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Welcome to the benji Madden Fan Club!
here you can find out all about benji Madden from Good charlotte!

                          Benji madden's Biography


Full Name: Benjamin Levi Madden

Nicknames: Kidvicious,Benjahole,Benji,Benj.

Birthday: March 11, 1979 (hes only 5 minutes older then twin brother and band mate Joel)

Height: 5' 7 "

Contribution to Gc: Guitar and Vocals.

Hair color of the moment: Pink with black leopard spots.

Eye Color: Brown

Hometown: Waldorf/Napptown,Maryland

Horoscope Sign: Pisces

Colors: Black and Baby Blue

Clothing: My bondage pants/shorts, grinders, Chuck Taylors, Other bands t-shirts, East Coast clothing .

Favorite Bands: Minor Threat, MxPx, Green Day, Rancid, Sex Pistols, The Clash, Operation Ivy, and most punk music.

Movie: Another State of Mind, Sid and Nancy

Quote: "This is going to hurt me a lot more then it will hurt you"

Food: Pizza and anything Free

Car: '63 Impala

Sports: Baseball and Thumb wrestling

Season: Spring

Lucky number: 9

Cereal: Boo Berry or Count Chocula

Resturant: Acme Bar and Grill ( he use to work there!)

Super Hero: Toxic Avenger

Hobbies: Getting Tattoes and Watching people

Movie Quote: "Have you seen my baseball" <SOMETHING Mary About>

Some Stuff he Loves: 63 Chevy impalas, Punk rock girls and punk rock shows, Girls with tattoes and piercings, Goth girls, old clothes, old junk stores, his dirtbike, and Cashdogg( the number one stunner)

Some stuff he Hates: Humidity, Food Poisoning, politicians, and some other stuff that he dislikes at that point in time

His Life Goal: To have a good influence on the world and kids, to stay true to God and his family, to make the world a better place, plant a flower and paint a horse, pick up trash and then light everything on fire

Good Habbits: He cooks for the band ( and i hear he is pretty good) and Giving change to homeless people

Dream: to live on the water with a wife and kids, to split a piece of property with Joel, with a weeping willow, basketball court, boat and recording studio.

why is he called KIDvicious?: He looks like Sid vicious when he preforms. So the rest of the GC guys called him Kidvicious and the name just kinda stuck.

The song with the most meaning: Thank you Mom (AWW how sweet!!)

Special time in his life: When he held HIS cd for the very first time

Personal quote- "most every song of ours really does apply to my life. They are all about real things and we have dealt with


Benji Madden Quotes



"Then one day I had an epiphany and realized that you can go around in a bad mood all of the time, but it won't do any good. If you pull the positive points out of something, you will enjoy life a lot more."

"My teenage years have definitely left me with a very bitter,bad self-image. I don`t like myself. I don`t like anything I do. I don`t like my music. I don`t like anything. I enjoy playing music. I love being in a band. but if you put me alone in a room & make me look in a mirror it`s`s just not good enough. And we all feel that way."

"They symbolize that I can do what I want. They ensure that I will never work a regular job." ( on his tattoes)

"There's no room for rock stars in this band"

"The worst thing anybody could say
about us is that we're 'rock stars.' Urg."

"Purrr I'm a sex kitten!" (lol. of course u are BEnji)

"I like to go to shopping malls and harrass people, hit my head on the wall, vandalize things, break the law...i like to rip the tags off matresses!"

"You're on your own, biatch!"

"I don't know how you're gonna take this, but Santa Claus isn't real, Bro..."

"I'm dirrty...i'm dirrty don't even know HOW dirrty!"  ( TrL)

"When we're like in the studio in this really important part of the song and I'll be like "What do you think we should do?" And then Joel would go "I don't care...are those my boxers? DUDE!! -

"When we do fight it's not about things we think we'd fight about, like music, it's about likei'll wear Joel's socks and he'd be like (Benji imitating Joel) Dude! I told you not to wear my socks know i like my socks...Benj! Dude...oh are those my boxers too?...Dude you have to go there...Dude...dude!"

