Neighbours Golden Couple:

Libby Kennedy and Drew Kirk

The transcript to 

Neighbours' wedding of the year!!

Monday 19th, Feb. | Tuesday 20th, Feb.  

Wednesday 21st, Feb | Thursday 22nd, Feb

(Click above for the transcript of each day}

Monday 19th, February

Drew and Libby lunges onto the pathway to avoid Paul hitting them with the car

Drew: {On the ground with Libby} Are you alright?

Libby: Oww...

Drew: What? What?

Libby: It's just my wrist. It's fine, it's fine

{Paul and Harold get out of the car, Libby and Drew gets up}

Harold: I am so sorry!

Drew: {To Paul, losing his cool} What were you doing out here?!!

Libby: {To Drew} Hey!!

Harold: I don't know, I know it sounds ridiculous but we weren't concentrating

Drew: Harold, Harold, Libby could have been killed!!

Paul: I'm really, really sorry. Libby, you're Ok? You alright?

Libby: I'm fine

Drew: This is a suburban street, this is NOT a race track!

Harold: It's my responsibility, we were arguing

Drew: I don't want to hear it alright? 

Libby: Drew, come on, come on. 

Drew: {To Paul} I just hope you don't get your license anytime soon.

Libby: Will you just calm down? There's no harm done.

Drew: But there could've been. 

Libby: It's ok, Paul. I know it was an accident. I'm sure you will be very careful in the future, won't you? Come on, let's go inside.


Libby and Drew are in the Kennedy's household. Drew is looking at Libby's wrist- he's holding it.

Drew: Is it sore?

Libby: It's fine

Drew: You sure that doesn't hurt?

Libby: It does when you squeeze it like that!

Drew: You should get your dad to take a look at it.

Libby: It's fine, Ok? Don't worry.

Drew: I know. Do you think I went a bit over the top?

Libby: You freaked Paul out.

Drew: I couldn't help it I mean, Harold's been telling me how he's such a pain to teach

Libby: Well, you know, maybe this is the lesson he needed.

Drew: I'll talk to him.

Libby: I think he got the message

Drew: No, no, I'll just apologize for getting so angry. It's just that... you know

Libby: Memories

Drew: Yeah, I better go anyway. Mrs. Wilson is in for a grease and oil change. It's her car. 

Libby: Yes

Drew: Alright, what are you up to this morning?

Libby: Ah... my final column.

Drew: Oh! Libby's wedding countdown. Is that the same column that trashed the grand old tradition of the hen's party?

Libby: Yes, thank you for reminding me. I'll have to eat humble pie now.

Drew: I love it when you're humble. It's so rare!

Libby: You know, it's not too late to cancel the whole thing, you know?

Drew: Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try! Just imagine my relies standing on you, whirling their claymores above their head

Libby: Claymores?

Drew: Lib, you've got so much to learn about the Scots! {Laughs}

{They kiss}

Drew: Seeya

Libby: Bye, bye


At the Scully's, Libby shows Steph her column draft

Libby: Here's my column about the hen's night, I've gone for humour this time.

Steph: Did you mention that sleazy guy at the pub

Libby: Yes, I did, but I didn't want anyone to recognize themselves

Steph: Can I have a quick read?

Libby: Sure


At the pub, Libby is there alone until Susan comes in and meets with her. They are both very tired and Susan tells Libby about her day at school.

Susan: I think I need about two days sleep

Libby: I know, it would be nice but we don't have time!

Susan: I know!

Libby: Are you going to eat?

Susan: I think I'm just going to get a coffee with about 9 sugars in it.

Libby: Ah... {Points down at her own coffee} Snap! Did you hear about Drew's cousin, Fergus? He's coming tonight.

Susan: Oh, the one from Inverness. Yes, your dad said something. He's going to completely ruin the seating arrangements, you know?

Libby: He's pretty wild, apparently

Susan: He bites the head of growls or something,

Libby: It plays the bagpipes.

Susan: Oh, something like that! {Laughs} You're dad said it, I wasn't listening

Madge: Hi there, I saw you coming in.

Susan: Hi Mage,

Madge: How are you going? Libby, are you getting excited?

Libby: Yeah, we all are.

{Susan yawns}

Madge: Oh, I don't know about Susan

Susan: Very insightful, Madge

Madge: {Gives Libby a handkerchief} I dug this out this morning, it's a lased handkerchief. I carried it at my own wedding. Something borrowed...

