Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>west hit *orc* Rocky Plains *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>* R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Awful> You crush *an Orc*'s left hand extremely hard and shatter it. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Awful> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* leaves << east >> riding a pack horse. *an Orc* slashes your right foot hard and tickles it. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Awful> *an Orc* panics, and attempts to flee. *an Orc* leaves << west >> riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Fine>west hit *orc* Barren Hills *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>*an Orc* leaves << east >> riding a hungry warg. They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>east Rocky Plains Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* east # $name is now set to {Llewelyn}. Llewelyn tells you 'du ok?'Llewelyn tells you 'du ok?' * R HP:Fine>They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* Tributary of the Mitheithel The corpse of the slithering snake is lying here. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>east They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>Before the Gate *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. Exits: East West. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* east They aren't here. * R HP:Fine>Ruined Gatehouse A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Fine>hit *orc* * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine>hit *orc* You crush *an Orc*'s head and tickle it. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine> A brown-skinned Orc says 'Fiol, kuo anb due horregly!' A brown-skinned Orc slashes your left arm very hard and tickles it. * R HP:Fine *an Orc*:Fine> A brown-skinned Orc says 'Woar, dea agd die solliply!' A brown-skinned Orc pierces your right arm very hard and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>flee *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the west riding a pack *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the west riding a pack horse. Galahad narrates 'who need a cleric.' * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>west west *Faceless the Black Númenórean* closes the portcullis. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>west *Faceless the Black Númenórean* locks the portcullis. A brown-skinned Orc says 'Naal, dao enb dei verribly!' A brown-skinned Orc crushes your right arm and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>You're already fighting! * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>You flee head over heels. Oops! You cannot go there riding! PANIC! You couldn't escape! *an Orc* barely slashes your body and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>open $dorr * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>open $dorr No way! You are fighting for your life! * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>No way! You are fighting for your life! You strongly crush *an Orc*'s head and tickle it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>No way! You are fighting for your life! A brown-skinned Orc slashes your right hand hard and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>You flee head over heels. Inside the Gate *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Hurt>I see no portcullis here. * R HP:Hurt>west I see no portcullis here. * R HP:Hurt>west *an Orc* leaves << west >> riding a hungry warg. Ruined Gatehouse A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: East South West. *Faceless the Black Númenórean* says: u die * R HP:Hurt># $dorr is now set to {The portcullis}. The portcullis seems to be closed. * R HP:Hurt> *an Orc* barely slashes your body and tickles it. A brown-skinned Orc says 'Suol, dae awd dae gerlebly!' A brown-skinned Orc barely crushes your body and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>west No way! You are fighting for your life! open $dorr * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>west It seems to be locked. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>west No way! You are fighting for your life! west * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>west No way! You are fighting for your life! A brown-skinned Orc says 'Feol, die ang bie gorrebly!' A brown-skinned Orc lightly pierces your right leg and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>west No way! You are fighting for your life! *an Orc* dismounts from a hungry warg, and stops riding it. A hungry warg now follows *an Orc*. A brown-skinned Orc says 'Vail, dea int dio holribly!' A brown-skinned Orc slashes your bo* R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>west No way! You are fighting for your life! *an Orc* dismounts from a hungry warg, and stops riding it. A hungry warg now follows *an Orc*. A brown-skinned Orc says 'Vail, dea int dio holribly!' A brown-skinned Orc slashes your body and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>*an Orc* leaves << south >>.. A hungry warg leaves << south >>.. No way! You are fighting for your life! You crush *an Orc*'s head extremely hard. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>open $dorr Anduril narrates 'is ny1 on level 20 or higher near GH?' No way! You are fighting for your life! west * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>It seems to be locked. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>open $dorr No way! You are fighting for your life! west * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>It seems to be locked. