Web Resources - http://www.geocities.com/lhillclasses/evalwebmain.htm
This web
site is an activity that asks students to look at
different sites and determine whether or not a
site is credible. Also, the students would
determine what the criteria should be for any web
resource. The lesson plan for this activity
can be found at https://lhillclasses.tripod.com/blindedbythelight.htm.
Bill Connolly, Rancocas Valley Regional High
School, and I worked on this project for the
National Writing Project at Rutgers, New
Brunswick, New Jersey.
Review PowerPoint Presentation using Lee's To
Kill a Mockingbird -
My sophomore honors English class was
having some serious difficulties with
grammar. I created this PowerPoint
presentation to help them to see how the grammar
details fit into the whole.
and Technology: Bridging the Old with the
New -
The Holocaust is often a unit of study within the
curriculum. When anyone delves into the
issues regarding the Holocaust, students need to
be able to understand the emotions that
arise. This lesson plan uses the primary
resources from the Internet as a starting point
for students to create a poem in response.
The full lesson plans for my unit on the Holocaust
can be found at https://lhillclasses.tripod.com/holocaustcurriculum.htm.
a Class Website about a novel: The House
on Mango Street -
After reading and responding to Sandra Cisneros'
novel, The House on Mango Street, my
students broke into small groups with each group
focusing on a particular aspect of the
novel. They collected and created the
content for that section of our class
website. We then put it all together and
created this website. On the "Teacher's
Comments" page, you will find the complete
lesson plans and my reflections about unit.
You can find a summary at http://rvhouseonmangostreet.tripod.com/weblesson.htm.
of Literary Devices using The House on Mango
Street -
As part of our unit on The House on Mango Street,
my freshman English classes learned about some new
literary devices. I created this interactive
PowerPoint presentation / game to help the class
understand those literary devices.
Website for Senior Project -
This is a website that I used to provide resources
and notes to my senior English classes regarding
their Senior Project.
a WebQuest -
I was asked to teach a workshop on creating
webquests at the Burlington County ETTC.
Feel free to use it as you see fit.
for use with To Kill A Mockingbird -
This webquest is a twist of another webquest.
The students are asked to put Boo Radley on trial
and to determine the outcome. I was amazed
at what the students were able to create.
for an introduction to the idea of Justice
Defining justice is a monumental task. This
webquest asks the students to create their own
mission statement regarding the topic. I
used this as an entry to my unit on Justice and
are just a few of the lessons and materials I have
used in my classroom. If you would like some
other ideas, feel free to email me at lhillclasses@prodigy.net.