Libby: Thank you! Oh, I forgot all about that. Something old, something new

Madge/Libby: Something borrowed, something blue {laughs}

Libby: Thank you!

Madge: That's alright. How many guests have you got staying?

Libby: Ahh... just the Kirks.

Madge: You alright with Linen?

Susan: Yeah, I think so. If I'm short, I'll give you a yell.

Madge: Right, well Harold and I were thinking of coming over later to help you get organized. That's unless you preferred us stay home

Susan: No, with so many hungry hordes on the doorstep, I think there'll be a few problems

Madge: I have a simple theory about weddings. Anything that can go wrong will...

Libby: That's encouraging

Madge: I mean, the point is, if you want to survive, stop worrying. Just let things take their course. Look, I'll bring some food, you'll need plenty of that.

Susan: Thanks Madge.

Madge: Seeya, later

Libby: Ta. {Madge leaves} The madness has started, hasn't it?

Susan: Yes, yes but Madge is right. Just stay calm. Everything will fall into place.

Libby: Do you honestly believe that?

Susan: No!



At the Kennedy's, Libby is going through a book of  flowers while Susan is looking for something in a wooden box/draw

Libby: I wish I could get more bluebells for the church.

Susan: Forget it, the ones for your bouquet cost enough

Libby: Or maybe some of those huge Scottish thistles. That would keep the Kirks happy.

Susan: I think the Kirks will be perfectly happy with lilies. 

Libby: I wonder who is going to do it all anyway, I haven't got time. 

Susan: Just I will, so will Madge and Rose and Auntie Minnie. There will be plenty of volunteers. {Susan finds something} Leave that for a minute {Susan takes something out} I think I've solved another problem. {Libby realizes what it is}

Libby: Ohh!! {Libby pulls the necklace out of its bag} Oh mum! Grand's moon stones.

Susan: Something old.

Libby: It's beautiful, thank you. Now, all we need is something new and something blue.


At the Kennedy's, Madge, Harold and Steph are there as well.

Susan: {On the phone} Oh gee, I'm sorry Angus, we're completely full! We've got visitors hanging from the rafters. I could try the local motel for you if you like... No, no, no it's no trouble. I'll ring you back, Ok. Bye. {Hangs up} One of Drew's cousins.

Libby: Why did you offer to do it for him, why don't you just let him look it up in the phone book like everybody else?

Susan: Well, he's in Cairns, I feel responsible.

Harold: How are you off with bedding? Clothes? Doonas? 

Madge: I've already asked Susan, she said she's fine

Susan: I think I'm changing my mind

Madge: Oh Harold, in the linen cupboard. in the garbage bags- spare blankets, doona and couple of pillows

Harold: I'll get them now

Susan: It's so good of you... Thank goodness we didn't renovate Billy's old room

Madge: Are the boys coming?

Libby: They can't make it. I wish they could! But, just work problems, time, distance...

Madge: That's a shame

Susan: We're so disappointed

Libby: Mal's going to make a video. Knowing his sense of humour, I'm just a little apprehensive

Susan: I'm sure it will be fine

Steph: So have you decided on the flowers for the church?

Libby: Yes, unless I change my mind

Steph: Well, just don't {Laughs}

Tuesday 20th, February

Susan, Karl and Drew are at the Kennedy's household. Susan is on the phone to a guest, Karl is writing a wedding speech and Drew is tasting some of the food Madge brought along

Susan: {Phone} No, honestly, it's fine. Alright, I'll see ya {Hangs up} Arghh, Robert has become a vegan!

Karl: What? A vegan?

Susan: A vegan

Karl: Vegetarian? 

Susan: He converted, last night

Karl: Struck me lucky, your sister married a rat bag. 

Susan: She thinks I did. 'Phone reception centre, one vegan.'

Karl: Probably will be living on air by the time we get to the reception. One less mouth to feed. Now, here is draft 5 of my speech. Your honest opinion if I could.

Susan: "Marriage is not a word, it's a sentence." You can't be serious!

Karl: Of course I'm not serious, it's just a joke. Drew loved that one.

Drew: Oh well... you know...

Susan: "Marriage is a three ring circuit. Engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering" {Karl laughs but Susan just looks at him}

Karl: Oh come on, darling, you need jokes to warm them up! 