"Benji is life...all the rest is just details...Life is Benji"

" we're not very good at this whole rockstar thing"

"Eyeliner! Always comes in handy!"

"I can disappear watch" *gets up out of his chair and leaves*

"I'm gonna go...walk...into traffic"

"Joel your gloves suck!"

"If you're not pregnant, i want you going home pregnant."

"I have a confession to make: I love making out. It's fun and innocent. And besides, you can't get pregnant from making out!"

Keep representin GC cos you know we're representin you!"

That performance really moved me...i gotta go now"

"Stop watching them make out!"

"This one time, Joel was too scared to ask a girl to a dance so he had me call her up and pretend I was him, and she said no and then she said "This isn't Joel is it?" and i said, "No it's Benj!"

  • Interviewer: Can you dance?
  • Benji: I can freak.
  • "Bonjour biatch! Au revoir biatch!"
  • "Does it piss you off? That men are better than women!?"

"Sorry mom...i like to make out!"

"Have we ever murdered a boy band? YES! There was a boy band named P-town and we shot them."

"Malibu Stacey! Malibu Stacey! I would be Malibu Stacey. She has a nice car!" - saying which Barbie he would be.

"When I was 17, I liked anyone who gave me the time of day."

"I put rat poison in Billy's food one time."

"I'm going by Benjamin now. It's sounds more mature."

"Joel is the innocent one"

"Joel's a girl, even mom said so"

  • Interviewer: "What's the most romantic thing you two have ever done?"
  • Benji: "With eachother?"

"Joel, I don't tell you this enough but I love you, you've always been my best friend, and you always will be, you're the most talented, caring person I have ever met, i think you got the better half of the egg."

"Yeah on our day off we went to Disney World for our first time and Joel was like a little kid. He was like come on guys we have to hurry to space mountain. And this morning when I walked in the bathroom I swear I heard him singing When You Wish Upon A Star."

"It's amazing the fun you can have for 99 cents."

"The most solid place to go is the's got food, shopping, girls, movies, it's got everything you need!"

"Never steal, don't lie, don't cheat alright, yeah! Also... don't get piercings till you're 18!"

Benjiness - I have my own adjective"

Benji: "Everyone say "shut up Joel"
Crowd: '' SHUT UP JOEL

"Which means they're really rich and they could buy me stuff." Benji about Puddle of Mudd"

"I sell out every day! I say, 'Give me 5 bucks and I'll give you a kiss!'"

"I'm learning Italian right now. 'Grazie.'"

It's a weird story actually. We were all gong to your mom's house. We all got there at the same time and met on the porch." (on how the band met)

"Hey, guys, I have some bad news for you. We were backing out of the parking lot and I think we ran over Lil Bow Wow. Sorry, our bad!"

"You know who else likes making out? Sum 41. I know from first-hand experience... Or, my friend does..."

Interviewer: Would you ever consider turning in your instruments to learn choreography and become a boy band?
Benji: Umm... after you shot me in the head.

"We're kids from Waldorf."

"State your position!"

"Uh, my names Benji... I grew up in Waldorf. Single white male. Enjoys long walks on the beach. In search of someone sensitive and caring for conversation, friendship, possible serious relationship, coffee, or a good book."

"Everybody clap!"

"I got all the hoes."

"When I meet girls I like, I throw up on them!"

"That's funny, we were just talking about sex!"

"They call me Benj; they call him Joel."

"One time, I ripped Joel's nipples off! One time I pierced Paul's butt cheeks together!"

"My ass smells like Joel."

"Yeah, on our day off we went to Disney for our first time and Joel was like a little kid. He was like 'Come on guys we have to hurry to Space Mountain!' And this morning when I walked in the bathroom, I swear I heard him singing 'When You Wish Upon A Star.'"

"Where do you work?"

"Can I open this now?"

So you can buy these at any craft store?"

"This is the get better sign."

"This is Joel at the mall... 'Hey girl, who you with? You ever heard that song 'Little Things'? Yo, that's about me, girl... Awww yeah...'"

"Did we mention we know John from Goldfinger?"


"Joel wants to be an actor."

