Company B
The Cleveland
Zouave Cadets
Organized in Cleveland, Cuyahoga
Co., Ohio under the direction of Captain Charles A. DeVillers.
Three Month service: Mustered in April 22nd, 1861 at Cleveland, Ohio by
J. H. Simpson, Captain, U.S. Engineers, U.S.A., Mustering Officer. Mustered out August 22nd,
1861 at Columbus, Ohio by E. M. Wood, Captain, 15th U. S. Infantry, Mustering
Three Year service: Mustered in at Camp Dennison, Cincinnati, Ohio, between June 13th
and June 20th, 1861. Mustered out at Cleveland, Ohio July 6th, 1864.
 | The Battle of Winchester, Va. on March 23rd,
1861 was also noted as the Battle of Kernstown, Va. |
 | Soldiers who have no rank associated with their name are
Privates in the Army. |
 | On June 11th, 1864 a detachment of men
originally recruited for the 7th Regiment was detailed to the 5th
Regiment. On Oct. 31st, 1864 the men of this detail were absorbed into the
ranks of the 5th O. V. I. (per Special
Field Order #156 dated June 8th, 1864) |
 | The Seventh Regiment was relieved from active duty
June 11th, 1864, by Circular No. 36, War Department, dated May 2nd,
1864. |
 | Soldiers whose names are highlighted in green represent those men who enlisted in the original Regiment in
June of 1861 and survived all three years of service to be mustered out when the Regiment
was discharged in July of 1864. |
Alphabetical Biography
BAKER, EPHRAIM H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; appointed 2nd Lieutenant April 29th, 1861; mustered out to
accept same position in Co. C. June 13th, 1861. See Company C for details. |
BOHM, EDWARD H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; for record see Co. K. |
CLARK, MERVIN; Entered the
service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; June 20thth, 1861, for 3
years; appointed Sergeant April 22nd, 1861; appointed 1st Sergeant
June 20thth, 1861; promoted to 2nd Lieutenant Feb. 20thth,
1862; promoted to 1st Lieutenant July 21st, 1862; promoted to
Captain Sept. 1st, 1862; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864.
He served in every engagement that the 7th Ohio participated. After he mustered
out he reentered the service Nov. 12th, 1864, as private in the Regular Army;
immediately appointed Lieutenant Colonel of the 183rd Regiment O. V. I. on Nov.
30th, 1864 his regiment became engaged in the terrible battle of Franklin,
Tenn. The color bearer, having been shot down, seized the colors, called to his men,
"who will follow me to take those works?" rushed forward, scaled the parapet of
the works and fell dead. Every effort was made to carry his body from the field, bit it
was impossible, and the boy officer (22 years old
when killed) was wrapped in his blanket and buried
on the field of his fame. His body was later removed to Cleveland, Ohio and rests in the
Woodland Cemetery. Known engagements: Cross Lanes, W. Va.; Winchester, Va., Cedar Mt.,
Va., Chancellorsville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Wauhatchie, Tenn., Lookout Mt., Tenn.,
Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Ringgold, Ga., Tunnel Hill/Buzzards Roost, Ga., Dug Gap, Ga.,
Resaca, Ga., Cassville, Ga., Dallas, Ga., New Hope Church, Ga., Pumpkin Vine Creek, Ga. (Wilson) |
CRYNE, JOSEPH; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; for record see Co. I. |
DEFOREST, LOUIS G.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant
on May 17th, 1861; see Field and Staff. |
DEVILLERS, CHARLES A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; resigned May 15th, 1861, to accept appointment as Colonel of the 11th
Regiment O.V.I. |
EATON, HENRY Z.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 18th, 1861, for 3 years; see Co. H. |
MOLYNEAUX, JOSEPH B.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; appointed Sergeant April 22nd, 1861; June 20th, 1861, for 3
years; see Field and Staff. |
REED, SEYMOUR S.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed 1st Sergeant Co. G;
promoted to 2nd Lieutenant Co. G, Dec. 12th, 1861; promoted to 1st
Lieutenant Co. I, May 20th, 1862; promoted to Captain Co. B, Nov. 2nd,
1862; wounded in side and leg during the Battle of
Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th, 1862; resigned Jan. 26th, 1863, by reason
of disability. |
STERLING, JAMES, T.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 18th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed 1st Lieutenant April
23rd, 1861; promoted to Captain May 15th, 1861; mustered out June 13th,
1861, to accept appointment as Captain Co. B, for 3 years service; mustered out
Sept. 1st, 1862, to accept promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, 103rd
Regiment. O. V. I. James T. Sterling entered the service as first-lieutenant of Captain
De Villers company. On the organization of the regiment for the three years
service, he was made captain. While at Camp Dennison he labored diligently to
perfect his command in both drill and discipline; and when it entered the field it was
second to none, so far as these essentials were concerned. While in Western
Virginia, Captain Sterling was on many scouts, in which service be showed great skill and
bravery Such adventures were very much to his liking. In the affair at Cross Lanes he won
the respect of all those who were witness to his coolness and daring. During the march to
Charleston he made a good account of himself, being one of the most active in his labors,
and among the wisest in his opinions.