Susan: What? So are you just going to deliver a string of bad jokes and end with what? 'Take my wife, please!'

Karl: I think you should write your own material.

Susan: Do you think I could, thanks! 

{Libby arrives back home}

Libby: Hi all.

All: Hey

Drew: Where were you off to?

Libby: Just over at Steph's, secret bridesmaid stuff. Where's Harold and Madge? 

Susan: Well, they emptied the contents of their fridge and our fridge, had a cup of tea and went home.

Drew: You should try some. We've got so much food, it's fantastic. These are Madge's Thai fishcakes. 

{Someone knocks on the door}

Libby: I'll get it. 

Karl: How about this? "Marriage is an institution. Who wants to live in an institution?" {Susan puts her hands over Karl's mouth}

{The visitors turn out to be Ron and Rose}

Ron: Hi Libby, how are you, darling?

{Everyone begins to say their "Hi, good to see you, how are yous?" They kiss, hug and shake hands}

Susan: You made it in pretty good time

Ron: Well, we had a pretty good run. Didn't go 1km over the speed limit. Had a good run, didn't we Rose?

Rose: Except we argued all the way from Aubury. 

Ron: About the wedding speech.

Rose: Ron wants to do jokes but I said if you want to be shone up by Karl doing something warm and heartfelt you go right ahead!

Drew: Where's Dougal?

Rose: He's coming down with Stewart and Sally-Ann. Gave us a bit of a rest. No on in the back saying...

Rose/Susan: Are we there yet? {Laughs}


Libby, Drew, Susan, Karl, Rose and Ron arrive at the pub where they meet Steph

Karl: {Telling Ron a story} This other bloke says, 'how could this be the happiest day of our life, I've getting married tomorrow?' The uncle says 'my point precisely.' {Laughs}

Ron: Marriage is an institution, but would you want to live in one? {Laughs}

Karl: I love that one, Drew you loved that one.

Drew: Yeah.

Susan: Yes, yes and a husband is a living proof that a wife's got a sense of humour.

Karl: Don't get it. {All laughs. Libby introduces Steph to everyone}

Libby: Ron, Rose this is my bridesmaid, Stephanie Scully

Steph: Hello

Rose: Pleased to meet you Stephanie! I've heard so much about you.

Steph: Like-wise. Did you have a good trip down?

Ron: Yeah, we just came down on the Newel. 

Steph: Oh! Love that road. Talk about wide open space

Drew: You can tell you're a city-slicker. 

Rose: Stephanie's right, it's a big sky country road.

{Out of nowhere comes the sound of bagpipes}

Steph: What's that?

Ron: Oh no!

{In comes Fergus wearing a kilt, coming the Bagpipes}

Fergus: Don't all just stand there like a mob of stunned mullets, where's my welcome?!

{Everyone begins to laugh and welcomes him while introducing him to the Kennedy's}


At the pub, Libby is by the bench waiting for the drinks while Fergus tells them about his trip on the plane. He tells them about his lost luggage and doesn't know if he'll get it back anytime soon. Libby comes to the table with all the drinks. Each of them takes one, and they watch as Fergus downs the whole drink in one.

Fergus: Oh! The chill's right down to your knee caps! How do you drink it like that?

Karl: Probably a bit slower. {Laughs}

Fergus: Anyway, they reckon they'll get back to luggage to me some way or the other. But they'd put them away and the Haggis is down for good.

All: Oh!

Fergus: Not to worry though! We'll get everything under control. We are going to make our own. Now Ronald, you are going to get me a sheep, bag, heart and lights. 

Rose: Where from?

Fergus: Well! You should know, it can't be that hard.

Libby: Do we really need a haggis?

Fergus: It'll be a glorious thing! There is no better way of bringing together a family and friends over a making of a good haggis. What do you say, Drew? Feel up to it?


 Libby, Rose and Steph says hi to Fergus, the next morning, and are ready to get into the car to go shopping

Steph: Well, we're just off to sample something new for this little Sheila.

Libby: Yeah, that's right, mate

Rose: And don't forget Lib, it's my shout so wash out!

Steph: Oh, no way there! This one is like right up the drain pipe when it comes to shopping! 