"Steve Feinberg took the little GC seed and maximized it. Steve was the pit bull we needed. He's more than our manager."

"I fell off the stage and all my clothes fell off! And I wet my pants... but they fell off, so I couldn't wet them, so it must have been the kid standing next me."

"If I wasn't in the band, I'd be in jail."

"I have a confession to make: I love making out. It's fun and innocent. And besides, you can't get pregnant from making out."

"We're just kinda the awkward guys who play music."

Good evening boys and girls! Welcome to the Nutcracker. This is Rob Tim, I will crack your nuts. Today I'm going to teach you a little lesson about life, the Rob Tim way."

"Joel, your gloves SUCK!"

"This one time, Joel was too scared to ask a girl to a dance so he had me call her up and pretend I was him. And she said no and then she said, 'This isn't Joel, is it?' and I said, 'No its Benj!'"

"I'm gonna go... walk... into traffic."

"This is the makeout song. Although you should ask the person first, 'cause I've had some troubles with that before." (during Seasons)

"We like to go to shopping malls and harrass people."

"What's my official statement? My official statement is... that I've been wearing the same underwear for the the past four days!"

"When we fight, it's not about things you think we'd fight about, like music. It's about like, I'll wear Joel's socks and he'll be like, 'Dude... dude... I told you not to wear my socks, dude... You know I like my socks... Benji... Dude, oh are those my boxers, too? Dude ooh.. Ohh do you have to go there? Dude... dude!' And then we're, like, in the studio in this really important part of the song and I'll be like 'What do you think we should do?' "I don't care.. are those my boxers? DUDE!" (on fighting with Joel)

"One egg, one sperm, two babies."

"Yeah, we got kicked out of Limp Bizkit... Yeah, who's laughing now?? Huh??"

"Call me a mama's boy, I don't care."

"I used to work at Target!"

"Good Charlotte is the name of a children's book, just this weird, freaky little book..."

"I'm agoraphobic... I just want someone to love me."

"I haven't taken a shower in 4 days, I guess that makes me more punk."

"I always got caught. One time, I actually got spanked for something Joel did."

"Hold on, you can make fun of me when Im done making my point."

"To have a good influence on the world and kids. Stay true to God and my family and make the world a better place, plant a flower and paint a horse, to pick up trash and then light everything on fire." (on his life goals)

"She's so punk-y!" (talking about *throws up* Avril Lavigne)

"Hey, you guys wanna know Joel's middle name? Wanna know Joel's middle name? Joel's middle name is Reuben!"


"You're on your own, biatch."

"We actually grew up Amish."

"And while we're here in Orlando, we have to give a shout out to our buddies NSYNC!"

"I bet they did the dirty-dirty! Go Justin, go Justin!"

"Because I care, because I love you. Because it's a must. Because, BECAUSE YOU NEED CLEAN SOCKS!" (to Joel)

"Mother says I need to try to look more respectable."

"Hooked on Phonics worked for me!"

"We were put together by the label. We had to try out in a gymnasium. No, I'm just kidding. That's how the Backstreet Boys got together!" (about how GC was formed)

"I usually hit my head on the wall."

"I like to rip tags off mattresses."

"We rented a car while we are here at the studio and I already put a huge scratch on the side."

"I'm too lazy."

"I am thinking about getting a job here." (about Wet Seal)

"Hi, we're Crazytown and we suck!"

"We're all gonna run around naked and make animal noises!"

"One time we went around the neighborhood and stuck all the mailbox flags up! Or, or there was this one time we drove up to fast food places, ordered tons of food, paid for it, then drove off before we got it."

"Black nailpolish didn't come with testosterone."

"I was in a boy band myself..."

Girl: I'm only coming to the night show.
Benji: What?! There goes my heart walking down the street.

"That's surprising that I smell good... I haven't showered in...three weeks."

Fan: Hey Benji, were you doing drugs before the show?
Benji: (laughs) Nah, I don't do drugs!

"Yea, of course, the boxers are yummy and it's the bacon that gets the girls. No, wait! It's the other way around!"

"Stop watching them make out."