He now followed the regiment to the East, where he engaged in all the marches and
skirmishes which took place. At the battle of Winchester he commanded two companies;
leading them into the hottest fire like a veteran. Daring the entire action he stood on
the hill urging the men forward, regardless of the great danger to which be himself
was exposed. He came through the battle, however, without a, scratch, but with some holes
in his clothing. He now took part in the long chase of Jackson up the Valley, and from
thence to Fredericksburg and back again; but was not in the battle of Port Republic,
his company having been detailed for headquarters guard.
Very soon after this engagement he was made lieutenant-colonel of the One
Hundred and Third Regiment, at that time about to be raised in the vicinity of Cleveland.
He soon after reported to this regiment and was assigned to duty. He went
with it to the field; but, after a limited period, was assigned the position of
inspector-general on the staff of General Cox. He filled this position with much
credit to himself, until early in the year 1864, when he resigned and returned to his home
in Cleveland. (Wood) |
SWEENEY, THOMAS T.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; appointed 2nd Lieutenant, April 22nd, 1861; promoted to 1st
Lieutenant, May 15th, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. Lieutenant
T. T. Sweeney entered the service in Company B. He saw much service in Western Virginia,
and was in every respect a gallant officer. At Cross Lanes, he made an honorable record.
Soon after this skirmish, he resigned his commission, and returned to his home in
Cleveland, Ohio. (Wood) |
Alphabetical Biography
Enlisted Men
ABRAMS, JOHN B.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
ADAMS, WILLIAM; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; killed during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862. |
the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with Company July 6th,
1864. |
ARMSTRONG, JACOB C.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months, June 20th, 1861, for 3
years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Dumfries, Va., Dec. 27th, 1862; exchanged and
returned to Company June 5th, 1863; mustered out with Company July 6th,
1864. |
ATWELL, WILLIAM B.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; reenlisted in Co. G, 27th O.
V. I.; killed during the Battle
of Ruff's Mills, Ga., July 4th, 1864. |
AUSTIN, ALONZO; Entered the service June 2nd, 1861, for 3 years;
discharged July 31st, 1862, at Columbus, O., on surgeon's certificate of
disability. |
BAXTER, MORRIS; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months,
June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; see Field and Staff. |
BAUDER, LEVI F.; Born in Cleveland, Jan. 8th, 1840,
and graduated from Central High School in 1858; subsequently attended Port Royal Academy,
Virginia, and Oberlin College. Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 14th,
1861; promoted to Sergeant June 20th, 1861; promoted to 1st Sergeant Sept. 30th,
1863; detailed as Regimental Orderly Sergeant Aug. 5th, 1862; Brigade Order
Sergeant Aug. 12th, 1862; Division Orderly Sergeant Oct. 15th, 1862;
rescued flag of 5th Conn. during the Battle of
Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug 9th, 1862, and turned it over to Gen. Crawford; took
ammunition train through Longstreets Corps in broad daylight after Second Manassas
battle; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. Never ill, wounded, or on
furlough his entire service. Known engagements: Cross Lanes, W. Va.; Winchester, Va.; Port
Republic, Va., Cedar Mt., Va., 2nd Bull Run, Va., Antietam, Md.,
Chancellorsville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Wauhatchie, Tenn., Lookout Mt., Tenn., Missionary
Ridge, Tenn., Tunnel Hill/Buzzards Roost, Ga., Dug Gap, Ga., Resaca, Ga., Cassville, Ga.,
New Hope Church, Ga., Pumpkin Vine Creek, Ga. After
the war Mr. Bauder became a railroad clerk, and subsequently bookeeper for the Jackson
Iron Company. In 1877 he was elected auditor of Cuyahoga Co., and served for six years,
after which he was elected justice of the piece of Cleveland and served 15 years. He was
admitted to the bar in 1891. He was a member of the Cleveland Library Board for five years
and for many years was a curator of the Western Reserve Historical Society. He is a member
of Memorial Post No. 141, G.A.R., was secretary of of the Cuyahoga County Soldiers'
Monument Commission. He was married in 1864 to Elizabeth E. Page, of Clyde, Ohio (Wilson) |
BENNETT, ABRAHAM S.; Entered the service Sept. 5th, 1862, for 3
years; sent to hospital Oct. 5th, 1862, he being unable to perform duty on
account of rupture; discharged Dec. 8th, 1862.(Recruit) |
BENTLEY, CHARLES H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
BERNARD, EDMUND; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
no record found. |
BISHOP, ORRIN A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
BLISS HARMON H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
BOYLE, DANIEL T.; Entered the service June 6th, 1861, for 3
years; taken prisoner during the Battle
of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was
held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a
cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see
Prison Life page for further details); exchanged
June 6th, 1862; returned to Company for duty April 12th, 1863; wounded in hand during the Battle
of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863;
transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 30th, 1863, by order of War Department. |
BROOKS, JAMES A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
BROWN, THOMAS C.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal May 10th,
1862; killed during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862. |
CAIN, JACK; musician; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for
3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
CANNELL, WILLIAM; Entered the service June 7th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in left elbow during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged
October 18th, 1862. by Order of War Department. |
Entered the service June 1st, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner in hospital at