After Libby, Steph and Rose leaves, Fergus bumps into Karl, Susan and Drew. Fergus suggests that they cook Casserole, the family sheep. Susan tells him that they can't, it's a pet. After Fergus leaves, Drew tells Karl that he's a wild one.


Libby, Steph and Rose are back at the Kennedy's after their shopping. They are looking at the new under wears they bought

Steph: Oh! It's so gorgeous! {Laughs}

Rose: It certainly is

{Someone knocks on the door}

Steph: I'll get it. 

Libby: Thank you

Rose: I'll get us some lunch

Libby: Oh, I don't think I'm hungry

Rose: You've got to eat something, we don't want you fainting

Steph: {At the door} Thanks bye. {Steph has a package for Libby, she shakes it} Well, I don't think it's safe knifes.

Libby: Oh! It's from Mal and Cath. They remembered!

Steph: That's your big brother yeah?

Libby: Yeah, and his girlfriend, they'd be the next to tie the knot. At least mum's hoping.

Rose: Good excuse for a trip to London. 

Libby: Oh yeah, the best! {The phone rings and Libby gets it} Hello? Dad, hi... oh, you know... mayhem.... yeah... oh yuck! You'll have to turn vegetarian... yeah... ok, I'll see you then.... bye {Hangs up} Oh! That was dad with the bad news. They've found the sheep's stomach and all the other yucky, yucky stuff.

Rose: Now, hang on, it's just not that bad. You think that it's going to be and then you taste it and you're pleasantly surprised. Now, we've got something old, something new, something borrowed and we need something blue.

Steph: I think we already have {Takes out the lingerie they bought, laughs}


At Drew's place, They are cutting up the stomach, liver etc. Drew is there cutting the liver but doesn't look all that well

Fergus: Ah, that weird girl Libby, she strikes me as a being a bit of a get  up and go, lassie. 

Drew: Yeah

Fergus: You don't want to let her get the better of you, you know? I like a strong woman but, a woman likes a man to be strong, also. Don't forget that!

Ron: We're a little bit liberated, down here in the colonies you know, Fergus.

Fergus: Of course you are, of course you take them out to the pictures every now and again. And you set up a breakfast in bed, that's fine. But in the long run a woman likes a man who's decisive, a man who is not afraid to take a stab. 

{Drew isn't really listening to what his saying. He's seems to be getting a stomach ache}

Drew: Just a minute, Oh!

{Drew leaves}

Fergus: What's the matter with him?


At night, Libby, Lyn, Susan, Rose joins Karl, Drew, Ron and Fergus at Drew's place.

Drew: {On the phone} Can you tell me what time the flight's arriving.?

{Libby, Lyn, Susan and Rose comes into the house and everyone says hi.}

Lyn: Oh look! All this ritual, it's so fascinating! 

Drew: Ah, look I just called the airline, the plane's been delayed. 

Rose: What a pity. 

Lyn: I might steer away before the lighting ceremony

Susan: No! No, stay! It will broaden your horizon.

{Libby and Drew are hugging, Rose interrupts}

Rose: You know, Libby. Come midnight we're going to have to shield you from Drew's eyes. It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

Drew: How will I cope?

Libby: I don't know

Drew: No! {Laughs}

Rose: How's it going over there boys?

Fergus: Keep your trot as I will, we're nearing ready

Karl: Just mashing the nips and the tatters. {Laughs}

Susan: What about you Fergus? Are you married?

{Ron, behind Fergus waves a 'no' sign to Susan}

Fergus: I was. My wife ran off with a Sassenner.

Ron: Englishman.

Susan: Oh! oh sorry! Sorry to hear that!

Fergus: The English, bad enough they took our land, they had to take our women too

Ron: Oh, come on Fergus, she didn't go unwillingly

Drew: Hey listen! Guys, guys I just want to say that I can't think of a better way to say goodbye to single life. Here's to the loved ones.

Ron: Yeah! I just got to add to that. Here's to the Kirks and the Kennedy's. A fine partnership.

Fergus: Fine, fine clan the Kennedy's

Karl: Actually, we're from Tiperary.

Rose: To the Kirks and the Kennedys

All: To the Kirks and the Kennedys

Fergus: You're not an Irishman are you?

Karl: Ahh... yeah.

Fergus: Fine people the Irish, they hate the Sassenners too! {Laughs} You can sing along!