Interviewer: Benji, with all your piercings, have you gotten your 'Prince Albert' done?
Benji: (laughs)...Who is Prince Albert?

"I have to go do MY nails now!"

"We're not very good at this whole rockstar thing."

"Punk rockers have feelings, too!"

"Positive, positive, everything is positive!"

Little Kid: Hey Benji, will you sign my report card?
Benji: (looks around trying not to laugh) Wow, that's really good.

"It must be hard to be a punk rocker in Wisconsin, you get chased off by rednecks."

"We're not the type of band that's too cool for school."

"You know, I just like to keep it all in the family." (after being accused of relations with Joel)

"Me fail English? That's unpossible!"

"Sorry mom I like to makeout!"

"They used to call him Joely Moley."

"Christina Aguilera tried to make out with me... and I shut her down!" (imitating Joel)

"I pulled my own pants down and put it on myself and said 'you guys leave me alone.'" (about the Bengay incident)

"Look!...There's Joel!...There's the other one!"

"He's what you call a loser folks. A loser." (Speaking about Joel in high school.)

"We usually say this is the 'Makeout Song' but our mom is here!"

"No, I didnt watch it (Sesame Street). I watched Mr. Rogers though. That guy is creepy."

"Purr, I'm a sex kitten"

"Piercings... I'm not to big on the piercings. I might let some of them close up."

"I'm not a big fan of the internet. I check in every once and a while to see what's going on. I'm not going to waste my time on the message board to defend myself."

"Whenever we have to play a video that I don't like, I blame it on Joel."

"I'm not embarassed by any kind of music. I like Shakira. Let me think... I have a CD of just rain and thunder. Someone saw that and was like 'What?'" (when asked what his most embarassing CD in his collection was)

"I brought two pairs of underwear, but I now only have one pair left." (when asked how many pairs of underwear he brought on this trip to Australia)

"Yeah, Kylie Minogue's in our DVD - Oh wait, that's the OTHER DVD. [everyone laughs]"

"Shakira's my ex-wife."

Fan: Take off your beanie, Benji!
Benji: How about NO, Scott.

"Joel is a strange kid.. he grew up in a weird place."

"Let me put on my leather pants and unbutton my shirt, to appear younger" (making fun of Train)

"You tell them that I've got a staple gun to my balls right now!"

"I'm gonna have fun with the pole later."

"That performance really moved me...I gotta go now."

"Corruption? What's that? No, we probably corrupted each other."

"Someone call the fire department this one's out of control!"

(During "Seasons") "I'm really feelin' those lighters..." (like Fred Durst in the song "Outside") ::silence:: "Oh, come on! That was supposed to be funny!"

"This is a sweet song, it's for the guys of MxPx. Cuz one night, I was having a real tough night, one of the guys from MxPx invited me on his bus. He helped me out a lot, yeah, he held me all night long."

"Tonight I'm spooning with Tom on my couch!" (referring to MxPx)

"We need wives or husbands so that we can stay in Australia." (During the Melbourne gig)

PZO: Whats your favorite place to eat in California?
Benji: Your moms house!! No, just kidding. Actually, outside on the sidewalk. I like to spread my food around and make people walk around me.......No, I like El Pollo Loco....and Rubios!

PZO: Do you get along with the other band members?
Benji: Not at all. Theyre all assholes. As soon as I find some other guys to replace them with, theyre out. Nah, were all friends. We all get along. Joel and I are best friends.

"Personally I think it's weird.. they kinda hang out at the mall.. and like girls walk by.. you know, sporting.. and they're like, "Hey what's up?" (talking about Billy and Joel)

"Free food!"

"I dont have a phone."

"There have been alot of problems with people downloading the new Dave Mathews Band CD so stop it Joel."

Benji: Everyone say 'shut up Joel'!
Crowd: Shut up Joel!

"Joel worked at it first, and he was like, Dude, this is an awesome job. I get to shampoo hot girls hair all day. So I was like, I'm there."

Benji: They were rocking. You kids have nothing on those 80 year olds *shakes head*(talking about the boys and girls video)

visit the Benji Madden photo album~!

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