Strasburg, Va., May 24th, 1862; exchanged Sept. 13th, 1862; mustered
out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
CARROLL, JAMES; Entered the service June 6th, 1861, for 3 years; killed during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; his body was
removed to the National Cemetery at Winchester, Va. |
CARSON, JACOB W.; Entered the service Aug. 22nd, 1862, for 3
years; wounded in left breast during the Battle of
Gettysburg, Pa., July 3rd, 1863; returned for duty Dec. 2nd, 1863;
transferred to Co. B, 5th O. V. I., June 8th, 1864; wounded during the Battle
of Kennesaw Mountain, June 19th, 1864;
excision of 4 inches of the fibula of the left leg, June 18th, 1864; mustered
out July 26th, 1865, by order of War Department; died Dec. 25th,
1899.(Recruit) |
CARTER, SYLVESTER; Entered the service Aug. 5th, 1862, for 3 years; wounded in head during the Battle of Dumfries, Va., Dec.
27th, 1862; transferred to Co. B, 5th Regiment O. V. I. June 8th,
1864; mustered out at McDougal General Hospital, New York, May 30th, 1865.(Recruit) |
CASE, EDWARD; Entered the service Sept. 23rd, 1863, for 3 years;
sent to hospital Jan. 11th, 1864, from Bridgeport, Ala.; transferred to Co. B,
5th O. V. I. June 8th, 1864; mustered out July 26th,
1865, by order of War Department.(Recruit) |
CHAPMAN, CHARLES L.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 8th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner
during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; exchanged and
detailed at department at Washington, D. C.; discharged Jan. 22nd, 1862, by order of War
Department. |
CHASE, CHARLES; Entered the service June 7th, 1861, for 3 years;
transferred to Battery I, 1st Ohio Artillery, Dec. 5th, 1861;
promoted to 2nd Lieutenant Sept. 25th, 1862; promoted to 1st
Lieutenant March 30th, 1864; wounded during the Battle of Gettysburg Pa., July 3rd, 1863; mustered out July 24th,
1865. |
CLAGUE, WILLIAM H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
CLERMONT, FRANCIS, JR.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
Entered the service June 7th, 1861, for 3 years; detached as Brigade Forage
Master; detailed as orderly to Brigade Quartermaster; mustered out with Company July 6th,
1864. |
CONANT, EDWARD; Entered the service June 7th, 1861, for 3 years; killed during the Battle
of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862. |
COSLETT, GEORGE W.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
COWAN, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months,
June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; sick and sent to hospital Sept. 24th,
1862; discharged March 4th, 1863 on surgeon's certificate of disability;
reenlisted Sept. 25th, 1863; transferred to Co. B, 5th O. V. I.,
June 8th, 1864; wounded
at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20th,
1864; mustered out July 26th, 1865. |
COX, GEORGE W.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
COX, JUNIOR R.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
COYLE, JOHN; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged
Jan. 9th, 1863, on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
CREGLOW, JOSHUA; Entered the service June 1st, 1861; killed during the Battle
of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862. |
CULLEN, JOHN; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
CUNNINGHAM, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months,
June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Columbus, O., Sept. 16th,
1862 on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
CUTLER, MARCUS M.; Entered the service April 22nd,
1861, for 3 months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th,
1861; promoted to Sergeant Sept. 1st, 1862; wounded in
leg during the Battle of Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27th, 1863; mustered out with
Company July 6th, 1864. |
DAVIS, JOHN; Entered the service Aug. 26th, 1862, for 3 years;
discharged Feb. 2nd, 1863, on surgeon's certificate of disability.(Recruit) |
DEMING FREDERICK R.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
DIEBOLT, HENRY W.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out June 20th, 1861; reenlisted as Sergeant Co. G, 27th
O. V. I., July, 1861; promoted to 1st Sergeant; promoted to 2nd
Lieutenant Co. F, Feb. 6th, 1862; promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. A,
Jan, 1st, 63; died May 28th, 1864, from wounds received during the Battle near Dallas, Ga., May 27th, 1864. |
DIXON, JAMES; Entered the
service June 12th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded and
taken prisoner during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; exchanged
Sept. 13th, 1862; wounded
in arm during the Battle of
Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863; mustered out with Company July 6th,
1864. |
DRUM, WILLIAM; Entered the service April 22, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out
Aug 22nd, 1861. |
ECKERT, ARTHUR; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
EDDY, NEHEMIAH G.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 11th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal; discharged at
Columbus, O., July 11th, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
EDWARDS, WILLIAM E.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
ELLIOTT, EUGENE W.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3
years; discharged at Columbus, O., July 16th, 1862 on surgeon's certificate of
disability. |
ENSIGN, VALENTINE; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
EZEKIEL, DAVID J.; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3
years; appointed Corporal; discharged to accept promotion April 18th, 1862, by
order of Gen. Banks. |
FAGAN, CHARLES; Entered the service June 1st, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; returned to
Company in July, 1862 but being unable to perform duty was sent to hospital Aug. 6th,
1862; discharged Jan. 1st, 1863. |
FELTON, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; reenlisted Aug. 21st, 1862, in 9th
Independent Battery; discharged June 16th, 1865. |
FITCH, ASA H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Sergeant; wounded during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; discharged Dec.