{Fergus begins to sing the traditional song as everyone begins to join in as well}

Wednesday 21st, February

At Drew's place, everyone has arrived and they are all hugging. Fergus brings the haggis onto the dining table. While everyone else watch as Fergus plays the bagpipe, Drew, Libby and Susan look at the haggis, a little shocked that they have to eat it. Early next morning, Libby is up fumbling through a make-up bag, a little panicky, when Susan comes out

Susan: Libby, what are you doing up so early?

Libby: Nail polish, mum. I know the really pale one is here, somewhere. I said I was going to wear that corally one that Lyn recommended, but I don't want to now, I want to wear the one Steph had in mind {Continues to look}

Susan: Alright, alright. It'll be here, what's it called? 

Libby: I don't know! {Susan looks around} I can't remember mum, it's really pale- oh! There's some more in the bathroom. {Libby is about to rush to the bathroom but Susan stops her}

Susan: Libby, Libby, don't worry about it. {Susan calms Libby down} This is just nerves

Libby: Is it?

Susan: {Laughs} Yes.

Libby: Oh mum! I've never felt like this before.

Susan: Oh! {Laughs} Sweetie {Hugs}


Back at the Kennedy's, all the girls are there. Libby is getting a massage from Lyn. Tess, Sally-Ann, Susan, Minnie, Rose and Tess comes back into the house after going to the church. Karl is on the phone to Grandpa Tom.

Libby: What time did Steph say she'll be here?

Lyn: She should be back right now, she's probably in the shower, love. Now, stop worrying  about it, will you? I'll ring as soon as your dad gets off the phone.

{Sally-Ann, Susan, Minnie, Rose and Tess comes into the house}

Sally-Ann: Hey, the church looks brilliant!

Tess: You're going to love it!

Rose: I think we need a cup of tea. Susan, can I put the kettle on?

Auntie Minnie: I think something stronger is called for.

Susan: Oh good, champagne then! {Laughs}

Lyn: Now, what about the flowers?

Susan: Oh! They're beautiful! 

Auntie Minnie: Everyone did a stunning job!

Susan: Darling, you're going to love it!

Karl: {On phone} Bye {Hangs up} Great! Just throw a spanner in the works.

Susan: What?

Karl: Grandpa Tom! Predictably, now it's the horse.

Susan/Libby: What?

Karl: Castra has gone... And dad's gone dittero.

Rose: Can't your father come?

Karl: Rose, he's one of the last of the red rackers. He's been kicking up the whole time about going to a church. This is his latest.

Susan: No Karl, he said he would come to the church

Libby: No, I know grandpa Tom. If it's a choice between Castra and me, then the horse wins

Karl: Darling, not true, you know that you're his favourite.

Susan: He adores Drew!

Rose: Drew hasn't got a political bone in his body.

Karl: Dad can see that as a challenge

Susan: Maybe if I give him a ring

{Someone knocks on the door}

Susan: Oh! There's someone at the door

Auntie Minnie: I'll get it

Susan: Thank you

{She opens the door and Steph comes in with a box of flowers}

Auntie Minnie: Ahh there, I see you're back.

Libby: Oh Steph! 

Steph: Ok, now I ran into the florist out the front and dump these in my arm. He's gone to Drew's. You've got your bouquets and you've got you corsage. 

Auntie Minnie: Lets get some photos

Libby: Like this?

Auntie Minnie: Every stage has a good photograph.

{Everyone comes into the photo even Susan who is on the phone to Tom}

Auntie Minnie: Now Smile.

{Everyone smile, while Libby tries to put a smile on, but she looks much more worried}


At Drew's, all the guys are putting on their kilts while Dougal is taking photos

Stewart: Doug, put that blasted thing away!

Ron: Listen mate, go and brush your hair. You're mother will have a fit if you turn up at the church like that.

Fergus: Oh, he's alright

Drew: Look! My knees are shaking, already. They're going to see that under the kilt {Laughs}

Ron: Listen, your flasks are too far around. Line them up with your arms.

Fergus: And the skin too, on the other leg

Drew: Oh!

Fergus: Yes

{Dougal takes another photo}

All: Dougal!


At the wedding, just outside the church.

Dione: Come on, come on all of you. A Scully family photo, over here under the tree... look at the church in the shot

{Dione takes a photo of Joe, Lyn and Flick. Meanwhile, a car drives in}

Dione: They're here!

