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Brook's birth
Written by: "Mama" April Cheuvront

I  do not know why my mind was drawn toward an all natural childbirth.  It was as if it was an innate desire, calling from within.  Perhaps, I wanted to be connected to the billions of women through time that gave natural childbirth, or to the animals that deliver their young naturally.  It was as if I wanted to feel the connection of the Earth with my body bringing life into this world.  It was not a stubborn, pride in oneself calling.  I was not in any way looking for bragging rights to my birth story. Logically, I told myself that all I really desired was to have my healthy baby in my arms…..for us to be safe and secure in each other's arms after birth.  Nevertheless, I felt that birth was a rite of passage in life that I did not want to be excluded from.

My desire to do things naturally and let nature follow it's own path lead me to having a midwife as my female caretaker even before my pregnancy.  Heather Jordan has become my angel, spirit guide from the days before conception to the birth of my child. Steve (my husband) and my desire to have children started in the days of our dating.  We always desired a family.  Therefore, it was beyond frustrating and heartbreaking when our attempts to conceive did not occur quickly.  However, the day finally arrived that we would have our family…..our lives as we knew it would forever be changed.  My pregnancy was a dream pregnancy and I enjoyed every day even with the crazy bodily changes.  I formed a deep bond with my child, always communicating, educating and exploring the world with this tiny life that was inside of me. Heather guided us through each month of pregnancy with knowledge and reassurance.  The months flew by and our "due" date of Feb 18 fast approached us. I was nervous, anxious and fearful of labor.  We read books upon books and I listened and explored numerous other mother's birth stories. All along my inner self was set on and hopeful that I would be blessed with a natural childbirth.  Our favorite guide books became "Birthing from Within" - written by Pam England a midwife and Rob Horowitz  and the Bradley method of childbirth.  I prepared myself mentally for labor and decided that our best plan was to trust my inner self and the strength that lies within.  I guided Steve and my mother who would act as my coaches during labor. My due date came and passed and I became nervous that the baby would not arrive on its own.    I became fearful of a medicated induction which in my mind could lead to a Cesarean Birth.

For weeks, I had felt minor contractions that would lead me disappointed because they would not materialize into the real thing. Checkups with Heather showed 1 cm dilation with approx 60% effacement and head in the -1 position.  It would stay that way for 3 ½ weeks. I finally decided to let my job as a schoolteacher rest on Friday Feb 20.  It was a relief to have the stress of teaching removed from my mind so that I could solely focus and rest for the upcoming birth.  Saturday Feb 21 was spent with Steve, my mother and father trying to occupy my mind. We went for a hike to Sitting Bear Mtn and later walked the shops in downtown Boone. There were subtle labor signs throughout the day like seeing a painting of a mother's hands embracing a baby's face.  I was feeling contractions the entire day, little ones, but enough to make me stop and say "Ooh there is another one".  I was hopeful……but later disappointed when they disappeared at night. Sunday Feb 21.. the morning of I felt different  like there was an increasing pressure in my lower abdominal area as if the baby had dropped more.  Plus, I felt uneasy. We went to church and then a family picnic with a long walk. I had to stop 30 minutes during the walk and lie down.  The pressure was heavy and was causing a nauseated feeling within me. My family was worried but I assured them that it was nothing.  We went home that evening and while Steve ran to the grocery store I read an article in a pregnancy book about labor signs and what to do when labor stalls.  Something told me that I should call Heather and notify her of my symptoms from the weekend.  I made the call at 7:30 pm.  Little did I know that this call would be the beginning of my birth story.