19th, 1862, on surgeons certificate of disability. |
FOOTE, LOUIS A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th,
1861; transferred to Co. A., 6th Regiment, O. V. I.; discharged June 13th,
1863, on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
FOWLER, WILLIAM D.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
GARVEY, JOHN; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years;
transferred to Co. B, 8th Regiment O. V. I.; appointed Sergeant; promoted to 1st
Lieutenant in 7th Virginia Inf.; killed during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862, body removed to National Cemetery
at Soldiers' Home, Washington D. C. |
service June 1st, 1861; appointed Corporal Sept. 1st, 1862; promoted
to Sergeant Jan. 1st, 1864; wounded during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; wounded in
hand at Dallas, Ga., May 25th, 1864; mustered out with Company July 6th,
1864. |
GASSER, JOSEPH M.; Born in Switzerland in the year
1842. His parents removed to Cleveland, ohio, when he was a child, arriving there in the
year 1854. He was educated in the common schools of his native country and adopted
country, and through constant reading and applications considered by his friends as quite
a literary man, and as an expert in such cases. Entered the service April 22nd,
1861, for 3 months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in
left arm and side during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; detailed for
duty at hospital at Washington, D. C.; returned to Company June 3rd, 1863;
mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. Known engagements: Cross Lanes, W.
Va.; Winchester, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Wauhatchie, Tenn., Lookout Mt., Tenn., Missionary
Ridge, Tenn., Ringgold, Ga., Tunnel Hill/Buzzards Roost, Ga., Dug Gap, Ga., Resaca, Ga.,
Cassville, Ga., Dallas, Ga., New Hope Church, Ga., Pumpkin Vine Creek, Ga. Since the war he has been a great traveler and experimentalist in
botany and horticulture, and is considered as an authority in such matters in all sections
of the Untied States. He was married to Katherine Fox, Oct. 7th, 1867. In 1872 he opened
up his own stationary and candy store and after seven years became a florist. His business
expanded and was one of the most successful in the state. (Wilson) |
GEITZ LEONARD; Entered the service June 6th, 1861, for 3 years;
discharged at Winchester, Va., May 23rd, 1862 on surgeon's certificate of
disability. |
GEORGE, EDWARD; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
GIBSON, EDWARD; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
appointed Corporal April 22nd, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861;
reentered the service as 2nd Lieutenant, Co. G, 27th O. V. I.
promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. D, March 31st, 1862; resigned March
14th, 1864. |
GILSON, JOHN; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
GOODRICH, GRANT; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years;
mustered out June 20th, 1861, by reason of reenlistment in for 3 years'
service; died in hospital at Alexandria, Va., July 29th, 1862. |
GORDON, JOHN F.; Entered the service Sept. 13th,
1862, for 3 years; taken prisoner
during the Battle of
Dumfries, Va., Dec. 27th, 1862; exchanged and returned to Company June 5th,
1863; wounded in right thigh during the Battle of
Gettysburg, Pa., July 3rd, 1863; transferred to Co. B, 5th Regiment
O. V. I. June 8th, 1864; mustered out July 26th, 1865.(Recruit) |
GORDON, SAMUEL E.; Entered the service April 22nd,
1861, for 3 months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed as Corporal Jan. 1st,
1864; wounded in right lung during the Battle of
Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; mustered out with Company July 6th
, 1864; reenlisted Aug. 19th, 1864 as Corporal Co. A 177th O. V. I.;
mustered out with Company June 24th, 1865; died July 11th, 1906. |
Entered the service June 8th, 1861 for 3 years; wounded in
head during the Battle
of Resaca, Ga., May 15th, 1864; mustered
out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
Entered the service June 8th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner in hospital at Strasburg, Va., May 24th, 1862;
exchanged and returned to Company Aug. 6th, 1862; mustered out with Company
July 6th, 1864. |
HALLIDAY, FRANK H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th,
1861; transferred to Co. A, U.S. Regiment O. V. I.; died from wounds received during the Battle of Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25th, 1863. |
HARBAUGH, JOHN; Entered the service June 8th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in left ankle during the Battle of
Dallas, Ga., May 25th, 1864; transferred to Co. B, 5th Regiment O.
