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The Company ......

Chiap Tat Enterprise Company is a wholesaler of dried marine products in Singapore. The various product categories that they carry include dried and frozen sharks’ fins, sea cucumbers, and abalones. Such products are considered as delicacies in Chinese food. The range of product in each category is also extensive. This is to suit the different tastes and requirements of their customers.


The Customers ......

Chiap Tat’s customers can be broadly classified into two main types: the traditional Chinese medicinal halls and the Chinese restaurants in Singapore. The former sells Chiap Tat’s products to its customers, made up of a majority of older Chinese housewives.  The owners of these medicinal halls are usually middle-aged and Chinese educated men. They speak mostly Chinese dialects and are conservative in their business methods. Most stick to the traditional ways of doing business and are not so receptive of new technology or unconventional business ideas.

The Chinese restaurants would usually use Chiap Tat’s products as main ingredients in their cooking.  Although some of the restaurant owners have similar characteristics to the medicinal hall owners, there are some restaurant owners who are quite different. These owners are younger, English educated, and are more experimental in their business methods. They are more willing to take calculated risks as long as they are profitable.


The Sales Manager ......

The Sales Manager is Mr. K. H. Lau. He has been with the company for 6 years and has had previous experience working in similar enterprises before joining Chiap Tat.


The Sales Executive ......

There are 2 sales executives under the charge of Mr. Lau. One of them is Mr. Andy Lau. He had just joined Chiap Tat for 9 months and had 2 years of previous sales experience.


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