The Tower of the High Sun

(Sending off Jun-heng Chen who was summoned by the emperor)

Zhou, Mi 1 (1232 A.D.-1298 A.D.)

    Your escort carriages are going to pay homage to the emperor. The flags illuminate good earth. The expanse of flat sand lowers the sky. The wind almost blows off your downy hat while you drink wine, dressed in an official robe with ribbons and a gold seal. As you climb mountains to pass Qin Gate and the Bian River, you will be inspired to write new poems. Accompanied by fine horses and beautiful women, you will visit as many scenic attractions as you can, listening to drums beating and flageolets blowing.

    While you drink to intoxication, you should view the snow on Yan Mountain, especially when the rivers are frozen on a moon-lit night or when morning clouds fly over the mountain peak. Old as Fang-hui He was, who would care about him as he wandered about destitute south of the Yangtze River 2 ? The east wind gradually greens the shore of West Lake. Wild geese have returned south, but I have not. I value your friendship. Even if I pluck all the plum blossoms as a memento, I will still miss you.

1 Gong-jin, Cao-chuang, Bian-yang-xiao-weng (Loud speaker south of Bian Mountain), Xiao-zhai, and si-shui-qian-fu (diver in the Si River) are all Mi Zhou's other first names. He was a native of Ji-nan City. Later, he moved to We-xing City and lived on Bian Mountain. He was once the Mayor of Yi-wu City during the Southern Song dynasty. After Kublai Khan (emperor) of the Yuan dynasty ruled China, Mi Zhou refused to serve Mongolian government.

2 Fang-hui was Poet Zhu He's other first name. Mi Zhou compared himself to Fang-hui He. Even though his friend was glad to accept a noble position from Mongolian government, Mi Zhou was content with his poverty and desired to return south of the Yangtze River to mourn the destroyed Southern Song dynasty.