V. I., Oct. 31st, 1864; appointed Corporal; mustered out July 26th,
1865. |
Entered the service June 4th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Sept. 1st,
1862; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; exchanged and
returned to Company; wounded during the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3rd, 1863; mustered out with
Company July 6th, 1864. |
HASHFIELD (Hatfield), BENJAMIN; Entered the service June 4th,
1861, for 3 years; wounded in right eye during the Battle of
Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged Nov. 6th, 1862, on
surgeon's certificate of disability. |
HAYLOR JOHN; Entered the service June 7th, 1861, for 3 years;
discharged Nov. 17th, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
HEALEY, JOHN S.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
Entered the service June 7th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded
during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; returned to
Company Sept. 12th, 1862; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
HENSON, LEONARD; Entered the service Aug. 30th, 1862, for 3 years;
discharged Feb. 2nd, 1863, on surgeon's certificate of disability.(Recruit) |
HILL, PLINEY E.; Entered the service June 9th, 1861, for 3
years; wounded during the Battle
of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9th, 1862; wounded in foot during the Battle
of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862;
returned for duty Oct. 17th, 1862; honorably discharged to enlist in 6th
U. S. Cavalry, by order of War Department Oct. 25th, 1862. |
HILL, WILLIAM; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
HIME, JACOB E.; Entered the service June 8th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; wounded during the Battle of Cedar Mountain Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; returned to
Company June 21st, 1863; wounded in knee during the Battle of Ringgold, Ga., Nov.
27th, 1863; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
HOFFMAN, JACOB; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
HOLCOMB, NATHAN K.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for
3months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
HOLCOMB, PAULUS W.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out, Aug. 22nd, 1861; reenlisted in Battery A, 1st
Ohio Light Art. Sept. 25th, 1861; mustered out Sept. 24th, 1864. |
HOLT, CORWIN M.; Entered the service April 22nd, 61, for 3
months; Mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
HOLT, JOSIAH M.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Romney, Va., Jan. 9th,
1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
HORNER, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
HULL, JOHN; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
HUSON, L.; Entered the service Aug. 30th,
1862, for 3 years; Discharged Feb. 18th, 1863; no further record.(Recruit) |
JOHNS, ALONZA C.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out June 20th, 1861;
no further record found. |
JONES, JOHN D.; Entered the service June 4th, 1861, for 3
years; discharged at Patterson's Creek, Va., Feb. 1st, 1862, on surgeon's
certificate of disability; afterward enlisted in U. S. Navy as ship carpenter on gunboat;
and discharged at close of war. |
KENDALL, GEORGE; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, mustered out
Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; June 20th, 1861,
for 3 years; wounded in side during the Battle of Antietam, Md.,
Sept. 17th, 1862; returned to Company Nov. 28th, 1862; wounded in hand during the Battle of Chancellorsville,
Va., May 3rd, 1863; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
LAMB, ALLEN C.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3
years; killed during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; body removed to
National Cemetery, Winchester, Va. |
LAMBKIN, ALFRED A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; discharged June 17th, 1861, to reenlist in Co. G, 25th O. V.
I; appointed Sergeant; wounded
during the Battle of
Cross Keys, Va., June 8th, 1862; promoted to 2nd Lieutenant Co. F,
Jan. 23rd, 1863; resigned Nov. 8th, 1863. |
LAMPHEAR, SAURIN K.; Entered the service June 7th,
1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1864; wounded in side during the Battle of Antietam Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; mustered out with
Company July 6th, 1864; buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio. |
LARGE, HENRY; Entered the service April 22nd, 1864 for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
LATCH, WILLIAM F.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during
the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; taken prisoner at hospital at Culpepper C. H., Va., Aug. 12th, 1862;
discharged Jan. 29th, 1863; reenlisted in Co. C, 150th O. V. I. May 2nd,
1864; discharged with Company Aug. 23rd, 1864. |
Entered the service June 8th, 1861, for 3 years; detailed as Regimental
Wagon-master Aug. 12th, 1861; mustered out with Company July 6th,
1864. |
LILES, ROBERT; Entered the service June 1st, 1861, for 3 years;
discharged at Columbus, O., June 26th, 1862 on surgeon's certificate of
disability. |
LORD, CAIUS C.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
MARBLE, EDWARD L.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Patterson Creek, Va., Feb.
