Neighbours Golden Couple:

Libby Kennedy and Drew Kirk

The BBC One Wedding Preview!!!

Libby: You know what they say, you've got to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince... and BOY I've met some frogs!

{Libby: I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore}

Libby: I never thought I would meet the man for me. I just couldn't find anyone I clicked with... Or so I thought.

Libby: It turns out my prince has been there all the time... it just took me a while to recognize him... We've had our ups and downs

{Libby: So? What do you want? You want to call it off?}

Libby: Sometimes you just know when it's right

VO: Libby has her wedding of her dreams. Neighbours on weekday on BBC One

Libby: And the dress? Well you just have to wait and see!

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