Aerie was the (bedroom) studio based project that eventually became The Land of Yrx.  Between its formation in 1979 and demise in early 1982 it produced 5 cassette albums and one gig.   After it became The Land of Yrx there were a further two retrospective releases, due to a lack of Land of Yrx recording.

basl1.jpg (14385 bytes) The Best of Aerie 1980-1981
BASL1 - C60 - September 1981

The first release.  After spending most of 1980 and 1981 jamming together and recording the results Dave & Rob decided to put out a cassette album so that other people could judge whether they were any good or not.  Only 10 copies were made, which were given away to friends with a personally addressed envelope containing an A4 information sheet.

Amazingly some of those people copied it for friends as Dave was shown a 'bootleg' version several years later!

  • White
  • A Little Spin In The Hindenberg (part two)
  • The Rain That Falls On The Euthropyan Landscape Is Not Entirely Composed Of Sulphur Dioxide
  • 666 Ecilop
  • The Venison Supper From Bambi (parts one - three)
  • 12 Tall People In Daisy Costumes Skipping Through A Field Of Enormous Poplars And Eating Little Cucumber Sandwiches With Cream Cheese And Parsley
  • Channel Four
  • You Have Just Eyeballed Smegbucket
  • A Little Spin In The Hindenberg (part four)

Dave Gate:  Keyboards/Electronics/Voice
Rob Andrews:  Guitar/Bass/Voice
Mark Jenkins:  Keyboards
Dave Groves:  Guitar
Julian Owens:  Voice
Simon Sonsino:  Voice


basl2.jpg (16876 bytes) Further Adventures of Aerie
BASL2 - C60 - October 1981

Spurred on by the success of their first release Dave & Rob not only managed to release their second album a mere month later, but actually recorded all of it in that month.

It's a much more self assured work, being both more experimental and at the same time more melodic.  Once again Mark Jenkins helped out with some of the difficult bits.

  • Let's Talk About Paint
  • What Kind Of Noise Does A Slug Make?
  • Exact Opposites
  • The Second Dose Of Mindless Evil
  • Tropical Beach
  • Corruption
  • Apfelsäft Unter Dem Fuss
  • Excuse Me, Madam, I'm The Store Detective, Did You Just Put Something Into Your Bag?
  • Let's Do Something Constructive
  • Green Glass Bottles In An Office Situation
  • Nearly . . .
  • Time May Heal All Ills, But It Does Nothing For My Complexion
  • Euthropyan Hit Parade
  • Perfect Similarity
  • Baby, I Love You
  • Let's Build A House

Dave Gate:  Keyboards/Electronics/Voice/Tapes/Banging Things
Rob Andrews:  Guitars/Bass/Voice/Banging Things
Mark Jenkins:  Electronics
Richard Andrews:  Keyboards/Bassoon/Voice


basl3.jpg (21959 bytes) In Nominis Patri, Et Filli, Et Spiritu Sancti, Ego Te Dissolvo
BASL3 - C60 - February 1982

Somewhat out of sequence as we had been holding this number for a 'live' album but never got round to doing a gig until January 1982.

This is the album of the gig, which took place in Dave's bedroom (aka Land of Yrx Studio 1) before an invited audience.  It's quite a good performance except for the audience participation encore.

  • Weeding Out The Bumwipes (aka Weeding Out Loud)
  • New Waltz Time
  • Channel Four

Dave Gate:  Keyboards/Electronics/Tapes/Voice
Rob Andrews:  Guitar/Recitation


basl4.jpg (14203 bytes) Aerie Fairies?  Nonsense!
BASL4 - C60 - December 1981

Aerie's most surreal release, very low key and containing some extreme silliness along the way.

  • Space Deco
  • Picture On The Wall
  • Pre-Teen Orgasm Advice Clinic
  • Zit (A Lager In Pour Movements)
    • Loh-de-Doh
    • L'odeur de l'eau
    • Low, Dur, Do
    • Loaded O
  • Cheaper?  Ta For Price!
  • Din-2-4-Phono
  • An Elementary Study In Hardcore Sex
  • Don't You Mean Girls?
  • In Absolute Darkness One Cannot See One's Hand In Front Of One's Face (Especially When It's Not There)
  • Let Them Eat Shrinkwrapping!
  • Cal?  E'Fore Knee A-Dreamin'
  • Black Godzilla Meets The Emmanuel Swappers

Dave Gate:  Keyboards/Electronics/Guitar/Voice/Arcade Games
Rob Andrews:  Guitars/Keyboards/Electronics/Voice/Arcade Games
Richard Andrews:  Electronics


basl5.jpg (16268 bytes) Not Another Fucking Aerie Tape
BASL5 - C90 - February 1982

By the start of 1982 Dave & Rob were getting a bit tired of the limitations of Aerie, so at the end of February they decided to give it a rest and do some other things for a bit.  This was, therefore, intended to be their final outing.   In what was to become typical Land of Yrx fashion they left off most of the best stuff they'd recorded during the two preceding months.

  • Canticle
  • Enud Fo Nerdlihc
  • Stone Float
  • Mysterious Resonance In The Land Of Disjointed Conversational Music
  • Aerie's Last Half Hour

Dave Gate:  Keyboards/Electronics/Voice
Rob Andrews:  Guitars/Bass/Voice
Daevid Baird:  Bass/Voice


basl7.jpg (10356 bytes) Intertia Remains Dominant

BASL7 - C46 - August 1982

Although Dave & Rob had already regrouped as The Land of Yrx to play live and were both working on solo recordings they had no intention of releasing any new group product for a while.  Therefore they decided to do a compilation of the best Aerie material that hadn't been released, plus a couple of favourites from the earlier tapes.

With typical luck, as they had changed their project name this album was very successful, and even got a national press review.

  • Head In The Sky, Feet On The Clouds
  • The Rain That Falls On The Euthropyan Landscap Is Not Entirely Composed Of Sulphur Dioxide
  • In Glorious Panerostereovision
  • Let's Do Something Constructive
  • Pre-Teen Orgasm Advice Clinic
  • Tropical Beach Scene
  • 666 Ecilop
  • Anthems To Close The Day By

Dave Gate:  Keyboards/Electronics/Voice
Rob Andrews:  Guitar/Bass/Keyboards
Mark Jenkins:  Electronics


basl9.jpg (24310 bytes) Black Godzilla Meets The Emmanuel Swappers

BASL9 - C46 - December 1982

With no Land of Yrx product in sight, but Intertia Remains Dominant selling it was decided to rob the corpse of aerie one last time.

  • Transmogrification
  • Stone Float
  • The Second Dose Of Mindless Evil
  • Hubris Ate
  • Until The Seas Expand
  • Let Them Eat Shrinkwrapping!
  • Drivelling And Widdling
  • Black Godzilla Meets The Emmanuel Swappers

Dave Gate:  Keyboards/Electronics/Guitar/Arcade Games
Rob Andrews:  Guitar/Bass/Keyboards/Arcade Games