1st, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
MARKS, JACOB; Entered the service June 1st, 1861, for 3 years;
appointed Corporal Sept. 1st, 1862; wounded in
right arm during the Battle
of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; wounded in left ankle at Dallas, Ga., May 25th, 1864; mustered
out at Columbus, O., Jan. 23rd, 1865. |
MATHEWS, ROSWELL E.; Entered the service June 2nd, 1861, for 3
years; sent to hospital Sept. 9th, 1862; discharged at Washington, D. C. Nov.
28th, 1862 on surgeon's certificate of disability; reenlisted as 1st
Sergeant in Co. A, 10th Michigan Cavalry, Sept. 19th, 1863;
discharged Nov. 25th, 1865. |
McCABE, JAMES; Entered the service June 6th, 1861, for 3 years;
taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in
Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton
factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see
Prison Life page for further details); died Jan., 1863. |
McCHESNEY, WILLIAM R.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; appointed Corporal April 22nd, 1861; mustered out May 1st,
1861 to accept promotion as 2nd Lieutenant in Co. H, 2nd Ky.
Infantry. |
McCLAFLIN, EDWARD M.; Entered the service June 6th, 1861, for 3
years; transferred to Battery I, 1st 0hio Light Artillery, Dec. 1st,
1861; wounded during the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1st, 1863; mustered out July 6th,
1864. |
McNAINE, JOHN; Entered the service June 5th, 1861, for 3 years;
mustered out June 20th, 1861, by reason of reenlistment in for 3 years'
service; no further record found. |
MEACHAM, ELBRIDGE; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months,
June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; killed during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; body removed to National Cemetery
at Sharpsburg, Md.(Recruit) |
MEEKINS, EDGAR G.; Entered the service March 7th, 1862, for 3
years; killed during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862. |
MILLER HENRY; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
Entered the service June 10th, 1861, for 3 years; sent from Dumfries, Va. to
hospital at Washington, D. C., April 15th, 1863; returned to duty June 3rd,
1863; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
NICHOLS, MARTIN; Entered the service June 10th, 1861, for 3 years;
discharged at Romney, Va., Jan. 9th, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of
disability. |
NICHOLS, THOMAS B.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; reenlisted Nov. 10th, 1861, in
Co. E, 1st Battalion 12th U. S. Infantry; wounded in
left hand and leg during the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3rd, 1863; discharged April,
1871. |
OSWALD, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
PARTRIDGE, WILLIAM; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
PEEBLES, RENSSELAER R.; Entered the service May 30th, 1861;
discharged at Charlestown, W. Va., Nov. 20th, 1861 on surgeon's certificate of
disability. |
POLLIS, HENRY W.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
POOR, WILLIAM H.; Entered the service June 1st, 1861, for 3 years;
transferred to Co. F, Jan. 22nd, 1864, to reenlist as veteran and
assigned to Co. G, 5th O. V. I.; appointed Sergeant Oct. 31st, 1864;
promoted to 1st Sergeant July 1st, 1865; mustered out with Company
July 26th, 1865. |
POST, JUDSON H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
QUAYLE, GEORGE L.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; reenlisted May 26th, 1862, in
Co. D, 84th O. V. I.; discharged Sept. 20th, 1862. |
RADCLIFFE, EDWARD; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
RANDALL, HARRISON; Entered the service June 8th, 1861, for 3 years;
discharged Nov. 25th, 1862, by order of War Department. |
REESE, JAMES M.; Entered the service Sept. 11th, 1861, for 3
years; wounded during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; detailed as
clerk for Gen. Geary Oct. 12th, 1862; transferred to Co. B, 5th
O. V. I. June 8th, 1864; discharged at expiration of term of service.(Recruit) |
REID(REED), DUNCAN; Entered the service June 2nd, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in right shoulder during the Battle of Winchester, Va.,
March 23rd, 1862; discharged July 30th, 1862, on surgeon's
certificate of disability. |
REYNOLDS, LEWIS H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
RICE, STEPHEN W.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; killed during
the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862. |
RICHARDS, JULIUS; Entered the service June 6th, 1861, for 3 years;
transferred to artillery Dec. 4th, 1861. |
RIDDLE, THOMAS C.; Entered the service June 7th,
1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; returned for
duty March 11th, 1863; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
ROBINSON, FRANCIS; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
ROBINSON, GEORGE C.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3
years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in
Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton
factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see
Prison Life page for further details); exchanged
June 6th, 1862; never returned to Company. |
Entered the service June 5th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered with Company July 6th,
1864. |
Entered the service June 8th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with Company July
6th, 1864. |
Born in Kichheim, Germany in the year 1841. He was educated in the common schools and also
had a collegiate education. ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Sergeant June 20th,
1863; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864; died Jan. 22nd,
1903. Known engagements: Cross Lanes, W. Va.; Winchester, Va.; Port Republic, Va., Cedar
Mt., Va., 2nd Bull Run, Va., Antietam, Md., Dumfries, Va., Chancellorsville,
Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Wauhatchie, Tenn., Lookout Mt., Tenn., Missionary Ridge, Tenn.,