{In the car are Fergus, Ron and Dougal. They greet each other as another car comes along. It is Drew's car with Drew and Stewart in it. Meanwhile, Dione continues to take photos of everyone. Drew comes out of the car}

Drew: Hey mum! {Hug}

Dione: Ok, ok, happy snap.

{All of them get ready and begins to walk towards the church. Drew and Stewart are last to go in. Drew talks a look behind him and then looks at his watch as they walk in}


At the Church, everyone is walking in and sitting down while Dione waits outside for the bride. Drew and Stewart are at the front of the church facing the priest. Drew is looking at his watch again. Meanwhile, outside the church, a vintage car drives up. Back inside the church, Drew turns around and looks towards to entrance. He looks a little concerned but Rose gives him a 'don't worry' hand gesture. Outside the church, Karl is helping Libby get out of the car. 

Steph: Let me take that for you {Libby is all smiles, but looks a little nervous}

Karl: Oh, good girl. All set?

{Libby nods. Inside the church, Drew turns his head back towards the priest. Libby is late. Dione comes into the church, as Drew turns around,  indicating that she has arrived. Outside the church, Karl gives Libby a kiss before they go in}

Karl: Come on.

{Drew gives Stewart a sign to turn around as well. Libby, Steph and Karl enter the church as everyone stands. Steph first with Karl and Libby following. They walk down the aisle. They stop for a while at the top of the aisle before Steph leads them down. Drew smiles at Libby. Libby is looking extremely happy. There are various shots of Madge, Drew, Libby, Susan, Ron and Rose (who is crying) As they get towards the front of the church, Karl takes his seat as Steph takes her place besides Libby}

Priest: Dearly beloved, we are gathered together in the sight of God and in the place of this congregation to unite this man, Andrew, {Libby and Drew looks at each other and smiles} and this woman, Elizabeth to holy matrimony. 


Back at the church, Libby and Drew are repeating their vows

Priest: Elizabeth, will you have Andrew to be your husband, to live together according to God's words? {Shot of Susan and Karl} Will you give him the honour, due to him as your husband? {Shot of Ron and Rose} And forsaking all others, {Back to Libby and Drew who are looking at each other} to love and protect him as long as you both shall live?

Elizabeth: I will. {Libby and Drew turn towards each other and they both hold each other's hands}

Priest: I, Andrew, in the presence of God...

Drew: I, Andrew, in the presence of God

Priest: {Pan to Ron and Rose} Take you, Elizabeth, to be my wife...

Drew:  {Pan to Drew} Take you, Elizabeth, to be my wife

Priest: {Pan to Libby} To have and to hold from this day forward...

Drew: {Pan to Drew} To have and to hold from this day forward

Priest: {Pan to Lyn and Joe} For better for worse...

Drew: For better for worse

Priest: For richer, for poorer...

Drew: {Pan to Drew} For richer, for poorer

Priest: {Pan to Libby with a big smile} In sickness and in health...

Libby: In sickness and in health

Priest: {Pan to Susan and Karl} To love, honour and cherish, as long as we both shall live...

Libby: {Pan to Libby} To love, honour and cherish, as long as we both shall live

Priest: {Pan to Minnie and Fergus} This is my solemn vow and promise.

Libby: {Pan to Libby} This is my solemn vow and promise

{Shot towards their hands as Drew puts a ring on her finger}

Drew: Elizabeth, with this ring, I wed you

Priest: {Pan to Libby with tears in her eyes} With all that I am, with all that I have, I honour you...

Drew: With all that I am, with all that I have, I honour you

Priest: {Pan to Drew} And in the name of God, Amen.

Libby: {Pan to Libby} And in the name of God, Amen.

Priest: Andrew and Elizabeth have now accepted each other in marriage. In the name of God, I declare them to be husband and wife. {Close up of Drew smiling} You may now kiss the bride. {Pan to Libby}

{Drew lifts up Libby's veil. They look at each other and kisses. They laugh. The audience claps and laughs as some wipe away tears. Outside the church, two lines of Scottish men lines up to form a pathway. They are all playing bagpipes. Libby and Drew comes out the church and they kiss, and laugh. Everyone soon comes out and they all hug and congratulate Libby and Drew. Libby and Drew kiss and finally they walk down the path.}


Everyone is at the reception, that night, all standing up

Stewart: Could everyone be seated please?

