Font Blankets

The magic blanket that changes how words looks is this: <font > </font> . You add other words inside the <font > to make the specific changes.

Font Color Blankets

The words to add for color is color= and the color you want. If you wanna have red words, cuz you mad or something, then you write it like this: <font color=red> I be MAD! </font> and then it will look like this: I be MAD!
You can use regular color names like
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white. There are other color names but these are all I know. There are also speshal number names but that is really complicated. I will have a page up soon with all the colors and their numbers.


Font Size Blankets

If you wanna have big letters cuz you maybe wanna give somebody big hugs, then you would write something like this:
<font size=7> BIG HUGS! </font> and it would look like this:




Color and Size Blankets Together

If ya wanna have big colored letters, you can do two different things.
If you want your words to all be the same color, then you write this:
<font size=7 color=blue> big blue words </font> and then it will look like this:

big blue words

If you want your words (or even each letter!) to be a different color, then that is more complicated. You need seperate blankets for the size and then for each color. I gonna put the blankets and words in different colors so you can see how it works, ok?

First you make the size blanket: <font size=7> </font>

then you put the color blankets inside the size blanket like this

<font size=7><font color=red> </font> <font color=white> </font > <font color=blue> </font> </font>

And FINALLY you put the words inside the color blankets:

<font size=7><font color=red> RED </font> <font color=white> WHITE</font > <font color=blue> AND BLUE! </font> </font>
and it will look like this:


Here is a special thing I made that makes rainbow hugs.

((((((BIG HUGS!))))))

Here is the special code: <font size=7><font color=red>(</font><font color=orange>(</font><font color=yellow>(</font><font color=green>(</font><font color=blue>(</font><font color=violet>(</font> BIG HUGS! <font color=violet>)</font><font color=blue>)</font><font color=green>)</font><font color=yellow>)</font><font color=orange>)</font><font color=red>)</font></font>


Font Face Blankets

There is also a third kind of font blanket, one that changes the kind of font that will be in your post. It looks like this: <font face= > and you hafta know the right name to put in. The face this page is in is called Comic Sans MS, which is on most new browsers. Anyway, to get it on this page I used the font face blanket

<font face="Comic Sans MS"></font>.

If I wanted to use another font, I would just put that name in the blanket. I'm gonna give you the font face blankets of the most common font faces and what they look like.

The Font Face Blanket

How the text looks

<font face="Arial">This is Arial.</font>

This is Arial.

<font face="Courier New">This is Courier New.</font>

This is Courier New.

<font face="Tempus Sans ITC">This is Tempus Sans ITC</font>

This is Tempus Sans ITC.

<font face="Times New Roman">This is Times New Roman</font>

This is Times New Roman (the most common default font).

<font face="Wingdings">This is Wingdings</font>

This is Wingdings (It's a symbol font.)

There are other font faces you can use, but most people do not have them on their browsers so they won't see them. Some people may not even be seeing the different ones above.

On to Image Blankets

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