She told me that the symptoms were interesting but hard telling at this point.  She gave me the much needed advice as before to take a warm bath and head to bed…that it was no telling.  Heather's biggest words of advice to me was to relax that stress, anxiety alone could stall the initiation of labor. I remember that bath stroking my belly talking calmly to my baby stating that we were ready for it's entry into the world.  By 9 pm I was feeling contractions stronger than I had ever felt before. I told Steve that I was heading to bed and felt that surely I would sleep through the contractions….that they would pass. Between 10 and 10:30 pm the contractions were 8 minutes apart and I could not sleep through them.  I came back to the living room and told Steve that I wasn't sure but I thought we should call Heather again.  She will think that I am crazy is what I thought.  I just talked to her 3 hours ago and I was positive that I was not in labor.  Heather said OK sounds good let's just wait and see what happens.  She was so calming and just advised me to call back in 3 hours or so. OK.  Steve and I looked at each other and I said let's not get too excited…it may pass. By 11:30 pm we felt that we should call my parents so they could be present if it was time.  They arrived and by sitting and talking to them on the couch the contractions started to lessen and increase in time apart.  My heart began to sink….this wasn't it afterall……I said well let's all go to bed.  We will wait and see. We crawled back to bed… and shortly after the contractions started again …once again 8 minutes apart. Strong enough that sleep was not occurring and I had to breathe through the contractions. Steve helped the breathing and began timing.  I started to feel extremely cold and was shaky with each contraction.  They kept coming and my mind became focused inward as it would for the next 15 hours.

By 2:00 am the contractions were 5 minutes apart and pretty strong. I began rocking myself on my knees and elbows, breathing through each contraction. During these early contractions, I would make a low guttural moaning sound.  I do not know where this sound originated from but it was if it was passed to me through generations of women around the world. My body also told me to get on all 4's and rock.  Again, I do not know where this position originated from.   Steve encouraging me along each one. I rested and tried to snooze between each one.  I also continuously went to the bathroom, urinating just slightly.  The house was cozy and warm.  It was dark, the only lights on were nightlights. At one time Steve brought in our pet rabbit, Petey, to comfort me.  Later, my soul dog, Katie came in and brought comfort.  We called Heather at 2 am and told her of the progress.  She asked if I still felt comfortable at home.  I did and was determined to not go to the hospital too soon. I wanted to labor at home as long as possible…..it was cozy….I felt secure. Steve did not feel secure or safe.  He was anxious and scared…he wanted to be at the hospital.  The contractions kept coming 4 to 5 minutes apart.  He woke my parents and they all began to coax me to the hospital.  I instructed Steve to pack our bags with our last necessities.  At 3 am, he was determined to go to the hospital, I was giving in but extremely hesitant.  I was soooo comfortable in our warm, dark home.  I was still rocking through each contraction.  I was also clutching my spiritual sac.  My "spiritual sac" has traveled on many of my hardest journeys in life.  It has occupied me on a 140 mile solo hike, a 1200 mile Arctic Science traverse, a road trip to Alaska,  parts of it during marathons and is with me each day in my pocketbook. In my "spiritual sac" is an old broken rosary from my 94 year old grandmother, a jar of holy water from my mother, a piece of gold panned with a dear friend in Alaska, a knot tied from a dear friend of the Arctic, and a simple "bear claw" carved out of wood from Steven. They are all small treasures from people that signify strength in my lives.  I would clutch this sac through most of my entire labor. Steve decided to call Heather at 3:30 am stating that we would be going to the hospital.  I was rocking and breathing through a contraction when he was on the phone and that point I felt something pop and drop within me.  A small trickle started out.  I cried out that I believe my water had broken.  It was time to go……By the time I walked to the vehicle it had flooded my entire pants. The stars were out, it was a cold clear night, a beautiful night for a baby to be born…….

We arrived and to my relief the room was dimly lit and relaxing. Mom and Steve accompanied me in the room.  I was quickly changed into the hospital gown and hooked up to the monitor.  They were just checking on my vitals and the baby's.  I continued to rock through the contractions.  They were 3-4 minutes apart and required my constant inward focus and clutching to the "spiritual sac".  Steve and Mom coached and supported during each contraction.  They made an IV run in me and I looked at Steve and was nervous at the purpose.  I was still determined for a natural childbirth with no drug interventions.  He rested me that it was procedural and was done in case of an emergency situation. I relaxed but did not like the sight of the spot. My blood was also drawn which I was confused at the purpose.  At 4:30 am Heather arrived and appeared as an angel to me. Calm, cool and confident.  She checked me and to much of my surprise and disappointment, I was only 3.5 cm dilated with 80% effaced and still in the -1 position.  It seemed that I was having a lot of hard contractions for such little progress…….So Heather began her magic.

Go to page 2 for the rest of the story

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