A refreshing lute complains that the night is long.
The music around the strings is as sad as wind and rain.
By a lonely lamp I hear a Chu horn 2.
The crescent moon sets behind Zhang Balcony.
The fragrant grass starts to wither,
But the friend I have waited for does not come.
I cannot receive any letters from home 3.
In addition, the autumn wild geese have flown south 4.
The word for balcony was (and is) tai. During the Han dynasty there was a
balcony named Zhang Balcony in the Zhang-Tai Palace in Chang-an, the capital.
The balcony overlooked Zhang-Tai Street.
A Chu horn refers to the music of Country Chu being played by a horn. The
tone of this music is sad.
Because there was a civil war going on.
Wei wants to write a letter home, but his only messenger, like the wild
geese, has migrated south already.