Link (Page) Blankets

These are blankets that let someone who's reading your post go to another webpage that you want them to. All they will have to do is click on the link and they will go to that page.

So let's say you think this page is way cool and you want other people to see how way cool it is. The first thing to do is open a Notepad/Wordpad document and get your link blanket ready. It will look like this: <a href=""> </a>. In between the <a href=""> and the </a> you will put a short title for the link. It can be anything you want. So for this page you might put <a href="">wabbit's way cool page</a>.

The second thing to do is to copy the URL (the web address of the page). That's the thing with the "http" on it. The easiest way to do this is to click on the place at the top that has the URL in it, so that it is highlighted, and copy it into your Notepad. I think on Netscape you can right-click on the page itself and copy the URL there, but I use IE so I'm not sure. Whichever way you do it, the URL for this page is

The third thing to do is paste the URL into the link blanket as so: <a href="">wabbit's way cool page</a>. Then you're ready to cut and paste this into your post, wherever you want it.


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