{They find their seat and sits down}

Stewart: Good evening everyone. Karl and Susan Kennedy, and Ron and Rose Kirk, welcome you all here tonight. Ladies and gentleman, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Kirk

{Everyone claps, cheers and take photos as Libby and Drew walks out together. They look at each other and head towards the cake. Drew takes out the knife and along with Libby cuts the cake as people continue to take photos. Libby and Drew looks at each other smiling. Later at the reception, Karl stands up to give his speech}

Karl: Firstly, let me thank you for coming, in joining us in this wondrous celebration. {Karl takes out his speech} I must admit this is a surprisingly, emotional occasion for me so I hope you allow me a few moments to express how I feel. And of course, how Susan feels. {Pan to Susan and back} Firstly, let me tell you, just how much we love our beautiful daughter, {Pan to Libby and Drew. Libby is looking at her dad on the verge of crying.} how proud we are of her and proud of our new son, Drew. {Libby and Drew look at each other and kisses} It's very difficult to tell your children just how much joy they bring to you. {Pan to the Scullys} Invariably it sounds like a bad greeting card, I suppose, no matter how heart felt. {Pan to Karl} But, I think that joy is, perhaps, the most precious gift that you can give. {Pan to Susan who wipes away tears} Even if the giver is  unaware of the giving- perhaps even more so then. {Pan to Karl} For the last 22 years, {Pan to Libby who closes her eyes to stop tears coming} Elizabeth has showered us with diamonds, sparkling unforgettable moments of pure happiness {Libby smiles as Karl takes her hand. It cuts to everyone laughing as Karl continues his speech. Libby is smiling and happy yet she looks a little stunned and surprised at what her dad is saying} And this, and this girl, declared at the age of 12! That marriage was old fashioned and she will never participate in the state of holy matrimony. {Libby smiles, clenching her teeth a little as though to say 'I'm going to kill you' and she shakes her head} At the age of 16, when she finally concede the possibility of getting married, she declared that it would not be until the age of 35! {All Laugh} And then, mercifully, along came Drew. {Pan to Steph who's happy for them} To proof that the best laid plans do indeed gung up a gallay. {Laughs} Isn't that right, Fergus

Fergus: Ai! {All laughs}

Karl: And thank goodness he did because in Drew, {Close up of Libby and Drew looking up at Karl} we have a son in law we respect and we trust and we love. {Libby looks at Drew} And in choosing him, {Karl takes her hand} Libby has shown very good sense and we are very grateful to you {All laughs} And Susan, who would recognize Drew's qualities long before Libby did, {Susan points her finger at Libby} is pleased to be vindicated. Thank you for your attention and have a wonderful night. {Everyone claps and Ron stands up}

Ron: Ladies and Gentleman, there's always been a tradition at Kirk weddings. {Drew looks a little nervous as he drinks the champagne} And I'm going to ask my son, Drew, {Libby looks around not knowing what the tradition is} to get up and uphold this tradition, with a little help from Harold and Fergus.

{The three of them gets up and heads towards the stage where there are microphones. Everyone claps while Libby is still a little confused. She then realizes he's about to sing. A little shock, she smiles. Drew faces Libby and begins to sing alone}

Drew: {Singing} Oh the summer time is coming, {Pan to Libby who has a smile on and is intently listening to the song} and the trees are sweetly blooming, {Pan to Drew} and the wild mountain thyme {Pan to Libby, beginning to cry} grows around the purple heather. {Libby puts her hand to her mouth and Karl pats her on her shoulder} Will you go, lassie, go?

All three: {Singing, Drew has a smile on his face as he sings} And we'll all go together, to pull wild mountain time, all around the blooming heather. {Pan to Susan, Karl and Libby. Libby is watching Drew while Susan and Karl looks at her, then Libby looks at Karl} Will you go, lassie, go?

Drew: {A close up of Drew, smiling while he sings} I will build my love a bower, {Pan to Libby, holding back tears} by yon own clear crystal fountain and {Pan to Drew} on it I will pile {Pan to Libby as Karl wipes tears off her face} all the flowers of the mountain. Will you go, lassie, go?