Ringgold, Ga., Tunnel Hill/Buzzards Roost, Ga., Dug Gap, Ga., Resaca, Ga., Cassville, Ga.,
Dallas, Ga., New Hope Church, Ga., Pumpkin Vine Creek, Ga. He was married to Elizabeth
Assmus in Cleveland, Ohio in 1868 and had 4 children. He studied law and was admitted to
the bar. He became Mayor of the city of West Cleveland, Ohio. He died Jan. 22nd, 1903. |
SHERRICK, GEORGE O.; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3
years; killed during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; body removed to
National Cemetery at Sharpsburg, Md. |
SIMMONDS, GEORGE H.; Entered the service June 10th, 1861, for 3
years; transferred to Battery I, 1st Regiment 0hio Light Artillery, Dec. 5th,
1861: mustered out with battery July 24th, 1865. |
SMALL, GEORGE; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; reenlisted in Co. G, 27th O. V. I.;
appointed Sergeant; transferred to Vet. Res. Corps Jan. 10th, 1863; died Feb. 1st,
1905. |
SMITH, JAMES; Entered the service June 8th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in right leg during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; discharged at
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 1st, 1862 on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
SMITH, WILLIAM E.; Entered the service, April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; June 20th 1861 for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th,
1861; wounded during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; wounded during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged
Dec. 9th, 1862 on surgeon's certificate of disability, |
Entered the service June 7th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with Company July
6th, 1864. |
ST. JOHN, SAMUEL; Entered the service June 1st, 1861, for 3 years;
died in hospital at Strasburg, Va., June 13th, 1862. |
ST. ONGE, MITCHELL; Entered the service June 11th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in arm during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863; his leg was
smashed in railroad accident while Regiment was on its way to the Army of the Cumberland,
Sept. 20thth, 1863; amputation of the leg, middle third, Sept. 20th,
1863; discharged Jan. 23rd, 1864. |
STARK, LEWIS; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861,for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; died Nov. 12th, 1905. |
STEBBINS, EDWARD E.; musician; Entered the
service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; sent to hospital from Fredericksburg,
Va.; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
Entered the service June 10th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in
shoulder during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; returned for duty
March 29th, 1863; detailed for duty with ambulance corps Sept. 23rd,
1863; mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
STODDARD, IRA; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
STONE, JOHN; Entered the service June 12th, 61, for 3 years; wounded in left thigh during the Battle of
Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged Nov. 25th, 1862, by
order of War Department. |
STOPPEL, ARTHUR; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant Co. H,
37th O. V. I., Sept. 6th, 1861; promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. F,
May 28th, 1862; resigned Oct. 19th, 1862. |
STRAUSS, JOHN; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years;
name appears in muster-in roll but not in muster-out roll. |
STRIKER, AlFRED D.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
THOMAS, EBENEZER B.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; appointed Corporal April 22nd, 1861; Mustered out Aug. 22nd,
1861; reentered the service as 1st Lieutenant Co. C, 150th Regiment
O. V. I., May 2nd, 1864; mustered out with Company Aug. 23rd, 1864. |
THOMAS, FRANK M.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; appointed Sergeant May 17th, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd,
1861. |
TOWNSAND, ROBERT J.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; Sept. 11th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out of for 3 months' service
Aug. 22nd, 1861; died in hospital at Strasburg, Va., June 13th,
1862. |
Entered the service June 1st, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal May 10th,
1862; promoted to Sergeant Nov. 1st, 1862; wounded
during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; mustered out
with Company July 6th, 1864. |
Entered the service June 13th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Sept. 1st,
1862; promoted to Sergeant June 1st, 1863; mustered out with Company July 6th,
1864. |
WALKER, THOMAS; Born in Shrospire, England, June 11th, 1841, and emigrated with
his parents in 1851, and resided in new Castle, Pa. until the breaking out of the war,
when he went to Youngstown, Ohio and enlisted in Captain Sterlings Co. I, Seventh
Regiment, O.V.I.; Entered the service May 29th, 1861, for 3 years; Arrived at
Camp Dennison on June 1st, 1861; on May 22nd, 1862, he was detailed to take
some sick comrades from New Market, Va. to the hospitals in Washington, D.C., on May 24th,
1862 he was with the rest of the party when they were captured by
the rebels near Middletown, Va., and was a prisoner at Lynchburg, Va. until about July 20th,
1862, when he, with his others was transferred to Belle Island, near Richmond, Va. On
Sept. 15th, 1862 he was paroled sent to Camp Parole near Alexandria, Va.; he
rejoined the Company at Harpers Ferry in Nov. and was with them until Feb. 14th,
1863, when he was sent to Washington, D. C., as he was unfit for duty on account of
deafness, contacted while on the line of duty; discharged from Trinity General Hospital in
Dumfries, Va., Feb. 28th, 1863; reenlisted in Co. E, Pa. Infantry, July 19th,
1864; discharged at expiration of term of service, Nov. 9th, 1864 in Pittsburgh, Pa. In
1870 he began working for Sharon Iron Co. which later became US Steel. In 1876 he took the
entire management of the blast furnace and was very successful. He worked here until 1900.