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>No way! You are fighting for your life! * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine> A brown-skinned Orc crushes your left foot and tickles it. *an Orc* barely slashes your right hand and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>f You flee head over heels. PANIC! You couldn't escape! * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>You flee head over heels. Inside the Gate Exits: East South West. * R HP:Hurt>s Old Courtyard Exits: North East South. * R HP:Hurt>s # $dorr is now set to {The bronzedoor}. The bronzedoor seems to be closed. * R HP:Hurt>op Ok. s * R HP:Hurt>Oops! You cannot go there riding! * R HP:Hurt>s Oops! You cannot go there riding! * R HP:Hurt>e Old Courtyard Exits: North East West. * R HP:Hurt>e Old Courtyard Exits: South West. * R HP:Hurt>s Ruined Tower Exits: North Down. * R HP:Hurt>d Oops! You cannot go there riding! * R HP:Hurt>exa d The entrance to a long narrow tunnel, the height of a tall human, can be safely entered. * R HP:Hurt>sc 222/396 hit, 87/87 mana, and 95/148 moves. * R HP:Hurt>ap jag är inne You hear some apparently very close noise coming from the north. Ok. * R HP:Hurt> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the north riding a pack horse.horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the north. A hungry warg has arrived from the north. *an Orc* has arrived from the north riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Hurt>north *an Orc* leaves << north >>.. A hungry warg leaves << north >>.. * R HP:Hurt>west Old Courtyard *an Orc* is standing here. A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh. Exits: South West. * R HP:Hurt>*an Orc* leaves << west >>.. A hungry warg leaves << west >>.. Old Courtyard *an Orc* is standing here. A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh. Exits: North East West. * R HP:Hurt>east Old Courtyard Exits: South West. * R HP:Hurt>west Old Courtyard Exits: North East West. hit *orc* * R HP:Hurt>They aren't here. * R HP:Hurt> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the east riding a pack horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg. * R HP:Hurt> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* begins some strange incantations... * R HP:Hurt>flee* R HP:Hurt>flee *an Orc* begins some strange incantations... You flee head over heels. Centre of the Old Courtyard Exits: North South West. * R HP:Hurt>east Alas, you cannot go that way... * R HP:Hurt>north Old Courtyard Exits: East South. south * R HP:Hurt>Centre of the Old Courtyard Exits: North South West. * R HP:Hurt>east Alas, you cannot go that way... * R HP:Hurt>south Old Courtyard *Faceless the Black Númenórean* is here, riding a pack horse. *an Orc* is here, riding a hungry warg. Exits: North East West. * R HP:Hurt> *an Orc* fails to slash you. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Fine>hit *orc* You're already fighting! You crush *an Orc*'s head extremely hard. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Hurt>flee PANIC! You can't quit the fight! * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Hurt>You flee head over heels. Old Courtyard Exits: North East South. * R HP:Hurt>north # $name is now set to {Llewelyn}. Inside the GateInside the Gate Exits: East South West. Llewelyn tells you 'i portcullis?' * R HP:Hurt>north Alas, you cannot go that way... * R HP:Hurt>west Ruined Gatehouse A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. A tall brown-skinned orc, with wide arms, examines you harshly. Exits: East South West. * R HP:Hurt>west # $dorr is now set to {The portcullis}. The portcullis seems to be closed. A brown-skinned Orc says 'Fuol, die anh dou surratly!' A brown-skinned Orc barely slashes your head and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt a brown-skinned Orc:Healthy>open $dorr A brown-skinned Orc says 'Fool, nio and dee herrubly!' A brown-skinned Orc barely crushes your right hand and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt a brown-skinned Orc:Healthy>That's impossible, I'm afraid. * R HP:Hurt a brown-skinned Orc:Healthy>flee You flee head over heels. Inside the Gate Exits: East South West. * R HP:Hurt> *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the south riding a pack horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the south riding a hungry warg. You swiftly dodge *an Orc*'s attempt to slash you. You crush *an Orc*'s body extremely hard and shatter it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Hurt>south No way! You are fighting for your life! fleeflee * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Hurt>You flee head over heels. Old Courtyard Exits: North East South. * R HP:Hurt>south # $name is now set to {Llewelyn}. Oops! You cannot go there riding! Llewelyn tells you 'ut med dig' * R HP:Hurt>south Oops! You cannot go there riding! east * R HP:Hurt>Old Courtyard Exits: North East West. * R HP:Hurt>east Old Courtyard Exits: South West. * R HP:Hurt>south Ruined Tower Exits: North Down. * R HP:Hurt>hit *orc* south They aren't here. * R HP:Hurt>hit *orc* Alas, you cannot go that way... * R HP:Hurt>They aren't here. north * R HP:Hurt>Old Courtyard Exits: South West. * R HP:Hurt>west *Faceless the Black Númenórean* has arrived from the west riding a pack horse. *an Orc* has arrived from the west riding a hungry warg. *an Orc* tries to slash you, but your parry is successful. No way! You are fighting for your life!No way! You are fighting for your life! * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Hurt>north *Faceless the Black Númenórean* barely slashes your body and tickles it. * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Hurt>No way! You are fighting for your life! flee * R HP:Hurt *an Orc*:Hurt>You flee head over heels. Second part.