All three: {Singing} And we'll all go together, {Pan to Libby as Susan kisses her} through the wild mountain thyme, {Pan to Rose and Stewart} all around the blooming heather. {Pan to Ron and Steph} Will you go, lassie, go? {Drew takes the microphone and walks towards Libby until he is in front of her.} And we'll all go together, through the wild mountain thyme, {Libby has tears on her while and smiles at him} all around the blooming heather. {Pan to Drew} Will you go, lassie, go? {Drew puts his hand out. Susan and Karl gets up so Libby to get out} Will you go, lassie go? {Everyone claps as Drew takes Libby and they begin to waltz while everyone looks on}

Towards the end of the night, the traditions continue. They all dance in a circle with Libby and Drew in the middle. Just before they all leave, Libby and Drew hugs everyone and Libby throws her bouquet. Steph, who gets a little shock, catches it. Libby and Drew waves goodbye to everyone as they leave.

Thursday 22nd, February

A Qantas plane arrives and the airport and Libby and Drew walks out of it. They continue to walk as they look for a car that is suppose to be there- for them.

Drew: Did you say it was just down the front?

Libby: Yeah... {They see a car} What do you think of that?

{Drew and Libby laughs and are surprised. It is a posh convertible}

Drew: Karl!

{There's an envelope on the car addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Libby opens it}

Libby: Look

Drew: What is it?

Libby: Tickets to things... {Takes something out} This is some sort of treasure map

Drew: To where?

Libby: I don't know, it's just got the roads marked

Drew: {Laughs} He's mad!

{The two of them get in the car and drives off}


Drew is driving the car and they go past surfer's paradise. They end up at the Hyatt Regency Sanctuary Cove- a five star hotel.

Libby: Is this where we're staying?

Drew: If we've read the map right

Libby: {To the clerk} Hi, Libby Kennedy and Drew Kirk. I'm not sure, but we might have a booking here

Clerk: Yes, Ms. Kennedy. Please come inside, we'll look after your luggage for you.

{Libby and Drew are surprised but they go inside and takes a look. It's amazing inside! They go for a walk outside before the clerk shows them to their show in the presidential suite. They couple are amazed at the suite}


Libby and Drew in the suite after they settle in. Libby is by the balcony

Libby: You want some guava juice? This is great!

Drew: Fabulous

{Libby pours some for Drew}

Libby: You'll never believe what's on the in-house movie 

Drew: We didn't come all this way to watch a movie

Libby: Yeah, you're right. There's the tickets mum and dad gave us or... we can go swimming, sailing, diving, fishing, bushwalking... what do you want to do first?

Drew: Something they left off that list. {Drew takes the brochure and writes on it- and then shows Libby}

Libby: {Smiles} That's an in-door activity 

Drew: Mmmm... Feel like one?

Libby: Always. {And they kiss}


Libby and Drew are going for a walk 

Libby: So what are we really doing here?

Drew: Just enjoying the view

Libby: Yeah, sure we are... Not telling me where we're going, all those private phone calls, you were never this secretive before we got married.

Drew: No, I was, I was- the car, the secret Kirk tradition

Libby: Yeah true... should have realized before I said I do. {Drew keeps looking at his watch} Late for something are we?

Drew: No, no, no, how's the weather down here? Wouldn't you love to live here? That is something we haven't considered yet either- where we're going to live when we get back.

Libby: Oh! You're hopeless!

Drew: What?

Libby: At changing the subject.

Drew: No, I just think it's something we should think about. Do we move in with Lou? Or your mum and dad?

Libby: We move in with Lou

Drew: Really?

Libby: No! Of course not! Come on, stop teasing me! What are we doing here?

Drew: Alright, your mum and dad have been fantastic organizing this for us, but there is a little something that I thought might be great for us. Alright? You coming? {Drew and Libby rush off}


Libby and Drew are on a romantic yacht drinking champagne.

Libby: You know, when we're sitting in our rocking chair in our retirement village, i will remember this moment. Absolute and complete happiness

Drew: We're going to have many more moments like this. There would be years and years of them.

Libby: Promise?

Drew: I promise

Libby: How about my clever old dad organizing everything

Drew: To your clever old dad

{They clink glasses}

Libby: And to his luscious and beautiful and brilliant daughter

Drew: To his luscious and beautiful and... brilliant daughter for giving me the perfect honeymoon

Libby: To us

{They clink glasses and drink to it}

Libby: Thank you for not giving up on me {They kiss}

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