He was still alive in 1906. He was married to Maria P. Kelty, July 15th, 1868. (Wilson) (Originally enrolled in Co. I) |
WALTERHAUS, JAMES P.; Entered the service June 10th,
1861, for 3 years; sent to hospital June 13th, 1863; mustered out with Company
July 6th, 1864. |
WALWORTH, WILLIAM; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, appointed
Corporal April 22nd, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
WATROUS, ALBERT W.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
WATROUS, FRANK E.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; Mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
WEBB, JOSEPH P.; Entered the service June 7th, 1861, for 3
years; promoted to Sergeant-Major Jan. 1st, 1862. killed during
the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862. See Field and Staff. |
WHITEHEAD, GEORGE W.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; appointed Sergeant April 22nd, 1861; appointed 1st Sergeant
May 17th, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; reentered the service
as 2nd Lieutenant Co. D, 150th O. V. I., May 2nd, 1864;
mustered out with Company Aug. 23rd, 1864. |
WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN T.; Entered the service June 13th, 1861, for 3
years; taken prisoner at Culpepper, Va., Aug. 15th, 1862; exchanged and
returned to Company Dec. 23rd, 1862; transferred to invalid corps Feb. 15th,
1864, by order of War Department; buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio. |
WILLIAMS, CYRUS; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
mustered out Aug 22nd, 1861. |
WILLIAMS, DANIEL F.; Entered the service June 10th,
1861, for 3 years; wounded at Cross Lanes, W. Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; in the
field hospital in Charleston, W. Va.; taken prisoner at Culpepper, Va.,
Aug. 15th, 1862; held in Libby Prison, New Orleans, La., until he was exchanged
in Nov. of 1862; treated at Libby Prison for sciatic rheumatism; in the hospital at
Baltimore, Md.; detailed at Head Quarters Guard at Baltimore, Md.; mustered out with
Company July 6th, 1864. |
WILLIAMS, GEORGE W.; Entered the service June 5th,
1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in
Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton
factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see
Prison Life page for further details); exchanged
June 6th, 1862; returned to Company for duty March 20th, 1863;
mustered out with Company July 6th, 1864. |
WILSON, CLARK L.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal; mortally wounded, (amputation of the lower left leg Aug. 9th, 1862)
during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; he died Aug.
17th, 1862; his body was removed to the National Cemetery at Culpepper, Va. |
WINZENREID, RALPH (RUDOLPH); Entered the service April 22nd, 1861,
for 3 months; mustered out June 28th, 1861 ; reenlisted in Co. F, 7th
O. V. I. See Co. F. |
WITHERS, ALBERT E.; Entered the service June 6th, 1861 wounded in left leg during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; discharged Oct.
24th, 1862 on surgeon's certificate of disability. |
WOOD, AMOS E.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
WOOD, GEORGE W.; Entered the service June 6th, 1861, for 3
years; wounded in side during the Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17th,
1862; discharged at Washington, D. C., Oct, 24th, 1862 on surgeon's certificate
of disability. |
WOOD, STAR B.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months;
June 10th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in left ankle during
the Battle of Dallas, Ga., May 25th, 1864; mustered out with
Company July 6th, 1864. |
WORLITZER, ANTHONY; Entered the service June 10th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in eye during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; discharged May
24th, 1862 by order of War Department. |
WORLEY, ALBERT A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; transferred to artillery Dec. 4th,
1861. |
WORTH, REGINALD H.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; reenlisted in Co. G, 27th O.
V. I; appointed Corporal; promoted to Sergeant May 1st, 1862; promoted to 2nd
Lieutenant Co. A, June 27th, 1864; promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. C, Sept. 26th,
1864; promoted to Captain Co. F, Jan. 28th, 1865; resigned June 16th,
1865, |
WYATT, JAMES E.; Entered the service May 4th, 1861, for 3 years;
detailed as Provost Guard Sept. 12th, 1862; mustered out with Company July 6th,
1864. |
YOUNG, EDWARD E.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
YOUNG, HENRY L.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861. |
ZIERNER, GUSTAVUS; Entered the service June 8th, 1861, for 3 years;
discharged Dec. 5th, 1862 on surgeon's certificate of disability caused by blow
of butt of whip on right elbow. |
ZWICKER, ERNEST A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3
months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded
during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; amputation of
the right leg Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged Oct. 25th, 1862, by order
of War Department. |
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